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Chiang Mai New Year what's it cost to live here a month thread


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I know there have been several threads on this over the years but not seen one recently aimed at dear old Chiang Mai. I thought it might be interesting on New Year's Day to get an idea of what people's budgets are? don't need LONG lists breaking down the minutiae or answers like 'depends' bla bla bla

I know farangs on 180,000 a month budgets and a few on 15,000 so there is a huge diversity but what's typical? it used to be a few years ago that most would say 40,000 a month was a decent amount of normal living if you own your property is that true now?

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+- 150 not including overseas travel but including multiple Thai trips etc.

Could I do it for less ?? I guess.. Would I want to ?? Not really.. Not here because its 'cheap' (which is debatable anyway depending on what you consume)..

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+- 150 not including overseas travel but including multiple Thai trips etc.

Could I do it for less ?? I guess.. Would I want to ?? Not really.. Not here because its 'cheap' (which is debatable anyway depending on what you consume)..

wow that's quite a lot compared to 2 year agos average of 40k I'm assuming it's gone up to 45 or 50 ish now. personally I spend about 50k, home owner, not including trips in thailand or outside just on food, electric, fun etc.

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+- 150 not including overseas travel but including multiple Thai trips etc.

Could I do it for less ?? I guess.. Would I want to ?? Not really.. Not here because its 'cheap' (which is debatable anyway depending on what you consume)..

wow that's quite a lot compared to 2 year agos average of 40k I'm assuming it's gone up to 45 or 50 ish now. personally I spend about 50k, home owner, not including trips in thailand or outside just on food, electric, fun etc.

No, you are wrong.

It costs 28,000 Baht a month to live in Chiang Mai.

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Put me down for 95k a month

Family of four (renting as between houses). One or two overseas trips for me to see family in Australia, one with wife, and quite a few"driving" type holidays within Thailand for whole family. One child at Payap Technical, one at Chiang Mai Christian.

Edited by mamborobert
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+- 150 not including overseas travel but including multiple Thai trips etc.

Could I do it for less ?? I guess.. Would I want to ?? Not really.. Not here because its 'cheap' (which is debatable anyway depending on what you consume)..

wow that's quite a lot compared to 2 year agos average of 40k I'm assuming it's gone up to 45 or 50 ish now. personally I spend about 50k, home owner, not including trips in thailand or outside just on food, electric, fun etc.

No, you are wrong.

It costs 28,000 Baht a month to live in Chiang Mai.

It doesnt cost me anywhere near that.

Our biggest cost is mortgage and makro and other sundries 20-23 and thats about 25% of the available budget

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7000 baht to 10000 baht a month to live like a peasant as the poor Thais do, 40000 a month to live like an average Farlang, don`t go out much just comfortable, 100000 baht, 150000 baht, 200000 baht if you want to live the high life, women, booze it up every night, car, air con in every room of the house running at full blast 24/7, eat Farlang style only, eat out only, satellite TV, highest speed Internet, girlfriends or wives with high expectations that refuse to be beaten down by their family members, friends and neighbours in the I`m the richest person stakes.

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Average household income in Thailand is close to 27,000 per month. Likely a little less, here, and median would be lower. Cars and western food are two things easily done without, for many. It also seems like child expenses can easily be more than an adult's. If I really wanted to live like I was in America; I would live in America. Try guessing a woman's weight as she steps on the coin-op scale in America,,,,it's likely not to go over very well. It might get you a mobile number here.

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Its really funny topic
But cost it from 10K to 300k for basic needs.
Different people, different needs
And i guess 500k more for "high life" because luxury in Thailand it expensive

7000 baht to 10000 baht a month to live like a peasant as the poor Thais do, 40000 a month to live like an average Farlang, don`t go out much just comfortable, 100000 baht, 150000 baht, 200000 baht if you want to live the high life, women, booze it up every night, car, air con in every room of the house running at full blast 24/7, eat Farlang style only, eat out only, satellite TV, highest speed Internet, girlfriends or wives with high expectations that refuse to be beaten down by their family members, friends and neighbours in the I`m the richest person stakes.

Are you seriously ?cheesy.gif

"high life"it :car, air con in every room of the house running at full blast 24/7, eat Farlang style only, eat out only

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When I lived in CM, I did the normal massages for 150 to 200 baht (one hour). Is this still the going rate? curious on inflation.

My answer to OP:

12,000 baht if really, really just trying to not die and have roof over your head.

20,000 to struggle, watch prices, keep count of daily spending

30,000 to live slightly below average farang, but you won't feel as stressed as long as this is an annuity (doesn't run out)

40,000 to live

60,000 to live and enjoy like a middle-class westerner

90,000 to live like upper middle-class

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If you don't own a car, own your condo/house a couple should be able to live quite comfortably on 40k a month. That is aircon on during hot times and eat out western style once a week. I would hope to save enough for a (budget guest house) holiday down south for Feb and March.

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Its really funny topic
But cost it from 10K to 300k for basic needs.
Different people, different needs
And i guess 500k more for "high life" because luxury in Thailand it expensive

7000 baht to 10000 baht a month to live like a peasant as the poor Thais do, 40000 a month to live like an average Farlang, don`t go out much just comfortable, 100000 baht, 150000 baht, 200000 baht if you want to live the high life, women, booze it up every night, car, air con in every room of the house running at full blast 24/7, eat Farlang style only, eat out only, satellite TV, highest speed Internet, girlfriends or wives with high expectations that refuse to be beaten down by their family members, friends and neighbours in the I`m the richest person stakes.

Are you seriously ?cheesy.gif

"high life"it :car, air con in every room of the house running at full blast 24/7, eat Farlang style only, eat out only

Sounds like my definition of high life here.

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When I lived in CM, I did the normal massages for 150 to 200 baht (one hour). Is this still the going rate? curious on inflation.

My answer to OP:

12,000 baht if really, really just trying to not die and have roof over your head.

20,000 to struggle, watch prices, keep count of daily spending

30,000 to live slightly below average farang, but you won't feel as stressed as long as this is an annuity (doesn't run out)

40,000 to live

60,000 to live and enjoy like a middle-class westerner

90,000 to live like upper middle-class

this is probably closest to accurate?

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When I lived in CM, I did the normal massages for 150 to 200 baht (one hour). Is this still the going rate? curious on inflation.

My answer to OP:

12,000 baht if really, really just trying to not die and have roof over your head.

20,000 to struggle, watch prices, keep count of daily spending

30,000 to live slightly below average farang, but you won't feel as stressed as long as this is an annuity (doesn't run out)

40,000 to live

60,000 to live and enjoy like a middle-class westerner

90,000 to live like upper middle-class

One of the better answers I've seen in response to this question.

(Thai massage is still readily available for 180-200 thb.)

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The cost that's usually left out of these "budgets" is cost for health or at least personal accident insurance and/or setting money aside every month for a medical emergency. Remember foreigners don't receive free health care here and one accident involving broken bones can set you back several hundred thousand baht. The personal accident rate here is over twenty times what it is in the west and I'm not just talking about vehicular accidents, but also consider the danger of the public footpaths and all the stupid little steps and poor design in the homes and restaurants here.

So, while a foreigner can live a comfortable life on less than 100,000 baht/month, there should be provisions made for the medical needs. If someone is here for just a short time, travel insurance is a must and it's foolish not to have it -- it's very cheap. For those who are residents, either insurance or a good nest egg.

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When I lived in CM, I did the normal massages for 150 to 200 baht (one hour). Is this still the going rate? curious on inflation.

My answer to OP:

12,000 baht if really, really just trying to not die and have roof over your head.

20,000 to struggle, watch prices, keep count of daily spending

30,000 to live slightly below average farang, but you won't feel as stressed as long as this is an annuity (doesn't run out)

40,000 to live

60,000 to live and enjoy like a middle-class westerner

90,000 to live like upper middle-class

I can criticize?
OP said if the own real estate.
1. If a person does not drink and does not smoke. Receives pleasure from the local street food. Or are satisfied with cheap fruit and he loves to cook.
Hobby is hacking and swimming .Like hot. like simple bike more than a car or a motorcycle.
10,000 That can be sufficient for the happy life and NOT "really just trying to not die and have roof over your head"
2 But if a man loves a good steak, hobby motor sport and a fan of German cars. Like modern " fashion" desinger in interier home. I am not sure can "live and enjoy like a middle-class westerner"
Becouse for this is kind people its be "just trying to not die and have roof over your head" for 60000
3. 90.000 is 100% cant be "live like upper middle-class"
In my opinion for upper middle-class it normar some luxery assesory. normal can get choice car like bmw 5,7 or X series, mercedes E , S or ML, GL class , Lexus, jaguar ect.
but its 100% cant for 90.000 baht budget .
Upper middle class in Thailan(and not only in Thailand in many Asian or Africa coutrys too) its more higth cost than in Europe or US.
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The cost that's usually left out of these "budgets" is cost for health or at least personal accident insurance and/or setting money aside every month for a medical emergency. Remember foreigners don't receive free health care here and one accident involving broken bones can set you back several hundred thousand baht. The personal accident rate here is over twenty times what it is in the west and I'm not just talking about vehicular accidents, but also consider the danger of the public footpaths and all the stupid little steps and poor design in the homes and restaurants here.

So, while a foreigner can live a comfortable life on less than 100,000 baht/month, there should be provisions made for the medical needs. If someone is here for just a short time, travel insurance is a must and it's foolish not to have it -- it's very cheap. For those who are residents, either insurance or a good nest egg.

Travel incurance its cost start 6900 per year, if stay in Thailand and evry 3 month borderrun.

Cover 1000k.

Accident insurance start from 2500 per year.

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Most months less than 15k baht per month: that includes power (inclusive of beaucoup de aircon), internet, water, rent (3 bedroom, 1.5 bath, house in quiet neighborhood with teak floors within 15 minutes bicycle ride of Night Bazaar), food (including at least 1.5 liters of fresh soy-milk daily which is all the meat-package requires for about 15 days per month), and laundry (wash-and-dry-only 30 baht per kilo).

Yearly essentials: health club 12k baht; clothing 5k baht; miscellaneous frivolities10k baht; Bangkok Post Sunday paper (for crossword puzzle) 2k baht per year; bicycle maintenance less than 2k baht per year; ThaiExpat.Tv 6k baht per year for BBC and other channels; streaming news service from US (indexes UseNet) 3.3 baht per year. Currently trying out NetFlix, which, if I stay enrolled, will come to about 2.5k baht per year.

Tuk-tuk and songthaew transport for times when it's not practical (or, too dangerous) to bicycle: 3k baht per year (?)

Medical varies, the last few years (lucky moi) averaging less than 5k baht per year, but, being un-insurable, that, certainly, is the greatest area of financial risk.

Then, there's the priceless aspects of living here: the virtually limitless freedom to invent the Selves one wishes to experience, and the intangible rewards of being a voyeur of the tragi-comic-surreal interactions of numerous expat exemplars of FGS (Farang Grandiosity Syndrome):


... whose elaborate persona panoply of disguises and masks range from Jean-Claude Van Damme, to Baudelaire-on-Absinthe, to Florence Nightingale, to Miss-Congeniality-Contest-Winners on Jihad, to Tyrion Lannister, to Donald Trump, to Idi Amin, to Saint-of (pick any religion), to Kermit, to Miss Piggy ... I'll stop there since the theatrical supply house here has, apparently, limitless stock in hand ... but, you get the idea ...

But, let me assure you, dear reader, that I assume your singularity-manifested-in-multiplicity is, like ours, an original in a world of copies, and the price paid for that (which may be all we have) is never too high.


cheers, ~o:37;

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When I lived in CM, I did the normal massages for 150 to 200 baht (one hour). Is this still the going rate? curious on inflation.

My answer to OP:

12,000 baht if really, really just trying to not die and have roof over your head.

20,000 to struggle, watch prices, keep count of daily spending

30,000 to live slightly below average farang, but you won't feel as stressed as long as this is an annuity (doesn't run out)

40,000 to live

60,000 to live and enjoy like a middle-class westerner

90,000 to live like upper middle-class

One of the better answers I've seen in response to this question.

(Thai massage is still readily available for 180-200 thb.)

Upper middle class.. Say BMW or range rover etc.. 2nd car for the wife..

Aint happening on 90k..

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