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Rule Changes Unlikely To Trouble Any Businesses Employing Expats

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Rule changes unlikely to trouble any businesses employing expats

The new visa rules that came into effect this month do not appear to have had a material impact on business, according to Paul Ashburn, senior partner of BDO Richfield Advisory Ltd. The regulations focused mainly on tourist and other temporary visas, have provoked an outcry nonetheless among some people who have lived in Thailand for years under a legal status best described as grey. They have also contributed to a thriving business operated by companies that sell ''visa run'' travel services.

Whereas previously, many expatriates made frequent trips to neighbouring countries to renew temporary visas, an individual from now on will be restricted to a stay of 90 consecutive days within a six-month period, commencing from the date of first entry into Thailand. There is no limit on the number of times an individual can enter and leave the country during that six-month period.


--Bangkok Post 2006-10-16

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Well may I nitpick abit?

The problem is not about the individual in a grey situation. Mostly we all agree thailand would be a better places without sexpats, pedophile, pervert, gangsters and othe drugs addics /druggs smugglers.

The real outcry was / is coming from those of us who invested in thailand with such as condo, small business, who are married or in long term relationships (for gay couples or ladyboys lovers), and who assumed they can do so because they will be able to stay where they invested (for the most parts they invested all their savings).

It's nickpick, but do you think it will be confortable for a aged man of 66 y old, married with a thai lady and 2 kids, owning a condo with 2 000$ of earning permonth to have to go every 3 month to get a temporary right to stay with his familly inside his condo? That is an exemple, if 2 000$ is enought then mentally correct it by 1 200, and the demonstration will be good.

What I say, the outcry is ot coming from the grey part of the expat, those will alwaysfind a way ... When youhave nothing you can easily move somewhere else. The real outcry iscoming from those who are married , but who can not have 400 000 in the bank (let say they can only raise 320 000), or those who have a business here, but who can not afford to hire 4 lazy persons just for the sake to get a wp (lazy or not, you still have to pay them every month).

Nitpick, but in my case (and I am the only one in that case), I was never ever in my whole life in a grey area by regards to the law; just I outcry (I suppose I am not the only one) because I have to move far of where I invested my money (not really a problem in my case). So that is the problem, I never had the feeling I have to GIVE AWAY my money to thailand, I supposed investing there would be enought. I do assume those who bought condo, created businesses or simply married here had the same ideas/thought when they did so.

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A very good article, that sum'up the situation. Usefull is you are still a bit confused with the new rules.

And an info I didn't see before : "To ease the transition, the Immigration Bureau has granted a waiver up to Oct 1, 2007 to those who already hold a business visa granted under the old rules."

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I think Blondie the point is Business mean Big Business.

It's obvious no multinational, no bif businesses will be affected. An ingenior from Microsoft, Sun, Merlin Gerin .... or any other economical major actor will not be affected. So there is no problem.

This interview have to be understood as coherent will the actual immigration policy : Q U A L I T Y , or if you prefer translate in human language : money, feshfesh, pognon, or others pesetas ...

Anyway, and that is obvious when you read the comments made by some posters in TV, if you do not have an assets of some millions of bahts + earning about 5 or 6 k us$, you are not really welcomed here even amongst the expat community (recently a poster who owned a condo and have earning about 2k us$ was called a poor by other posters ... coming from Cannes, french riviera, where the cost of life is a bit more expensive than in Bkk, and where you can find real Hi So, as for exemple royal familly or Arabia, this person would have been welcomed with that earning ... well other country, other mentality, and other values too ... one president had the following moto : a man is what he is and not what it seems to be).

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A very good article, that sum'up the situation. Usefull is you are still a bit confused with the new rules.

And an info I didn't see before : "To ease the transition, the Immigration Bureau has granted a waiver up to Oct 1, 2007 to those who already hold a business visa granted under the old rules."

While the article sum up the changes, it seems gloss over many things,

"To ease the transition, the Immigration Bureau has granted a waiver up to Oct 1, 2007 to those who already hold a business visa granted under the old rules."

The changes to the business visa changes have had an impact, there was only about 1 weeks notice before they came into effect, which can hardly be described as easing into the transition.

Edited by Smithson
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