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Gonorrhea & Bar Girl : Fact File


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Most bar girls have the brains to avoid unprotected sex with the great unwashed,

Yet not smart enough to find another career.

Youd be surprised. Im sure for the right price, most em will happily let you plant your seed and not even ask you for your phone number.

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ALL you have to do is take a look around at the men those girls are buckbangin' & you know you don't want to be next in line.....

No matter how cute/smokin' hot she is she's probably openned everything she has for business to men from 100+ different countries and their particular/peculiar tastes/desires/dissorders......From the sheeper's/goater's and more....

You want to eat off that menu?

A little alcohol & few baht and any thoughts of safety go out the window.....

I totally understand your point of view (and i too would prefer to eat off a different menu) but the truth is wherever you meet your lady in Thailand, bar, massage, online, hotel reception, office, shopping mall, stall holder etc you are highly unlikely to have a true idea about her past history. Do you have any better evidence about your safety risks from sexual encounters than Maejo provided in the attachment at Post 17?

If i wanted to reduce the overall risks to my health / my life i have assessed (without the aid of alcohol) that i would be better to give up cycling 120km around the centre of CM each week rather than give up sex !

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Come on people..., don't be to hard on the OP. Because thanks to the OP we know now what a bargirl is.

When I first came to Thailand, I had never even knew what a bargirl was, I just imagined the saloon girls you see in the cowboy movies was probably

much the same thing, maybe it is, is that where the idea came from?

In the movies, these saloon girls would sit beside the cowboys to encourage them to drink and also to buy them drinks, they must all be steaming at

the end of their shifts, I don't imagine there were non alcoholic lady drinks, or barfines then.

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Come on people..., don't be to hard on the OP. Because thanks to the OP we know now what a bargirl is.

When I first came to Thailand, I had never even knew what a bargirl was, I just imagined the saloon girls you see in the cowboy movies was probably

much the same thing, maybe it is, is that where the idea came from?

In the movies, these saloon girls would sit beside the cowboys to encourage them to drink and also to buy them drinks, they must all be steaming at

the end of their shifts, I don't imagine there were non alcoholic lady drinks, or barfines then.

No there was motel like rooms upstairs where you could take any number of ladies.

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ALL you have to do is take a look around at the men those girls are buckbangin' & you know you don't want to be next in line.....

No matter how cute/smokin' hot she is she's probably openned everything she has for business to men from 100+ different countries and their particular/peculiar tastes/desires/dissorders......From the sheeper's/goater's and more....

You want to eat off that menu?

A little alcohol & few baht and any thoughts of safety go out the window.....

I totally understand your point of view (and i too would prefer to eat off a different menu) but the truth is wherever you meet your lady in Thailand, bar, massage, online, hotel reception, office, shopping mall, stall holder etc you are highly unlikely to have a true idea about her past history. Do you have any better evidence about your safety risks from sexual encounters than Maejo provided in the attachment at Post 17?

If i wanted to reduce the overall risks to my health / my life i have assessed (without the aid of alcohol) that i would be better to give up cycling 120km around the centre of CM each week rather than give up sex !

Correct i caught a very rare std that could be traced to quite a small part of Africa. I however have not been to Africa. They are barebacking most of the time.

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Most bar girls have the brains to avoid unprotected sex with the great unwashed,

One prostitute with a bad attitude can infect up to 10 to 20 customers a day.

Checkups are good, but she will be right back to work...albeit on medication, while it still is active.

Wear condoms! Protect your fellow man! These girls cannot wear condoms...only you can.

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Thanks Maejo, so for gonorrhea you would on average need 179 unprotected encounters. Good to know the actual risks, helps to make informed choices.

179 unprotected encounters, sounds like the average week-end of partying

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I have been reading there is a new strain of this desease that is much more difficult to treat.

You are crazy to have sex w a bar girl and not wear protection. The worse thing is that hepatitis runs rampant in thailand. Speacially in isaan.

I had sex once w a girl, not a bar girl. After we finished having sex she told me she and all her family had hepatitis and it was normal in her village (isan). Luckyly the first thing I did when I arrived in thailand was to get vacines for hep so I didnt catch.

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I have been reading there is a new strain of this desease that is much more difficult to treat.

You are crazy to have sex w a bar girl and not wear protection. The worse thing is that hepatitis runs rampant in thailand. Speacially in isaan.

I had sex once w a girl, not a bar girl. After we finished having sex she told me she and all her family had hepatitis and it was normal in her village (isan). Luckyly the first thing I did when I arrived in thailand was to get vacines for hep so I didnt catch.

No shot for hep C. And many here have it.

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You could have included a myriad of STDs in you posting...like herpes...that stay in your body and re-occur from time to time...or worse...like syphilis which can seriously cramp the rest of your life...

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Many bargirls here in CM must have been in the profession 25 years or more, still looking good. Why aren't they dead ?

Because they take precautions and the chances of contracting fatal diseases are very rare. Bargirls tend to have a far better appreciation of sexual risks than the general populace.

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To the OP (or anyone else for that matter) do you know what the actual statistical risks of catching gonorrhea are

1) in general

2) even if the bargirl actually has the infection

This would be useful.

Is it not also true that the dose of antiibiotics required to clear gonorrhea is less than required to sort out an ear infection.

The first time I caught 'something' was when I was 17 years old... she wasn't a 'bar girl', just a girl, but I suspect she was at least pretty well experienced, given the circumstances and the overall (great but short) experience. I can say that this was extremely painful :-S

The next time I caught something was here in BKK last year, 37 years later at 54 years old, after a very long list of mostly unprotected sex with bar girls for six years while living here and also beforehand many hundreds of short to medium length relationships. This time it was quite uncomfortable, but not nearly as painful as my first time... Not sure if it was a different STD, or if I had just built up callouses over the years.

I consider myself very lucky.

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I recently heard about someone "falling" from a high-rise apartment block shouting as they fell "I,m a gonner here" so beware it can kill whistling.gif

As happened to the hard of hearing Artilleryman being shouted at by his Sergeant Major, "what's wrong with you soldier, can't you hear me?" "No Sir, I have Gunner Ear"!cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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