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The difference between Shi'a and Sunni explained


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The topic is too hot to handle, be it only with a strong leadership or division along sectarian lines.

Just after the Jim Steel (US El Salvador counter intelligence expert) appearence and his involvement of the Iraq sectarian death squads solutions i have seen many hate speeches on documentaries, financed by shady lunatics, and instagators while the actors predomantly were self proclaimed 'immans' from both sides..........


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It matters to Muslms whether you are Sunni or <deleted>. To the rest of us non believers, it matters not. They all follow the same book. Here is a short video on three of the rules Muslims must follow. You will find rule number 3 most relevant to this discussion. Keep in mind tha ALL Muslims must follow this or be seen to breaking the faith. So yes, Islam is a religion of peace once they have kicked your backside and forced you into submission. Is the bible all that much better? It's not perfect to be sure and much death and destruction has been played out on Muslims in the name of God. Still a short video worth a look.

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What a load of codswallop

Can someone please tell these Muslims that there isn't a god. Get over it and get on with life.

As an atheist I have no time for any of this RIDICULOUS mumbo jumbo

The Hitch is much more eloquent than I'll every be!

Edited by cantplay
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I keep copying / pasting this:Speaking at Kanal D TVs Arena program, PM Erdogan commented on the term moderate Islam, often used in the West to describe AKP and said, These descriptions are very ugly, it is offensive and an insult to our religion. There is no moderate or immoderate Islam. Islam is Islam and thats it.

Source: Milliyet, Turkey, August 21, 2007

That, and the fact that Islam is NOT a religion of peace, is all you need to know. all you need to know.

And that is total crap.

I have met and befriended many Muslims in different countries and they had very similar interests to me. They never attempted to try & convince me that their religion was better than mine (or lack thereof).

As for Erdogen, he is a liar and speaks for nobody but himself. The difference between Saudi Wahhabi Islam and that practiced in areas around Bangkok is huge. Just like the racist 'all blacks look the same' and intolerant 'all Catholics are Papists', the ignorant prefer the less brain-straining tarnishing everyone with the same brush.

Actually the Op only scratches the surface of the difference between Shia & Sunni Islam. It only mentions Shia Jihad without touching on Sunni jihad and how it can be distorted depending on who is doing the 'interpreting'. It also doesn't mention that Sunnis forbid religious images - the extremists destroy them - but the Shias don't.

You really miss the point. Please don't use terms like ignorant, crap etc when you are having an argument, don't bring accusations of racism into it, it doesn't work. What you call 'moderates' are still part of a 'religion' that predicates death to non-believers, death to people that leave Islam, stoning of adulterers and all the rest of it. They don't say anything because of feared consequences and family pressures.

Polls show that more than half of Muslims in the USA want Sharia law which is not compatible with the US constitution. I too have met peaceful, nice Muslims, but they are part of the same body of belief that preaches the downfall of Western civilisation, do you remember the 'Democracy go to hell' demos in London a few years ago? Just because you met some nice educated guys does not mean that you met a typical representative of this religion of hate.

Erdogan is a liar? So are many many Muslims, that talk of a religion of peace and liberals that claim the same thing. It isn't. Try reading the Koran in a readable version, most Muslims haven't.

Very articulate, very on point, and I believe very accurate. Someone "lives among" muslims for a period, who aren't likely to be representative of mainstream muslims in the 1st place if westerners are living comfortably among them, and poses as an all- knowing spokesman. Such feel-good stories may be heart-warming, but can't be, and shouldn't be, taken seriously as "cultural observations".

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