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German welcome for refugees cools after New Year's Eve chaos


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Where were all the German men? The boyfriends, husbands, single guys?

Holding back for fear of a kicking followed by arrest and having the book thrown at them for racism/excessive force/instigating the whole thing/anything else the police can think of/ while the real perpetrators walk away scot free and laughing their heads off? Edited by baboon
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Some how in this thread German men have managed to get blamed.

Yes you are right most of the posters here are not Germans or never been there

a lot of German girls go out for a good night at New Years Eve they are

by them self's but then again this is Thai Visa a lot sit on there bar stools

or at home with there tin hat's

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Insane Merkel invited the migrants in unchecked. Just hope the German people can sort this mess out. I believe in helping true refugees but Merkel has even ruined it for them with letting these financial scrounging muslim male migrants.

At least America has hope with Donald Trump doing well. He's just got to deal with the hostile media same as UIKP.

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Some how in this thread German men have managed to get blamed.

Yes you are right most of the posters here are not Germans or never been there

a lot of German girls go out for a good night at New Years Eve they are

by them self's but then again this is Thai Visa a lot sit on there bar stools

or at home with there tin hat's

Almost sounds like you are blaming the victims.

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This will get a hell of a lot worse before it can get better.

Liberals are hell bent on pursuing their ideals even when the evidence is against it, ordinary people are far wiser than most politicians when it comes to social issues of this kind.

I don't think "liberals" are in favor of mass migration from uncivilized war-torn areas. And in case you didn't know, radical Islam is totally opposed to western liberal ideas of individual freedom.

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This will get a hell of a lot worse before it can get better.

Liberals are hell bent on pursuing their ideals even when the evidence is against it, ordinary people are far wiser than most politicians when it comes to social issues of this kind.

I don't think "liberals" are in favor of mass migration from uncivilized war-torn areas. And in case you didn't know, radical Islam is totally opposed to western liberal ideas of individual freedom.

Yet they are very good at using their new found freedoms against their host nations.

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Notice how there is no within group censure or ostracism for their behavior. That's the environment liberalism promotes. It's funny, there have been a few pedos caught here in Thailand recently, and the general sentiment is that of disgust from the other farang.. We know it makes us look bad. Is there any such of a mood within the refugees? Probably not because they know it won't effect them. They know the liberals running the show will find a way to blame anyone but those causing the problems.

I don't think American "liberals" whether politicians or regular guys like me would agree with an Angela Merkel-type open-arms policy in the U.S. This is a European phenomenon. In addition to Germany, the UK is so politically correct it's nauseating when it comes to Muslims. I saw that even in Brit-concentrated Dubai when I worked there. Long before 9/11, the local press poured on the hatred of Americans, and the British editors in the main newspaper Gulf News were apologists for this mess. Meanwhile look at Muslim outrages in the UK (Sharia patrols in aprts of London, Cologne-like rapes in Rotherham).

Edited by Dustdevil
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Some how in this thread German men have managed to get blamed.

Yes you are right most of the posters here are not Germans or never been there

a lot of German girls go out for a good night at New Years Eve they are

by them self's but then again this is Thai Visa a lot sit on there bar stools

or at home with there tin hat's

As an intellectual exercise, German men do share some blame, but certainly not in a direct way. I mean this: the honor of a nation can be measured by a number of things such as their care for those unable to care for themselves, their care and protection of women and children, the elderly, the disabled, and by further extension those outside the nation where they can as a people make a difference. Where the most fundamental threshold is however is men providing for their lives, the lives of their women and children, and their property. When Germany collectively permitted their country to be invaded the "men" of Germany quite clearly loaned legitimacy to this madness by their silence or passivity. Don't like what this suggests? Ok, but it is true.

Germany as a people expended more effort condemning those who condemned the invasion (the Right) than deliberating their own actions to permit entry of entire nations of people. German men most certainly can be indicted for this madness. This was not only predicted it was emphatically demonstrated in neighboring countries; extrapolating what happens next is as easy as reading these many TV threads on the same topic- most knew this was coming. An idiot undergrad could have prepped a demographic analysis and compared and contrasted recent migrant trends and practices in European countries and seen the writing on the wall. German leaders are responsible equally for raping their own women.

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The Age article is a masterpiece of nauseating "progressive" political correctness.

They, like the ABC and BBC, cannot bring themselves to use the word 'Muslim' anywhere in the report.

The best they can do is admit that many of the men involved were "recent arrivals" and that many of them "come from cultures that some critics argue lack respect for women."

Some critics?

And the best that vapid turncoat Merkel can do is to say that "she feared that the incidents showed contempt for women."

Gosh, really?

As "some critics" have pointed out, this invasion is not turning out well and it's going to get worse.

And even the mighty Merkel has to admit Germany may have to consider "Deportations"

Why do we pay these stupid Politicians huge sums of wasted money???

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Some how in this thread German men have managed to get blamed.

Yes you are right most of the posters here are not Germans or never been there

a lot of German girls go out for a good night at New Years Eve they are

by them self's but then again this is Thai Visa a lot sit on there bar stools

or at home with there tin hat's

What exactly are you trying to say???

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The Age article is a masterpiece of nauseating "progressive" political correctness.

They, like the ABC and BBC, cannot bring themselves to use the word 'Muslim' anywhere in the report.

The best they can do is admit that many of the men involved were "recent arrivals" and that many of them "come from cultures that some critics argue lack respect for women."

Some critics?

And the best that vapid turncoat Merkel can do is to say that "she feared that the incidents showed contempt for women."

Gosh, really?

As "some critics" have pointed out, this invasion is not turning out well and it's going to get worse

"this invasion is not turning out well and it's going to get worse"

How could it ever turn out well,with Merkel at the helm,

She's probably out at the next election '''

Having turned Europe into a dumping ground of Scroungers

Meantime she will look after number 1

Believe it or not yesterday I made a donation for the starving children of Syria.it's not their fault!

Call me a hypocrite if you so choose!

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"That version, however, ran counter to the tales that have emerged since of women who report they were stripped of their dresses, underwear and purses and, begging police for help, were told "to keep a good grip on your champagne bottle to use as a weapon of defence".
"Other attack victims claimed that police told them they were too busy with traffic control to help. Accounts of assaults and police inaction filled social media."
"... were told "to keep a good grip on your champagne bottle to use as a weapon of defence"." Ridiculous.

Ridiculous to believe police actually made that comment.

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Some how in this thread German men have managed to get blamed.

Yes you are right most of the posters here are not Germans or never been there

a lot of German girls go out for a good night at New Years Eve they are

by them self's but then again this is Thai Visa a lot sit on there bar stools

or at home with there tin hat's

Almost sounds like you are blaming the victims.

You 'liked' a pro Nazi post, sounds like you're a Nazi sympathiser.

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I hope that German elites finally settled with nazi history by this welcome culture and now they should go back to reality, before it's too late.

Like this they will not help anyone, only make more chaos in EU.

Quality of life, wealth, is not a human right.

Edited by Matej
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Some how in this thread German men have managed to get blamed.

Yes you are right most of the posters here are not Germans or never been there

a lot of German girls go out for a good night at New Years Eve they are

by them self's but then again this is Thai Visa a lot sit on there bar stools

or at home with there tin hat's

Almost sounds like you are blaming the victims.

You 'liked' a pro Nazi post, sounds like you're a Nazi sympathiser.

You are making stupid comments. Sounds like you're...

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It's already too late for Europe. It's too late to close the barn door. Merkel is going down in history as the person most responsible for destroying W. Europe.

Give it a couple of more generations for these "immigrants" to out breed the traditional population by a factor of about 8:1 and by then the Europeans will be bowing to Mecca instead of doing the goose step.

The people of Europe have no way to defend themselves (see the horrible events on NY Eve) their friends, their families, their neighborhoods nor even their countries. They are too PC and have had it to easy and they don't see the danger yet.

All I will be able to say is "I told you so".


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You 'liked' a pro Nazi post, sounds like you're a Nazi sympathiser.

You are making stupid comments. Sounds like you're...

Post deleted to enable reply.

You may well consider my posts stupid, at least I don't 'like' pro Nazi posts which is way beyond stupid, though to be fair you're not unique on this forum with this behaviour.

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Notice how there is no within group censure or ostracism for their behavior. That's the environment liberalism promotes. It's funny, there have been a few pedos caught here in Thailand recently, and the general sentiment is that of disgust from the other farang.. We know it makes us look bad. Is there any such of a mood within the refugees? Probably not because they know it won't effect them. They know the liberals running the show will find a way to blame anyone but those causing the problems.

I don't think American "liberals" whether politicians or regular guys like me would agree with an Angela Merkel-type open-arms policy in the U.S. This is a European phenomenon. In addition to Germany, the UK is so politically correct it's nauseating when it comes to Muslims. I saw that even in Brit-concentrated Dubai when I worked there. Long before 9/11, the local press poured on the hatred of Americans, and the British editors in the main newspaper Gulf News were apologists for this mess. Meanwhile look at Muslim outrages in the UK (Sharia patrols in aprts of London, Cologne-like rapes in Rotherham).

the UK is so politically correct it's nauseating when it comes to Muslims

Remember the Dome in London. The PC politicians ( you know who they are ) were so concerned about not offending the Muslims that they wouldn't allow any reference to Christianity in the events held in it, despite it being the 2,000th year of Christianity. According to them, the year zero had no cause, they just plucked it out of the air and said "oh, lets start our calendar from now"!!!!!

Needless to say the whole year of the Dome was a complete fiasco.

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I doubt the welcome has been very warm ever - except by a few deluded dogooders.

It is a shame that a politician can decide against the people's will. This is not what democracy is meant to be.

Now this situation might well develop into a civil war - and if so I hope Merkel and the other political correct baboons will have to pay the price, not the people.

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I doubt the welcome has been very warm ever - except by a few deluded dogooders.

It is a shame that a politician can decide against the people's will. This is not what democracy is meant to be.

Now this situation might well develop into a civil war - and if so I hope Merkel and the other political correct baboons will have to pay the price, not the people.

They'll never get the message until their own electorate revolts and does to them what Italians did to Mussolini, string them up by their heels.

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I lived in Germany for several years. What a civilised peace loving place!

At the time there was a minor problem with Turkish gastarbeiter but no big deal

It was typical of them to throw open the doors and accept these displaced people in an act of great humanity.

I, like Scott, tend towards liberalism and understand the benefits of immigration

Sadly, it seems that a significant proportion of these people are barbarians

I would boot out 100 selected at random for every offence. That way you encourage them to police themselves.

What is it with Muslims that they breed so many terrorists and molesters? As an atheist, it's beyond me.

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See your point, but people out on NYE, drink involved, throw a couple of loaded weapons into the scenario, could end up in a right mess.

Then there should have been some real carnage in heavily armed USA.

Probably innocent bystanders killed in the process.

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The Age article is a masterpiece of nauseating "progressive" political correctness.

They, like the ABC and BBC, cannot bring themselves to use the word 'Muslim' anywhere in the report.

The best they can do is admit that many of the men involved were "recent arrivals" and that many of them "come from cultures that some critics argue lack respect for women."

Some critics?

And the best that vapid turncoat Merkel can do is to say that "she feared that the incidents showed contempt for women."

Gosh, really?

As "some critics" have pointed out, this invasion is not turning out well and it's going to get worse.

Caucasians! Why have you allowed this to happen? How can we respect you any longer? Send those people back to their own lands and their neighbors. You fools!

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Germany has to listen to the presidential polls to see that Americans do not want refugees. More than half the Americans are tired of these vipers. No money, no schooling and just looking for a free ride. America loves Trump but the scum of the earth do not like him at all. Follow suit Germany and make Germany safe again!

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