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Denmark restores passport checks on German border


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Denmark restores passport checks on German border
By Robert Hackwill


LONDON: -- 2016 is getting off to a rough start for the EU with a domino effect of border controls being re-introduced between Scandanavia and northern Europe.

Sweden has already resumed border controls with Denmark abandoned in the 1950s. On Monday Denmark said it would do the same with Germany as it struggles to control the flood of asylum seekers heading north.

“If the European Union can’t protect the external borders, you will see more and more countries which will be forced into introducing temporary internal border control. This is something we need to take very seriously, because it will have a negative impact on prosperity. I’m a true believer of the freedom of movement. This is not a happy moment at all,” said Denmark’s Prime Minister Lars Loekke Rasmussen.

Sweden has already expressed regret at its decision and noted it was certainly “bad for Europe”, but said it had no other choice. Some 190,000 refugees are believed to have
made it to Sweden in 2015.

The German foreign ministry was quick to respond to Copenhagen’s move, saying Denmark’s re-imposition of controls was against the spirit of free circulation and put the Schengen open borders agreement in danger.

However both Sweden and Denmark are acting within Schengen’s provisions, which allow for the re-introduction of border controls in “exceptional” circumstances.

In September Germany did just that on its Austrian border.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-01-05

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totally agree with this, unbelievable the amount of scumbags and criminals in Denmark now from foreign lands, you just have to look at the court sites to see the names of people up for robbery, dealing drugs, muggings, gang wars, etc etc... used to be Lars, Jørgen etc etc , now its all mohammed, ahmed or vladimir facepalm.gif

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Migration was fueled as much by Angela Merkel's open arms announcement as the wars in Afghanistan, Syria, and Iraq. Europe can expect 3 million next year. Well done Angela. Bus them directly there from Greece. Migrants should have the right to go and settle where they want in the Euro zone. tongue.png

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In the photo it's good to see border guards controlling the cute blonde chicks and not just the real reason for restarting passport checks in the first place. I certainly hope they are just flirting and not seriously checking to see if she is a refugee/migrant or not. Yeah, I guess she could be some sort of illegal sex worker from Eastern Europe. In which case they are probably just getting contact info.

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In the photo it's good to see border guards controlling the cute blonde chicks and not just the real reason for restarting passport checks in the first place. I certainly hope they are just flirting and not seriously checking to see if she is a refugee/migrant or not. Yeah, I guess she could be some sort of illegal sex worker from Eastern Europe. In which case they are probably just getting contact info.

Yes, you can see plainly that he's taking a picture of her ID with his phone and the goof-ball next to him is grinning and saying "don't forget to send me a copy."

And typical European self-loathing of their own superior cultures...why should any countries "regret" taking actions in the best interests of their citizens! Muslims don't belong in post-religious secular democratic societies...they're just not ready for it.

Edited by OMGImInPattaya
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Gotta love the Merkel government. Last September they closed the German border with Austria and re-instated passport checks.

Denmark do the same with its border with Germany and the German government criticize them!

"Do as we say not as we do"?

Remember the German senior government minister who says "elections must not be allowed to change things".

Stuff the people, the Federal States of Europe, multicultural and pro Sharia, under their German "management" is the way they want to go.

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In September Germany did just that on its Austrian border.

My mind is completely boggled crazy.gif .

This is all good news. Eventually the borders will be closed all the way down to Greece and Italy. Then they might start doing whet they should have been doing from the start- taking them back to whatever shores they left from and telling them to apply for asylum through the proper channels. No doubt the illegal economic migrants would then go back home as they wouldn't be accepted anyway.

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