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Lately I found myself having to read more and more lengthy documentation, from a couple of pages to a few hundreds. I get them in electronic format, most of the time pdf. I usually have a first look on my computer screen but for long document, more than a couple of pages, I always feel the need to print them out because I don't feel comfortable staring at my computer screen for a too long time. I know there are devices specialized for this task but never had the chance to try one. For people who use them on a regular basis, which one would you recommend ? Is there any incompatibility, proprietary format ? I get most documents in pdf format


Any tablet can read PDF's and may have the ability to handle other formats such as EPUB, AZW, ODF,or MOBI

You can spend money on a dedicated e-book reader such as those listed in the link below below; like anything you can spend as little or as much as you want


I am perfectly happy using my smart phone to read books I download for free from :


But I only read on my phone when I accompany my TG to the Wat on Uposatha Day so my experience may not suit you


Here i found a good article comparing tablets and readers that shows that a tablet may be more suitable for my needs except from one point : Eye strain

Eye strain is a serious problem. Many people’s job is about using computers. Staring for 8 hours a day at an LCD screen is not good for the eyes and may cause eye strain. It’s because LCD screens produce the image by using a light source placed behind. In other words, you are looking into the source of light.

If it doesn’t bother you to use the same kind of screen in a device that is mostly devoted to reading, you can choose a tablet.

But if you want to read for long hours, being not exposed to back light is a better idea. Choose an e-reader, instead.


We are back to square one sad.png


My son reads his books on a tablet using Moonreader +. The screen has a non glance protector and Moonreader can be set to a dark grey or black background, so that there is not much backlight that strains the eyes.

It supports almost every existing format and is also completely adjustable in font size and whatever, so very close to an e-reader.

Combine that with Svox and the text is read out for you loud and clear.


My son reads his books on a tablet using Moonreader +. The screen has a non glance protector and Moonreader can be set to a dark grey or black background, so that there is not much backlight that strains the eyes.

It supports almost every existing format and is also completely adjustable in font size and whatever, so very close to an e-reader.

Sounds good but it seems to be only for Android tablet.

Combine that with Svox and the text is read out for you loud and clear.

Could be good when you try to fix something while reading a manual


Many current E-Readers such as the Kindle Paperwhite have a backlit display but it is static and does not cycle 50/60 times a second as tablet/computer displays do.

Not sure if the smallish, 6" e-reader screen format which is designed for books would lend itself well to work documents. E-Readers allow the user to adjust the size of a pages typeface but I don't think it can do that to a PDF, nor do I think you could "zoom" in & out like when trying to see the details of a drawing.

There are E-Readers with large displays available, you might find this list helpful:



Most e-reader gadgets that aren't Apple are running Android or some specialized form of it, even Lenovo.

I have a 7" tablet and of all the document formats I've tried PDF files are the most difficult to read continuously. I like Nook reader software because it was the only one that had a built-in dictionary (last I looked) and epub is the preferred format. If you going to be reading a lot of pdf's maybe one of those larger tablets would be the way to go. If it runs Android you'll have a bunch of reading apps to choose from.


Right. And if you're using Android, you can invert the colors so you'll have white text on a black background. Look under settings - accessibility.


With Android many ereader apps give you the option to invert the colours without having to change the system settings.

Also some like FBreader and Moin Readrr integrate with the Android TTS (Text To Speech) which is excellent for reading technical / Scientific papers.

TTS is also an excellently proof reader for your own work.

Due to eye problems i rely a lot on TTS however I find TTS to monotonous for novels

Try the free Ivona voices for an even better experience.

  • 2 months later...

Kindle e-readers become more and more popular. And this is not surprising! Available price and good quality make them so popular. As bestadvisor.com (they put 3 kindle e-readers in their review as the most popular) says, display glass in kindle e-readers have micro-engravings that diffuse light to eliminate flecks and to create a paper-like feeling and turns your reading into pleasure. In the review, they're also other models, but there's no doubt kindle is cheap and good. It worth it.
The E-Readers review is available here:


I read in bed every night until I am sleepy enough to fall asleep. My tablet was too heavy and the battery life was not good enough. The five inch Android phone screen was entirely too small. My original Kindle got broken when I fell asleep and rolled over on it. I now use a Paperwhite and love it. I am sold on it and had a friend bring me a new one for a spare. The battery life is not as good as the original Kindle because of the lit screen. I get about a week between charges. My old eyes need reading glasses but with the Kindle, I can make the text as large as I want. No reading glasses required. I love my Kindle.

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