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So, OP.... how much does a lower management position pay in Thailand?

My gf is a higher level admin assistant and she earns 40k a month.

So, let's say a lower management position commands the same salary in Thailand, we are looking at 600,000 baht a month.

Well, you either are out of touch wish salaries in Thailand, or your wife makes as much as much as a senior Harris defense contractor that I know.

Waiting for an answer to this perhaps bragging thread?

When I mentioned that she earns 15 x the amount compared to here, I was comparing it to the Thai Minimum wage. I should have mentioned that. But here in the sticks, that's probably the best she could do, since in those "Mom & Pop stores" around here, there are no openings as far as management positions are concerned. 555


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OP, you have cracked the secret to happy married life.

Katharine Hepburn used to say "A married couple should stay in different houses and visit one another occasionally".

Youhave taken it to a foolproof level.

I have to admit, I have seen it work. I have a friend here; almost ten years of happy marriage to a spouse he rarely sees. In Southern California is a very happy married couple who have lived in the same house for over 20 years. The house is divided by a duct tape line; neither crosses the line, they rarely speak, and they never go out together.

There are legitimate reasons for being married yet living separate lives—I prefer being with my wife.


So, OP.... how much does a lower management position pay in Thailand?

My gf is a higher level admin assistant and she earns 40k a month.

So, let's say a lower management position commands the same salary in Thailand, we are looking at 600,000 baht a month.

Well, you either are out of touch wish salaries in Thailand, or your wife makes as much as much as a senior Harris defense contractor that I know.

Waiting for an answer to this perhaps bragging thread?

When I mentioned that she earns 15 x the amount compared to here, I was comparing it to the Thai Minimum wage. I should have mentioned that. But here in the sticks, that's probably the best she could do, since in those "Mom & Pop stores" around here, there are no openings as far as management positions are concerned. 555


How do you and her satisfy your sexual urges are you both getting plenty being apart from one another ?


Shouldn't married people be living together?

I don't think any of us has the right to say "should" - if an arrangement suits the individuals concerned, why might they not do what they want just because it's slightly unconventional?

I know plenty of couples where HE goes overseas to work and SHE stays at home - this is just a variation on that theme and i find it refreshing that it works and I'm not too cynical to believe it cannot!

Good Luck Mr & Mrs Swissie

nonsense. Going away for work is different. Couples choosing to live half way across the world for "convenience" reasons suggests they're not truly a couple. He does not want to admit that he's in a loveless marriage. How does he know there is no hanky panky going on. He's dreaming if he thinks it can't happen to him. I bet it is!!!!

Their own individual interests are of more importance than being together. At least they recognise that. Much better than many marriages I have witnessed here..just being together is not a marriage..as you see here so many marriages of convenience, ( hardly can speak with each other)the fear of being alone in old age..all the more power to the op..at least he doesn't live in fear..


Their own individual interests are of more importance than being together. At least they recognise that. Much better than many marriages I have witnessed here..just being together is not a marriage..as you see here so many marriages of convenience, ( hardly can speak with each other)the fear of being alone in old age..all the more power to the op..at least he doesn't live in fear..

being together, granted, is not proof of good marriage. Choosing not to be together is definitely a sign of bad marriage.

Never said, this would or could work for everyone. Nor am I recommending it.

But let's see: The divorce-rate in "the west" hovers between 45 to 50 percent and surely, 99% of the couples actually do live together. A devastating statistic I'd say.

So then, would the divorce-rate increase or decrease by following the advice of Katherine Hepburn? = take the time and read post # 17.



If it works for you, then great. Every couple is probably different kn many ways.

Personally, I didnt get married to live on the opposite side of the world to my wife.

If I felt or "we" felt that was acceptable I would consider it a major problem and possibly the beginning of the end.

I sent my ex-wife back to University at year 12 of our marriage. Uni was in a different city than our home was. I supplied tuition, rental apartment, and all necessities she needed. Upon graduation, she informed me that she had been shagging another guy for over a year and she was "In Love". I cut the ungrateful, cheating bitch loose. Didn't see that coming. "I love you, I miss you, I need another $100 this month." No better than a Thai Bargirl. Not living together is asking for problems. Wait until she gets a divorce lawyer and takes half your pension from you. Best of luck.

Bitter? Yeah. But her husband lost his gravy job two years back and is still unemployed. She's now the sole earner as her hubby stays home and does nothing. And they built a $350K home right out of school, and at the top of the US housing bubble. Now under-water on their mortgage, and the ex working overtime...Lmao They barely make ends meet. Karma!


If I need her, she will be here-----swissie

Yer good luck if you ever need to test that option out...................................coffee1.gif


Marriages are imperfect...it comes down to what one or the other partner is willing to tolerate and compromise to keep the union together...

Many have found that being apart...keeps the marriage together...an understandable conundrum...


My Thai wife wanted to stay in Australia when I retired, but I wanted to come to Thailand. She was a cleaner in Australia earning the equivalent of about 75,000 Baht per month. Of course Australia is a ridiculously expensive place to live so the money doesn't go far.

She agreed to come to Thailand as long as I gave her a 'salary'. After working in Australia she couldn't bring herself to working back in Thailand as an ex-teacher for a comparative pittance (she never really could get her head around the 'cost of living' equation). She is very happy in Thailand, but would be happy to go back to Australia if that is what I wanted. In Australia she is away from the continual crisis happening in her extended Thai family and she can do what she wants without the gossip.

We'll stick together, I think. I can't see how it would work if we lived separate lives in other countries. We both need love in our lives. She is very confident and finds it easy to attract ferangs. I am reasonably handsome and very polite, so it is easy to attract Thai women. Better if your wife comes and joins you. She really has no choice because you are the husband and have the final word.


Marriages are imperfect...it comes down to what one or the other partner is willing to tolerate and compromise to keep the union together...

Many have found that being apart...keeps the marriage together...an understandable conundrum...

If he lives here, and she lives there, where is the so called 'union' ?


So, OP.... how much does a lower management position pay in Thailand?

My gf is a higher level admin assistant and she earns 40k a month.

So, let's say a lower management position commands the same salary in Thailand, we are looking at 600,000 baht a month.

Well, you either are out of touch wish salaries in Thailand, or your wife makes as much as much as a senior Harris defense contractor that I know.

Waiting for an answer to this perhaps bragging thread?

and she was never a bar girl and he never gave her any money cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif


So, OP.... how much does a lower management position pay in Thailand?

My gf is a higher level admin assistant and she earns 40k a month.

So, let's say a lower management position commands the same salary in Thailand, we are looking at 600,000 baht a month.

Well, you either are out of touch wish salaries in Thailand, or your wife makes as much as much as a senior Harris defense contractor that I know.

Waiting for an answer to this perhaps bragging thread?

When I mentioned that she earns 15 x the amount compared to here, I was comparing it to the Thai Minimum wage. I should have mentioned that. But here in the sticks, that's probably the best she could do, since in those "Mom & Pop stores" around here, there are no openings as far as management positions are concerned. 555


How do you and her satisfy your sexual urges are you both getting plenty being apart from one another ?

I thought once you were married you never had sexual urges.


Shouldn't married people be living together?

It helps especially if you want to indulge in sexual relations with one another.

Which is one of many factors of marriage is it not.

I thought people got married so they could stop having sex with one another.


Probably Mrs Swissie wants to give her parents as good a life financially as she can. Being abroad and sending money home enables that.

If Swissie and his wife are happy with their situation, nobody should judge them

Those of us married to Thais know just how much the need to take care of their parents is paramount.


My Thai wife wanted to stay in Australia when I retired, but I wanted to come to Thailand. She was a cleaner in Australia earning the equivalent of about 75,000 Baht per month. Of course Australia is a ridiculously expensive place to live so the money doesn't go far.

She agreed to come to Thailand as long as I gave her a 'salary'. After working in Australia she couldn't bring herself to working back in Thailand as an ex-teacher for a comparative pittance (she never really could get her head around the 'cost of living' equation). She is very happy in Thailand, but would be happy to go back to Australia if that is what I wanted. In Australia she is away from the continual crisis happening in her extended Thai family and she can do what she wants without the gossip.

We'll stick together, I think. I can't see how it would work if we lived separate lives in other countries. We both need love in our lives. She is very confident and finds it easy to attract ferangs. I am reasonably handsome and very polite, so it is easy to attract Thai women. Better if your wife comes and joins you. She really has no choice because you are the husband and have the final word.

there you go. A sensible man having done what comes naturally. Perfect marriage with both parties living happily away from each other? My ass. Lol

OP, I mean no offense, but any time I meet a guy who lives here and has a Thai wife working back home my first thought is "dope". Im not blasting you. But thats generally what I think about the situation you described. And Im not saying your wife is definitely playing you. But if she is, then one can imagine why she is not concerned about hiring a PI.


So, OP.... how much does a lower management position pay in Thailand?

My gf is a higher level admin assistant and she earns 40k a month.

So, let's say a lower management position commands the same salary in Thailand, we are looking at 600,000 baht a month.

Well, you either are out of touch wish salaries in Thailand, or your wife makes as much as much as a senior Harris defense contractor that I know.

Waiting for an answer to this perhaps bragging thread?

When I mentioned that she earns 15 x the amount compared to here, I was comparing it to the Thai Minimum wage. I should have mentioned that. But here in the sticks, that's probably the best she could do, since in those "Mom & Pop stores" around here, there are no openings as far as management positions are concerned. 555


How do you and her satisfy your sexual urges are you both getting plenty being apart from one another ?

Not plenty, just enough. The only person on this globe, that suggest that "sexual urges" can be served by having s- intercourse with 1 single partner during a live time is the Pope in Rome. A true "expert" on the subject. Wife and I are not part of "the club of Rome."



If I need her, she will be here-----swissie

Yer good luck if you ever need to test that option out...................................coffee1.gif

Has been tested 2 times last year.

- Squatter felt confident enough to challenge our land- title (his goats were foraging on the property for the last 10 years.) Wife came to sort it out (10 minutes at the land office, problem solved). After that, we went to 2 week holiday in Hua Hin.

- Hospital Bill that I found outrageous! She gave strict instructions to my son in law to re-calculate hospital bill under the threat, if re- calculation is unsatisfactory, she would board a plane to re-open negotiations and commuting this in uncertain terms to the hospital-administration. Result: The hospital bill was shaved by 50 %.

Let's be clear about this: Results like this can only be achieved by a Thai National, that has acquired some traits of European living over the years. (learning something of the rest of the world, realizing that Thailand is not the center of the universe and conveying this firmly to the "commission-cowboys"). Non compliance? Tell them you will call the "Generals Corruption' Hotline. Mom & Pop stores have never heard of something like this, But major Hospitals have heard of it.


Being married to a nice lady from the Isaan that has trouble reading and writing will be of little help in situations like this.Unfortunately.

I believe , that above quote "Yer good luck if you ever need to test that option out" has been answered.



Where I come from there's a saying, "different strokes for different folks." Only the OP can say whether or not he has a good or bad marriage. So long as no harm is being done to anyone, who am I to judge how he, or anyone for that matter, chooses to live their life? Marriage is a lot of things. Technically though, it's a contract between two people in a relationship. Even though OP's situation is not what I would want or be happy with, I don't believe that separation breaks that contract.


My Thai wife wanted to stay in Australia when I retired, but I wanted to come to Thailand. She was a cleaner in Australia earning the equivalent of about 75,000 Baht per month. Of course Australia is a ridiculously expensive place to live so the money doesn't go far.

She agreed to come to Thailand as long as I gave her a 'salary'. After working in Australia she couldn't bring herself to working back in Thailand as an ex-teacher for a comparative pittance (she never really could get her head around the 'cost of living' equation). She is very happy in Thailand, but would be happy to go back to Australia if that is what I wanted. In Australia she is away from the continual crisis happening in her extended Thai family and she can do what she wants without the gossip.

We'll stick together, I think. I can't see how it would work if we lived separate lives in other countries. We both need love in our lives. She is very confident and finds it easy to attract ferangs. I am reasonably handsome and very polite, so it is easy to attract Thai women. Better if your wife comes and joins you. She really has no choice because you are the husband and have the final word.

Irrespective of the rest of what you say do you really believe this -

She really has no choice because you are the husband and have the final word

What century/religion were you born in/under................ermm.gif


I am reasonably handsome and very polite, so it is easy to attract Thai women.

Yes, that and 1,000bht will attract many Thai women.

(So why the picture of the ugly old dude in your avatar?)


well I don't know where you live but in OZ a pack of smokes cost 660 baht

but you can always give up whistling.gif

From his TV name I would hazard a guess at Switzerland but could be way off the mark....

Yes you well of the mark I am not Swiss even so I like Switzerland

yes I was born in Europe


well I don't know where you live but in OZ a pack of smokes cost 660 baht

but you can always give up whistling.gif

From his TV name I would hazard a guess at Switzerland but could be way off the mark....

Yes you well of the mark I am not Swiss even so I like Switzerland

yes I was born in Europe

I think it was in relation to the OP, swissie.

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