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Yingluck receives warm welcome in Khon Kaen


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Quote "Many people waited for her at the market " She received a warm welcome at K . Khen ???

If, as the minority on TVF speaks. the place would have been gridlocked-----police out to control the masses-----

Is this the big rise again of PTP ??? ha ha ha, I would think the topic will be missing posts from her admirers.

You just can't help (making a fool of) yourself, can you?

So what makes her so different than any other politician on the planet. We live on a ship of fools. She is no better or no worse than any of her ilk.

Edited by elgordo38
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Wonder why the hot supporters of The Big Leader are noticeably absent from this thread??

Could well be that most are sick to death of your propaganda --and hate of the PM. and that anything that is posted if it doesn't suit is pounced upon by the magnificent 7. ha ha.

Dream on about what you want eventually with a better foundation elections will happen and we will see what outcome.

I don't give a FIG who wins as long as they rule by the OATH and the LAW.

As my old grandmother taught me "never say you hate someone always say you do not understand their ways" I loved her but there were times when I questioned this.

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She is actually loved very much by the great majority of Thais outside of Bangkok .

I encountered her in Chiang Mai where she stopped to talk with many people .

I would only guess at how many.

I count 13, at least 2 of whom appear to be non-voters. Is that you offering her a cucumber?

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I thought such public gatherings were illegal under Article 44? Sometimes I'd like to see the Junta arrest her in public like this and then I could watch the backlash.


Yes that would be interesting .

Many soldiers are what's referred to as Watermelons ( green on outside red on inside)

The major threat is not the populace to the leader.

It's his soldiers turning on him once a high ranking officer dares to disobey and has a few thousand men behind him.

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It is a fact that Yingluck is an attractive and probably very personable and like able woman and she is very popular among certain segments of Thai society.

It is a pity so much acrimony is aimed at her, but she is mostly responsible for her situation.

But the fact remains she is Thaksin's sister and carries his burden as well as her own.

At least she has stayed among her people unlike her craven brother.

Can anyone confirm the man to her left is her 'husband' Anusorn Amornchat?

Best Beloved, an authority on all matters Yingluck ( I can almost feel the scorn from some of the usual suspects " Issarn wife..." as I type) tells me that it is he.

I am afraid, that you have to inform Best Beloved, that she is wrong!!

The guy in the pic is absolutely not Anusorn Amornchat. (Use google to see the real AA)

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She is actually loved very much by the great majority of Thais outside of Bangkok .

I encountered her in Chiang Mai where she stopped to talk with many people .

I would only guess at how many.

You chose to stay out of Thailand but chose to post your own imagination as fact.

How do you possibly know whether the "great majority" of people outside Bangkok "love" her? Watch did she ever do for them, in her very short career as the PTP pretty who acted as the stooge so her criminal brother could run the country how he wanted and try to engineer a whitewash of all his legal issues?

You "fete" her for "talking" to ordinary people! That really says it all.

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It is a fact that Yingluck is an attractive and probably very personable and like able woman and she is very popular among certain segments of Thai society.

It is a pity so much acrimony is aimed at her, but she is mostly responsible for her situation.

But the fact remains she is Thaksin's sister and carries his burden as well as her own.

At least she has stayed among her people unlike her craven brother.

Can anyone confirm the man to her left is her 'husband' Anusorn Amornchat?

She is popular with "sufficient segments" of Thai society to ensure that not only is she the most admired politician but also the one that would win any fairly conducted general election.

That is why the Junta and its backers are determined to destroy her using whatever weapons are at hand including the court system.She terrifies them.

How do you know who she is popular with?

Most admired politician - please tell us what she actually has achieved to foster such admiration. Next, you'll be claiming that she really ran the PTP government, selected the cabinet, and made decisions.

I doubt she terrifies anyone, as anyone with an ounce of sense knows she is only the stooge for her brother. An actress, and on some occasions a talented one, but no more than that. Her brother, with his political and terrorist network, large wealth and fanatical ego does rightly worry people though. Because he's nutty enough to go for all or nothing.

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Perhaps it was low-key because the district she visited is not in the centre of Khon Kaen, and although I live here neither my wife nor I knew about the visit.

oh deary me if that was low key what would happen if she announced her visit and went to the center of just about ANY city? no wonder that cannot be allowed to happen

All those "spontaneous and adoring" admirers, who just happened to have a rose handy, just in case, would turn up to mob her.

Plus the curious - the sort who try for selfies with anything. In the absence of the proverbial monkey, she'd do.

I've got pics of Thaksin, and with wife and kids, friends etc. He was always good for some photos after Man City matches when he owned the club. Loads of Thais used to go - of course the free transport, meals, drinks, match tickets, scarfs etc weren't the reason. No sir, they went to support him.

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It is a fact that Yingluck is an attractive and probably very personable and like able woman and she is very popular among certain segments of Thai society.

It is a pity so much acrimony is aimed at her, but she is mostly responsible for her situation.

But the fact remains she is Thaksin's sister and carries his burden as well as her own.

At least she has stayed among her people unlike her craven brother.

Can anyone confirm the man to her left is her 'husband' Anusorn Amornchat?

Best Beloved, an authority on all matters Yingluck ( I can almost feel the scorn from some of the usual suspects " Issarn wife..." as I type) tells me that it is he.

I am afraid, that you have to inform Best Beloved, that she is wrong!!

The guy in the pic is absolutely not Anusorn Amornchat. (Use google to see the real AA)[/quotof e]

I'd better take her along to Spec savers then!

Edited by JAG
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Found this on YouTube of Yingluck at Khon Kaen market today.

Now there's some footage that won't be appearing on the Friday Night TV show!

You know, whether or not she is a devout Buddhist I get the distinct impression that this lady knows exactly what she is doing, and why she is doing it. She is, I suspect, notwithstanding any court decisions, a very long way from being finished as a political leader.

The atmosphere around the junta's supper tables must be glacial tonight!

Political leader - you seriously think she has ever been one?

Capable actress and pretty. Does as her brother instructs. She's no more devout than any other politician, or the lies wouldn't have tripped off her tongue so easily.

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Anyone who has spent time in CHIANG MAI ( for instance) and seen the huge turn outs and beaming faces has very little doubt asto her charm and the popularity of her.

Their "home" city, where the Shins are part of the feudal clan patronage system and related to important local families and heritage.

Have you read about what happens to candidates and canvassers for opposition parties to the "democratic champions" Shin parties there?

I doubt anyone would have the balls to do anything less than beam and adore her there as they know very well what the consequences would be if they did otherwise.

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Anyone who has spent time in CHIANG MAI ( for instance) and seen the huge turn outs and beaming faces has very little doubt asto her charm and the popularity of her.

They would also have seen the violence and intimidation directed towards those who do not support the Shinawatras. Not so charming, red democracy.

BTW I preferred the picture with the cucumber.

Edited by halloween
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Found this on YouTube of Yingluck at Khon Kaen market today.

Now there's some footage that won't be appearing on the Friday Night TV show!

You know, whether or not she is a devout Buddhist I get the distinct impression that this lady knows exactly what she is doing, and why she is doing it. She is, I suspect, notwithstanding any court decisions, a very long way from being finished as a political leader.

The atmosphere around the junta's supper tables must be glacial tonight!

Political leader - you seriously think she has ever been one?

Capable actress and pretty. Does as her brother instructs. She's no more devout than any other politician, or the lies wouldn't have tripped off her tongue so easily.

Don't underestimate her. She appears as the ingenue but in reality she's smart as a whip and would have most of the other lot for breakfast.

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There are some amazing double standards going on in this thread.

Certain posters bashing Yingluck, Thaksin and the PTP over things that this current junta government are doing and in some cases even worse so. They don't seem to post in those threads though whistling.gif

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Anyone who has spent time in CHIANG MAI ( for instance) and seen the huge turn outs and beaming faces has very little doubt asto her charm and the popularity of her.

They would also have seen the violence and intimidation directed towards those who do not support the Shinawatras. Not so charming, red democracy.

BTW I preferred the picture with the cucumber.

Not as bad as the violence and intimidation directed towards those Thais, who tried to exercise their constitutional right to cast their votes in Feb 2014 election, but were blocked by a yellow "rent-a-mob"........................coffee1.gif

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It is a fact that Yingluck is an attractive and probably very personable and like able woman and she is very popular among certain segments of Thai society.

It is a pity so much acrimony is aimed at her, but she is mostly responsible for her situation.

But the fact remains she is Thaksin's sister and carries his burden as well as her own.

At least she has stayed among her people unlike her craven brother.

Can anyone confirm the man to her left is her 'husband' Anusorn Amornchat?

She is popular with "sufficient segments" of Thai society to ensure that not only is she the most admired politician but also the one that would win any fairly conducted general election.

That is why the Junta and its backers are determined to destroy her using whatever weapons are at hand including the court system.She terrifies them.

How do you know who she is popular with?

Most admired politician - please tell us what she actually has achieved to foster such admiration. Next, you'll be claiming that she really ran the PTP government, selected the cabinet, and made decisions.

I doubt she terrifies anyone, as anyone with an ounce of sense knows she is only the stooge for her brother. An actress, and on some occasions a talented one, but no more than that. Her brother, with his political and terrorist network, large wealth and fanatical ego does rightly worry people though. Because he's nutty enough to go for all or nothing.


If she is not the most popular politician in the country, who is?

I am not defending her record - simply stating the obvious fact is that more Thais have faith in her than any other leader.

If she is such an insignificant stooge, why is the Junta so nervous of her?

Obviously there is no "proof" of her current standing any more there is "proof" the Junta is not seen as a cosmic joke. But she won the last general election with ease.The Junta could easily demonstrate the Thai people had lost faith in her by calling a general election now.

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Being that an election would have any poor voters bought and paid for it would be pointless to have right now.

you know it's untrue so why say it? unless you believe that elections have been bought in the past? and that's a lie too. Maybe you think the yellows never used inducements? or maybe you really believe that someone was overlooking the people who voted? untrue so why say it?

Who is really in denial

From an impartial observer of 2011 election


In the days following the election, however, Thailand’s Election Commission has been deluged with over 1,920 complaints of vote buying and other electoral irregularities. Judging from the variety of vote-buying methods I came across in Chonburi, the large number of cases nationwide is not surprising.

In its most elemental form, vote buying taps into local lines of patronage. Kamnan Poh and his family have been prominent in the province for over three decades and many people are loyal to them. “If they win, it will mean having people from our home in parliament and we know they won’t forget to look after us,” one local told me. He also expected his voter loyalty to be repaid in kind: “If they win big in our area, I’m sure there will be a big party to celebrate and definitely some cash handed out, too. …”

Votes can also be bought with hard cash, paid in advance. The current rate in Chonburi starts at 300 baht (around $10) and goes up to as much as 3,000 baht ($100). In Thailand, this practice is as old as the electoral process itself and reaches a crescendo the night before an election or, as Thais call it, kheun maa hawn (the night of the howling dogs).

If vote buying decided elections here then why do the democrats always lose? They have shed loads more money than Taksin and co.

The reason is that where it goes on the voters take whatever money is on offer from either or both sides then go and vote for whoever they want to win. Why would they do otherwise? Best of both worlds I'd say. The poor get a handout for voting and a fair election to boot.

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Yes, she is so hated that the opposition had to blockade the voting entrances during the last election. Even they knew she was going to be overwhelmingly re-elected.

I think that is what is known as "an inconvenient truth" and is therefore ignored by many on this forum!

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Yes, she is so hated that the opposition had to blockade the voting entrances during the last election. Even they knew she was going to be overwhelmingly re-elected.

I think that is what is known as "an inconvenient truth" and is therefore ignored by many on this forum!

Ignoring the results from the electorates where voting wasn't impeded? I seem to recall the PTP vote what was rather less than expected - by PTP that is.

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Yes, she is so hated that the opposition had to blockade the voting entrances during the last election. Even they knew she was going to be overwhelmingly re-elected.

I think that is what is known as "an inconvenient truth" and is therefore ignored by many on this forum!

Ignoring the results from the electorates where voting wasn't impeded? I seem to recall the PTP vote what was rather less than expected - by PTP that is.

You can twist and spin as much as you like but the fact remains the PTP was by a considerable degree the dominant electoral force in elections deemed fair and democratic.

There are always imperfections in elections and it's necessary to adopt a balanced view.

People like you in denial never seem to understand the way to contest the PTP is for the Democrats to reform and abandon their incompetent and tainted leadership That's what I would like to see since one party democracies are unhealthy.

This would mean the Democrats must appeal to the Thai people as a whole not just the old elites and the urban middle class.

But that's too difficult for some to grasp.Easier to repeat the same mind numbing banalities.

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