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Trump targeted in Rose Parade skywriting protest

Jonathan Fairfield

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Trump targeted in Rose Parade skywriting protest


By Keith Walker

"Trump is delusional."

Planes flying over the New Year’s Day Rose Parade in the US state of California spelled it out…

“America is great! Trump is disgusting. Anybody but Trump, US.”

An hour later, the planes were still circling overhead, writing messages such as “Trump is delusional,” and “Trump is a fascist dictator.”

Despite the derogatory skywriting, Donald Trump remains the Republican frontrunner for the US presidency.

Speaking at a rally in the US state of Iowa, the billionaire businessman took a direct hit at Democrat Hilary Clinton’s presidential aspirations…

“Listen. ‘Madam President’, can you imagine? Believe me, women, if it’s gotta be a woman, which I’m all in favour of some day, it shouldn’t be Hillary. It shouldn’t be.”

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-01-03

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The tolerant liberals are pulling out all stops. They are scared to death of a Trump win.

As every sensible human the world over should be!

Actually i think many liberals are hoping Trump will win the Repub nomination as it will make the election a cake walk for Hillary.

Trump is doing an excellent job of playing the media for fools and getting millions of dollars of free exposure on TV by playing on the media's desire for controversy that they can use for higher ratings. Trump is a master media manipulator.

In the end he will not get the nomination and will spend the next eight years talking...mostly on Fox, about how everyone who dares question his BS rhetoric is stupid....write a few books and pad his pockets whining all the way to the bank.

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The tolerant liberals are pulling out all stops. They are scared to death of a Trump win.

Believe me, it is not just the liberals that are scared. I am scared to death. I believe he would be further to the right than Mussolini was within just a few years, and would bring the world to the brink of WWIII in no time at all.

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Negative attention on Trump probably helps him more than harms him at this point. Everyone is well aware of the problem that is Trump, so what need is there for the continuing focus on the obvious in the media while other more credible less insane candidates such as Sanders get bypassed in lieu. It's as though Trump exists to be the bad guy to Hillary's probably nearly equally bad, corrupt bid to extend the Obama dynasty. Trump seems to me to exist simply as the no brainer wrong answer to the question: Which person would make the least awful President of the US? And many people are insulted and resentful enough of that kind of two choice question enough just to give the wrong answer to try and show they don't have to go along with the program. But the lock down is so severe at this point, that unfortunately they will: vote for Hillary or else, seems to be the message written in the sky these days.

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The tolerant liberals are pulling out all stops. They are scared to death of a Trump win.

They lied about Mitt Romney and he was a really good guy. Lying about Donald Trump will be so much easier.

Romney was a Prince of a guy! What a shame he lost so badly. Life is cruel sometimes.

Remember when he got beaten so badly the Republicans had a monday morning QB session and realized they had to get more inclusive if they were ever going to win again?

So instead of taking the lessons of the Romney debacle to heart, they've gone completely the other way. They've gone full bore Wingnut with Trump and Cruz leading the sorry pack. Each trying to out right wing the other.

Trump is a uniquely unqualified blow hard, who represents the uneducated, scared, crazies of America. I don't think most of them even vote.

When you break down the demographics, Democrats start with 246 electoral votes and they only need 270 to win. Go to http://www.270towin.com/ and tell me how the Republicans have a prayer. They don't.

Considering that Arizona, Florida, North Carolina, and Virginia (among others) are also trending to the Dems means that 270 is pretty much a cinch. With Trump as the nominee? Cruz? Rubio? Jeb? Come on.

There isn't reason to lie about Trump or any of them.

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The tolerant liberals are pulling out all stops. They are scared to death of a Trump win.

The whole world is scared to death of a Trump win.

Trump on one side with his finger on the nuclear button, and Putin on the other side.


Edited by gawaterman
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The tolerant liberals are pulling out all stops. They are scared to death of a Trump win.

The whole world is scared to death of a Trump win.

Trump on one side with his finger on the nuclear button, and Putin on the other side.


That's what they said about Goldwater vis-a-vis Khrushchev in 1964.

The possibility of a nut becoming president is nothing new.

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Donald Trump will never be President but he has awakened in many Americans a feeling that no one really cares about their welfare and never will. However, he has no idea how the average American struggles in this day and age. The continual rising costs of a broken healthcare system; college costs that are atrocious; a government that is broken and agrees with its opposition on virtually nothing and politicians who create bills that in essence are bankrupting America and lining their own pockets not caring about this generation or any other. The one thing Trump puts forward that most people can agree on is that America while once great is not a great country any longer. Trump represents that guy from the movies who sticks his head out the window and yells- "I am mad as hell and won't take it any more". and people can relate to that because most Americans are mad as hell. The problem is that he has no real solution to any of the urgent things that need to be addressed. The most pressing is tax reform in which there must be a redistribution of wealth from the 1% back to the 99%. Without this- America will continue to languish running huge deficits that are not sustainable.

Whoever becomes President must reduce the massive Military Budget that consumes $630 Billion dollars that is the largest in the World and many times more than its nearest competitor. The huge military budget robs middle class and poor Americans from advancing as a people and improving their financial lives. The Immigration issue is a smokescreen which can be resolved by Congress starting actually do its job and pass a proper Immigration law. Obama has been a disaster in this arena and deporting more people than the prior Administration. At one time, he had a majority in Congress and still could not further his agenda, instead concentrating on a healthcare bill that rewards insurance companies and Big Pharma while dunning the American people if they don't buy into an overpriced medical plan. The solution to this is simple-,a single payer system in which every person has coverage paid for by a payroll deduction in the same way Social Security/Medicare is funded.

These are just some of the issues America is facing but I do not see anyone out there who has the gumption, guts or ethical will to do the right thing for the people instead of the One per cent that control all of America. While I will vote- I know that at the moment there will be no change and the American decline will continue until enough people finally are fed up and instead of yelling about it -do something about it.

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Ohio governor Kasich is very probably correct about Trump and Ohio in the general election, if Trump gets that far. However, dunno where Kasich has been that he thinks Trump has been toning it down. Maybe Kasich needs to be careful he doesn't get schlonged in Cleveland. smile.png

“I’m just hoping that as we go forward he’s going to be a unifier. Because I’m going to tell you, you can’t win the White House without winning Ohio. If we have a candidate that comes into Ohio who is a divider, there’s no chance they’re going to win it.”

— Gov. John Kasich, quoted by The Hill, noting that Donald Trump has “toned down the rhetoric” lately.

Here's a Republican long time strategist Charlie Black, quoted by Politico, on Donald Trump attacking Bill Clinton’s personal indiscretions.

“It’s not a political strategy he’s pursuing, it’s a short-term public relations strategy. Every day, he figures out some way to dominate the news.

But in the general election, not only is Bill Clinton still popular with a lot of swing voters, they don’t think it’s fair to run against the spouse. This is not a legitimate general election issue. It’s simply a tactic of Donald’s to dominate the news.”

A new Reuters/Ipsos poll finds the percentage of Republicans among those likely to vote in the 2016 election lags Democrats by 9 percentage points, compared with a 6-point deficit in the year leading up to Barack Obama’s 2012 victory.
Key finding: “While the American electorate has become more diverse the last three years, the party’s support among Hispanic likely voters and younger likely voters has shrunk significantly.”
Edited by Publicus
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The tolerant liberals are pulling out all stops. They are scared to death of a Trump win.

The whole world is scared to death of a Trump win.

Trump on one side with his finger on the nuclear button, and Putin on the other side.


That's what they said about Goldwater vis-a-vis Khrushchev in 1964.

The possibility of a nut becoming president is nothing new.

In the event of Trump v Clinton it would be a whitewash for Hilary. Trump would not carry a single state. At least Goldwater won Arizona and a couple of others ( for 52 total).

The problem for the Republicans is the prospect of Trump spitting the dummy when he doesn't get the nomination and running solo.

Things are pretty bad when there is talk of a write-in campaign for Sarah Palin....as the moderate candidate

Edited by Prbkk
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It actually says "Disgusting" funny how no one noticed

Perhaps because they read the whole Op where it clearly says that "disgusting" was just one of the several statements made about Trump.

If you had done the same then you wouldn't be writing such an inane comment.

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The tolerant liberals are pulling out all stops. They are scared to death of a Trump win.

The whole world is scared to death of a Trump win.

Trump on one side with his finger on the nuclear button, and Putin on the other side.


That's what they said about Goldwater vis-a-vis Khrushchev in 1964.

The possibility of a nut becoming president is nothing new.

In the event of Trump v Clinton it would be a whitewash for Hilary. Trump would not carry a single state. At least Goldwater won Arizona and a couple of others ( for 52 total).

The problem for the Republicans is the prospect of Trump spitting the dummy when he doesn't get the nomination and running solo.

Things are pretty bad when there is talk of a write-in campaign for Sarah Palin....as the moderate candidate

A Donald Trump/Sarah Palin ticket might be the answer to a lot of American's dreams.

Who else but another nutcase would Trump consider as a running mate?

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Donald Trump will never be President but he has awakened in many Americans a feeling that no one really cares about their welfare and never will. However, he has no idea how the average American struggles in this day and age. The continual rising costs of a broken healthcare system; college costs that are atrocious; a government that is broken and agrees with its opposition on virtually nothing and politicians who create bills that in essence are bankrupting America and lining their own pockets not caring about this generation or any other. The one thing Trump puts forward that most people can agree on is that America while once great is not a great country any longer. Trump represents that guy from the movies who sticks his head out the window and yells- "I am mad as hell and won't take it any more". and people can relate to that because most Americans are mad as hell. The problem is that he has no real solution to any of the urgent things that need to be addressed. The most pressing is tax reform in which there must be a redistribution of wealth from the 1% back to the 99%. Without this- America will continue to languish running huge deficits that are not sustainable.

Whoever becomes President must reduce the massive Military Budget that consumes $630 Billion dollars that is the largest in the World and many times more than its nearest competitor. The huge military budget robs middle class and poor Americans from advancing as a people and improving their financial lives. The Immigration issue is a smokescreen which can be resolved by Congress starting actually do its job and pass a proper Immigration law. Obama has been a disaster in this arena and deporting more people than the prior Administration. At one time, he had a majority in Congress and still could not further his agenda, instead concentrating on a healthcare bill that rewards insurance companies and Big Pharma while dunning the American people if they don't buy into an overpriced medical plan. The solution to this is simple-,a single payer system in which every person has coverage paid for by a payroll deduction in the same way Social Security/Medicare is funded.

These are just some of the issues America is facing but I do not see anyone out there who has the gumption, guts or ethical will to do the right thing for the people instead of the One per cent that control all of America. While I will vote- I know that at the moment there will be no change and the American decline will continue until enough people finally are fed up and instead of yelling about it -do something about it.

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In the event of Trump v Clinton it would be a whitewash for Hilary. Trump would not carry a single state.

Secretary Clinton would easily beat Trump in the electoral college, but she wouldn't win every state. I'd put the over/under at 350.

However, she would absolutely destroy him in the popular vote. Perhaps with the most lopsided percentage in modern history; surpassing let's LBJ's landslide over Senator Goldwater (61.1%).

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