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Inquiry: UK soldiers who fought in Iraq may face prosecution


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Inquiry: UK soldiers who fought in Iraq may face prosecution

LONDON (AP) — The head of an official British investigation into alleged abuses during the Iraq War says that U.K. soldiers may face prosecution for crimes including murder.

Mark Warwick said the inquiry is probing "lots of significant cases" and officials will discuss whether they meet the war crimes threshold.

British forces withdrew from Iraq in 2009. Lawyers are still referring cases to the British government-established criminal probe into murder, abuse and torture claims linked to the six-year military mission.

The inquiry has considered at least 1,515 possible victims, including 280 who were allegedly unlawfully killed.

The probe is not due to finish its work until the end of 2019.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-01-03

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nothing but a <deleted>>--g disgrace,and who is going to make money? YES YOU GOT and where is the money goner come from? RIGHT AGAIN.

What's a disgrace? That the British Army has murderers and other types of criminals? Yes, I agree, it's a <deleted> disgrace.

Edited by Seastallion
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I don't believe this. If this is true then we, the weak lilly livered British deserve everything we get. We send our soldiers to fight in the desert against a bunch of people that have no interest in human rights, Geneva conventions etc, and expect them to behave as if they were on duty on the streets of the UK. They were at WAR, people get killed. Anyone who thinks that the rules of a western democracy, politically correct BS, can be applied in a battlefield situation is absolutely deranged and should be treated with total contempt.This enquiry should be terminated immediately and the efforts of the people involved should be applied to prosecuting those people in our own society who wish to destroy our civilisation, not those that are protecting our civilisation. I hope that someone can find a list of the names of the people involved so that thay can be publically ostracized.

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Of course murder should be investigated, and if found guilty, every single criminal should be sentenced to the full degree of the law.

You are entitled to your opinion, and I must agree that criminals that prey on our peaceful British civilian society MUST be punished, even if they are followers of that odd cult of Islam. But to hold an enquiry into so called 'war crimes' allegedly perpertuated by members of one of the best professional armies in the world?They were in a battlefield situation and under a great deal of stress,and acted according to the situation as they saw it. Second guessing by chairborn PC tossers after the fact is stupid. These people are the ones who die so that YOU and I can sit at our keyboards and comment. My friend Pondgelding would agree with me on this.

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Whats a disgrace is that we send our boys off to fight 'to help' foreign countries, in return Europe gets a million immigrants, most who are actually men (leaving the women and children behind no doubt) who are able bodied and of a military age.

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I don't believe this. If this is true then we, the weak lilly livered British deserve everything we get. We send our soldiers to fight in the desert against a bunch of people that have no interest in human rights, Geneva conventions etc, and expect them to behave as if they were on duty on the streets of the UK. They were at WAR, people get killed. Anyone who thinks that the rules of a western democracy, politically correct BS, can be applied in a battlefield situation is absolutely deranged and should be treated with total contempt.

But unfortunately some influential people do expect the rules of a western democracy can be applied in a battlefield situation and are quite happy for the youngsters actually being shot at to go to prison if they don't. Just one more of the many reasons why you would have to be mental to want to join the army these days in my opinion... Edited by baboon
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nothing but a <deleted>>--g disgrace,and who is going to make money? YES YOU GOT and where is the money goner come from? RIGHT AGAIN.

Scum sucking bottom feeders! The only green or khaki these swine have ever worn was part of their golf ensemble!! One day we're going to need a "kill a lawyer day"!! thumbsup.gifbah.gifwai.gif

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Whats a disgrace is that we send our boys off to fight 'to help' foreign countries,---sungod

Wow is that why they were sent........and to think some people were cynical enough to think it was all about Oil.............coffee1.gif

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nothing but a <deleted>>--g disgrace,and who is going to make money? YES YOU GOT and where is the money goner come from? RIGHT AGAIN.

Is this some sort of self explanetary post ?????????????????????coffee1.gif

If you don't understand it then, you wouldn't understand the sentiment anyway!!sad.png

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Whats a disgrace is that we send our boys off to fight 'to help' foreign countries,---sungod

Wow is that why they were sent........and to think some people were cynical enough to think it was all about Oil.............coffee1.gif

Well, I did use inverted commas, besides where are the oil fields in Afghan? :)

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nothing but a <deleted>>--g disgrace,and who is going to make money? YES YOU GOT and where is the money goner come from? RIGHT AGAIN.

What's a disgrace? That the British Army has murderers and other types of criminals? Yes, I agree, it's a <deleted> disgrace.

No - it's a disgrace self righteous never do anythings try to undermine the military that lay their lives on the line to protect the armchair knowalls.

You are quick to jump to the conclusion that the British army has lots of murderers and criminals.

No doubt Daesh, AQ, Taliban, IRA, INLA, are all just freedom loving boy scouts standing up for their rights in your eyes.

Why not nip over and discuss it with them? You'll get a warm welcome.

Edited by Baerboxer
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Of course murder should be investigated, and if found guilty, every single criminal should be sentenced to the full degree of the law.

You are entitled to your opinion, and I must agree that criminals that prey on our peaceful British civilian society MUST be punished, even if they are followers of that odd cult of Islam. But to hold an enquiry into so called 'war crimes' allegedly perpertuated by members of one of the best professional armies in the world?They were in a battlefield situation and under a great deal of stress,and acted according to the situation as they saw it. Second guessing by chairborn PC tossers after the fact is stupid. These people are the ones who die so that YOU and I can sit at our keyboards and comment. My friend Pondgelding would agree with me on this.

You are saying war crimes should not be investigated and prosecuted?

What, when the war crimes are to your side? Germans and Japanese soldiers during WW11?

And if you think about it, these alleged crimes were probably perpetrated against civilians (unlawful deaths)....and that's OK by you, too, because they are of the same nationality as the people the Brits were fighting?

The Mai Lai massacre was OK?

Abu Graib was OK?

Edited by Rimmer
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nothing but a <deleted>>--g disgrace,and who is going to make money? YES YOU GOT and where is the money goner come from? RIGHT AGAIN.

What's a disgrace? That the British Army has murderers and other types of criminals? Yes, I agree, it's a <deleted> disgrace.

That's why the British Army has the Royal Military Police - to investigate cases of criminality and murder.

This is more a politically motivated witch hunt trying to appease all those lovely British and European politicians who want to pretend we are the nasty element in fighting a despicable, fanatical and barbaric terrorists who want to impose their culture, religion and laws on us; or execute us all.

But as the forum Islam terrorist apologist you assume that any who fight them must be criminals. Or should have to prove their innocence.

The families of all those beheaded, burned alive, raped and butchered by these scum may have different opinions to you.

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I don't believe this. If this is true then we, the weak lilly livered British deserve everything we get. We send our soldiers to fight in the desert against a bunch of people that have no interest in human rights, Geneva conventions etc, and expect them to behave as if they were on duty on the streets of the UK. They were at WAR, people get killed. Anyone who thinks that the rules of a western democracy, politically correct BS, can be applied in a battlefield situation is absolutely deranged and should be treated with total contempt.This enquiry should be terminated immediately and the efforts of the people involved should be applied to prosecuting those people in our own society who wish to destroy our civilisation, not those that are protecting our civilisation. I hope that someone can find a list of the names of the people involved so that thay can be publically ostracized.

I give you Tony Blair.

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nothing but a <deleted>>--g disgrace,and who is going to make money? YES YOU GOT and where is the money goner come from? RIGHT AGAIN.

What's a disgrace? That the British Army has murderers and other types of criminals? Yes, I agree, it's a <deleted> disgrace.

That's why the British Army has the Royal Military Police - to investigate cases of criminality and murder.

This is more a politically motivated witch hunt trying to appease all those lovely British and European politicians who want to pretend we are the nasty element in fighting a despicable, fanatical and barbaric terrorists who want to impose their culture, religion and laws on us; or execute us all.

But as the forum Islam terrorist apologist you assume that any who fight them must be criminals. Or should have to prove their innocence.

The families of all those beheaded, burned alive, raped and butchered by these scum may have different opinions to you.

Anyone who fights terrorists is doing us a service.

Anyone who kills the civilians of a village where a terrorist sniper was working, is a criminal. Anyone who puts a bullet in the head of a handcuffed suspect is a criminal.

That's not terrorist apologism.

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Of course murder should be investigated, and if found guilty, every single criminal should be sentenced to the full degree of the law.

You are entitled to your opinion, and I must agree that criminals that prey on our peaceful British civilian society MUST be punished, even if they are followers of that odd cult of Islam. But to hold an enquiry into so called 'war crimes' allegedly perpertuated by members of one of the best professional armies in the world?They were in a battlefield situation and under a great deal of stress,and acted according to the situation as they saw it. Second guessing by chairborn PC tossers after the fact is stupid. These people are the ones who die so that YOU and I can sit at our keyboards and comment. My friend Pondgelding would agree with me on this.

You are saying war crimes should not be investigated and prosecuted?

What, when the war crimes are to your side? Germans and Japanese soldiers during WW11?

And if you think about it, these alleged crimes were probably perpetrated against civilians (unlawful deaths)....and that's OK by you, too, because they are of the same nationality as the people the Brits were fighting?

The Mai Lai massacre was OK?

Abu Graib was OK?

A somewhat unequal comparison.

Should the individual air crews, ground crews, and admin staff have all been charged with the terror bombing campaigns initiated by Germany in both world wars? The certainly and knowingly targeted civilians as official policy.

Massacres of unarmed civilians is unacceptable and those committing such acts deserve to be brought to justice. But let's not turn it into a political self beating session and accept everything as face value because it suits some agendas shall we.

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Anyone who thinks it's OK for British soldiers to commit murder just because they are fighting in a foreign land needs to take stock of their values.

Anyone who believes all that comes out of terrorist and fanatic extremists mouths needs to look at their own balance.

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nothing but a <deleted>>--g disgrace,and who is going to make money? YES YOU GOT and where is the money goner come from? RIGHT AGAIN.

What's a disgrace? That the British Army has murderers and other types of criminals? Yes, I agree, it's a <deleted> disgrace.

Hard to believe someone holds such an opinion. Obviously never served your country in the armed forces, let alone been on active service. If you had you'd know that civilian law can't be applied to an active duty situation. Combat doesn't encourage rational decisions.

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Whats a disgrace is that we send our boys off to fight 'to help' foreign countries,---sungod

Wow is that why they were sent........and to think some people were cynical enough to think it was all about Oil.............coffee1.gif

And some would be cynical enough to think that you'd be the first to complain if you couldn't fill your car with gas.

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Hey seamare have you ever been in combat for your country?

I'll assume that was a childish barb at me, changing my name like that. I reply to it only to emphasise your childishness.

What has my combat history got to do with holding an opinion that any soldier who deliberately kills a civilian should face justice.

You guys make it sound like all soldiers have a license to kill whoever they want. Guess what? They don't.

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