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The Views of a 25 Year Old Female Expat on the Gay Scene in Pattaya


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I can understand her point of view. Once in my younger years I was lucky enough to have a Girlfriend that looked that this. I can't count all the times some guy tried to hit up on her no matter where she went. Even when I was with her, and it was obvious we were close and together, when I came back from the toilet there was always someone standing by our table and trying to give her his telephone number. It honestly got very annoying.It was no fun for her or me being the envy of other men. Believe Me!

So I can understand her forming a friendship with Gay Men. Where else can she go and not get hit on all the time and can be herself. To talk to some man who isn't only trying to get into her pants. Makes perfect sense to me.

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Starting with that picture on front, this looks to be more of a set up article.

Now we come to the guessing part, or the non-factual part, of this thread.

I believe this is a genuine article, and it has been posted in the gay forum because it is controversial and therefore generates clicks.

Well, factually the photo is not of the author. The model in the photo isn't even standing in front of the beach she's been photoshopped against. A quick TinEye search brings that up.

The guessing part? It's an article written by a male staff member of 'Inspire' with this nonsense cover story of a women sending in these articles in order to try and generate clicks, which I guess it has.

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Beautiful Women need Friends to! They don't seem to have many female friends. Perhaps because of female jealousy and envy. Finding a true male friends is difficult to, as they have other things and ideas in mind besides friendship. So a Gay Man seems like a logical choice as a friend.

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I've been reading some apartment share ads on craigslist in the U.S. Many from women say looking for women or gay men. Years ago you wouldn't see that often. Having a gay friend can be like having a black friend. Cool thing to have and uncool not to.

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I can understand her point of view. Once in my younger years I was lucky enough to have a Girlfriend that looked that this. I can't count all the times some guy tried to hit up on her no matter where she went. Even when I was with her, and it was obvious we were close and together, when I came back from the toilet there was always someone standing by our table and trying to give her his telephone number. It honestly got very annoying.It was no fun for her or me being the envy of other men. Believe Me!

So I can understand her forming a friendship with Gay Men. Where else can she go and not get hit on all the time and can be herself. To talk to some man who isn't only trying to get into her pants. Makes perfect sense to me.

Yes, I have the same problem with women pestering me all the time. God its soooo booring. Sigh, I suppose its churlish to complain about gods gifts so I will just have to continue being an andsum martyr.

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I've been reading some apartment share ads on craigslist in the U.S. Many from women say looking for women or gay men. Years ago you wouldn't see that often. Having a gay friend can be like having a black friend. Cool thing to have and uncool not to

Is it daddy cool if I have a black, gay female friend?

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I've been reading some apartment share ads on craigslist in the U.S. Many from women say looking for women or gay men. Years ago you wouldn't see that often. Having a gay friend can be like having a black friend. Cool thing to have and uncool not to

Is it daddy cool if I have a black, gay female friend?

I have one of those. I never realised I was so hip.

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Beautiful Women need Friends to! They don't seem to have many female friends. Perhaps because of female jealousy and envy. Finding a true male friends is difficult to, as they have other things and ideas in mind besides friendship. So a Gay Man seems like a logical choice as a friend.

I don't know where you get that info, most of my gay lady friends have so many attractive female friends it makes Me sick with jealousy.

Lucky shmbo never reads this, smack leg time.

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I can understand her point of view. Once in my younger years I was lucky enough to have a Girlfriend that looked that this. I can't count all the times some guy tried to hit up on her no matter where she went. Even when I was with her, and it was obvious we were close and together, when I came back from the toilet there was always someone standing by our table and trying to give her his telephone number. It honestly got very annoying.It was no fun for her or me being the envy of other men. Believe Me!

So I can understand her forming a friendship with Gay Men. Where else can she go and not get hit on all the time and can be herself. To talk to some man who isn't only trying to get into her pants. Makes perfect sense to me.

Except that the article doesn't mention anything about that. I would have accepted that. Instead, it says that gays are all so cute and good-looking, and that's why she hangs out with them.

Yes, it is probably "cool".

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The biggest difficulty finding a good guy is the language. Most of them don't speak a word of English or it is very basic and most good guys have a day job so you don't find them in bars.

I agree with what you say (even though it is off-topic in this thread).

Except, I don't agree about the language: All Thais that I know speak Thai, and we are in Thailand.

What comes to this so called article, I find it superficial and not really going to any depth. Under the surface, at least what I have witnessed and seen, the (commercial) gay scene here is not necessarily a very happy one. A lot of drugs, HIV and STDs, gambling, debts and early deaths by own hand. I've seen it all. I had many Thais that were engaged in the industry. Very few of them came through without some form of damage. Use of amphetamine was common. One ended up dead with AIDS, one lost his mind and is now going around Pattaya collecting bottles from garbage bins. One I know that quit and is now selling orange juice and makes okay money. Mostly if and when they had a foreign boyfriend they gambled or lost everything. Some more than twice, repeating the pattern. The "industry" benefits mostly the mafia behind it. Loan sharks, drug pushers and so on. When one realizes this, is there any point in engaging oneself pretending it to be "fun"?

Sure, but this thread is not about the dangers of prostitution. It is about a girl hanging out with gay guys.

When it comes to language, I find it extremely difficult to have relationship with someone who barely understands me. I mean, it's all about sharing. Right? So when it is based on pigeon English it is like being with a servant or something. I prefer equal relationship. Very hard to find but that's just me and communication is very important in that regard. I can't talk about feelings and problems with someone with very limited vocabulary.

I actually don't get where you are coming from? I speak some Thai. English is not my first language. I speak three languages somewhat fluently, two pretty basic and some Thai. I understand better than I speak. My partner speaks very good English. I find it as a very far fetch idea that when I arrived 15+ years ago I should have spoken fluent Thai on top of everything else. In my estimate it takes about a decade to come anywhere close speaking it on understandable level. Not to mention writing it and when getting older it just gets more and more difficult to remember. I get by with my daily activities speaking Thai. With my partner we speak English. It is a great asset also since he can join me to move to Europe at a later moment in time. Why, BTW, it is just foreigners should be able to learn Thai? I expect someone living with me also be able to learn to communicate. Thais aren't stupid. Some of them are lazy which I find to be especially the treat of people working in the "industry".

So you come to Thailand and expect the Thais to speak fluent English? If you complain about relationships where one partner can barely understand the other, I believe the one who doesn't speak the local language is the one who needs to adjust. I cannot see any sense in complaining that the locals don't speak the foreign language.

Anyway, that's off-topic here. This thread is about straight girls in the gay scene.

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Anyway, that's off-topic here. This thread is about straight girls in the gay scene.

And that scene here is full of straight guys selling "services". Druggies with HIV+ and other STDs. ANd you see no connection? I say that this so called article was superficial at best. It only touched the surface talking about cute and handsome so I say she don't have a clue (or the author whoever that is).

I say that it is far from cool to hang out with them. And I know the scene pretty well. I would never try to introduce a bar encounter to any of my Thai friends or people I work with. Not to mention my family. It would be seen as introducing the plague.

So you come to Thailand and expect the Thais to speak fluent English?

When I came, I expected nothing. All that is in your mind. Not mine.

Whatever rocks your boat. I could not imagine a relationship with someone starting with little or no language skills. As I said, no communication, no relationship. And I am too slow to learn Thai becoming fluent in it. And I wonder how many there are that actually qualify as 'fluent'? I guess not many. And in Thailand I have encountered at least 5 different dialects so it is not just one language as such.

I had the chance to meet a guy that was perfect what I was looking for. You can keep the rest.

If you complain about relationships where one partner can barely understand the other, I believe the one who doesn't speak the local language is the one who needs to adjust.

Why? Could you enlighten me on two things: How you can have a relationship without being able to communicate? I call that infatuation or romantic encounter, not a proper relationship since it is about sharing, not taking or giving. And why you think that it should only be one way road me having to do all the adjusting? Actually that is very Thai attitude you try to impose here...

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I agree that speaking the same language is important for a relationship. I don't agree that this should be any other than the local language of the country you live in.

Maybe it's you and not the locals who need to be blamed for little or no language skills? Just think about it.

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I agree that speaking the same language is important for a relationship. I don't agree that this should be any other than the local language of the country you live in.

So because we live in Thailand, my wife and I should conduct our relationship in Thai?

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I agree that speaking the same language is important for a relationship. I don't agree that this should be any other than the local language of the country you live in.

So because we live in Thailand, my wife and I should conduct our relationship in Thai?

I am not saying that, why wording was off. What language you speak with each other is your own decision.

But if someone who has lived here for 15 years complains that people have no language skills and says that he doesn't speak decent Thai, I do question who it is who has no language skills.

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....so this is what we have come to.....

...relevant to whom......

...except for exposure and revenue for her no doubt....

...thanks for selling us out......

You know Khun SOTIRIOS, now I am correctly oriented to what this girl is on about, I finally get what you are saying, sorry to be so slow.

Its a bit like writing an article and saying "wow I have just been to Africa and found it was full of black people" or "Israel and it was full of Jews". Or "Saudi and it was full of Muslims", or even my gay niece saying "I like hanging out in Pattaya with my straight Uncle, Pattaya is full of non gay people". Its stupid and a none event and I can see why you would be offended and feel sold out.

It is also going to be hard for you not to say "oh dear, what a condescending b....td", because this also sounds a bit like writing and saying "but, of course I have lots of German/Jewish/ black/ gay/whatever friends" it always ends up sounding pejorative. But I don't mean like that. I hope you get my point.

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