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Airport Noise Related to - Flight Path Just After Takeoff - Takeoffs Now Radically Increasing?


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1. I have searched for monthly takeoff data for 2015 of flights from Chiang Mai Airport. I have found very little.

2. I also want to compare Takeoffs, by month, for the past 10 years.

3. This is just for curiosity, and to answer my question regarding why does the air-traffic noise overhead seem so radically greater these past 5 or 6 days.

4. I want to know if it is my imagination. Or, is there any data to inform me that there really is a lot more traffic.

5. Basically, I am just fearful that I am becoming sensitized, or hyper-sensitized to these takeoffs, and that it only seems louder to me, when it is not.

6. I am hopeful that if I see the data, then it sort of might calm me down a bit. And then I would not get so worked up about how it seems to be disturbing me more.

7. I do not live too near the airport.

8. What I have noticed, however, is HUGE difference between the sound pressure when the planes are heading north, compared to when they bank after takeoff, a right shallow bank, and then turn right and head south to Bangkok, or points south.

9. It is just my guess, but I think that the planes which takeoff and make a bee line north are headed to China. And there are so MANY of them you would not believe!

10. Also, I am thinking that there is not much wind. So......If there is not much wind, then why cannot we have the planes take off in the other direction instead of taking off from the North (360 or Zero Degrees) ?

10b. What I mean is: Is this just to have all these planes which are flying north pointed to the north, to save fuel?

10c. Because, I think it would make things a LOT more quiet around here if planes would land headed south, and TAKEOFF also headed south. YES! I really cannot understand this, because it is dead calm today, and for some reason, all the planes are taking off headed NORTH!

10d. Sorry if this is not clear to anyone who has not piloted a plane, like I have, and if the wind is dead calm, it really does not matter which way you take off, as long as you are headed one way or the other, along the lengthwise of the runway.

11. So what I am saying is this: Why cannot we save the people living north of the runway all the severe stress of the jet engine noise from these HUGE AIRBUSES, and I think they are now using the biggest aircraft made by the Airbus company. A380, I think. They are monsters, and the noise is shocking, literally.

12. Also, I want to know, if I can find the data, when i can expect the takeoffs to die down a bit. I am new to Chiang Mai, and I moved in about 4 months ago. When I first moved in, I could sit in the balcony and enjoy a coffee and a cake. But now, every few minutes I need to stand up and walk inside, and slide the glass door shut.

13. I think that all cities have this same problem, and so I am not complaining, or anything. I just want to know what to anticipate.

14. And back to this point about the direction of takeoff.... If the planes are flying south, and turn right after takeoff, ......even if they sort of fly over my head, STILL they are not exactly accelerating in their turn, because I can hear that they have their engines sort of throttled down a bit.

BUT, the Chinese bound planes, they have their throttles WIDE OPEN. A tremendous difference.


So where can I get this data?

If you Google, you do not get anything complete enough to make sense of this.

Maybe IATA? Or, some other pilot group data?

When we are young, sure, it is sort of exciting to watch these big planes takeoff. However, every day like this is quite another experience.

And if we could calculate, based on last year's data, what to expect, then that would be good.

Thanks for the input.

It might seem not important, but it really is!

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Wow, i think you may be living in the wrong area for your sensitivities .

But Q 3&4 are easy

3. This is just for curiosity, and to answer my question regarding why does the air-traffic noise overhead seem so radically greater these past 5 or 6 days.

4. I want to know if it is my imagination. Or, is there any data to inform me that there really is a lot more traffic.

You do realise of course that being Xmas/New Year [5or 6 days] holidays will tell you a lot.

Edited by garryjohns
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Wow, i think you may be living in the wrong area for your sensitivities .

But Q 3&4 are easy

3. This is just for curiosity, and to answer my question regarding why does the air-traffic noise overhead seem so radically greater these past 5 or 6 days.

4. I want to know if it is my imagination. Or, is there any data to inform me that there really is a lot more traffic.

You do realise of course that being Xmas/New Year [5or 6 days] holidays will tell you a lot.

Yes, I realize that it could tell me a lot, but not what I really want to know, which is not qualitative but quantitative. Subjectively, I might say anything, and no one could say I am wrong.

There must be a place where they have this data, and I want to know where.

I am sure that there are people around here who know these things, and I hope they answer.

It would be so much less unsettling if we had quantitative data, so that we can tie in our subjective feelings to the actual reality of the situation.

I could post a list of the many links I have tried already, however maybe I am not Googling in the right place.

By the way, I have tried to get accurate data for tourists from China in Chiang Mai, but so far not much. If I had that, then I might be able to plot a curve showing noise increase as a function of tourists from China, because the people who are returning to China are flying due North, i would guess. Unless they fly to Hong Kong, for example, in which case they might turn right.

Edited by BaronOfThunder
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Like garryjohns says just move away from the university, nimman, maya, art museum area and the northbound take offs are not really an issue.

The xmas new year and weeks around it are the busiest time of the year for tourist arrivals. Flights are full, extra flights, hotels are full, room rates are at the highest level etc.

Regardless of the wind direction (unless there is a storm and strong winds) flights will land from the south over Hangdong , Mahia area. 80% of flights are coming up from the south anyway. When its time for the flight to depart regardless of wind direction the airport will depart the flights to the south. Even the chinese and korean flights. Taking off towards the south can only happen if there are no inbound flights coming in to land from the south. With it being the busiest time of the year there is a steady stream of flights landing this is not possible. Thats why the last 5-6 days you have noticed more take offs to the north.

A lot of the chinese flights are operated by modern boeings and airbuses fresh from the factory in last 12 months. There are no A380's flying into Chiang Mai. My feeling with the recent boom in flights from China, is that this is only the beginning . Its similar to when europeans started flying to spain in the 1970's. There was a huge increase in 80's and increases on that in the 90's. Its still very early days with chinese outbound tourism.

If you do move probably best not to Mahia or the Sanphakwan area. When the traffic dies down a bit the a lot more flights will depart to the south so one aircraft roars over those areas twice.

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Like garryjohns says just move away from the university, nimman, maya, art museum area and the northbound take offs are not really an issue.

The xmas new year and weeks around it are the busiest time of the year for tourist arrivals. Flights are full, extra flights, hotels are full, room rates are at the highest level etc.

Regardless of the wind direction (unless there is a storm and strong winds) flights will land from the south over Hangdong , Mahia area. 80% of flights are coming up from the south anyway. When its time for the flight to depart regardless of wind direction the airport will depart the flights to the south. Even the chinese and korean flights. Taking off towards the south can only happen if there are no inbound flights coming in to land from the south. With it being the busiest time of the year there is a steady stream of flights landing this is not possible. Thats why the last 5-6 days you have noticed more take offs to the north.

A lot of the chinese flights are operated by modern boeings and airbuses fresh from the factory in last 12 months. There are no A380's flying into Chiang Mai. My feeling with the recent boom in flights from China, is that this is only the beginning . Its similar to when europeans started flying to spain in the 1970's. There was a huge increase in 80's and increases on that in the 90's. Its still very early days with chinese outbound tourism.

If you do move probably best not to Mahia or the Sanphakwan area. When the traffic dies down a bit the a lot more flights will depart to the south so one aircraft roars over those areas twice.

OK, this makes a lot of sense.

1. However: You are stating that flights are taking of towards the south. These past few days, that is definitely not the case. All flights today are taking off toward the north. I don't know what the runway number is, but it must be almost due north.

2. And you are correct that these past few days the noise has been greatest.

3. Also, this month, the noise seems to have been markedly greater than in November 2015.

4. I appreciate your reply: What I would like is to search for a reliable tally of the number of lights taking off toward the North, and then toward the South.....for each month, and for the past 5 years, if possible. Obviously, this data is readily available somewhere. Some spreadsheet, perhaps.

5. You are RIGHT that it is only the beginning, because if you check the Chinese visitor forecast, this could double next year.

6. I think you might check your thinking about why I see planes either going straight North without turning to the East and then South. And then a much smaller number which take off headed North, but quickly turn East and South before they get up past about 3000 feet altitude.

7. Also, I think you are correct that the planes are packed and at maximum takeoff weight, and so this probably adds to the takeoff noise level.

8. Logically, it just seems correct that to cause the least discomfort to the maximum number of people living around the airport, the flights should optimally take off toward the South. But, they do not. At least, not now. They are all taking off North, and then just accelerating up up and away toward, I guess, China.

Even this does not make sense, because why are the Chinese visitors leaving Chiang Mai for home on New Years Day? One would think they would be staying for a few days after the New Year.

I was not here in previous years. And I have nothing to compare this to, and so need the quantitative data.

(I am not quibbling with anything you have said. I just see the planes Taking Off to the North, and it seems they might be doing this since China is their destination.)

((Sorry, I think I misread your sentence stating that flights are taking off to the South, which you did not say.))

Edited by BaronOfThunder
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Noise and take offs are greater than November because its now the Xmas New Year peak period. Early November can be little different from the sept, oct low season sometimes.

Even now flights take off to the south but only during the least busy times of the days. You don't notice these because they don't roar past your balcony! If you get the FR24 app on your phone or PC you can see whats going on.

Runway points north and south 36/18.

After takeoff the flights don't always turn east, south , north east or whatever immediately. It depends on the traffic and whats flying about elsewhere. If the Army is flying a helicopter over the east side of the city central festival area, the bangkok bound flight may have to fly further north to Maerim before it is allowed to start turning south. If there is no other traffic about the right turn can be made very early.

The chinese tourists leaving on New Years day or the day before is because thats all the time they had off work? the flights were full or very expensive on other dates? You can only book whats available or within your budget. The flight that they flew out on also brought in some fresh tourists. Why did they want begin their holiday on new years day or eve??? Its just how it is. There is no mystery.

I don't think you will find the data you are looking for. Some AOT and and air traffic control/air force management have it but they don't make it public.

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So far the award goes to this thread for the most words written in the first 5 posts.

I will lower that average.

I only have one observation. Last week i think two planes took off around 7am.

I am in saraphi and under the take off path.

I didnt realise i need to silicone my glass but the resonance caused a few of my windows to vibrate. Thought the matching frequency was going to shatter them.

Never experienced it before. Did we have a 380 here by any chance.

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The A380 is an unusually quiet aircraft and the airport can't handle one doing passenger flights. An A380 did visit a few years ago as part of an Airbus round the world promotional thing. If i remember correctly the wing tip got sheared off at BKK before it made the hop up to CM.

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Noise and take offs are greater than November because its now the Xmas New Year peak period. Early November can be little different from the sept, oct low season sometimes.

Even now flights take off to the south but only during the least busy times of the days. You don't notice these because they don't roar past your balcony! If you get the FR24 app on your phone or PC you can see whats going on.

Runway points north and south 36/18.

After takeoff the flights don't always turn east, south , north east or whatever immediately. It depends on the traffic and whats flying about elsewhere. If the Army is flying a helicopter over the east side of the city central festival area, the bangkok bound flight may have to fly further north to Maerim before it is allowed to start turning south. If there is no other traffic about the right turn can be made very early.

The chinese tourists leaving on New Years day or the day before is because thats all the time they had off work? the flights were full or very expensive on other dates? You can only book whats available or within your budget. The flight that they flew out on also brought in some fresh tourists. Why did they want begin their holiday on new years day or eve??? Its just how it is. There is no mystery.

I don't think you will find the data you are looking for. Some AOT and and air traffic control/air force management have it but they don't make it public.

Fantastic App (FR24)

For 3.99USD, you really cannot go wrong!

Also, I think this little application is going to give me HUGE piece of mind! Why? I

I can see those little yellow planes on my phone now, and when they take off,

I will be able to see them coming!

Thank you so much!

This is going to be a tremendous benefit. I only wish that every Android app was half as welcome. And, no ads when you pay!

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Noise and take offs are greater than November because its now the Xmas New Year peak period. Early November can be little different from the sept, oct low season sometimes.

Even now flights take off to the south but only during the least busy times of the days. You don't notice these because they don't roar past your balcony! If you get the FR24 app on your phone or PC you can see whats going on.

Runway points north and south 36/18.

After takeoff the flights don't always turn east, south , north east or whatever immediately. It depends on the traffic and whats flying about elsewhere. If the Army is flying a helicopter over the east side of the city central festival area, the bangkok bound flight may have to fly further north to Maerim before it is allowed to start turning south. If there is no other traffic about the right turn can be made very early.

The chinese tourists leaving on New Years day or the day before is because thats all the time they had off work? the flights were full or very expensive on other dates? You can only book whats available or within your budget. The flight that they flew out on also brought in some fresh tourists. Why did they want begin their holiday on new years day or eve??? Its just how it is. There is no mystery.

I don't think you will find the data you are looking for. Some AOT and and air traffic control/air force management have it but they don't make it public.

PS: Regarding that FR24 Android app:

On the screen, the developers have wisely used the color bright yellow, in the shape of planes, to designate the planes.

To me, it reminds me of a bunch of Yellow Jacket Hornets swarming ready to buzz me.

However, this hour it has been a bit quieter, and so I will need to wait until about 8PM, when the action will really begin.

Great app.

Edited by BaronOfThunder
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Yes its a great app and a bargain. If it gets you interested in the aviation side of it you might not be bothered by the noise so much. There is not much flying about Chiang Mai apart from Air Asia, Thai, Nok Air , all the normal stuff. But amongst that i have seen the Red Arrows, a flying boat, Australian Flying Doctor, CIA stuff, Dc3's, all sorts of stuff can be flying about.

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You can watch the traffic in reatime here which is the web based version of FR24 - https://www.flightradar24.com/13.75,100.47/7

If you really want the data you can pay for it - http://flightaware.com/live/airport/VTCC/history/buy

And Chiang Mai flight status here - http://www.chiangmaiairportonline.com/flight-status-arrivals-departures/

One just took off North just now and heading to Bangkok. smile.png Wind 4kts from the South


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Yes its a great app and a bargain. If it gets you interested in the aviation side of it you might not be bothered by the noise so much. There is not much flying about Chiang Mai apart from Air Asia, Thai, Nok Air , all the normal stuff. But amongst that i have seen the Red Arrows, a flying boat, Australian Flying Doctor, CIA stuff, Dc3's, all sorts of stuff can be flying about.

I see what you meant:

Nok Air just took off heading to BKK

But it flew way the hell up North before beginning to make its turn to the East.

So it makes no difference if the flights head way up North, and it does not signify that they are bound for China.

Therefore, it is really unfair to put the onus on China bound flights for causing me so much grief.

Anyone who lives close to an airport needs one of these, since I think it is helpful for noise related stress reduction to at least be able to see the object of our discomfort, both out the window, from the balcony, and virtually.

(You can see just what the effect of all these recent flights have led to: Completely wrong choice of word. The word Onus has never before been used so improperly, I am sure.)

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As per the above, NOK8316 is on a North bound final to Chiang Mai airport so routing a departing aircraft the other way is not unusual. Another flight departing north just now and aircraft on north long final approaching.


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Reminded me of the post where a woman said the proposed boondoggle of a new airport should be built in Sankamphaeng ASAP so she could sleep. I asked "What of the people enjoying their quiet country lifestyle in Sankhampaeng, they should suffer so you can sleep soundly in the Condo you rented under the arrival path of an airport?

It IS very advantageous from a fuel/time perspective to depart in the direction of destination, especially on a short flight. You note correctly many of the BKK flights land north and takeoff south. Another point you are missing is that the terminal is much closer to the north end of the runway, much shorter taxi out time, so it is a real benefit for BKK flights to land north and takeoff south (as you desire). I am a commercial pilot and operated in various situations where efficiency is increased doing things like this, and even tailwind approach and landings, when wind is within limits and it is otherwise safe to do so.

The problem is it is not practical for Air Traffic Control to coordinate opposite direction departure when aircraft are on approach to land. During peak arrival times and as air traffic increases in general this situation becomes more common. I can't imagine where you get the idea A380's have ever operated into CNX. The other thing about the flights "WITH THROTTLES WIDE OPEN" making a huge difference as you say, I just want to make something clear. At flap retraction altitude all jet aircraft climb at their particular maximum continuous climb thrust, every time. There are differences in noise profile depending on engine type, flight path,etc.

If you are sensitive to aircraft noise you should probably move, flight numbers are only going to increase.I'm directly under the 36 departure path and get to hear it all, even the formation flights of RTAF jets on weekdays.

Jet noise, the sound of freedom.

Edited by arunsakda
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You can watch the traffic in reatime here which is the web based version of FR24 - https://www.flightradar24.com/13.75,100.47/7

If you really want the data you can pay for it - http://flightaware.com/live/airport/VTCC/history/buy

And Chiang Mai flight status here - http://www.chiangmaiairportonline.com/flight-status-arrivals-departures/

One just took off North just now and heading to Bangkok. smile.png Wind 4kts from the South


Thees links are very good, and I had seen the CM airport online before. The problem with that is that one cannot select a 24 hour period. At most, it shows data in 3 hour segments.

The other link is very good, and it appears that it would cost approx USD3500 to obtain data in a spreadsheet for the past 5 years.

It seems to me that this would be one good indicator for when are the best times to engage ins certain types of commercial enterprise in Chiang Mai.

If they are charging so much for the data, then probably one is unlikely to get it for free very easily anywhere else.

I think that this app might work on Windows 10, but what advantage it might have over the free web app, who knows.

"This app is ONLY available to users with an active Flightradar24 Premium account http://www.flightradar24.com/premium/ Regular Flightradar24 app is available from http://apps.microsoft.com/windows/app/flightradar24/78aff9eb-bd99-426c-a142-35882315222d"

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Reminded me of the post where a woman said the proposed boondoggle of a new airport should be built in Sankamphaeng ASAP so she could sleep. I asked "What of the people enjoying their quiet country lifestyle in Sankhampaeng, they should suffer so you can sleep soundly in the Condo you rented under the arrival path of an airport?

It IS very advantageous from a fuel/time perspective to depart in the direction of destination, especially on a short flight. You note correctly many of the BKK flights land north and takeoff south. Another point you are missing is that the terminal is much closer to the north end of the runway, much shorter taxi out time, so it is a real benefit for BKK flights to land north and takeoff south (as you desire). I am a commercial pilot and operated in various situations where efficiency is increased doing things like this, and even tailwind approach and landings, when wind is within limits and it is otherwise safe to do so.

The problem is it is not practical for Air Traffic Control to coordinate opposite direction departure when aircraft are on approach to land. During peak arrival times and as air traffic increases in general this situation becomes more common. I can't imagine where you get the idea A380's have ever operated into CNX. The other thing about the flights "WITH THROTTLES WIDE OPEN" making a huge difference as you say, I just want to make something clear. At flap retraction altitude all jet aircraft climb at their particular maximum continuous climb thrust, every time. There are differences in noise profile depending on engine type, flight path,etc.

If you are sensitive to aircraft noise you should probably move, flight numbers are only going to increase.I'm directly under the 36 departure path and get to hear it all, even the formation flights of RTAF jets on weekdays.

Jet noise, the sound of freedom.

1. Strangely enough, I enjoy the jet trainers, if that is what they are. I do not mind the military aircraft.

2. It is an interesting point that the throttle settings are not as I had imagined. What I thought was that the throttles would be set at maximum thrust during takeoff and while climbing past my house, which is about 15 seconds past the end of the runway. I guess the altitude is about 2500 feet when they pass over. But I do not know.

3. What I was saying is that the jets which turn very soon after takeoff have reduced the throttle setting so that the sound level is very much diminished. And they are no longer accelerating, but turning.

4. Also, do you know what if any noise abatement procedures are used when taking off NORTH from the runway?

5/ Yes. It seemed obvious to me that the flights heading north, or to CHina , would definitely want to head north on takeoff and not south. However, apparently all the flights are taking off headed North, and then fly out quite far before turning south. And even though a majority are headed south to BKK, still they take off North! makes not sense, since in addition it bother me and my neighbors here.

6. I am very sure, as are you, that flights will increase each year, however I do not know what the maximum handling capacity might be for this airport, and how much more the traffic can grow without putting in a new runway. It was not until this past month of December that the noise levels rose markedly, and I still do not know if it is just due to the direction or position of the traffic, or it might be another factor that makes the noise seem much louder.

No one likes airport noise. However, some people love to move close to the airports of the world.

I cannot move, unless I want to leave the mountain views.

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As per the above, NOK8316 is on a North bound final to Chiang Mai airport so routing a departing aircraft the other way is not unusual. Another flight departing north just now and aircraft on north long final approaching.


The FR24 doesnt show everything that is flying but most of it. The yellow aircraft thats coming into land from the south approaching the Lamphun area is still quite a way from the airport. It looks like it is the only thing landing. There may be a Kan Air Cessna Caravan in front turning onto the approach, coming in from Mae Hong Son or RTAF L39 jets landing. Both of these don't show up on the app but might be out there.

Baron of Thunder i would estimate something like 80% of the flights roaring past your balcony are going to the Bangkok airports.

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As per the above, NOK8316 is on a North bound final to Chiang Mai airport so routing a departing aircraft the other way is not unusual. Another flight departing north just now and aircraft on north long final approaching.


The FR24 doesnt show everything that is flying but most of it. The yellow aircraft thats coming into land from the south approaching the Lamphun area is still quite a way from the airport. It looks like it is the only thing landing. There may be a Kan Air Cessna Caravan in front turning onto the approach, coming in from Mae Hong Son or RTAF L39 jets landing. Both of these don't show up on the app but might be out there.

Baron of Thunder i would estimate something like 80% of the flights roaring past your balcony are going to the Bangkok airports.

Re the 80%, yes, I mentioned that it makes no sense if they are headed South to take off North, thereby disturbing me and my neighbors, north of the runway!

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Isn't it the case that many Chinese,especially, are coming on charter flights ?

Dropping a friend off at the airport the other day it was virtually impossible trying to get a parking spot ,we had planned to spend a bit of time after he checked in,forget it. Also noticed a fleet of vans, too many to count, waiting for incoming flights.

CM Airport has outgrown itself in facilities,not landing windows, very quickly IMO.

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As per the above, NOK8316 is on a North bound final to Chiang Mai airport so routing a departing aircraft the other way is not unusual. Another flight departing north just now and aircraft on north long final approaching.


The FR24 doesnt show everything that is flying but most of it. The yellow aircraft thats coming into land from the south approaching the Lamphun area is still quite a way from the airport. It looks like it is the only thing landing. There may be a Kan Air Cessna Caravan in front turning onto the approach, coming in from Mae Hong Son or RTAF L39 jets landing. Both of these don't show up on the app but might be out there.

Baron of Thunder i would estimate something like 80% of the flights roaring past your balcony are going to the Bangkok airports.

Re the 80%, yes, I mentioned that it makes no sense if they are headed South to take off North, thereby disturbing me and my neighbors, north of the runway!

"thereby disturbing me and my neighbors, north of the runway>

"I cannot move, unless I want to leave the mountain views."

At first i gave you the benefit of the doubt, but it now appears my gut was correct and that you have simply made a poor choice on where to live and now are really pissed about it....Lose your mountain view, before you lose your marbles totally.

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No Chinese airlines are operating (fairly quiet anyway) A380s into Chiang Mai, only China Southern have any anyway (6 ordered & delivered), and although the runway is plenty able to accommodate them, it seems unlikely that they would be used on such short routes.

What I have seen happen, during peak holiday-periods such as the current high-season, is that there may be an extra flight added running an hour or so later, after their regular daily one. These tend to be narrow-body short-haul aircraft, ideal for the package-holiday market, which is booming.

And this is the high-season, in December & January, compared to September when the Op moved here, and is comparing to.

Other operators might be up-sizing aircraft, to maximise capacity over the peak-season, for example Thai International sometimes put on a B747-400 up from Bangkok, a family-member flew into Chiang Mai on one of these a few days ago. These can be noisier than the familiar narrow-bodied twin-jets which perform most flights into/out-of Chiang Mai.

One other possible explanation for the Op's perceived noise-increase might be, if due to Khom Lois, departing aircraft were climbing more quickly over central town areas than usual, delaying their normal noise-abatement/fuel-saving procedures. If this is the case, then the problem should be reduced, after a few more days.

Chiang Mai International only moved to 24/7 operations a couple of years ago, there has been an increase in Chinese flights since then, I notice this because they turn to route over Mae-Jo (and my house !) while climbing-out. But looking at the departures-boards, there are usually only approx 10 flights per day, heading for China, where there used to be only a few.

Hopefully the problem will be reduced soon.

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Isn't it the case that many Chinese,especially, are coming on charter flights ?

Dropping a friend off at the airport the other day it was virtually impossible trying to get a parking spot ,we had planned to spend a bit of time after he checked in,forget it. Also noticed a fleet of vans, too many to count, waiting for incoming flights.

CM Airport has outgrown itself in facilities,not landing windows, very quickly IMO.

Yes, the terminal buildings seem too small for the passengers and other people, however is the aircraft traffic handling capacity also not adequate?

Are there any plans down the road to move the airport outside the city?

I really cannot imagine what doubling the number of takeoffs might do to the quality of life either North of the runway or South of the runway.

As it is, the noise spoils the view of the mountains, because who wants to sit outside on the balcony sipping coffee with planes climbing and gaining altitude just a few feet above one's head.

Maybe not a few feet, but it seems like it.

If the traffic is doubled, I really think that would be impossible for many people to tolerate.

Or, maybe not.

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I see you just joined Thai visa today. How long have you lived here. It is obvious not that long if you don't realize the traffic gets busier this time of year. It has been my experience that most people not all get use to the noise and automatically tune it out after a while. Give it time.

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As per the above, NOK8316 is on a North bound final to Chiang Mai airport so routing a departing aircraft the other way is not unusual. Another flight departing north just now and aircraft on north long final approaching.


There may be a Kan Air Cessna Caravan in front turning onto the approach, coming in from Mae Hong Son or RTAF L39 jets landing.

There was a small prop plane, Kan Air, just went directly overhead of our house in Mae Hia landing north. So maybe only the big birds are shown on FR24. It makes sense to depart North in a way as the majority of incoming traffic is coming from the south and it is safer to depart north and vector on a south route clear of all incoming traffic.

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I see you just joined Thai visa today. How long have you lived here. It is obvious not that long if you don't realize the traffic gets busier this time of year. It has been my experience that most people not all get use to the noise and automatically tune it out after a while. Give it time.

Only about 4 months, so far, off the end of the runway to the North. September, I do not recall noticing the planes taking off, and I was thinking that if I could compare some historical data, then I could better understand why the noise is much more apparent. Of course, I realize that there are more takeoffs per day. I am also stating that the noise per takeoff is greater. Perhaps it is due to the direction, or position, or another factor.

Earplugs would have very little effect since the frequency is low, not high.

These low frequency sound waves travel through concrete walls like they were butter. Or maybe a wall made of butter would stop the transmission better than a wall of concrete, and I have not experimented with that.

Anyway, earplugs, which i would never wear, would have little sound reducing benefit.

Probably moving about a kilometer to the East or West would be more sensible. But then I would be either on the mountain or in Chiang Mai city traffic, which would not make me feel any better. Probably worse.

It is really nice here, between takeoffs.

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Basically, OP has moved in under a flight path and wants the flight path moved so some other poor buggers get the noise facepalm.gif

One thing I have noticed over the last 2 weeks is that several pilots are not going out as far as they usually do before turning south and are coming over the top of us (Rimping Condo) instead of well to the east as they usually do. Not one every day, but every couple of days there has been one. I shout at the pilots each time for taking a short cut, but I suppose they might be doing it for a valid reason. Last Wednesday one was not only overhead, but very low and very loud.

I just can't help but feel that they are taking a short cut.

As has been noted, the number of flights is going to increase hugely in the next few years as CM is so popular with the Chinese - I wonder how many people have bought off the plan, are waiting for construction to finish and have no idea that their house or condo was such a bargain because it's under a flight path.

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Just a thought:

I do not think we have considered the effects of temperature and humidity, especially layers of air having different temperatures which could act to reflect sound in the summer hot humid months, but not so much in the dry cooler air, as we have now.

Perhaps this has more of an effect than most people might imagine.

Edited by BaronOfThunder
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As per the above, NOK8316 is on a North bound final to Chiang Mai airport so routing a departing aircraft the other way is not unusual. Another flight departing north just now and aircraft on north long final approaching.


There may be a Kan Air Cessna Caravan in front turning onto the approach, coming in from Mae Hong Son or RTAF L39 jets landing.

There was a small prop plane, Kan Air, just went directly overhead of our house in Mae Hia landing north. So maybe only the big birds are shown on FR24. It makes sense to depart North in a way as the majority of incoming traffic is coming from the south and it is safer to depart north and vector on a south route clear of all incoming traffic.

As I understand it; not all planes have a transponder fitted, even some of the older big birds; hence you will not see on screen what you can see with your eyes.

And of course to relay the info, you need a receiver on the ground and there is no one receiving between Lamphun and kampeng phet? or therabouts.

So they disappear off screen and a new "app" reader could be fooled into thinking it has blown up!; inadvertantly alert the authorities and then what?....app designer to blame

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