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Koh Tao debacle: Shoddy work from beginning to end

Jonathan Fairfield

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It would be par for the course that what compensation the Thai authorities offered the Witheridges, they also offered similar to the Miller family. In Laura's statement they rejected the offers, and were then subjected to ongoing indescribable abuse and death threats by THAIS. Logically then, the B2 could not be the killers (because why should the THAIS care?).

That didn't happen to the Millers. So, tell me what decision did the Millers make? Go with the flow. Keep an open mind. Suck up to the hand that feeds it? After all, the B2 were probably implicated, so what's the problem?

As to the murdering stopping, there's little chance of that until the killer(s) are caught - and that won't happen until the island is cleared by the Junta. In Luke Miller's case, the PM should have immediately sent no-nonsense (if any exist) BKK RTP to investigate, not rely on local RTP to fudge the truth yet again.

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Given the very strong support for the Verdict from David Miller's brother and this counter-statement, which although doesn't deny the verdict but does harshly criticise the Thai officials, does confirm to me what I have suspected for a long time.

That the two families have not been on the same page throughout the investigation and the trial.

I can well imagine, if I were a member of the Witheridge family, that I would be very upset that David Miller took my daughter or sister onto a remote beach for some casual sex. I could well imagine some friction arising between the families. Hence the strong acceptance of the verdict by the Millers which would absolve David of any blame for what happened to Hannah.

Laura's statement on the other hand emphasises the dangers that lurk behind the picture postcard views. A sense that Hannah simply shouldn't have been where she was at the time she was brutally murdered.

I can well imagine, if I were a member of the Witheridge family, that I would be very upset that David Miller took my daughter or sister onto a remote beach for some casual sex. I could well imagine some friction arising between the families. Hence the strong acceptance of the verdict by the Millers which would absolve David of any blame for what happened to Hannah.

I cannot believe that this written by NCFC is still on this thread! 'I would be very upset that David Miller took my daughter or sister onto a remote beach for some casual sex'.


This is the same as me saying 'If I were a member of the Toovichien family I would be very upset that Mon was complicit in the murders of Hannah and David'.

Would this stay on the thread? Let's see.

'If I were a member of the Toovichien family I would be very upset that Mon was complicit in the murders of Hannah and David'.

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After looking at Laura post, I see that people are putting words into her mouth and trying to manipulate parts of her post to look like she is saying something that she is not. She has criticised the nonchalant way her family was treated and made reference to the many unusual deaths at Koh Tao. I agree with her implicitly. At no time did she ever mention the b2 were innocent or that the wrong people were arrested. I fully accept that there were mistakes made by the police. Therefore we are compelled to look at the b2 own story and question that.

Why were they swimming in the rain at 1 o'clock in the morning.

Why were their belongings found at the scene.

Why did they go back to the scene at 5 o'clock in the morning to clean up.

How did they come to have David's phone.

Why did they conceal that phone.

And I see now that the altercation also involved Muang Muang and david. There are several direct connections between the victims and the b3 by the b3 own story.

I do believe the police messed up horribly, in they they should have arrested Muang as well. He was there at 1am, he was back at 5am he met David earlier in the night and his belongings were at the crime scene. There 3 sets of dna on Hannah. maybe Muang Muang needs a retest? ??

^Troll alert.

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Now Hannah's sister has spoken out lets hope her friends follow. The ones she was on holiday with. They have without doubt been told by the British police to say nothing. They are now beginning to see that saying nothing is the same as lying.

As for expecting any of the RTP fan club to feel shame or remorse, you do know who they are working for ?

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A very interesting and detailed article about DNA in the Spectrum section of the Bangkok Post dated of 10th Jan..

After reading that, shamble and shoddy works are words that really fit to this case...

Learnt a few things about DNA testing too :)

Statistic, not evidence as such...

Seems that is going to be a big part of appeal

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Hopefully it will make it into all the papers. Thank God she has spoken out at last. Now we need to hear some news that the murderers have been arrested.

....or at least some of the most likely murderers put in jail with with no bail, pending trial. They know who they are. Most of us posting here plus most of the islanders have a very good idea who they are. Even Thai officials know who they are. The reasons they're not charged and slapped in jail, are grist for most of the thousands of posts on this topic in the past 16 months. Ronald Reagan (not one of my heroes btw) famously stood in Berlin and called out, "Mr. Gobachov, tear down this wall!" What Thailand needs is at least one influential person (or better: a large crowd of concerned citizens) to stand up in Bangkok and declare: "Thai officialdom, tear down this wall of silence!"

Apologies? That would be the people that sway like a feather on the wind, vilifying the Witheridges when they supported the strength of the case then praising them when Hannah's sister says otherwise; and this after spending a couple weeks going after the Millers.

Greenchair is right, the Witheridge family was the target of abusive commentary and hatred, even on this forum, the moment they endorsed the investigation a year ago; I have no doubt the death threats happened in that context, I don't recall the same group that now claim them as their own stepping up to their defense back then.

Laura Witheridge is entitled to her own opinions, on the other hand I know her family has been heavily lobbied by activists to change their view of the case, which they considered extremely damaging to their cause.

I wondered how AleG would respond to Laurie's recent post on FB. I'm underwhelmed but not surprised. P.S. not one poster has ever 'vilified' the Witheridge family (AleG's assertion). Everyone has been decent and civil toward the victims' families. Quit trying to fan flames - based on lies. Plus, there are two other victims' families: related to the B2.

What is a penalty for tampering with the evidence? What is the penalty for false statements? Does police should be worried?

This is Thailand. All those sorts of legal questions are predicated on a person's social status and how much they pay to key/important people. There's nothing objective about how the law is meted out in Thailand.

Greenchair asks: "Why were they (B2) swimming in the rain at 1 o'clock in the morning."

1 am was 4 hours before the crime ended at around 5 am (probably started about 12 minutes earlier). If they plopped in the water at 1 am, who gives a rat's ass?

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I've never heard or read anything by Hannah's family saying they were "happy" with the investigation.

Far from it, they said quite opposite and now some facts are coming out it is easy to see why.

How horrific for the police to trick them into attending the a the police HQ for an update only to sell them out..

..... "Royal Thai police headquarters for an official update but that, on arrival, we were taken into a large room, left for 5 minutes before the door opened and around 200 journalists were allowed into the room and we were ambushed by this mob of hungry journalists shoving cameras in our faces The thai police chief had no intentions of giving us an update after all, the bungled investigation meant he had nothing to tell us. The invitation was so that he could make money out of our misery. The press had paid him generously for 5 minutes to capture photographs of our family."

How utterly disgusting and sick.

Coconuts BKK still has the photos on their website. - you can see Hannah's mother cowering away from the camera.

This makes me so sad - Shameful abuse of a grieving mother!

You must be mistaken- there were certain people who posted here again, and again, and again, that the feelings of the families were sacrosanct and they were being abused by those who felt the investigation was lacking. They all seem to have popped out for now, but no doubt they will be back. They have no reason to be ashamed of themselves after all. What say you shills? If you can't swallow giving a well deserved public apology then maybe it is best to be as absent as you are?

Apologies? That would be the people that sway like a feather on the wind, vilifying the Witheridges when they supported the strength of the case then praising them when Hannah's sister says otherwise; and this after spending a couple weeks going after the Millers.

Greenchair is right, the Witheridge family was the target of abusive commentary and hatred, even on this forum, the moment they endorsed the investigation a year ago; I have no doubt the death threats happened in that context, I don't recall the same group that now claim them as their own stepping up to their defense back then.

Laura Witheridge is entitled to her own opinions, on the other hand I know her family has been heavily lobbied by activists to change their view of the case, which they considered extremely damaging to their cause.

"on the other hand I know her family has been heavily lobbied by activists to change their view of the case, which they considered extremely damaging to their cause.​" -- and how would you know that, has the Village Glee Club been lobbying her and her family and you have been told to butt-out and are now pissed-off and will do everything possible to discredit her statements.

Evidence? You expect him to provide evidence? For the love of God that cannot be. He has accused everyone as being tin foil hatters. Now it seems he has morphed into one when the shoe is on the other foot.

Must be some serious meetings going on in koh tao on how the team can get around this.

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Thai officialdom and Thailand's image internationally could have avoided all this bad publicity. How? They could have consulted little ol' me back in September 2014, right after the crime. Of course, I'm one of the last people Thai officialdom would even consider asking for advice. I'm farang. I'm not rich, not influential, have no contacts with VIP or Thai Hi-So. I don't even dress smart. Even so, this cavalcade of bad publicity has been welling for months, and won't abate soon. How much is it costing the Thai economy? Your guess is as good as mine, but easily; millions of baht per day in lost tourist revenue.

So what would have been my advice, if they had asked? Here goes....

>>> do a professional investigation, up to farang standards as much as possible.

>>> don't be shy about asking advice from farang experts

>>> don't be afraid or cowed about putting suspects in jail with no bail. Granted, RTP did that with the scapegoats,
but they chickened out about doing it with the most likely perps.

>>> don't be cowed by influential and rich Thais. This point is the toughest of all for Thais.

>>> don't be afraid to offer a possible correction to someone who outranks you, if you think you're right. This point is also near impossible for Thais.

>>> think outside the box

>>> don't lose things

>>> put out rewards and offer witness protection services

>>> listen to everyone, even if they're not VIPs, rich or well-connected socially. Sometimes the best clue/lead can come from a commoner or a farang.

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Apologies? That would be the people that sway like a feather on the wind, vilifying the Witheridges when they supported the strength of the case then praising them when Hannah's sister says otherwise; and this after spending a couple weeks going after the Millers.

Greenchair is right, the Witheridge family was the target of abusive commentary and hatred, even on this forum, the moment they endorsed the investigation a year ago; I have no doubt the death threats happened in that context, I don't recall the same group that now claim them as their own stepping up to their defense back then.

Laura Witheridge is entitled to her own opinions, on the other hand I know her family has been heavily lobbied by activists to change their view of the case, which they considered extremely damaging to their cause.

"on the other hand I know her family has been heavily lobbied by activists to change their view of the case, which they considered extremely damaging to their cause.​" -- and how would you know that, has the Village Glee Club been lobbying her and her family and you have been told to butt-out and are now pissed-off and will do everything possible to discredit her statements.

Evidence? You expect him to provide evidence? For the love of God that cannot be. He has accused everyone as being tin foil hatters. Now it seems he has morphed into one when the shoe is on the other foot.

Must be some serious meetings going on in koh tao on how the team can get around this.

Here's some lobbying at work:

Burmese murder accused ask British backpackers’ families for help

And here's more lobbying trying to bring the families to their side:


"Must be some serious meetings going on in koh tao on how the team can get around this."

I smell projection....

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Apologies? That would be the people that sway like a feather on the wind, vilifying the Witheridges when they supported the strength of the case then praising them when Hannah's sister says otherwise; and this after spending a couple weeks going after the Millers.

Greenchair is right, the Witheridge family was the target of abusive commentary and hatred, even on this forum, the moment they endorsed the investigation a year ago; I have no doubt the death threats happened in that context, I don't recall the same group that now claim them as their own stepping up to their defense back then.

Laura Witheridge is entitled to her own opinions, on the other hand I know her family has been heavily lobbied by activists to change their view of the case, which they considered extremely damaging to their cause.

"on the other hand I know her family has been heavily lobbied by activists to change their view of the case, which they considered extremely damaging to their cause.​" -- and how would you know that, has the Village Glee Club been lobbying her and her family and you have been told to butt-out and are now pissed-off and will do everything possible to discredit her statements.

Evidence? You expect him to provide evidence? For the love of God that cannot be. He has accused everyone as being tin foil hatters. Now it seems he has morphed into one when the shoe is on the other foot.

Must be some serious meetings going on in koh tao on how the team can get around this.

Here's some lobbying at work:

Burmese murder accused ask British backpackers’ families for help

And here's more lobbying trying to bring the families to their side:


"Must be some serious meetings going on in koh tao on how the team can get around this."

I smell projection....

And in the case of Laura Withridge she is willing to listen and is now speaking openly and honestly about what she thinks of the disgusting investigation into the murder of her sister.

What point are you trying to make?

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I remember saying that I felt David's family had been paid to read out the ready prepared statement after the guilty verdict had been given.

Quite a bold statement from me at the time. I remember a number of people calling me despicable.

Now that Hannah's sister has proven me right I am surprised those who attacked me have yet to apologize, And now choose to attack Hannah's sister.

Just how many ways do these people want it ?

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Her sisters statement has basically summed up Thailand to most normal peoples way of thinking.

I dont really care what happens to old sexpats but hope at least some young people cancel plans on travelling to Thailand.

That is the only good than can come out of this now.

This whole story has saddened me to the core.

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I remember saying that I felt David's family had been paid to read out the ready prepared statement after the guilty verdict had been given.

Quite a bold statement from me at the time. I remember a number of people calling me despicable.

Now that Hannah's sister has proven me right I am surprised those who attacked me have yet to apologize, And now choose to attack Hannah's sister.

Just how many ways do these people want it ?

I still think that the Millers were just looking for closure and received better treatment than the Witheridges because Hannah was just another 'raunchy farang girl in a bikini' to the authorities.

The Witheridges were ambushed by reporters after a cop (no doubt paid for his trouble) unleashed them on the poor unsuspecting family. I think the two families each got two different kids of service.

Laura has said that some of her posts were edited by the British police. So it is clear that the families have been instructed by the British authorities to go along with proceedings. One family out of the need for closure accepted it, one family out of the need for justice didn't.

Saying things like the Millers were paid off feeds into the glee clubs rhetoric of dismissing claims of the B2's innocence due to 'conspiracy theories'.

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I remember saying that I felt David's family had been paid to read out the ready prepared statement after the guilty verdict had been given.

Quite a bold statement from me at the time. I remember a number of people calling me despicable.

Now that Hannah's sister has proven me right I am surprised those who attacked me have yet to apologize, And now choose to attack Hannah's sister.

Just how many ways do these people want it ?

I think their statement was ill advised,naive and that they will live to regret it. However I don't think for one moment they would stoop as low as to accept blood money for a positive statement and I think you are well off track and out of order to say the least.

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I remember saying that I felt David's family had been paid to read out the ready prepared statement after the guilty verdict had been given.

Quite a bold statement from me at the time. I remember a number of people calling me despicable.

Now that Hannah's sister has proven me right I am surprised those who attacked me have yet to apologize, And now choose to attack Hannah's sister.

Just how many ways do these people want it ?

I think their statement was ill advised,naive and that they will live to regret it. However I don't think for one moment they would stoop as low as to accept blood money for a positive statement and I think you are well off track and out of order to say the least.

Sorry Hannah's sister has said they were offered money to go along with the official line. How do you work out David's family were not ?

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I remember saying that I felt David's family had been paid to read out the ready prepared statement after the guilty verdict had been given.

Quite a bold statement from me at the time. I remember a number of people calling me despicable.

Now that Hannah's sister has proven me right I am surprised those who attacked me have yet to apologize, And now choose to attack Hannah's sister.

Just how many ways do these people want it ?

I think their statement was ill advised,naive and that they will live to regret it. However I don't think for one moment they would stoop as low as to accept blood money for a positive statement and I think you are well off track and out of order to say the least.

Sorry Hannah's sister has said they were offered money to go along with the official line. How do you work out David's family were not ?

The humanitarian in me. They seem a decent family who were trusting regarding authority and were hoodwinked, that is all.

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Given the very strong support for the Verdict from David Miller's brother and this counter-statement, which although doesn't deny the verdict but does harshly criticise the Thai officials, does confirm to me what I have suspected for a long time.

That the two families have not been on the same page throughout the investigation and the trial.

I can well imagine, if I were a member of the Witheridge family, that I would be very upset that David Miller took my daughter or sister onto a remote beach for some casual sex. I could well imagine some friction arising between the families. Hence the strong acceptance of the verdict by the Millers which would absolve David of any blame for what happened to Hannah.

Laura's statement on the other hand emphasises the dangers that lurk behind the picture postcard views. A sense that Hannah simply shouldn't have been where she was at the time she was brutally murdered.

I can well imagine, if I were a member of the Witheridge family, that I would be very upset that David Miller took my daughter or sister onto a remote beach for some casual sex. I could well imagine some friction arising between the families. Hence the strong acceptance of the verdict by the Millers which would absolve David of any blame for what happened to Hannah.

I cannot believe that this written by NCFC is still on this thread! 'I would be very upset that David Miller took my daughter or sister onto a remote beach for some casual sex'.


This is the same as me saying 'If I were a member of the Toovichien family I would be very upset that Mon was complicit in the murders of Hannah and David'.

Would this stay on the thread? Let's see.

'If I were a member of the Toovichien family I would be very upset that Mon was complicit in the murders of Hannah and David'.

You mis-understand what I wrote. I said that the Miller and the Witheridge family do not see eye-to-eye as they have vastly different statements.

A smart response would be to persue why that might be. Not to get posts deleted.

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Given the very strong support for the Verdict from David Miller's brother and this counter-statement, which although doesn't deny the verdict but does harshly criticise the Thai officials, does confirm to me what I have suspected for a long time.

That the two families have not been on the same page throughout the investigation and the trial.

I can well imagine, if I were a member of the Witheridge family, that I would be very upset that David Miller took my daughter or sister onto a remote beach for some casual sex. I could well imagine some friction arising between the families. Hence the strong acceptance of the verdict by the Millers which would absolve David of any blame for what happened to Hannah.

Laura's statement on the other hand emphasises the dangers that lurk behind the picture postcard views. A sense that Hannah simply shouldn't have been where she was at the time she was brutally murdered.

I can well imagine, if I were a member of the Witheridge family, that I would be very upset that David Miller took my daughter or sister onto a remote beach for some casual sex. I could well imagine some friction arising between the families. Hence the strong acceptance of the verdict by the Millers which would absolve David of any blame for what happened to Hannah.

I cannot believe that this written by NCFC is still on this thread! 'I would be very upset that David Miller took my daughter or sister onto a remote beach for some casual sex'.


This is the same as me saying 'If I were a member of the Toovichien family I would be very upset that Mon was complicit in the murders of Hannah and David'.

Would this stay on the thread? Let's see.

'If I were a member of the Toovichien family I would be very upset that Mon was complicit in the murders of Hannah and David'.

You mis-understand what I wrote. I said that the Miller and the Witheridge family do not see eye-to-eye as they have vastly different statements.

A smart response would be to persue why that might be. Not to get posts deleted.

No misunderstanding on my part. Nuff said.

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Apologies? That would be the people that sway like a feather on the wind, vilifying the Witheridges when they supported the strength of the case then praising them when Hannah's sister says otherwise; and this after spending a couple weeks going after the Millers.

Greenchair is right, the Witheridge family was the target of abusive commentary and hatred, even on this forum, the moment they endorsed the investigation a year ago; I have no doubt the death threats happened in that context, I don't recall the same group that now claim them as their own stepping up to their defense back then.

Laura Witheridge is entitled to her own opinions, on the other hand I know her family has been heavily lobbied by activists to change their view of the case, which they considered extremely damaging to their cause.

"on the other hand I know her family has been heavily lobbied by activists to change their view of the case, which they considered extremely damaging to their cause.​" -- and how would you know that, has the Village Glee Club been lobbying her and her family and you have been told to butt-out and are now pissed-off and will do everything possible to discredit her statements.

Evidence? You expect him to provide evidence? For the love of God that cannot be. He has accused everyone as being tin foil hatters. Now it seems he has morphed into one when the shoe is on the other foot.

Must be some serious meetings going on in koh tao on how the team can get around this.

Here's some lobbying at work:

Burmese murder accused ask British backpackers’ families for help

And here's more lobbying trying to bring the families to their side:


"Must be some serious meetings going on in koh tao on how the team can get around this."

I smell projection....

I smell someone who doesn't know what "lobbying" means.

I know that you are a big fan of applying pejorative labels to those of us whose viewpoint differs from yours (conspiracy theorists... activists... etc.), and to be fair it's not a bad strategy when done correctly, but when you start using this kind of disparaging terminology incorrectly it makes it ever so hard to take anything you say seriously. It wouldn't surprise me to learn that the casual observers have started thinking to themselves: "Geez, this guy doesn't even comprehend the meaning of the words he uses, does he really comprehend the RTP investigation that he so staunchly defends...?"

Clearly there has been no "lobbying" of the families by anyone, and to suggest that there has been is highly disingenuous to say the least.

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Aside from the dna ,there were 14 pieces of material evidence used.

1. David's phone.

2. The guitar.

3. Cigarette butts.

4. Video footage.

Does anyone know what all of the evidences were.

Just like to point out that the second defendants dna was found in 2 separate parts of the victims body. In the first part it was not mixed dna. It was in the other part of her that 2 dna and possibly 3 was identified. Dna (I believe) was also found on the cigarette butts that belonged to at least one of the defendants, and then there was 25% match to one defendant on the hoe found by pornthip herself.

Why do people here go on about the DNA evidence. None was presented at the trial. It had all been lost and it was just an assertion that it ever existed. There is no DNA evidence linking the defendants to the crime so can you and others please stop saying there was. It is confusing when false claims about conclusive evidence are made. There is none and making such claims only makes impartial readers suspicious of your motives thus reducing the impact of them.

I totally agree with you. If there was no dna evidence then would they have been convicted with the other substantial evidence. I encourage the posters to please look at all evidence presented.

Such as how it came to be that defendants, by their own account had possession of David's phone.

And also by their account, why 2 of them were right next to the murder scene at the time of murders, and why 1 of them went back to the scene at 5am to retrieve belongings that had been left a stones throw from the murder scene. As you have pointed out, it is ludicrous to focus on only dna evidence that according to you is non evidence.

I think the other evidence is much more interesting. Thanks

The other evidence is far from compelling and explainable by other things than murder/rape.

What is interesting is why did all the DNA evidence disappear? That cannot be an accident and was clearly a deliberate act done to hide something. This is beyond dispute so the real question is who was incriminated by it? Clearly it was not the defendants as if it was why lose it? The loss of all the evidence is on it's own seems sufficient reason to dismiss the case which is why the world is shocked by the verdict.

It now transpires that the Thai police were also very badly behaved towards the family of one of the victims.

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Nothing in today's Nation online, a small reference - but certainly not given the prominence it deserves - in today's BKP.

Swept under the carpet?

I can't even see an article on the BKP for it.

Such a shame that the junta gagging order has now reached them.

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Aside from the dna ,there were 14 pieces of material evidence used.

1. David's phone.

2. The guitar.

3. Cigarette butts.

4. Video footage.

Does anyone know what all of the evidences were.

Just like to point out that the second defendants dna was found in 2 separate parts of the victims body. In the first part it was not mixed dna. It was in the other part of her that 2 dna and possibly 3 was identified. Dna (I believe) was also found on the cigarette butts that belonged to at least one of the defendants, and then there was 25% match to one defendant on the hoe found by pornthip herself.

Why do people here go on about the DNA evidence. None was presented at the trial. It had all been lost and it was just an assertion that it ever existed. There is no DNA evidence linking the defendants to the crime so can you and others please stop saying there was. It is confusing when false claims about conclusive evidence are made. There is none and making such claims only makes impartial readers suspicious of your motives thus reducing the impact of them.

I totally agree with you. If there was no dna evidence then would they have been convicted with the other substantial evidence. I encourage the posters to please look at all evidence presented.

Such as how it came to be that defendants, by their own account had possession of David's phone.

And also by their account, why 2 of them were right next to the murder scene at the time of murders, and why 1 of them went back to the scene at 5am to retrieve belongings that had been left a stones throw from the murder scene. As you have pointed out, it is ludicrous to focus on only dna evidence that according to you is non evidence.

I think the other evidence is much more interesting. Thanks

The other evidence is far from compelling and explainable by other things than murder/rape.

What is interesting is why did all the DNA evidence disappear? That cannot be an accident and was clearly a deliberate act done to hide something. This is beyond dispute so the real question is who was incriminated by it? Clearly it was not the defendants as if it was why lose it? The loss of all the evidence is on it's own seems sufficient reason to dismiss the case which is why the world is shocked by the verdict.

It now transpires that the Thai police were also very badly behaved towards the family of one of the victims.

Yes Greenchair, I think we mostly agree. If it's clear that RTP did not present as evidence any actual DNA items (no swabs, not from Hanna's clothing, etc.). As we know, there are a plethora of other things which should have been presented as evidence, but weren't. One reason: that evidence would have implicated people the RTP is duty-bound to not mention.

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Nothing in today's Nation online, a small reference - but certainly not given the prominence it deserves - in today's BKP.

Swept under the carpet?

I can't even see an article on the BKP for it.

Such a shame that the junta gagging order has now reached them.

There are two articles in the BKP - one on page 2 and the other before the sports pages. I suggest both of you open your eyes before posting misleading information, and conjecture.

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Nothing in today's Nation online, a small reference - but certainly not given the prominence it deserves - in today's BKP.

Swept under the carpet?

I can't even see an article on the BKP for it.

Such a shame that the junta gagging order has now reached them.

There are two articles in the BKP - one on page 2 and the other before the sports pages. I suggest both of you open your eyes before posting misleading information, and conjecture.

I was talking about their website. Found it now, I'll hold my hands up and say poor form on my part.

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With just 11 days left to file an appeal against the court's decision on Christmas eve that handed down the death sentence on the two Myanmar worker's convicted of murdering the Koh Tao backpacker's, Myanmar sends a team of lawyers to Thailand to prepare the appeals case.


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