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PM brushes aside planned protest by ex- Pheu Thai MPs over Shinawatra calendar seizure


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On the other side of the political balance scales is Chitpas Kridakorn, up on sedition charges for her role in the PRDC protests, who is allowed to openly distribute her calendars with no comment from the NCPO.


Has she been found guilty of anything yet?

As opposed to a criminal fugitive and his disgraced sister.

Not much chance of her being found guilty is there, considering that her criminal organisation was established & supported by the guys in power now?

Not much chance of her being found guilty of 'sedition' when the then government had MPs and minsters talking about sedition very explicitly before a red-shirt public and while all was recorded for red-shirt history.

Anyway, no propaganda from fugitive criminals allowed, only from foreign supporters who post here.

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On the other side of the political balance scales is Chitpas Kridakorn, up on sedition charges for her role in the PRDC protests, who is allowed to openly distribute her calendars with no comment from the NCPO.


Has she been found guilty of anything yet?

As opposed to a criminal fugitive and his disgraced sister.

Not much chance of her being found guilty is there, considering that her criminal organisation was established & supported by the guys in power now?

Not much chance of her being found guilty of 'sedition' when the then government had MPs and minsters talking about sedition very explicitly before a red-shirt public and while all was recorded for red-shirt history.

Anyway, no propaganda from fugitive criminals allowed, only from foreign supporters who post here.

But propaganda from protected, privileged, connected criminals allowed; along with their foreign supporters who post here.

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I'm sure that between the PTP and the red shirts they could scrape up 12 criminals and make a lovely 12 month calendar. Just like public holidays being highlighted on calanders they could also add the criminals court dates.

My goodness, he's woken up. "Hey EJ, your mate's back"!

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Return home to article 44 where a Facebook like or mocking a dog gets you jailed?

Thaksin will outlive this thug.

See you in The Hague sunshine your days are numbered

Pray tell, you have an appointment with PM Prayut in The Hague?

As for the rest, well Thaksin seems to like propaganda, even more so than the current government.

"Pray tell, you have an appointment with PM Prayut in The Hague?"

If he did, I'd take a bet on you saying that it wasn't an official invite, it was on the wrong type paper, didn't have a letterhead and was just from a private individual, all the while taking up pages of posts to do so.................

If Plutojames88 said he had an appointment with PM Prayut in the Hague I would be tempted to call him a liar.

Of course, most will understand that PJ88 was trying to insinuate that maybe someone should ask the ICC in the Hague to put PM Prayut on trial.

BTW awfully quiet about the request from the UDD filed by Amsterdam c.s. I know it was hardly five years ago on the 31st of January 2011 and the ICC is really busy with real cases. Do you think they lost the dossier?

The judiciary in the Hague most likely work to a similar timescale to those in Thailand, so I wouldn't celebrate just yet - another couple of decades and we might even see some prosecutions on the military side for their culpability in 2010.....................but who am I kidding?

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Has she been found guilty of anything yet?

As opposed to a criminal fugitive and his disgraced sister.

Not much chance of her being found guilty is there, considering that her criminal organisation was established & supported by the guys in power now?

Not much chance of her being found guilty of 'sedition' when the then government had MPs and minsters talking about sedition very explicitly before a red-shirt public and while all was recorded for red-shirt history.

Anyway, no propaganda from fugitive criminals allowed, only from foreign supporters who post here.

But propaganda from protected, privileged, connected criminals allowed; along with their foreign supporters who post here.

Well, the man in the calendar is indeed a protected, privileged connected criminal as you seem to try to prove.

Interesting that whenever Ms. Yingluck has problems with her case at the Supreme Court there seems to be a coordinated attack to distract from the problems.

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Pray tell, you have an appointment with PM Prayut in The Hague?

As for the rest, well Thaksin seems to like propaganda, even more so than the current government.

"Pray tell, you have an appointment with PM Prayut in The Hague?"

If he did, I'd take a bet on you saying that it wasn't an official invite, it was on the wrong type paper, didn't have a letterhead and was just from a private individual, all the while taking up pages of posts to do so.................

If Plutojames88 said he had an appointment with PM Prayut in the Hague I would be tempted to call him a liar.

Of course, most will understand that PJ88 was trying to insinuate that maybe someone should ask the ICC in the Hague to put PM Prayut on trial.

BTW awfully quiet about the request from the UDD filed by Amsterdam c.s. I know it was hardly five years ago on the 31st of January 2011 and the ICC is really busy with real cases. Do you think they lost the dossier?

The judiciary in the Hague most likely work to a similar timescale to those in Thailand, so I wouldn't celebrate just yet - another couple of decades and we might even see some prosecutions on the military side for their culpability in 2010.....................but who am I kidding?

Yourself maybe?

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On the other side of the political balance scales is Chitpas Kridakorn, up on sedition charges for her role in the PRDC protests, who is allowed to openly distribute her calendars with no comment from the NCPO.


Has she been found guilty of anything yet?

As opposed to a criminal fugitive and his disgraced sister.

Not much chance of her being found guilty is there, considering that her criminal organisation was established & supported by the guys in power now?

You mean as opposed to the organization headed by a convicted criminal fugitive, who was a de facto dictator to the elected government supposedly headed by his sister?

A criminal fugitive who has some 15+ other serious charges waiting in the courts for his return? Including the Krungthai Bank scandal in which co-defendants were recently convicted and sentenced to long prison terms.

He can't return without an amnesty. He knows the seriousness and evidence in those other cases; and knows that lying, bribery and intimidation aren't working like they used to. Why else do you think he was so shit scared to return even when PTP were in power?

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I'm sure that between the PTP and the red shirts they could scrape up 12 criminals and make a lovely 12 month calendar. Just like public holidays being highlighted on calanders they could also add the criminals court dates.

My goodness, he's woken up. "Hey EJ, your mate's back"!

As indeed as yourself, whereas some others are noticeably absent. Shift change?

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Thaksin is a polarizing figure for sure. But love him or hate him, and whether you think he is innocent, or guilty; would you be confident that anybody, accused of any crime in Thailand, could actually return to this country and receive a 'fair' trial under the Thai justice system? The entire society is so riddled with cronyism, nepotism, corruption, acts of revenge, etc., only the most naive would place any trust in it.

Point taken but don't forget he did get a fair trial in regard to his conviction and 2 year jail sentence for serious abuse of authority. The evidence was well displayed that he had broken the law, and the case heard and his conviction happened when he was in the PM seat.

Plus there has been plenty of details floating around which seem to be pretty solid in regard to many of the charges for corruption / massive corruption. But of course innocent until proved guilty.

And don't forget the 18 year jail terms handed down recently to the KT bank seniors for corruption, the paymaster was clearly the mastermind of this 'event'.

It's amusing to hear your score card on the long gone TS.

How about the juntas?

Is their armed seizing and overthrow of an elected democracy a crime ?

What of the arrests of people on Facebook ?

Some for simply ""liking a post"

The attitude adjustment camps

Jail sentences

Fear & and oppression.

Where's your"little scorecard "" on those eh?

You know cowards exist in all sections of society but the public front of some here are hard to watch.

Gutless people propping up a force that allows elite companies to bully children .

Rob freedoms .

Make people subjected to fear and demand servitude .

Shallow little men .

Some with avatars of boys .

Haunt sites promoting human rights abusers.


I was replying to a specific point.

I have said many times before that the law should be applied equally to all, regardless of affiliation, color or whatever.

I have also commented many times before in very negative terms about Thai companies getting away with serious crimes against the best interests of all Thais. Same in regard to human rights abusers.


Don't waste your time on him. He's a Shin poster boy. He will never ever answer a question about the Shin. He will simply come back with "but, but, but the Junta, the coup etc

Come on Plutojames88 show me wrong. Answer these questions:

Is Thaksin's conviction correct, in accordance with the law?

Did he appeal the verdict?

Did he try to bribe the judges?

Did he abscond whilst on bail and break his promise to return?

Is Thaksin afraid of the other outstanding criminal cases despite his claim to be totally innocent of anything ever?

Should he stand trial In Absentia for the charges in the Krungthai Bank case in which other defendants have been convicted and sentenced? (He brings legal charges in absentia when it suits).

Should he stand trial in all the other outstanding charges and clear his name, if he can, once and for all?

Of course, if he returns he will have to face the prison sentence he never appealed, and charges relating to jumping bail too.

One question could be added.

Did Thaksin in his first declaration as PM say democracy is not my goal?


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Return home to article 44 where a Facebook like or mocking a dog gets you jailed?

Thaksin will outlive this thug.

See you in The Hague sunshine your days are numbered

Pray tell, you have an appointment with PM Prayut in The Hague?

As for the rest, well Thaksin seems to like propaganda, even more so than the current government.

"Pray tell, you have an appointment with PM Prayut in The Hague?"

If he did, I'd take a bet on you saying that it wasn't an official invite, it was on the wrong type paper, didn't have a letterhead and was just from a private individual, all the while taking up pages of posts to do so.................

If Plutojames88 said he had an appointment with PM Prayut in the Hague I would be tempted to call him a liar.

Of course, most will understand that PJ88 was trying to insinuate that maybe someone should ask the ICC in the Hague to put PM Prayut on trial.

BTW awfully quiet about the request from the UDD filed by Amsterdam c.s. I know it was hardly five years ago on the 31st of January 2011 and the ICC is really busy with real cases. Do you think they lost the dossier?

The judiciary in the Hague most likely work to a similar timescale to those in Thailand, so I wouldn't celebrate just yet - another couple of decades and we might even see some prosecutions on the military side for their culpability in 2010.....................but who am I kidding?

Before that there is the killing of 2718 people in Thaksin's WOD. (War On Drugs)
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Corrupt ?

Thaksin ?


But who isn't?

The proposal that if your not approving of this Junta you are therefore a Shin fan ...is so worn out.

As you month by month beat this drum increasingly others see the junta in a bad light.

Rather than waste my time on Thaksin .

I will say this.

He managed to maintain high economic growth.

Sometimes 7%

Now it's low.

Neighbours are beating Thailand in the region.

What I will say if you opened a door and handed me a base ball bat and inside were both Thaksin and the general tied and gagged.

And you said either kill both or free both.

What do you think I would do?

That's something you can consider when you read my level of disdain for this parasites holding Thailand hostage.

And its about time you grew up and accepted corruption in Thailand isn't confined to TS.

Daily this general commits crimes on the populace.

I am an advocate for sanctions .

And long for the day these hijackers are brought to justice.

Meanwhile get over TS and open your eyes to the human rights abuses at hand.

At least Thaksin did some good with the poor unlike this A hole

"Meanwhile get over TS ..."

No, for a simple and good reason, he proves again and again that he is still a serious danger to Thailand.

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Love your answers as always good friend. At least you're straight to the point without deviating unlike some on this site. Maybe you can teach the likes of EJ and DJJ to stick to the subject at hand and not go off at a tangent

In the case of those guys and one or two notable others, that would be rather like asking a bear to cack in a toilet..
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Seize the trouble makers, e.g Yingy and co, put them in jail and feed them a bowl of rice and water once every two days.

The supporters of the proxy Thaksin Governments, will do what ever they can to disrupt Thailand and the Thai people, they have no problem killing in the streets and burning down shopping centers.

They are more subversive and violent than the junta will ever be!!!!!

"They are more subversive and violent than the junta will ever be!!!!!"

Ah, a blind fortune teller. Blind to what's going on today and a fortune teller because you know what the junta, with their increasingly paranoid mindset, will do in the future.

Bad combination....coffee1.gif

Sounds like you have a nasty case of the north eastern hairy lasso, of the red strain. You Should get that checked out.

Also Red movement represents Communism, and that is exactly what TS was running, whats mine is mine and whats yours is mine too, I will keep members of my family and frends in government just like all the other communist governments e.g. N Korea and you are either with me or against me and you don't want to be against me!!!

Edited by FourAces
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Seize the trouble makers, e.g Yingy and co, put them in jail and feed them a bowl of rice and water once every two days.

The supporters of the proxy Thaksin Governments, will do what ever they can to disrupt Thailand and the Thai people, they have no problem killing in the streets and burning down shopping centers.

They are more subversive and violent than the junta will ever be!!!!!

Are you sure?

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Seize the trouble makers, e.g Yingy and co, put them in jail and feed them a bowl of rice and water once every two days.

The supporters of the proxy Thaksin Governments, will do what ever they can to disrupt Thailand and the Thai people, they have no problem killing in the streets and burning down shopping centers.

They are more subversive and violent than the junta will ever be!!!!!

"They are more subversive and violent than the junta will ever be!!!!!"

Ah, a blind fortune teller. Blind to what's going on today and a fortune teller because you know what the junta, with their increasingly paranoid mindset, will do in the future.

Bad combination....coffee1.gif

Sounds like you have a nasty case of the north eastern hairy lasso, of the red strain. You Should get that checked out.

Also Red movement represents Communism, and that is exactly what TS was running, whats mine is mine and whats yours is mine too, I will keep members of my family and frends in government just like all the other communist governments e.g. N Korea and you are either with me or against me and you don't want to be against me!!!

Nice troll postthumbsup.gif

BTW, you should get your keyboard checked as the exclamation mark button seems to be stuck.

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Thaksin is a polarizing figure for sure. But love him or hate him, and whether you think he is innocent, or guilty; would you be confident that anybody, accused of any crime in Thailand, could actually return to this country and receive a 'fair' trial under the Thai justice system? The entire society is so riddled with cronyism, nepotism, corruption, acts of revenge, etc., only the most naive would place any trust in it.

Point taken but don't forget he did get a fair trial in regard to his conviction and 2 year jail sentence for serious abuse of authority. The evidence was well displayed that he had broken the law, and the case heard and his conviction happened when he was in the PM seat.

Plus there has been plenty of details floating around which seem to be pretty solid in regard to many of the charges for corruption / massive corruption. But of course innocent until proved guilty.

And don't forget the 18 year jail terms handed down recently to the KT bank seniors for corruption, the paymaster was clearly the mastermind of this 'event'.

It's amusing to hear your score card on the long gone TS.

How about the juntas?

Is their armed seizing and overthrow of an elected democracy a crime ?

What of the arrests of people on Facebook ?

Some for simply ""liking a post"

The attitude adjustment camps

Jail sentences

Fear & and oppression.

Where's your"little scorecard "" on those eh?

You know cowards exist in all sections of society but the public front of some here are hard to watch.

Gutless people propping up a force that allows elite companies to bully children .

Rob freedoms .

Make people subjected to fear and demand servitude .

Shallow little men .

Some with avatars of boys .

Haunt sites promoting human rights abusers.


I keep reading this 'elected democracy'. The only thing they had going for them was being able to be voted out. Other than that, a less moral self interested bunch of crooks I've yet to see, supported by those who benefited from their populist policies, not for any shining example of 'democracy' I've ever witnessed.

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Thaksin is a polarizing figure for sure. But love him or hate him, and whether you think he is innocent, or guilty; would you be confident that anybody, accused of any crime in Thailand, could actually return to this country and receive a 'fair' trial under the Thai justice system? The entire society is so riddled with cronyism, nepotism, corruption, acts of revenge, etc., only the most naive would place any trust in it.

Point taken but don't forget he did get a fair trial in regard to his conviction and 2 year jail sentence for serious abuse of authority. The evidence was well displayed that he had broken the law, and the case heard and his conviction happened when he was in the PM seat.

Plus there has been plenty of details floating around which seem to be pretty solid in regard to many of the charges for corruption / massive corruption. But of course innocent until proved guilty.

And don't forget the 18 year jail terms handed down recently to the KT bank seniors for corruption, the paymaster was clearly the mastermind of this 'event'.

It's amusing to hear your score card on the long gone TS.

How about the juntas?

Is their armed seizing and overthrow of an elected democracy a crime ?

What of the arrests of people on Facebook ?

Some for simply ""liking a post"

The attitude adjustment camps

Jail sentences

Fear & and oppression.

Where's your"little scorecard "" on those eh?

You know cowards exist in all sections of society but the public front of some here are hard to watch.

Gutless people propping up a force that allows elite companies to bully children .

Rob freedoms .

Make people subjected to fear and demand servitude .

Shallow little men .

Some with avatars of boys .

Haunt sites promoting human rights abusers.


Another pathetic and misinformed/twisted view..

You seem to have forgotten that the last Government was running rampant with blatant corruption and shoddy management. You talk about gutless people propping up a force that allows elite companies to bully Children.....who were the gutless people who lobbed grenades into a crowd that Killed children.

If there was a list of people who should attend attitude adjustment camps, you would be on top of that list

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Thaksin is a polarizing figure for sure. But love him or hate him, and whether you think he is innocent, or guilty; would you be confident that anybody, accused of any crime in Thailand, could actually return to this country and receive a 'fair' trial under the Thai justice system? The entire society is so riddled with cronyism, nepotism, corruption, acts of revenge, etc., only the most naive would place any trust in it.

Point taken but don't forget he did get a fair trial in regard to his conviction and 2 year jail sentence for serious abuse of authority. The evidence was well displayed that he had broken the law, and the case heard and his conviction happened when he was in the PM seat.

Plus there has been plenty of details floating around which seem to be pretty solid in regard to many of the charges for corruption / massive corruption. But of course innocent until proved guilty.

And don't forget the 18 year jail terms handed down recently to the KT bank seniors for corruption, the paymaster was clearly the mastermind of this 'event'.

It's amusing to hear your score card on the long gone TS.

How about the juntas?

Is their armed seizing and overthrow of an elected democracy a crime ?

What of the arrests of people on Facebook ?

Some for simply ""liking a post"

The attitude adjustment camps

Jail sentences

Fear & and oppression.

Where's your"little scorecard "" on those eh?

You know cowards exist in all sections of society but the public front of some here are hard to watch.

Gutless people propping up a force that allows elite companies to bully children .

Rob freedoms .

Make people subjected to fear and demand servitude .

Shallow little men .

Some with avatars of boys .

Haunt sites promoting human rights abusers.


Another pathetic and misinformed/twisted view..

You seem to have forgotten that the last Government was running rampant with blatant corruption and shoddy management. You talk about gutless people propping up a force that allows elite companies to bully Children.....who were the gutless people who lobbed grenades into a crowd that Killed children.

If there was a list of people who should attend attitude adjustment camps, you would be on top of that list

Seems some reconcilliation is in order to bring all of us together to work things out in peace and harmony. Yes, mistakes were made by past governments and by present ones, but let us not forget that the one common factor is their love of their country. Old ideas and new, previous groups and political parties and new must try to work together for the greater good, Thailand, the jewel of South East Asia.

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Point taken but don't forget he did get a fair trial in regard to his conviction and 2 year jail sentence for serious abuse of authority. The evidence was well displayed that he had broken the law, and the case heard and his conviction happened when he was in the PM seat.

Plus there has been plenty of details floating around which seem to be pretty solid in regard to many of the charges for corruption / massive corruption. But of course innocent until proved guilty.

And don't forget the 18 year jail terms handed down recently to the KT bank seniors for corruption, the paymaster was clearly the mastermind of this 'event'.

It's amusing to hear your score card on the long gone TS.

How about the juntas?

Is their armed seizing and overthrow of an elected democracy a crime ?

What of the arrests of people on Facebook ?

Some for simply ""liking a post"

The attitude adjustment camps

Jail sentences

Fear & and oppression.

Where's your"little scorecard "" on those eh?

You know cowards exist in all sections of society but the public front of some here are hard to watch.

Gutless people propping up a force that allows elite companies to bully children .

Rob freedoms .

Make people subjected to fear and demand servitude .

Shallow little men .

Some with avatars of boys .

Haunt sites promoting human rights abusers.


Another pathetic and misinformed/twisted view..

You seem to have forgotten that the last Government was running rampant with blatant corruption and shoddy management. You talk about gutless people propping up a force that allows elite companies to bully Children.....who were the gutless people who lobbed grenades into a crowd that Killed children.

If there was a list of people who should attend attitude adjustment camps, you would be on top of that list

Seems some reconcilliation is in order to bring all of us together to work things out in peace and harmony. Yes, mistakes were made by past governments and by present ones, but let us not forget that the one common factor is their love of their country. Old ideas and new, previous groups and political parties and new must try to work together for the greater good, Thailand, the jewel of South East Asia.

Ah, the old tactic being used again. Reconciliation, 'work together', 'forgive and forget', 'all made mistakes', 'common factor'.

The common factor of the Thaksin picture being 'love of self', the 'mistakes' the tearful ones like in 2001, "forgive and forget' the blanket amnesty bill, etc., etc.

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Point taken but don't forget he did get a fair trial in regard to his conviction and 2 year jail sentence for serious abuse of authority. The evidence was well displayed that he had broken the law, and the case heard and his conviction happened when he was in the PM seat.

Plus there has been plenty of details floating around which seem to be pretty solid in regard to many of the charges for corruption / massive corruption. But of course innocent until proved guilty.

And don't forget the 18 year jail terms handed down recently to the KT bank seniors for corruption, the paymaster was clearly the mastermind of this 'event'.

It's amusing to hear your score card on the long gone TS.

How about the juntas?

Is their armed seizing and overthrow of an elected democracy a crime ?

What of the arrests of people on Facebook ?

Some for simply ""liking a post"

The attitude adjustment camps

Jail sentences

Fear & and oppression.

Where's your"little scorecard "" on those eh?

You know cowards exist in all sections of society but the public front of some here are hard to watch.

Gutless people propping up a force that allows elite companies to bully children .

Rob freedoms .

Make people subjected to fear and demand servitude .

Shallow little men .

Some with avatars of boys .

Haunt sites promoting human rights abusers.


Another pathetic and misinformed/twisted view..

You seem to have forgotten that the last Government was running rampant with blatant corruption and shoddy management. You talk about gutless people propping up a force that allows elite companies to bully Children.....who were the gutless people who lobbed grenades into a crowd that Killed children.

If there was a list of people who should attend attitude adjustment camps, you would be on top of that list

Seems some reconcilliation is in order to bring all of us together to work things out in peace and harmony. Yes, mistakes were made by past governments and by present ones, but let us not forget that the one common factor is their love of their country. Old ideas and new, previous groups and political parties and new must try to work together for the greater good, Thailand, the jewel of South East Asia.

Ah, the old tactic being used again. Reconciliation, 'work together', 'forgive and forget', 'all made mistakes', 'common factor'.

The common factor of the Thaksine picture being 'love of self', the 'mistakes' the tearful ones like in 2001, "forgive and forget' the blanket amnesty bill, etc., etc.

Okay, you're right, but there is another route to reconciliation. Remember the recent civil war in Sri Lanka? Lets hope it doesn't get like that over here.

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Seems some reconcilliation is in order to bring all of us together to work things out in peace and harmony. Yes, mistakes were made by past governments and by present ones, but let us not forget that the one common factor is their love of their country. Old ideas and new, previous groups and political parties and new must try to work together for the greater good, Thailand, the jewel of South East Asia.

Ah, the old tactic being used again. Reconciliation, 'work together', 'forgive and forget', 'all made mistakes', 'common factor'.

The common factor of the Thaksine picture being 'love of self', the 'mistakes' the tearful ones like in 2001, "forgive and forget' the blanket amnesty bill, etc., etc.

Okay, you're right, but there is another route to reconciliation. Remember the recent civil war in Sri Lanka? Lets hope it doesn't get like that over here.

And of course you're not threatening here. you're just distracting a bit more in order to make reconciliation Thaksin style more palatable.

PS may I suggest you read up on Sri Lanka and it's Tamil Tigers?

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Interesting this topic brought out a whole slew of junta flunkies, with barely a few hundred posts between them, even a rare appearance from our erstwhile resident celebrity djjamie!

Is it because Pheu Thai in the title is like a red rag to a bull?

Is it that they feel they can get away with their 'But Thaksin' mantra here, a rare chance these days?

Or maybe it's because this is an uncommon example of a thread that doesn't automatically silence them before they begin because of the words and actions of their own junta heroes.

Where are you people in all the other threads, like when the juntasites removed a carriage from a train or a Thai person was sent to jail for hitting 'Like' on Facebook?

Ad infinitum, ad nauseam.

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Seems some reconcilliation is in order to bring all of us together to work things out in peace and harmony. Yes, mistakes were made by past governments and by present ones, but let us not forget that the one common factor is their love of their country. Old ideas and new, previous groups and political parties and new must try to work together for the greater good, Thailand, the jewel of South East Asia.

Ah, the old tactic being used again. Reconciliation, 'work together', 'forgive and forget', 'all made mistakes', 'common factor'.

The common factor of the Thaksine picture being 'love of self', the 'mistakes' the tearful ones like in 2001, "forgive and forget' the blanket amnesty bill, etc., etc.

Okay, you're right, but there is another route to reconciliation. Remember the recent civil war in Sri Lanka? Lets hope it doesn't get like that over here.

And of course you're not threatening here. you're just distracting a bit more in order to make reconciliation Thaksin style more palatable.

PS may I suggest you read up on Sri Lanka and it's Tamil Tigers?

Distractions - how appalling! Who would have thought that anyone would stoop so low as to try and cause a distraction on a thread discussing the pettiness of the Juntas reaction to a calender "Rubl"?

Edited by JAG
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Thaksin is a polarizing figure for sure. But love him or hate him, and whether you think he is innocent, or guilty; would you be confident that anybody, accused of any crime in Thailand, could actually return to this country and receive a 'fair' trial under the Thai justice system? The entire society is so riddled with cronyism, nepotism, corruption, acts of revenge, etc., only the most naive would place any trust in it.

Point taken but don't forget he did get a fair trial in regard to his conviction and 2 year jail sentence for serious abuse of authority. The evidence was well displayed that he had broken the law, and the case heard and his conviction happened when he was in the PM seat.

Plus there has been plenty of details floating around which seem to be pretty solid in regard to many of the charges for corruption / massive corruption. But of course innocent until proved guilty.

And don't forget the 18 year jail terms handed down recently to the KT bank seniors for corruption, the paymaster was clearly the mastermind of this 'event'.

Thaksin got a fair trial? Really? Read this: 'A letter from Chan Nilgianskul, Citizen of the Kingdom of Thailand'.

“Thaksin aided his wife to purchase government land at a reduced rate of 1/3 in violation of the law prohibiting political leaders from engaging in business dealings with the government. Thaksin was consequently sentenced to two years in prison but fled the country and never served his sentence.”

For lack of a better word, what you are talking about is nothing short of a complete joke. The so-called Ratchadaphisek Land “controversy” is not so much a controversy as it is a result of a disgusting witch-hunt after the 2006 coup. The case was pushed forward by the military-appointed Assets Examination Committee (Read: Anti-Thaksin Committee). This was despite prior confirmation from the central Bank of Thailand, which supervised the land sale, that the deal was conducted properly. Thaksin’s wife Potjaman Shinawatra purchased the land in question from the Financial Institutions Development Fund (FIDF) via a public auction, as allowed under the law. The purchase price was 772 million baht, which was actually higher than the Land Department’s appraisal price at the time of approximately 700 million baht.

The “reduced rate” you are suggesting is with reference to the FIDF’s own purchase price for the land of 2 billion baht in 1995 from Erawan Trust Finance and Securities. The intentionally overpriced purchase occurred during a property market boom and went through as a mechanism to effectively bail out Erawan, which was facing liquidity issues. Perhaps someone should investigate the properness of that deal, rather than trying to put the blame on Thaksin?

Again, the purchase was legal. How idiotic would Potjaman have to be to make those bids if the law prohibited spouses of political leaders from participating? To be specific, the charges against Thaksin were based on Section 100 of the National Counter Corruption Act (NCCA), which specifies that “government officials and their spouses are prohibited from entering into or having interests in contracts made with state agencies under their authorization.” However, Section 4 of the Act indicates that “persons committing malfeasance must be direct supervisors of the damaged party”, in this case, the FIDF. At the time, Bank of Thailand Governor Pridiyathorn Devakula was the direct supervisor of the FIDF, not Thaksin. Furthermore, Section 29 of the Bank of Thailand Act of 1942 specifically stated that the Prime Minister “did not have jurisdiction to oversee the FIDF” and that “those managing the fund had sole authority for policies, control, oversight, and regulations governing the agency.”

Even with such clear logical facts in their faces, the Supreme Court (which, by the way, lacks any democratic legitimacy) still had the nerve to claim that Thaksin was a “de facto” supervisor of the fund and sentence him to two years of imprisonment. One has to wonder what the point of having Section 4 of the NCCA is, if the court is to look at “de facto” supervision. Of course, this allegation of “de facto” supervision does not even hold water in this case, precisely due to Section 29 of the Bank of Thailand Act of 1942, as explained in the previous paragraph.

Following this conviction and his subsequent self-exile, Thaksin has claimed that this case was politically motivated. Given the information above, wouldn’t you agree?

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On the other side of the political balance scales is Chitpas Kridakorn, up on sedition charges for her role in the PRDC protests, who is allowed to openly distribute her calendars with no comment from the NCPO.


nothing new when it comes to the junta... they wrote the book on double-standards, ... ask the ThaiHealth board... whistling.gif

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seizing calendars is far from the worse human rights violation of this junta, but they just can't help themselves. Nice of them to remind us all that no one has any freedoms in Thailand.

As for PTP, maybe they should have been protesting on May 23rd, 2014.

Since the leadership of the PTP can't stand up for democracy all the time, they ought to just stick a sock in it and let real democrats fight with the junta. Resistant Citizen and Dao Din are 100 times more dangerous to this junta than the PTP and stupid calendar.

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Thaksin is a polarizing figure for sure. But love him or hate him, and whether you think he is innocent, or guilty; would you be confident that anybody, accused of any crime in Thailand, could actually return to this country and receive a 'fair' trial under the Thai justice system? The entire society is so riddled with cronyism, nepotism, corruption, acts of revenge, etc., only the most naive would place any trust in it.

Point taken but don't forget he did get a fair trial in regard to his conviction and 2 year jail sentence for serious abuse of authority. The evidence was well displayed that he had broken the law, and the case heard and his conviction happened when he was in the PM seat.

Plus there has been plenty of details floating around which seem to be pretty solid in regard to many of the charges for corruption / massive corruption. But of course innocent until proved guilty.

And don't forget the 18 year jail terms handed down recently to the KT bank seniors for corruption, the paymaster was clearly the mastermind of this 'event'.

Thaksin got a fair trial? Really? Read this: 'A letter from Chan Nilgianskul, Citizen of the Kingdom of Thailand'.

“Thaksin aided his wife to purchase government land at a reduced rate of 1/3 in violation of the law prohibiting political leaders from engaging in business dealings with the government. Thaksin was consequently sentenced to two years in prison but fled the country and never served his sentence.”

For lack of a better word, what you are talking about is nothing short of a complete joke. The so-called Ratchadaphisek Land “controversy” is not so much a controversy as it is a result of a disgusting witch-hunt after the 2006 coup. The case was pushed forward by the military-appointed Assets Examination Committee (Read: Anti-Thaksin Committee). This was despite prior confirmation from the central Bank of Thailand, which supervised the land sale, that the deal was conducted properly. Thaksin’s wife Potjaman Shinawatra purchased the land in question from the Financial Institutions Development Fund (FIDF) via a public auction, as allowed under the law. The purchase price was 772 million baht, which was actually higher than the Land Department’s appraisal price at the time of approximately 700 million baht.

The “reduced rate” you are suggesting is with reference to the FIDF’s own purchase price for the land of 2 billion baht in 1995 from Erawan Trust Finance and Securities. The intentionally overpriced purchase occurred during a property market boom and went through as a mechanism to effectively bail out Erawan, which was facing liquidity issues. Perhaps someone should investigate the properness of that deal, rather than trying to put the blame on Thaksin?

Again, the purchase was legal. How idiotic would Potjaman have to be to make those bids if the law prohibited spouses of political leaders from participating? To be specific, the charges against Thaksin were based on Section 100 of the National Counter Corruption Act (NCCA), which specifies that “government officials and their spouses are prohibited from entering into or having interests in contracts made with state agencies under their authorization.” However, Section 4 of the Act indicates that “persons committing malfeasance must be direct supervisors of the damaged party”, in this case, the FIDF. At the time, Bank of Thailand Governor Pridiyathorn Devakula was the direct supervisor of the FIDF, not Thaksin. Furthermore, Section 29 of the Bank of Thailand Act of 1942 specifically stated that the Prime Minister “did not have jurisdiction to oversee the FIDF” and that “those managing the fund had sole authority for policies, control, oversight, and regulations governing the agency.”

Even with such clear logical facts in their faces, the Supreme Court (which, by the way, lacks any democratic legitimacy) still had the nerve to claim that Thaksin was a “de facto” supervisor of the fund and sentence him to two years of imprisonment. One has to wonder what the point of having Section 4 of the NCCA is, if the court is to look at “de facto” supervision. Of course, this allegation of “de facto” supervision does not even hold water in this case, precisely due to Section 29 of the Bank of Thailand Act of 1942, as explained in the previous paragraph.

Following this conviction and his subsequent self-exile, Thaksin has claimed that this case was politically motivated. Given the information above, wouldn’t you agree?

yes, you are correct, and it is obvious that this particular conviction was political.

But if you hate the man, then it is so much easier to just call him a fugitive criminal and pretend that the court judgement was worth the paper it was written on...

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