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Police raid Russian Go-Go Bars in South Pattaya

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From the Pattaya One article, they say a number of customers were arrested because they didn't have their 'original' passport with them and may be fined. The use of the word original seems to imply they had a copy which previous reports said was okay. Seems to continue the confusing and conflicting info disseminated.

As has been pointed out many times, it is the law here with regards to having your passport on you. Thais have to carry their ID at all times. We have to prove we are in the country legally. The only way to do this is to have your passport on you with a valid visa stamp. It's up to the official on the scene as to whether they will accept other forms of ID or copies, or give you time to go retrieve your documents. In this case, they demanded the original. Not the first time this has happened.

It may be the law but I don't carry my PP with me all the time and I especially wouldn't carry it when out on the town. I would rather pay the fine than lose the PP. But then, in twelve years I have never been asked to produce my passport by any authority except at Immigration and even when I forget it at home when on holiday the hotel accepts my DL as proper ID.

I don't Speed on the Highway very often, but there has been many times in my life time where I went over the Speed Limit. But I have never got a Speeding Ticket in my life so far. I think the same applies to you. The big difference being that I would rather slow down and stay within the Speed Limit then pay the Fine.

It is understandable that a person doesn't want to bring his passport when out on the town. That paying a 2,000 Baht Fine is better than losing your passport. But there is ways around this. Invest 100 Baht and get good zippers installed on your shorts, and keep you passport in one. You shouldn't have to pull it out anywhere. It is probably safer that way then sitting in a hotel room someplace, like on a table. I just had a friend have his stolen this way, in Australia of all places, so it is not as safe as you think it is.

So the next time you are out and about around town, and then get surprised by being asked in a bar to produce your passport, which you don't have and thus get your night ruined by being hauled down to the Cop Shop, Fined 2,000 Baht, and yet still having to retrieve your passport to prove you are here legally, maybe then you will consider getting zippers.

I think you should always read carefully through your posts- before zapping the button.

Certainly made me smile- endless references to zippers and no you should not pull it out anywhere, of course you are making sensible points.

Getting back to the original post, have always wondered how these bars operate- as others are speculating maybe palms are no longer being greased. Generaly the oppression of foreigners is this country under the Junta is starting to increase.

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From tilaceer part quote;

"From the man who knows:-

Pol Lt Gen Prawut Thawornsiri, spokesman for the Royal Thai Police, has said tourists DO NOT need to carry passports at all times.

His comment came when he was responding to the recent tourist shakedown reports in various media outlets over the past month. He stated that if asked to show their passports, tourists can produce their documents at a later time if necessary.

With his clarification, Mr Thawornsiri brings an end to an expat point of argument spanning years relating to the need to carry a copy, the original or nothing at all."

You are correct in your post but unfortunately this info has not got to the local BIB or in fact to many of the police in many parts of Thailand who continue to interpret the law in a manner that suits them at the time

AHA! This is the same Thai official who, in August, stated that ALL taxis on the island of Samui MUST use their legal and government installed meters or face stiff penalties. His statement included a telephone number with which people could make complaints.

Dozens of people subsequently used this complaints line, and all reported that when they eventually got someone who could speak English, nobody had any knowledge about Samui, taxis, meters or how to lodge a complaint.

This man might be some kind of 'spokesman', but it would seem that he is speaking only to one corner of an office room buried deep in an building in Bangkok somewhere.


Just the govt's way of collecting some end of year bonuses under the flag of law enforcement.

If they actually had any law enforcement, maybe more tourists would feel safer to risk carrying their real passports in Thai streets.....


Had to happen sooner or later as things are not as they always seem to be in the world of illegal club activities.

Just goes to show you, even though you would think you have police connections to cover you while that is what you are paying for, in part, to continue operating ....the Thais involved will rat you out or throw you to the sharks at the first sign of trouble or when ever higher up authorities crack down based on their own self serving agendas that supersede the agendas of your already paid for connections and supposed protection that allow you to keep on operating....so everyone can continue making money.

But someone or some entity supersedes all else and you are wacked and held responsible while none of the Thai people involved take any of the blame...only you.

Works out well for the Thais every time ..either way.



Feel bad for women...No one dreams of becoming a hooker when they are kids...Its the least desirable profession for a women all over the planet and even then they are not left alone by society.

Where is the compassion?

...Do we really think..A women in Asaka, Uzbekistan always wanted to be a hooker in Pattaya ?

Ok..Lets have a balance here..I dare the so called moral law enforcers who are "merely" doing the job by following the law and the journalists who follow them around, to now write the profiles of these women, the reason they are actually here in Pattaya, the hardships, the pain, the sacrifice they did to come here in Thailand, how many kids they have, family members they support etc....DON't FORGET the Pimps and Mafia who take max share from their income.

Once, you have printed their story in Thai newspapers, lets see, how much sympathy these cops will get from Thai's.

By arresting these women, they are also making the life's of those around them miserable back home in Russia and Uzbekistan.

Live and Let Live...


Some of the homeliest looking peasant women from Uzebekistan. Khazakhstan and Tajikistan were getting "visas" in Laos the last 2 times I was in Vientiene. I saw their passports in their grubby mitts. There 'fashion sense' was shall we say limited. What could they possibly be doing in Thailand on a long term basis? Not working in a GoGo unless they are also doing the cooking and cleaning back in the pads the real pole dancers live in. I think there is a whole chain of non compliant soviets as far as these businesses are concerned. I see grannies taking care of the kids at condo pools and the beach for months on end. Some of the the kids never go to school, some do.

How many of you reading this in condos have those quiet, nice, never bother you soviet neighbours? all keeping under the radar of immigration.

So, you have the club owners, pimps, bouncers, bar tenders, cleaners, child carers, cooks and then lastly the front line troops on the poles.

Rounding them up and shipping out is a waste of time, because in some skanky run down craphole, freezing cold valley up a mountain in Tajikstan another female is being rounded up in this sordid inhumane trade. AND where best to carry out this trade...Thailand and its big brother China, and the others all linked to human traffickers...KL, Hong Kong, Singapore, Emirates..... You want to find a hooker in any of these places, easy as pie and so many with oriental features..... oldest profession in the world. Some things never change....like "raids" on walking street, beach road, etc etc


They'll be back in business as soon as the proper fines and fees have been paid.

Why not? Good looking Russia girl know how to shake booty. Ha ha ha.


From the Pattaya One article, they say a number of customers were arrested because they didn't have their 'original' passport with them and may be fined. The use of the word original seems to imply they had a copy which previous reports said was okay. Seems to continue the confusing and conflicting info disseminated.

Looking at the photo seems all were women...

And they said arrested (did not say charged) my guess is that some women claimed to be customers (in these places???) and only had photo copies of their passports and were arrested so their immigration status could be clarified.

Those women were probably staff or freelancers, I for one will always continue to carry a copy of my passport as loosing ones passport is going to be a hell of a lot more bother than a few hours in the cells while ones immigration status is clarified.

Anyway has anyone here actually been arrested for no passport when they had a photo copy? (except possibly being in a bar that was legitimately raided)


From the Pattaya One article, they say a number of customers were arrested because they didn't have their 'original' passport with them and may be fined. The use of the word original seems to imply they had a copy which previous reports said was okay. Seems to continue the confusing and conflicting info disseminated.

As has been pointed out many times, it is the law here with regards to having your passport on you. Thais have to carry their ID at all times. We have to prove we are in the country legally. The only way to do this is to have your passport on you with a valid visa stamp. It's up to the official on the scene as to whether they will accept other forms of ID or copies, or give you time to go retrieve your documents. In this case, they demanded the original. Not the first time this has happened.

As we had discussed yesterday at lunch. I started carrying my passport last night. Have it in a nice clear plastic shield to keep it protected. Better to have it with me and not worry than not have at that one time in a thousand that they demand it. I consider it as an insurance policy. You only need it when something bad happens and if you don't have it....bad things can happen.


From the Pattaya One article, they say a number of customers were arrested because they didn't have their 'original' passport with them and may be fined. The use of the word original seems to imply they had a copy which previous reports said was okay. Seems to continue the confusing and conflicting info disseminated.

You need to carry your original passport on you at all times! It has always been this way! So there is nothing confusing about it!

There is just some people who don't like these rules and thus try to avoid them by playing around in the "Grey Area" and carrying Photo Copies or Mobile Phone Copies, instead of there Original Passport. Some get away with this on a Road Side Check, and some don't, as in this raid of this bar.

If you carry your Original Passport on you, and you are here legally, you will not experience any problems. I can't see anything less confusing that this.

What do you do when you go to the beach to swim? Or at the gym perhaps?

No thanks. The problems of losing a passport far outweigh any perceived benefits. In 10 years I have never been required to show it. Even at the cop station, when paying a fine they don't want to see it.


Another good indicator of how quiet things are this year. The Thai police must make their Xmas bonus somehow, just like the number of traffic stops, ( that are always in stupid spots to maximise the disruption to traffic), and the fines for anything they can think of or create.

If they closed down these "Russian" gogo bars permanently, they could slow business in Pattaya down even more. There are a fair number of sex tourists that prefer these type of girls. If not available they would go elsewhere.

Not that this is of any concern to the current regime in Thailand.


The Russians must be running out of tea money for the police. The police knew they were illegal for a long while but now decided to raid them. I guess they wanted to show that this bust is a good start!


The Russian girls service the Russian clientele. No Russian tourists, no money to fill the

appropriate envelopes. Thus the raids. tongue.png


From the Pattaya One article, they say a number of customers were arrested because they didn't have their 'original' passport with them and may be fined. The use of the word original seems to imply they had a copy which previous reports said was okay. Seems to continue the confusing and conflicting info disseminated.

You need to carry your original passport on you at all times! It has always been this way! So there is nothing confusing about it!

There is just some people who don't like these rules and thus try to avoid them by playing around in the "Grey Area" and carrying Photo Copies or Mobile Phone Copies, instead of there Original Passport. Some get away with this on a Road Side Check, and some don't, as in this raid of this bar.

If you carry your Original Passport on you, and you are here legally, you will not experience any problems. I can't see anything less confusing that this.

Some months ago while the Thonglor police was giving problems to foreigners they said it was OK to have a laminated copy of the passport/visa with you.

If even the police tells contrary rules of law then who can we trust?

I hope the General comes on tv telling what the real rules/laws are for all foreigners staying in Thailand. How can wealthy beachtourists carry their passport while going to the beach? They have to leave it at their beachbed while they go swimming?

Also prostitution is illegal in Thailand, there are no ho's right? They even closed down many massage parlors around Sukhumvit when the new sheriff came to town. Are they still closed now or what?

What you say it true of course. Personally if I went for a swim by myself I would leave my passport in the hotel safe, which I think most people would. So this is an example where I should be given time to produce my Original Passport if I was stopped and questioned about it.

Please consider that your passport provides 2 sources of information. Your identification but also your legal right to enter and stay in Thailand. Your Thai Driver License is only used to confirm your identification and that you can legally drive here. You photo copy of either is not a legal document. So if you were stopped by the police for a traffic violation your Thai Drivers License may be enough and all that is required.

The Grey Area with Passports lies in this one statement from the police. "However, should a Immigration Officer (or Thai Police) suspect you are here on Overstay, then you are required to produce your passport promptly".

So by the very virtue that they ask you to produce your passport is in itself there suspicion that you are here on Overstay and therefore are required to produce your passport. Or to put it another way, if they don't ask you for your passport then they don't think you are here on Overstay, and therefore you don't need to produce it. They give no guild lines to there police or us as to what makes a suspicious character.


Feel bad for women...No one dreams of becoming a hooker when they are kids...Its the least desirable profession for a women all over the planet and even then they are not left alone by society.

Where is the compassion?

...Do we really think..A women in Asaka, Uzbekistan always wanted to be a hooker in Pattaya ?

Ok..Lets have a balance here..I dare the so called moral law enforcers who are "merely" doing the job by following the law and the journalists who follow them around, to now write the profiles of these women, the reason they are actually here in Pattaya, the hardships, the pain, the sacrifice they did to come here in Thailand, how many kids they have, family members they support etc....DON't FORGET the Pimps and Mafia who take max share from their income.

Once, you have printed their story in Thai newspapers, lets see, how much sympathy these cops will get from Thai's.

By arresting these women, they are also making the life's of those around them miserable back home in Russia and Uzbekistan.

Live and Let Live...

You are absolutely right.

I have asked on many posts- when did prostitution become socially acceptable. I have a good friend who works- she says sometimes 30-40 men a day ( not in Thailand)

Think about those footballers whose video went viral- they ( with their pea brains ) thought it was OK.

If the General closed down every beer bar and go-go - would that be a bad thing?

The nature of the beast is that probably a huge percentage of TV members always put the availability of cheap women as the main reason they live here. Exploit the poor Issan girls- never mind.

And don't tell me- the oldest profession in the world .

This country could be fantastic- if it stops attracting the exploitative low life from across the world .


Sigh. So apparently the info given last year by the Immigration official is already out-dated ?

"Earlier this afternoon, Thaivisa.com spoke to Deputy Commander and Police Colonel Voravat Amornvivat, a senior official at Immigration headquarters in Bangkok.

Deputy Commander Voravat wanted to reassure the expat community in Thailand about the current situation.

He told Thaivsia.com that information in an article published by The Nation on 31 July 2014, was incorrect.

Deputy Commander Voravat confirmed that foreign tourists and expats do not need to carry their passports with them at all times.

He said that tourists can of course leave their passports locked in their hotel safe and enjoy their holiday in Thailand without worrying about the need to carry their original passport.

Deputy Commander Voravat also said that for expats living here, a Thai driving license or photocopy of your passport can be used as a form of identification.

However, if Immigration Police suspect an individual to be overstaying in Thailand or being involved in illegal activity, then the individual would be required to produce their original passport promptly."


Not that it makes any difference. If someone in one department makes a statement and then it isn't passed on to everyone else in every department, every time they change staff, then within weeks the info will be forgotten and we'd be back to the beginning (again).

You wouldn't think that government officials of all kind in Thailand just make up their own laws as they're pleased, do you?


it really is about time the authorities did something about walking street I am not a killjoy but there are far too may people thriving off the street with incorrect visas incorrect work permits and in jobs that the thais should be doing I will go as far as to say there are many undesirables here in pattaya I would be a very happy man if they were sorted and either jailed or sent back to where they belong .

Russian Girls are Russian Girls. You can never replace them with Thai Girls anymore than you can replace a Native English Speaker with a Thai Speaking English. It just can't be done!

With the 3 Russian Girls who lived in my Condo Building for a year, you could have sold tickets when they went for a swim and morning exercise by the private pool. That says it all about Russian Girls.


The Russian girls service the Russian clientele. No Russian tourists, no money to fill the

appropriate envelopes. Thus the raids. tongue.png

Not only russian clients..........many Middle Easterns prefer these joints,too.


Sigh. So apparently the info given last year by the Immigration official is already out-dated ?

"Earlier this afternoon, Thaivisa.com spoke to Deputy Commander and Police Colonel Voravat Amornvivat, a senior official at Immigration headquarters in Bangkok.

Deputy Commander Voravat wanted to reassure the expat community in Thailand about the current situation.

He told Thaivsia.com that information in an article published by The Nation on 31 July 2014, was incorrect.

Deputy Commander Voravat confirmed that foreign tourists and expats do not need to carry their passports with them at all times.

He said that tourists can of course leave their passports locked in their hotel safe and enjoy their holiday in Thailand without worrying about the need to carry their original passport.

Deputy Commander Voravat also said that for expats living here, a Thai driving license or photocopy of your passport can be used as a form of identification.

However, if Immigration Police suspect an individual to be overstaying in Thailand or being involved in illegal activity, then the individual would be required to produce their original passport promptly."


Not that it makes any difference. If someone in one department makes a statement and then it isn't passed on to everyone else in every department, every time they change staff, then within weeks the info will be forgotten and we'd be back to the beginning (again).

Sheesh kerryd, you've been around the block long enough to know that tourists and expats do not need to carry their passports until someone specifically says otherwise.... and vice versa.


Thailand and Russia are similar in that an extremely high percentage of their woman are prostitutes.

Thailand has quite a lot by percentage, but not as many as the highest in Western Europe, Luxembourg and Germany. Russia have less than many countries, including half of Europe and the US if going by percentage, but they do number a lot.


Feel bad for women...No one dreams of becoming a hooker when they are kids...Its the least desirable profession for a women all over the planet and even then they are not left alone by society.

Where is the compassion?

...Do we really think..A women in Asaka, Uzbekistan always wanted to be a hooker in Pattaya ?

Ok..Lets have a balance here..I dare the so called moral law enforcers who are "merely" doing the job by following the law and the journalists who follow them around, to now write the profiles of these women, the reason they are actually here in Pattaya, the hardships, the pain, the sacrifice they did to come here in Thailand, how many kids they have, family members they support etc....DON't FORGET the Pimps and Mafia who take max share from their income.

Once, you have printed their story in Thai newspapers, lets see, how much sympathy these cops will get from Thai's.

By arresting these women, they are also making the life's of those around them miserable back home in Russia and Uzbekistan.

Live and Let Live...

You are absolutely right.

I have asked on many posts- when did prostitution become socially acceptable. I have a good friend who works- she says sometimes 30-40 men a day ( not in Thailand)

Think about those footballers whose video went viral- they ( with their pea brains ) thought it was OK.

If the General closed down every beer bar and go-go - would that be a bad thing?

The nature of the beast is that probably a huge percentage of TV members always put the availability of cheap women as the main reason they live here. Exploit the poor Issan girls- never mind.

And don't tell me- the oldest profession in the world .

This country could be fantastic- if it stops attracting the exploitative low life from across the world .

"If the General closed down every beer bar and go-go - would that be a bad thing?"

Almost certainly, yes! Prostitution is not going to go away, what we need is for the people involved to have the same sort of status as any other employee, to be given rights and protection. Social acceptance is key in reducing harm, what we do not want is for prostitution to be pushed underground where no one is watching, thus allowing all the associated problems such as; underage prostitution, slavery, physical abuse, gang violence, and theft, to flourish unchecked. It really is bad enough as it is.


Thailand and Russia are similar in that an extremely high percentage of their woman are prostitutes.

Thailand has quite a lot by percentage, but not as many as the highest in Western Europe, Luxembourg and Germany. Russia have less than many countries, including half of Europe and the US if going by percentage, but they do number a lot.

There is also the wrong belief that an Exotic Dancer is automatically a Prostitute, which is far from the truth. Taking ones clothes off for money is not the same as sleeping with someone for money. Although I can't be 100% sure as nobody was ever willing to pay me to do either.

But I did know one personally who was an Exotic Dancer in Canada, and a place where they take everything off and nothing hidden. She was in University studying to be a Doctor. Her friend onstage was also in University studying to, but I forget now in what.

As a Doctor she didn't see anything wrong with a naked body, or even in what she was doing. She said she chose stripping as the pay was very good and much better than what she could earn at McDonalds. So a couple of months of this paid her whole year. I couldn't find anything to disagree with her on.

But there is no way she would did or sleep with some old guy afterwards for money. Of this I am sure. Or at least under $100,000 because at that price I would to.


From the Pattaya One article, they say a number of customers were arrested because they didn't have their 'original' passport with them and may be fined. The use of the word original seems to imply they had a copy which previous reports said was okay. Seems to continue the confusing and conflicting info disseminated.

I suspect that a very strong message is being sent to the owners and customers of these venues. Remember that interpretation of the rules and laws can be very fluid depending on the message that is being sent to different audiences.

Is that the same fluidity that they use for DNA testing or the amount of Red Bull involved in an accident ????coffee1.gifwai2.gif


So, I just have a couple of questions related to this.

First, why would anyone want to spend time with one of those Russian girls? The look on the one girls face to the left in the original post seems like a true example of the looks on these girls faces 95% of the time. Unfriendly and condescending.

Next, why are so many Russians here? They generally seem unhappy loud, unfriendly, Pi OFF, complaining, arrogant for no particular reason.

Maybe they enjoy trying to intimidate the Thais with their Mafia approach?

They generally seem to be unhappy with life so why?


Feel bad for women...No one dreams of becoming a hooker when they are kids...Its the least desirable profession for a women all over the planet and even then they are not left alone by society.

Where is the compassion?

...Do we really think..A women in Asaka, Uzbekistan always wanted to be a hooker in Pattaya ?

Ok..Lets have a balance here..I dare the so called moral law enforcers who are "merely" doing the job by following the law and the journalists who follow them around, to now write the profiles of these women, the reason they are actually here in Pattaya, the hardships, the pain, the sacrifice they did to come here in Thailand, how many kids they have, family members they support etc....DON't FORGET the Pimps and Mafia who take max share from their income.

Once, you have printed their story in Thai newspapers, lets see, how much sympathy these cops will get from Thai's.

By arresting these women, they are also making the life's of those around them miserable back home in Russia and Uzbekistan.

Live and Let Live...

You are absolutely right.

I have asked on many posts- when did prostitution become socially acceptable. I have a good friend who works- she says sometimes 30-40 men a day ( not in Thailand)

Think about those footballers whose video went viral- they ( with their pea brains ) thought it was OK.

If the General closed down every beer bar and go-go - would that be a bad thing?

The nature of the beast is that probably a huge percentage of TV members always put the availability of cheap women as the main reason they live here. Exploit the poor Issan girls- never mind.

And don't tell me- the oldest profession in the world .

This country could be fantastic- if it stops attracting the exploitative low life from across the world .

When did gambling become socially acceptable?

How about homosexuality?

You can go on and on peoples alleged socially unacceptable behaviors.

Prostitution is a very stupid law and waste of time and money to enforce. It is financial agreement between 2 adults for a service.

But, some peoples upbringing or religious backgrounds makes them feel necessary to judge others.

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