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Deputy Thai PM: Reconciliation should be voluntary


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Deputy PM: Reconciliation should be voluntary

BANGKOK, 7 January 2016 (NNT) – Deputy Prime Minister Wissanu Krua-ngam suggests that national reconciliation be based on people’s willingness, rather than legal enforcement.

Mr. Wissanu commented that promoting national unity naturally took time. In his opinion, laws alone cannot influence all citizens to be united while forcing different groups of people to reconcile by laws would even lead to disunity.

In his view, passing general laws or issuing an order based on Article 44 to promote peace or prevent hostility should suffice. He explained it was impossible to make everybody comply with all reconciliation-promoting laws. Prosecuting law breakers would end in anger or hatred.

The Constitution Drafting Commission (CDC) earlier said there would be no clause in the draft charter to set up a reconciliation committee but it had put in place several frameworks to promote national unity in the future.

-- NNT 2016-01-07 footer_n.gif

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>>Prosecuting law breakers would end in anger or hatred.<< Quote

Words fail me!! Aren't that exactly what they are doing at the moment ? They are prosecuting people for "crimes" that wouldn't be a crime in any other country, or here under an elected government.

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Is this guy for real?

This junta is doing its upmost to further create divisions. Their reactions to 'that' park in hua hin, the yingluck calanders and a host lots of other things more than show that.

"Reconcile and agree with everything we say and do" doesn't work in 2016.

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Reconciliation and reform were the reasons stated for the coup. Now the coup leader is saying reconciliation is voluntary and we are no nearer to any meaningful reform. So what the hell was the coup staged for?

So what the hell was the coup staged for?

So the nationalistic Elite could keep their place at the trough.

Everything else (the generals playing politicians, the new constitution, love and unity) are only smoke and mirrors.................coffee1.gif

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Reconciliation and reform were the reasons stated for the coup. Now the coup leader is saying reconciliation is voluntary and we are no nearer to any meaningful reform. So what the hell was the coup staged for?

So what the hell was the coup staged for?

So the nationalistic Elite could keep their place at the trough.

Everything else (the generals playing politicians, the new constitution, love and unity) are only smoke and mirrors.................coffee1.gif

It had been planned since 2011. I wonder if they took into consideration how long they can get away with this before more massive political unrest. It seems they haven't learned from their own history (74. 76. 92, 2010 etc).

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Thailand is not an army training camp and the electorate must be getting fed up with being treated by the military leaders like a bunch of raw recruits in need of discipline.

Reconciliation, as a man of the world such as the Prime Minister must be aware, is only achievable when all parties come together freely and equally in a spirit of goodwill and compromise.

It is difficult to understand how invoking Article 44, which the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights contends “annihilates freedom of expression”, could possibly do other than hinder this highly-desirable process.

Hopefully, BCFR will relent and decide this weapon of mass destruction of human rights is one weapon better left in his holster.

Edited by Krataiboy
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Reconciliation and reform were the reasons stated for the coup. Now the coup leader is saying reconciliation is voluntary and we are no nearer to any meaningful reform. So what the hell was the coup staged for?

So what the hell was the coup staged for?

So the nationalistic Elite could keep their place at the trough.

Everything else (the generals playing politicians, the new constitution, love and unity) are only smoke and mirrors.................coffee1.gif

The coup happened for one reason. Pheu-Thai were murdering protesters and refused point blank to stop it. If you actually followed the news from day to day at the time, you would know this.

Or to phrase it as it really was (which NEVER happens in Thailand): Thaksin was trying to cling to power by paying others to murder those in his way (as usual) because losing it meant no chance for his own amnesty.

Which, by the way, was all set to be forced through with no senate approval required in 6 months. No explanation at all about why is was not just ditched. One of the reasons the protests did not stop.

No Amnesty Bill = No coup

No UDD terrorists and THIRTY murders in over NINETY GRENADE ATTACKS = No coup

Anyone who actually watched the news knows that any suggestion it was pre-planned are the words of an ill-informed idiot. Pheu-Thai finally got enough rope then proceeded to hang themselves - as everyone expected from the day they took power.

I sometimes wish the Army didn't step in : we could all have seen just how low and dirty they - and their supporters - were prepared to go. Though I think the cheering at the red-shirt meeting on hearing the news of the protesters murdered in Trat (including the small girl) showed me as much as I need to see.

We all saw Pheu-Thais version of reconciliation during Yinglucks farce. Immediately after all the speakers said the key was not forcing anything on the people they didn't want, they rammed the amnesty bill through and sparked mass protests.

But of course you will never accept any of this. You wouldn't be a red-shirt if you could. That's why reconciliation doesn't stand a chance at this time - so I don't know why they are even bothering to try.

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Reconciliation and reform were the reasons stated for the coup. Now the coup leader is saying reconciliation is voluntary and we are no nearer to any meaningful reform. So what the hell was the coup staged for?

So what the hell was the coup staged for?

So the nationalistic Elite could keep their place at the trough.

Everything else (the generals playing politicians, the new constitution, love and unity) are only smoke and mirrors.................coffee1.gif

The coup happened for one reason. Pheu-Thai were murdering protesters and refused point blank to stop it. If you actually followed the news from day to day at the time, you would know this.

Or to phrase it as it really was (which NEVER happens in Thailand): Thaksin was trying to cling to power by paying others to murder those in his way (as usual) because losing it meant no chance for his own amnesty.

Which, by the way, was all set to be forced through with no senate approval required in 6 months. No explanation at all about why is was not just ditched. One of the reasons the protests did not stop.

No Amnesty Bill = No coup

No UDD terrorists and THIRTY murders in over NINETY GRENADE ATTACKS = No coup

Anyone who actually watched the news knows that any suggestion it was pre-planned are the words of an ill-informed idiot. Pheu-Thai finally got enough rope then proceeded to hang themselves - as everyone expected from the day they took power.

I sometimes wish the Army didn't step in : we could all have seen just how low and dirty they - and their supporters - were prepared to go. Though I think the cheering at the red-shirt meeting on hearing the news of the protesters murdered in Trat (including the small girl) showed me as much as I need to see.

We all saw Pheu-Thais version of reconciliation during Yinglucks farce. Immediately after all the speakers said the key was not forcing anything on the people they didn't want, they rammed the amnesty bill through and sparked mass protests.

But of course you will never accept any of this. You wouldn't be a red-shirt if you could. That's why reconciliation doesn't stand a chance at this time - so I don't know why they are even bothering to try.

The coup happened for one reason. Pheu-Thai were murdering protesters and refused point blank to stop it.

and on a different note, was Santa good to you this year?

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We are treated EJ's typically myopic version of events yet again.

If you're a professional troll you really need to get some new material mate. If you are actually sincere then I want to tell you. No matter how hard you huff and puff you will never actually BE a snobbish, hypocritical, elitist Thai. No matter how hard you try or you wish you were.

Edited by mrrizzla
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EJ - I and many others agree with you - but you are wasting your time. There are too many expat whingers who always spout off pompous and sanctimonious khraapp everytime there is a post about the military govt. Check out their posts and you will seecit is the same bunch. That the takeover probably stopped a civil war is something they will never understand or accept. They truly only see things through their own miopicaly 'pro democracy' glasses - while failing to see that the horrendous death and destruction their home countries went through on their path to 'demcratic elightenment' is neither wanted or needed by the Thai people - nor is the nanny states they have become.

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Reconciliation and reform were the reasons stated for the coup. Now the coup leader is saying reconciliation is voluntary and we are no nearer to any meaningful reform. So what the hell was the coup staged for?

So what the hell was the coup staged for?

So the nationalistic Elite could keep their place at the trough.

Everything else (the generals playing politicians, the new constitution, love and unity) are only smoke and mirrors.................coffee1.gif

The coup happened for one reason. Pheu-Thai were murdering protesters and refused point blank to stop it. If you actually followed the news from day to day at the time, you would know this.

Or to phrase it as it really was (which NEVER happens in Thailand): Thaksin was trying to cling to power by paying others to murder those in his way (as usual) because losing it meant no chance for his own amnesty.

Which, by the way, was all set to be forced through with no senate approval required in 6 months. No explanation at all about why is was not just ditched. One of the reasons the protests did not stop.

No Amnesty Bill = No coup

No UDD terrorists and THIRTY murders in over NINETY GRENADE ATTACKS = No coup

Anyone who actually watched the news knows that any suggestion it was pre-planned are the words of an ill-informed idiot. Pheu-Thai finally got enough rope then proceeded to hang themselves - as everyone expected from the day they took power.

I sometimes wish the Army didn't step in : we could all have seen just how low and dirty they - and their supporters - were prepared to go. Though I think the cheering at the red-shirt meeting on hearing the news of the protesters murdered in Trat (including the small girl) showed me as much as I need to see.

We all saw Pheu-Thais version of reconciliation during Yinglucks farce. Immediately after all the speakers said the key was not forcing anything on the people they didn't want, they rammed the amnesty bill through and sparked mass protests.

But of course you will never accept any of this. You wouldn't be a red-shirt if you could. That's why reconciliation doesn't stand a chance at this time - so I don't know why they are even bothering to try.

A very serious case of PTSS (Post Thaksin Stress Syndrome)

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Reconciliation and reform were the reasons stated for the coup. Now the coup leader is saying reconciliation is voluntary and we are no nearer to any meaningful reform. So what the hell was the coup staged for?

So what the hell was the coup staged for?

So the nationalistic Elite could keep their place at the trough.

Everything else (the generals playing politicians, the new constitution, love and unity) are only smoke and mirrors.................coffee1.gif

The coup happened for one reason. Pheu-Thai were murdering protesters and refused point blank to stop it. If you actually followed the news from day to day at the time, you would know this.

Or to phrase it as it really was (which NEVER happens in Thailand): Thaksin was trying to cling to power by paying others to murder those in his way (as usual) because losing it meant no chance for his own amnesty.

Which, by the way, was all set to be forced through with no senate approval required in 6 months. No explanation at all about why is was not just ditched. One of the reasons the protests did not stop.

No Amnesty Bill = No coup

No UDD terrorists and THIRTY murders in over NINETY GRENADE ATTACKS = No coup

Anyone who actually watched the news knows that any suggestion it was pre-planned are the words of an ill-informed idiot. Pheu-Thai finally got enough rope then proceeded to hang themselves - as everyone expected from the day they took power.

I sometimes wish the Army didn't step in : we could all have seen just how low and dirty they - and their supporters - were prepared to go. Though I think the cheering at the red-shirt meeting on hearing the news of the protesters murdered in Trat (including the small girl) showed me as much as I need to see.

We all saw Pheu-Thais version of reconciliation during Yinglucks farce. Immediately after all the speakers said the key was not forcing anything on the people they didn't want, they rammed the amnesty bill through and sparked mass protests.

But of course you will never accept any of this. You wouldn't be a red-shirt if you could. That's why reconciliation doesn't stand a chance at this time - so I don't know why they are even bothering to try.

My goodness EJ, that was a humungus, hair-pulling, foot-stamping, paper-tearing tantrum. Bet there are no toys left in your pram.

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EJ - I and many others agree with you - but you are wasting your time. There are too many expat whingers who always spout off pompous and sanctimonious khraapp everytime there is a post about the military govt. Check out their posts and you will seecit is the same bunch. That the takeover probably stopped a civil war is something they will never understand or accept. They truly only see things through their own miopicaly 'pro democracy' glasses - while failing to see that the horrendous death and destruction their home countries went through on their path to 'demcratic elightenment' is neither wanted or needed by the Thai people - nor is the nanny states they have become.

'Now come home soon, son. Your tea is on the table..'
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EJ - I and many others agree with you - but you are wasting your time. There are too many expat whingers who always spout off pompous and sanctimonious khraapp everytime there is a post about the military govt. Check out their posts and you will seecit is the same bunch. That the takeover probably stopped a civil war is something they will never understand or accept. They truly only see things through their own miopicaly 'pro democracy' glasses - while failing to see that the horrendous death and destruction their home countries went through on their path to 'demcratic elightenment' is neither wanted or needed by the Thai people - nor is the nanny states they have become.

Funny that you "The Thais love their military dwordships, stupid farang you don't understand" types also seem pompous and sanctimonious. If they loved it so much there wouldn't if been any resistance to them in the 70's, 90's and in recent years. I also think Western democracy's are broken but Thailand is heading down the path of North Korea with this present government (that thought is far more likely than the tired 'civil war' argument). Can you honestly say that would be the best for everyone?

You need to step away from the kool aid there brother. There is a lot more to this story than "Thaksin and red shirts bad, army and yellow shirts good". Read up on unedited Thai history since the 30's and open your mind.

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EJ - I and many others agree with you - but you are wasting your time. There are too many expat whingers who always spout off pompous and sanctimonious khraapp everytime there is a post about the military govt. Check out their posts and you will seecit is the same bunch. That the takeover probably stopped a civil war is something they will never understand or accept. They truly only see things through their own miopicaly 'pro democracy' glasses - while failing to see that the horrendous death and destruction their home countries went through on their path to 'demcratic elightenment' is neither wanted or needed by the Thai people - nor is the nanny states they have become.

Edited from an old post:

The takeover was the civil war. Like all the previous ones it was very short, with relatively little bloodshed. Not surprisingly the people with all the guns, tanks and aircraft won. The people who were not equipped thus and, amazingly, seemed to have more faith in the ballot-box than in the gun, lost.

I hope they retain that faith in the ballot-box for as long as I choose to stay in Thailand.

Anyone who wants to stay in Thailand should hope the same.

"but hope is a dangerous thing, because false hope leads many men to their destruction"

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EJ & BB24.

Of course this thread has turned into the usual mudslinging, leading nowhere................

Let us forget Thaksin and the generals for a moment, and ask ourselves, how do Thailand move forward from today.

As much as I want free elections, I must admit it will probably not solve Thailands long term problems. It will just lead to history repeating itself all over again.

So what about using the same model, as they used in Myanmar. In a transition 40 % of the parliaments seats are reserved for the army, the rest decided in free elections.

In the second 4 year term the reserved seats for the are reduced to 25% and in the third 4 year term, no seats are reserved for the army. But of course they can run for parliament, if they decide to form a political party.

So it will take 8 years to have totally free elections, but (unlike Myanmar) there probably will not be any group with their own majority, and that will force the various sides of the political

divide to work together. Hopefully bringing the country closer to reconciliation !

Your thoughts.............

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EJ & BB24.

Of course this thread has turned into the usual mudslinging, leading nowhere................

Let us forget Thaksin and the generals for a moment, and ask ourselves, how do Thailand move forward from today.

As much as I want free elections, I must admit it will probably not solve Thailands long term problems. It will just lead to history repeating itself all over again.

So what about using the same model, as they used in Myanmar. In a transition 40 % of the parliaments seats are reserved for the army, the rest decided in free elections.

In the second 4 year term the reserved seats for the are reduced to 25% and in the third 4 year term, no seats are reserved for the army. But of course they can run for parliament, if they decide to form a political party.

So it will take 8 years to have totally free elections, but (unlike Myanmar) there probably will not be any group with their own majority, and that will force the various sides of the political

divide to work together. Hopefully bringing the country closer to reconciliation !

Your thoughts.............

Sounds like an OK plan - and I am sure there are others just as worthy of consideration. One of those (at the risk of firing up the mudslingers) is that the current Military Govt does what they say they will and they back away and leave a stable Democracy and Constitution in its place - one that hopefully lasts longer than 3-5 years (which is the average since 1940s).

But the point being made by EJ and myself (and others) is that the Military Govt does not deserve the constant sanctimonious criticism of particular Expats on this Forum - YET. Nor do the people of Thailand need, nor warrant (EVER), being personally criticised by those same pompous Expats for not 'matching on the barracks' and being so accepting of things being as they are. Most of that rhetoric and abuse comes from ignorance and bias - ignorance of what actually happenned and bias against a non-elected form of Govt - Democracy or anarchy is their creed. No one can change that hard-wired view on Democracy - but maybe if they read this website's summary they will understand a little more about the real world of Thailand. http://nautilus.org/apsnet/0634a-rowley-html/

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