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Trump rally in Vermont disrupted repeatedly by protesters


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Trump rally in Vermont disrupted repeatedly by protesters

WILSON RING, Associated Press
JILL COLVIN, Associated Press

BURLINGTON, Vermont (AP) — Protesters repeatedly disrupted a rally for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump in Vermont on Thursday evening, despite attempts by Trump's staff to screen the crowd.

Rally-goers with tickets in hand were asked as they entered whether they supported Trump. Those who said they didn't were promptly escorted out of the building.

"It's not what I expected," said Adam Linnebur, who is supporting Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders but noted that nothing on his ticket said he had to support Trump. He was turned away.

Trump defended the decision.

"We have more than 20,000 people that showed up for 1,400 spots. I'm taking care of my people, not people who don't want to vote for me or are undecided," he said in a statement released by his campaign.

The event was nonetheless interrupted repeatedly by protesters, who were escorted out of the theater. Vermont is a staunchly Democratic state and the place where Sanders, a Vermont senator, got his political start.

At first, Trump seemed to embrace the disruptions. "Isn't this more exciting?" he asked.

Later, he suggested that security staffers confiscate protesters' coats, noting that it was below freezing outside. Then his patience appeared to wear thin, and he suggested that security officers were afraid to respond with force.

"This is why we're losing control of our country. This is why. We lose control of our country 'cause everybody's afraid to do anything," he said.

Trump's rally was scheduled for the same time as President Barack Obama's televised town hall on gun violence in America. While Trump often vows to eliminate gun-free zones if he's elected, he expanded his pledge Thursday to include schools.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-01-08

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At the rally Trump said, “Get them out. Take them out. Get them out there. Don’t give him his coat. Keep his coat. Confiscate his coat. It’s about ten below zero outside. You can keep his coat. Tell him we’ll send it to him in a couple of weeks.”

Sure being petty and vindictive towards protesters in Vermont who happen to be American citizens.

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At the rally Trump said, “Get them out. Take them out. Get them out there. Don’t give him his coat. Keep his coat. Confiscate his coat. It’s about ten below zero outside. You can keep his coat. Tell him we’ll send it to him in a couple of weeks.”

Sure being petty and vindictive towards protesters in Vermont who happen to be American citizens.

How do you know for sure they are American citizens? The US has enough illegals and resident aliens to make up a mid-size European country. smile.png

If there were Dem voters among them they could even have been the walking dead or someone's pet hamster.

Edited by mopar71
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At the rally Trump said, “Get them out. Take them out. Get them out there. Don’t give him his coat. Keep his coat. Confiscate his coat. It’s about ten below zero outside. You can keep his coat. Tell him we’ll send it to him in a couple of weeks.”

Sure being petty and vindictive towards protesters in Vermont who happen to be American citizens.

How do you know for sure they are American citizens? The US has enough illegals and resident aliens to make up a mid-size European country. smile.png

If there were Dem voters among them they could even have been the walking dead or someone's pet hamster.

This Trump protest follows a tired but long standing operating procedure. Does this OP remind us of how the Right protests liberal events/speeches/politics/candidates? Of course it does not!

Mention a speech being protested and most have the same image of 'leftist' radicals who's support for Free Speech extends as far as what they approve. Speech is either approved or silenced. This is true for the left's stance on the LGBT platform, marriage, the ideology of "Climate Change," islamic terrorism being amorphous (without causation), Big Government/Nanny State, and any other pet agenda the Left embraces. Its also a Leftist staple of their Alinsky-like Rules for Radicals- protest, disrupt, cause chaos, ridicule, demonize, repeat, repeat, repeat. Example: Black Lives Matter, college campuses, numerous other leftie "free speech" events. They cloak their own protests in "Free Speech," but its an insidious rationale- what they want is to silence debate on... everything!

Regressive Leftist political agendas are primarily motivated by emotion. Nearly all modern issues bog down quickly into ad hominen and other fallacies of reason when Leftists are subjected to the cross examination of ideas- the primary tool is the appeal to emotion. Always disrupt, change the topic, make it personal, ridicule, indict by association, repeat, repeat, repeat! Most importantly, always appeal to emotion.

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Trump had every right and the protesters were criminal trespassers, beginning the moment they were asked to stop or to leave. They don't have freedom of speech on someone else's property. That hall became Trumps property the moment he rented it, the same as your home is your home if you rent it. No one can come in or stay in without your permission.

There are different types of real estate in the US and one is a rental estate. When you rent a house or a store or a meeting hall you make the rules about what goes on in there. People who won't obey those rules become trespassers and trespassing is a felony.

You have the right to protest or demonstrate peacefully and the right to free speech only on your property or government property or the property of someone else who gave you permission. If you are asked to stop or to leave and you don't you become a felon.

These are typical liberals who believe in free speech and the right to assemble only for people they agree with.

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Liberals really can't stand Trump.

Why not let all politicians have their rallies free of disruption by those with opposing views?

Any politician worth his or her mettle can handle opposing views and can respond. Politicians (or army generals) who can't handle opposing views are insecure in their policies or inept at diplomacy.

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Liberals really can't stand Trump.

Why not let all politicians have their rallies free of disruption by those with opposing views?

Any politician worth his or her mettle can handle opposing views and can respond. Politicians (or army generals) who can't handle opposing views are insecure in their policies or inept at diplomacy.

...........and how would this statement apply to the protesters at the Trump rally in Vermont? What do you think Trump should have done, stop in the middle of his speech to conduct a conversation with a small group of idiots there to disrupt the rally? I don't think so. Trump did what he should have done. Just have the protesters escorted out.

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Liberals really can't stand Trump.

Why not let all politicians have their rallies free of disruption by those with opposing views?

Any politician worth his or her mettle can handle opposing views and can respond. Politicians (or army generals) who can't handle opposing views are insecure in their policies or inept at diplomacy.

BS. No one can handle criminal trespassers in numbers who are trying to shout him down. That's a law enforcement problem. The trespassers are criminals.

Anyone has a right to rent a hall and have his own meeting without criminal interference from trespassers.

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Liberals really can't stand Trump.

Why not let all politicians have their rallies free of disruption by those with opposing views?

Because some people mistake their beliefs for the absolute truth and believe that it's their duty to use any means necessary to make sure their beliefs are imposed on everyone else. Now add in the "the ends justifies the means" and you have a recipe for any behavior or action. After all, they are doing it so truth can triumph. I'd suggest that those people disrupting the rally are anti-social and they definitely need to re-examine their mental state and their view of the world. This disease isn't limited to Democrats in the US.

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At the rally Trump said, “Get them out. Take them out. Get them out there. Don’t give him his coat. Keep his coat. Confiscate his coat. It’s about ten below zero outside. You can keep his coat. Tell him we’ll send it to him in a couple of weeks.”

Sure being petty and vindictive towards protesters in Vermont who happen to be American citizens.

Trump and his supporters are so laughable.

Did you notice in your clip that when he was saying, in a moderate voice, "Take them out, take them out..." there was little response from the crowd, but when he changed his voice to gruff, "Get 'em outta here!" the crowd cheered? Typical wrestling fan mentality. Ya gotta talk tough like an angry John Wayne or wrestling star.

I would have thought that stealing people's coats would be a felony, not to mention highly irresponsible in that cold. But the WWF fans loved it. cheesy.gif

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At the rally Trump said, “Get them out. Take them out. Get them out there. Don’t give him his coat. Keep his coat. Confiscate his coat. It’s about ten below zero outside. You can keep his coat. Tell him we’ll send it to him in a couple of weeks.”

Sure being petty and vindictive towards protesters in Vermont who happen to be American citizens.

Trump and his supporters are so laughable.

Did you notice in your clip that when he was saying, in a moderate voice, "Take them out, take them out..." there was little response from the crowd, but when he changed his voice to gruff, "Get 'em outta here!" the crowd cheered? Typical wrestling fan mentality. Ya gotta talk tough like an angry John Wayne or wrestling star.

I would have thought that stealing people's coats would be a felony, not to mention highly irresponsible in that cold. But the WWF fans loved it. cheesy.gif

I don't think Trump and our supporters were laughable, I think Trump handled this situation very well.

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Vermont State motto: Freedom and Unity.

The motto is about personal freedom and independence of the individual citizen in balance with the common good of the larger community.

Trump will not win Vermont in the GOP primaries or POTUS election.

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Trump had every right and the protesters were criminal trespassers, beginning the moment they were asked to stop or to leave. They don't have freedom of speech on someone else's property. That hall became Trumps property the moment he rented it, the same as your home is your home if you rent it. No one can come in or stay in without your permission.

There are different types of real estate in the US and one is a rental estate. When you rent a house or a store or a meeting hall you make the rules about what goes on in there. People who won't obey those rules become trespassers and trespassing is a felony.

You have the right to protest or demonstrate peacefully and the right to free speech only on your property or government property or the property of someone else who gave you permission. If you are asked to stop or to leave and you don't you become a felon.

These are typical liberals who believe in free speech and the right to assemble only for people they agree with.

What a bunch of BS
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Liberals really can't stand Trump.

Why not let all politicians have their rallies free of disruption by those with opposing views?

Some conservatives, moderates and liberals really can't stand Trump.

You forgot to mention some women, men, Muslims, Christians, smart people, dumb people, fat people, skinny people, .......It's quite a long list.

And yes...even some dumb people. Not all dummies support him...and good for them.

That's not to say that only dummies support him.

Edited by Seastallion
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Liberals really can't stand Trump.

Why not let all politicians have their rallies free of disruption by those with opposing views?

Any politician worth his or her mettle can handle opposing views and can respond. Politicians (or army generals) who can't handle opposing views are insecure in their policies or inept at diplomacy.

And any comedian should be able to handle hecklers.

But there comes a point where they spoil the show for others.

People spent their time & money getting to that venue to hear Trump. Those people have rights. Rights that were trampled on by the demonstrators.

It was Trumps show. The demonstrators revealed nothing more than a lack of respect for others.

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The TV wingnuts are outraged at the free speech expression of people who find Trump a xenophobic buffoon. Constitution is made up of a number of rights, not just the right to carry a gun. By the way, it doesn't say that.

Hillary seems to be able to handle the opposition. Trump sicks his Storm Troopers on them. tongue.png

Fig­ures provided by CNN show that while 66 per­cent of Re­pub­lic­an wo­men ex­pressed a fa­vor­able view of Trump in the Decem­ber sur­vey, that plummeted to a minus­cule 12 per­cent among all wo­men who are not Re­pub­lic­ans. 81 per­cent of non-Re­pub­lic­an wo­men viewed Trump un­fa­vor­ably.

He's obviously not going to get the minority vote. He's not going to get women. Who is going to vote for him?

I wouldn't walk across the street to protest against him. Why bother? thumbsup.gif

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Liberals really can't stand Trump.

Why not let all politicians have their rallies free of disruption by those with opposing views?

Any politician worth his or her mettle can handle opposing views and can respond. Politicians (or army generals) who can't handle opposing views are insecure in their policies or inept at diplomacy.

And any comedian should be able to handle hecklers.

But there comes a point where they spoil the show for others.

People spent their time & money getting to that venue to hear Trump. Those people have rights. Rights that were trampled on by the demonstrators.

It was Trumps show. The demonstrators revealed nothing more than a lack of respect for others.

I take your point.

An adept politician or an experienced comedian wouldn't order security to steal their coats and kick them out in the freezing cold....THAT is just playing to the wrestling fans AND showing what a crass buffoon he is.

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The TV wingnuts are outraged at the free speech expression of people who find tRump a xenophobic buffoon. Constitution is made up of a number of rights, not just the right to carry a gun. By the way, it doesn't say that.

Hillary seems to be able to handle the opposition. Trump sicks his Storm Troopers on them. tongue.png

Fig­ures provided by CNN show that while 66 per­cent of Re­pub­lic­an wo­men ex­pressed a fa­vor­able view of Trump in the Decem­ber sur­vey, that plummeted to a minus­cule 12 per­cent among all wo­men who are not Re­pub­lic­ans. 81 per­cent of non-Re­pub­lic­an wo­men viewed Trump un­fa­vor­ably.

He's obviously not going to get the minority vote. He's not going to get women. Who is going to vote for him?

I wouldn't walk across the street to protest against him. Why bother? thumbsup.gif

What's the percentage of voters who are wrestling fans or live in a trailer park?

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Trump had every right and the protesters were criminal trespassers, beginning the moment they were asked to stop or to leave. They don't have freedom of speech on someone else's property. That hall became Trumps property the moment he rented it, the same as your home is your home if you rent it. No one can come in or stay in without your permission.

There are different types of real estate in the US and one is a rental estate. When you rent a house or a store or a meeting hall you make the rules about what goes on in there. People who won't obey those rules become trespassers and trespassing is a felony.

You have the right to protest or demonstrate peacefully and the right to free speech only on your property or government property or the property of someone else who gave you permission. If you are asked to stop or to leave and you don't you become a felon.

These are typical liberals who believe in free speech and the right to assemble only for people they agree with.

Trespassing is a crime, not necessarily a felony! If you refuse to leave after being directed to do so, in Vermont you will be charged with a misdemeanor and hence become a criminal, not a felon.

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Did you notice in your clip that when he was saying, in a moderate voice, "Take them out, take them out..." there was little response from the crowd, but when he changed his voice to gruff, "Get 'em outta here!" the crowd cheered? Typical wrestling fan mentality. Ya gotta talk tough like an angry John Wayne or wrestling star.

Whoa there, Pilgrim. The wrestling part might be pretty accurate but lay off the Duke. cowboy.gif

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