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Trump spokeswoman wears bullet necklace on TV


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Perhaps some people haven't noticed, but Trump in fact is appealing to black voters. They are the first victims of bad trade policies and weak borders. He will pick up a significant portion of the black vote. That is why the GOP establishment hates him. Their strategy is to write off blacks and concentrate on hispanics. And both of those groups hate each other. They are engaged in a real life turf war across the US.

Other than Trump, Fox News, Wall Street Journal making that statement is there any polling that shows that trend?


Clinton v Trump on both the Black and Hispanic vote Clinton wins?

59% to 25% Black

50% to 31% Hispanic

Which is about a 20 percent increase in the usual percentage of black voters choosing a Republican candidate. About the same for hispanics, which still don't count that much as an overall voting percentage of the electorate.

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Perhaps some people haven't noticed, but Trump in fact is appealing to black voters. They are the first victims of bad trade policies and weak borders. He will pick up a significant portion of the black vote. That is why the GOP establishment hates him. Their strategy is to write off blacks and concentrate on hispanics. And both of those groups hate each other. They are engaged in a real life turf war across the US.

Other than Trump, Fox News, Wall Street Journal making that statement is there any polling that shows that trend?


I don't get it. Someone asks for some justification of your claim that black voters are 'significantly' flocking to Trump and you provide data that says in September of 2015 out of 900 registered voters surveyed, Clinton is polling at 59% against Trump at 25% among Black voters. Thus demonstrating the point implied by up2up2. Such are the pitfalls of Google Bingo.

You do know how this whole debate thing works don't you?

Clearly, someone who hasn't got a clue, that would be boy, about American electoral history. Yes, the poll indicates that Trump is making a huge inroad into the black vote that traditionally goes to Democrats. http://www.gallup.com/poll/139880/election-polls-presidential-vote-groups.aspx

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Perhaps some people haven't noticed, but Trump in fact is appealing to black voters. They are the first victims of bad trade policies and weak borders. He will pick up a significant portion of the black vote. That is why the GOP establishment hates him. Their strategy is to write off blacks and concentrate on hispanics. And both of those groups hate each other. They are engaged in a real life turf war across the US.

Other than Trump, Fox News, Wall Street Journal making that statement is there any polling that shows that trend?

Clinton v Trump on both the Black and Hispanic vote Clinton wins?

59% to 25% Black

50% to 31% Hispanic

Which is about a 20 percent increase in the usual percentage of black voters choosing a Republican candidate. About the same for hispanics, which still don't count that much as an overall voting percentage of the electorate.

Do you have any polling on the White Dem v White Rep for African American vote split?

Oh I see where your coming from Black Obama v White Romney 95% v 5% well that would be a no brainer.

Edited by up2u2
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Other than Trump, Fox News, Wall Street Journal making that statement is there any polling that shows that trend?


I don't get it. Someone asks for some justification of your claim that black voters are 'significantly' flocking to Trump and you provide data that says in September of 2015 out of 900 registered voters surveyed, Clinton is polling at 59% against Trump at 25% among Black voters. Thus demonstrating the point implied by up2up2. Such are the pitfalls of Google Bingo.

You do know how this whole debate thing works don't you?

Clearly, someone who hasn't got a clue, that would be boy, about American electoral history. Yes, the poll indicates that Trump is making a huge inroad into the black vote that traditionally goes to Democrats. http://www.gallup.com/poll/139880/election-polls-presidential-vote-groups.aspx

I am still confounded. You keep doubling down on stupid. Here's a tip for those playing Google Bingo. Read the information before posting links. Your silly assessment that black voters traditionally vote Democrat is supported by data from the 2012 election when black voters were voting for a black President. What's next Captain Obvious?

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What color is the sky in your world? Turf war. Blacks and Hispanics hate each other? You base your truisms on your latest I Ching reading or was Tarot?

You obviously know nothing about the United States. Blacks and Hispanics in the United States generally do hate one another.

It's especially apparent in places like Los Angeles, where Hispanics have been competing with and gradually pushing out blacks over the last 30 years.

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"Use of automated phone surveys is common in polling during political campaigns, where it is frequently referred to as robo-polling. It is a low cost and quick way of generating data but it has been criticized because of this. Mike O'Neil of O'Neil Associates Public Opinion Research called this method "cheap and untrustworthy" and news organizations such as CNN, the Associated Press, the New York Times, the Wall street Journal and the Washington Post will not use results from automated polls.[5]" from Wiki. Misleading poll. Trump may win the clown bus, batshit crazy people nomination but he will never win the general election. Bernie Sanders is even farther in the lead against Trump than neocon/neoliberal tool of Wall Street criminals and banksters, Hillary.

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Forgot to add, I long had an 7.62X39 with a drilled hole, no powder no primer on my key chain. Sure as hell never wore it around my neck, jezz, what a bimbo, oops, politically incorrect, but true. Just a souvenir. Actually the 7.62X39 is a .311-inch (7.90 mm) same as the British .303. I reloaded a hell of a lot for my AK and souvenir SKS. That SKS traveled many a mile in my saddle scabbard, off season, and was great on coyotes. Both still reside with USMC Vets back in the states. This is one "progressive" that isn't freaking out or scared of the Trumpites, fools the lot of them.

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How does she get through security with that on?

The casings appear to have holes drilled through them to hook them together. Before anyone did that he would remove the powder and primers.

Best guess is that they are new empty shells with bullets pressed in but no powder or primer. They probably never had anything explosive near them. Any reloader could whip those together in no time.

Spot on. It is not a necklace made of bullets but a necklace made of de-activated cartridges.

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I don't get it. Someone asks for some justification of your claim that black voters are 'significantly' flocking to Trump and you provide data that says in September of 2015 out of 900 registered voters surveyed, Clinton is polling at 59% against Trump at 25% among Black voters. Thus demonstrating the point implied by up2up2. Such are the pitfalls of Google Bingo.

You do know how this whole debate thing works don't you?

Clearly, someone who hasn't got a clue, that would be boy, about American electoral history. Yes, the poll indicates that Trump is making a huge inroad into the black vote that traditionally goes to Democrats. http://www.gallup.com/poll/139880/election-polls-presidential-vote-groups.aspx

I am still confounded. You keep doubling down on stupid. Here's a tip for those playing Google Bingo. Read the information before posting links. Your silly assessment that black voters traditionally vote Democrat is supported by data from the 2012 election when black voters were voting for a black President. What's next Captain Obvious?

Yes, I know you are constantly confused. Learn how to scroll. It may cure your problem.

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Perhaps some people haven't noticed, but Trump in fact is appealing to black voters. They are the first victims of bad trade policies and weak borders. He will pick up a significant portion of the black vote. That is why the GOP establishment hates him. Their strategy is to write off blacks and concentrate on hispanics. And both of those groups hate each other. They are engaged in a real life turf war across the US.

Other than Trump, Fox News, Wall Street Journal making that statement is there any polling that shows that trend?


Really? A Labor Day poll that no organization has come close to duplicating? I wouldn't exactly call that a trend. gigglem.gif

That's okay. The fact that you actually came up with some obscure poll showing Trump winning is remarkable.

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Mr. Trump knows that negative attention is better than no attention at all...he is the master of drawing attention to his campaign...his theatrics trump all others on the campaign trail...this is just more theatre...

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What does all of this chatter have to do with that necklace? I think the necklace is more than significant. I can't believe it was an accident.

100+ million Americans own guns and many who don't own them believe in the right to own them. Gun owners are passionate about politics and are very likely to vote.

According to a Rasmussen Reports poll, 65% of Americans see gun rights as protection against tyranny.

Now, there are those who believe that gun owners and ownership supporters are the fringe but they are soooo wrong. Gun ownership is not only mainstream but it is a strong majority issue. Even a lot of liberal Democrats are pro-2A.

Trump just keeps appealing to the majority base even when it's unspoken. The guy is a genius at knowing which buttons to push.


Edited by NeverSure
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I was a gun owning(many)left wing radical militant before I came to Thailand. I still know who has most of the important ones and like me they are all USMC Vietnam Vets. No guns here but I think we all know they aren't hard to come by. Ahem, Rasmussen is noted for it's right wing Republican slant, wouldn't count on it for an accurate poll. The Donald can appeal to the right wing wacko base all he wants, if he gets the Republican nomination, he'll lose in the general. Nobody in their right mind will vote for him, just Republican base, you know the right wingnut wackos.

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Perhaps you'd prefer Gallup. In the past 20 years and as the world gets more dangerous, more and more Americans believe they are safer with a gun in the house than without. Some may hope it's the other way around, but it isn't. The trend is strongly toward wanting a gun in the house.

Gun manufacturers and stores haven't been able to meet demand, and there has been a shortage of them and a shortage of ammo since Obama was elected. The more talk their is about gun control the more people stock up.

Democrats play to blacks and Hispanics knowing that just 10% of the electorate can swing any election if they are united. They ignore to their peril the gun owners who outnumber both of the above, and those of the above who own guns.

Obama's last minute mouth running about guns could lose the Dems the election.



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Perhaps you'd prefer Gallup. In the past 20 years and as the world gets more dangerous, more and more Americans believe they are safer with a gun in the house than without. Some may hope it's the other way around, but it isn't. The trend is strongly toward wanting a gun in the house.

Gun manufacturers and stores haven't been able to meet demand, and there has been a shortage of them and a shortage of ammo since Obama was elected. The more talk their is about gun control the more people stock up.

Democrats play to blacks and Hispanics knowing that just 10% of the electorate can swing any election if they are united. They ignore to their peril the gun owners who outnumber both of the above, and those of the above who own guns.

Obama's last minute mouth running about guns could lose the Dems the election.



Perception driven by gun manufacturers propaganda is in stark contrast to the reality of a home being safer with a gun in it.

Myth #5: Keeping a gun at home makes you safer.

Fact-check: Owning a gun has been linked to higher risks of homicide, suicide, and accidental death by gun.

• For every time a gun is used in self-defense in the home, there are 7 assaults or murders, 11 suicide attempts, and 4 accidents involving guns in or around a home.

43% of homes with guns and kids have at least one unlocked firearm.

• In one experiment, one third of 8-to-12-year-old boys who found a handgun pulled the trigger.

I am sure Pierson and Trump will perpetuate that myth as there are votes in it. The cartridge necklace was an intentional visual prop to tag the right wing gun toting ideologues. Pierson didn't come down in the last shower she knows precisely how to tap into the racist, bigoted and racist extreme far right.
It is absolutely crucial that Trump and Pierson stay well away from real political and economic issues facing the US. That is when they fall flat on their face. Income inequality, the most expensive health care system in the world, a dysfunctional education system, spending on military wars, people working longer hours for less money, Corporate America running Congress, below the poverty line minimum wage, Corporate America tax evasion, Clean Energy investment, Taxation reform with higher taxes on the wealthy and Corporate America paying their fair share of the tax burden, sensible gun control.
Oh and 'when seconds count' you are more likely to shoot yourself or be shot.
Edited by up2u2
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Perhaps you'd prefer Gallup. In the past 20 years and as the world gets more dangerous, more and more Americans believe they are safer with a gun in the house than without. Some may hope it's the other way around, but it isn't. The trend is strongly toward wanting a gun in the house.

Gun manufacturers and stores haven't been able to meet demand, and there has been a shortage of them and a shortage of ammo since Obama was elected. The more talk their is about gun control the more people stock up.

Democrats play to blacks and Hispanics knowing that just 10% of the electorate can swing any election if they are united. They ignore to their peril the gun owners who outnumber both of the above, and those of the above who own guns.

Obama's last minute mouth running about guns could lose the Dems the election.



Perception driven by gun manufacturers propaganda is in stark contrast to the reality of a home being safer with a gun in it.

Myth #5: Keeping a gun at home makes you safer.

Fact-check: Owning a gun has been linked to higher risks of homicide, suicide, and accidental death by gun.

• For every time a gun is used in self-defense in the home, there are 7 assaults or murders, 11 suicide attempts, and 4 accidents involving guns in or around a home.

43% of homes with guns and kids have at least one unlocked firearm.

• In one experiment, one third of 8-to-12-year-old boys who found a handgun pulled the trigger.

I am sure Pierson and Trump will perpetuate that myth as there are votes in it. The cartridge necklace was an intentional visual prop to tag the right wing gun toting ideologues. Pierson didn't come down in the last shower she knows precisely how to tap into the racist, bigoted and racist extreme far right.
It is absolutely crucial that Trump and Pierson stay well away from real political and economic issues facing the US. That is when they fall flat on their face. Income inequality, the most expensive health care system in the world, a dysfunctional education system, spending on military wars, people working longer hours for less money, Corporate America running Congress, below the poverty line minimum wage, Corporate America tax evasion, Clean Energy investment, Taxation reform with higher taxes on the wealthy and Corporate America paying their fair share of the tax burden, sensible gun control.
Oh and 'when seconds count' you are more likely to shoot yourself or be shot.

This is an election, not a debate. 63% of Americans believe they are safer with a gun in the house and they vote. Only 30% think it's more dangerous. As the world gets more dangerous, they want guns even more. Gun and ammo sale in the US are off the charts and stores and manufacturers can't keep up with demand. There's been a shortage of those things in stores ever since "The best gun salesman the US has ever hadTM" took office as POTUS 7 years ago.

That 63% can swing an election as Obama takes after gun owners in another thread.

The rest of your bullshit is off topic. It's an election by the voters and that necklace is great lib bait.


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Perhaps some people haven't noticed, but Trump in fact is appealing to black voters. They are the first victims of bad trade policies and weak borders. He will pick up a significant portion of the black vote. That is why the GOP establishment hates him. Their strategy is to write off blacks and concentrate on hispanics. And both of those groups hate each other. They are engaged in a real life turf war across the US.

Other than Trump, Fox News, Wall Street Journal making that statement is there any polling that shows that trend?


Clinton v Trump on both the Black and Hispanic vote Clinton wins?

59% to 25% Black

50% to 31% Hispanic

Since blacks are 12% and Hispanics 16% of the US population; their combined numbers, even at 100% for either candidate, does not constitute a delineating force. However, as a sub-group within a larger white demographic, they may have clout.

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Perception driven by gun manufacturers propaganda is in stark contrast to the reality of a home being safer with a gun in it.

Myth #5: Keeping a gun at home makes you safer.

Fact-check: Owning a gun has been linked to higher risks of homicide, suicide, and accidental death by gun.

• For every time a gun is used in self-defense in the home, there are 7 assaults or murders, 11 suicide attempts, and 4 accidents involving guns in or around a home.

43% of homes with guns and kids have at least one unlocked firearm.

• In one experiment, one third of 8-to-12-year-old boys who found a handgun pulled the trigger.

I am sure Pierson and Trump will perpetuate that myth as there are votes in it. The cartridge necklace was an intentional visual prop to tag the right wing gun toting ideologues. Pierson didn't come down in the last shower she knows precisely how to tap into the racist, bigoted and racist extreme far right.
It is absolutely crucial that Trump and Pierson stay well away from real political and economic issues facing the US. That is when they fall flat on their face. Income inequality, the most expensive health care system in the world, a dysfunctional education system, spending on military wars, people working longer hours for less money, Corporate America running Congress, below the poverty line minimum wage, Corporate America tax evasion, Clean Energy investment, Taxation reform with higher taxes on the wealthy and Corporate America paying their fair share of the tax burden, sensible gun control.
Oh and 'when seconds count' you are more likely to shoot yourself or be shot.

This is an election, not a debate. 63% of Americans believe they are safer with a gun in the house and they vote. Only 30% think it's more dangerous. As the world gets more dangerous, they want guns even more. Gun and ammo sale in the US are off the charts and stores and manufacturers can't keep up with demand. There's been a shortage of those things in stores ever since "The best gun salesman the US has ever hadTM" took office as POTUS 7 years ago.

That 63% can swing an election as Obama takes after gun owners in another thread.

The rest of your bullshit is off topic. It's an election by the voters and that necklace is great lib bait.


Exactly my point. When it comes to the real life issues right wingers run from the debate. When it comes to the reality of gun ownership 63% of Americans have no clue. The bullet casing necklace isn't something progressive and liberal thinking people on the left would react too. Left Wing people tend to be more educated. Gun toten far right wingers, sure.

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"Use of automated phone surveys is common in polling during political campaigns, where it is frequently referred to as robo-polling. It is a low cost and quick way of generating data but it has been criticized because of this. Mike O'Neil of O'Neil Associates Public Opinion Research called this method "cheap and untrustworthy" and news organizations such as CNN, the Associated Press, the New York Times, the Wall street Journal and the Washington Post will not use results from automated polls.[5]" from Wiki. Misleading poll. Trump may win the clown bus, batshit crazy people nomination but he will never win the general election. Bernie Sanders is even farther in the lead against Trump than neocon/neoliberal tool of Wall Street criminals and banksters, Hillary.

Bernie Sanders cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Elect him, and the people that scream the loudest will be the people that elected him. Just how much tax does he want to take?

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Perception driven by gun manufacturers propaganda is in stark contrast to the reality of a home being safer with a gun in it.

Myth #5: Keeping a gun at home makes you safer.

Fact-check: Owning a gun has been linked to higher risks of homicide, suicide, and accidental death by gun.

• For every time a gun is used in self-defense in the home, there are 7 assaults or murders, 11 suicide attempts, and 4 accidents involving guns in or around a home.

43% of homes with guns and kids have at least one unlocked firearm.

• In one experiment, one third of 8-to-12-year-old boys who found a handgun pulled the trigger.

I am sure Pierson and Trump will perpetuate that myth as there are votes in it. The cartridge necklace was an intentional visual prop to tag the right wing gun toting ideologues. Pierson didn't come down in the last shower she knows precisely how to tap into the racist, bigoted and racist extreme far right.
It is absolutely crucial that Trump and Pierson stay well away from real political and economic issues facing the US. That is when they fall flat on their face. Income inequality, the most expensive health care system in the world, a dysfunctional education system, spending on military wars, people working longer hours for less money, Corporate America running Congress, below the poverty line minimum wage, Corporate America tax evasion, Clean Energy investment, Taxation reform with higher taxes on the wealthy and Corporate America paying their fair share of the tax burden, sensible gun control.
Oh and 'when seconds count' you are more likely to shoot yourself or be shot.

This is an election, not a debate. 63% of Americans believe they are safer with a gun in the house and they vote. Only 30% think it's more dangerous. As the world gets more dangerous, they want guns even more. Gun and ammo sale in the US are off the charts and stores and manufacturers can't keep up with demand. There's been a shortage of those things in stores ever since "The best gun salesman the US has ever hadTM" took office as POTUS 7 years ago.

That 63% can swing an election as Obama takes after gun owners in another thread.

The rest of your bullshit is off topic. It's an election by the voters and that necklace is great lib bait.


Exactly my point. When it comes to the real life issues right wingers run from the debate. When it comes to the reality of gun ownership 63% of Americans have no clue. The bullet casing necklace isn't something progressive and liberal thinking people on the left would react too. Left Wing people tend to be more educated. Gun toten far right wingers, sure.

Yeah sure. namby pamby left wingers have no clue about guns.

On the other hand, non namby pamby left wingers do have a clue about guns- they probably own one or more and are prepared to use it if they have to for defence of life and home.

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