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Thailand backpacker murders: Britain too quick to accept Thai court's verdict


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" The reaction of the families to the verdict, welcoming the conviction and seeking to draw a line under the tragedy, is understandable. "

To me, this is one of the most puzzling aspects of the case as the trial played out. I just don't see HOW these families (bless'em) have seemed to be SO acceptable given all the sad facts, manipulation of evidence, lies, etc. that went along with this thing. I would think they would STILL be screaming bloody murder.

But they are not . . . ???

If they were this thing would take on whole new life and might be big headlines for a long time.

Maybe they got a large brown envelope too. coffee1.gif

Possibly a big promotion...

They have just fallen for the oldest trick in the book, can not promote you now, people will smell a rat...

Possibly the two judges replaced were not so gullible.

Edited by Basil B
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If I had been one of the murder victims family I would want to know the truth and I would not rest until this case had been properly investigated. There are far too many unanswered questions that should be addressed. The more you look at this the more doubt there is that the 2B had much to do with the double murders.

Lost film footage, lost N and A, D and A tested in two days and it goes on.....

If I was one of the parents I would have a tough no nonsense ex police enforcer or ex military guy making some personal and difficult one on one discussions with a few individuals from Koh Tao, but then I have the experience of knowing what a basket case the police, the investigations and corruption is like in LOS...

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They HAD to find them guilty especially at the low court. The evidence was only as useful as to confirm the judgement. It's just the Thai way. However there will probably be a change of verdict at either the appeal or Supreme Court level..don't dismiss the Thai justice system entirely..as in many facets of Thai life..it's the Thai way.

My exact comments made in the other current discussion - very early days yet, unfortunately for the B2 it will take a number of years to come about....

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As is said here: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/one-tourist-murder-suspect-now-arrested-another-run

Two suspects of this murder are sons of Thai headman, or mafia figure captured on cameras. How the hell this was dismissed later? Does police have an idea what they are doing? They've got proof and later is not valid. It will be definitely better if they conducted systematic & precise investigation, instead of running around with all ridicules and possibly invalid statements. However which statements are true? Any? Maybe all are just a fantasy? This is a case of mismanagement, stories out of the blue, unbelievable official statements, inappropriate accusation, statements got it under duress, all which should disqualify it in the eyes of the judges. Now the final verdict of death sentence is not final. What is this qui pro quo? This is a manuscript for a bad movie, but it's at the same time real life, where people going to get heart, get frustrated, and public media will spread these all around the world. Does Thailand needs this?

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As is said here: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/one-tourist-murder-suspect-now-arrested-another-run

Two suspects of this murder are sons of Thai headman, or mafia figure captured on cameras. How the hell this was dismissed later? Does police have an idea what they are doing? They've got proof and later is not valid. It will be definitely better if they conducted systematic & precise investigation, instead of running around with all ridicules and possibly invalid statements. However which statements are true? Any? Maybe all are just a fantasy? This is a case of mismanagement, stories out of the blue, unbelievable official statements, inappropriate accusation, statements got it under duress, all which should disqualify it in the eyes of the judges. Now the final verdict of death sentence is not final. What is this qui pro quo? This is a manuscript for a bad movie, but it's at the same time real life, where people going to get heart, get frustrated, and public media will spread these all around the world. Does Thailand needs this?

All of the above sums it up nicely, the only problem is that the Thai police, prosecution etc don't give a rat's arse about what any one thinks, especially interfering farangs....

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>> If it were two Britons that had been sentenced to death row, and this much doubt surrounded their case, the outcry would be huge. We should not turn our backs merely because they are Burmese.<< Quote

Exactly!! And it is good to see how many Thai people (who normally not love the Burmese) have reacted to the verdict on social media!!!

Yep, sigh... forgive the parents, feeding the ones that have lost their young beloved children, with any more crucial FACTS AND ASPECTS about Thailand's backstabbing, vicious stubborn Corruption oppression schemes will cause them even more mental irreparable brain damage insanity... So from their point of view, who cares about 2 innocent looking Myanmar boys from a backwater nation like Burma...... "Gimme aka the poor parents a break".....

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>> If it were two Britons that had been sentenced to death row, and this much doubt surrounded their case, the outcry would be huge. We should not turn our backs merely because they are Burmese.<< Quote

Exactly!! And it is good to see how many Thai people (who normally not love the Burmese) have reacted to the verdict on social media!!!

Yep, sigh... forgive the parents, feeding the ones that have lost their young beloved children, with any more crucial FACTS AND ASPECTS about Thailand's backstabbing, vicious stubborn Corruption oppression schemes will cause them even more mental irreparable brain damage insanity... So from their point of view, who cares about 2 innocent looking Myanmar boys from a backwater nation like Burma...... "Gimme aka the poor parents a break".....

It's called justice.

So where do you draw the cutoff line, for who has rights and who does not? What give you or anyone the right to demand others don't have the same rights as you?

Surely all the higher principles civiised arguments counter to your position are all glaringly obvious, I don't need to spell it all out?

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Let's be straight here....The Thai government officials are pussies, who are impressed and Intimidated by anyone with money. ...everyone knows these two young guys didn't do it and they are covering for this thai scumbag "mafiaso" and his punk, entitled kids...such bullshit!

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