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British man found dead on Koh Tao

Jonathan Fairfield

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Just had a look at his facebook page and he spoke to his mom on the 30th Dec assuring her he would keep safe as she was worried about him. This is tragic. RIP and my thoughts are now with the families.

His dream vacation in Thailand has come to an end, now whether that be from an overdose or something else there is not enough info as yet. The families deserve a detailed and transparent investigation. I hope they get it this time. This is one too many now and even if it turns out to be through a drugs overdose its still outrageous that these drugs are so openly sold in KT despite the promised crackdowns.

Buy my drugs and die its up to you, not my fault............as long as my tourist dollars keep flowing in we dont give a s#it

Unfortunately, because it happened on Koh Tao, we will probably never know the truth. The possibility of a cover-up and/or bungled police work is way too high. So sad. coffee1.gif

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Unfortunately, the ready access to drugs on this island could have led this unfortunate to overdose (see FB page for details of his NY bender). About time the junta clamp down hard once and for all.

Being realistic, I guess these mafia run businesses which generate billions of baht are untouchable. Where is a Thai Eliot Ness, when you need him?

You wouldn't think that all those tourists didn't know about drugs, and are forced into it, when partying on Koh Tao. Would you?

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Death Island strikes again

Can someone put together a comprehensive timeline of all of the foreigner's deaths just on Koh Tao? You would think that for a small island the death of a visitor would be a very rare occasion, but here's another one.

Based on what. With (tens of) thousands of active people at any time seems to me the reported death rate is very low. Would expect several a year from accidents, heart attacks, illness, etc

You forgot being pushed off balconies, being raped and getting chopped up

"You forgot being pushed off balconies ..."

Certainly a favorite fantasy here at TV-CSI.

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was probably an accident of some sort. Drowning maybe.

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Always amazes me, if someone has nothing to say they will take/make wild assumptions. For me it was a falling meteorite, maybe, or a lost alien or....

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If this investigation involves a crime scene I hope the local police have involved the CIFS from the start

I have to agree that the news report is suspicious due to the lack of basic information

Also a FB post from 10 days ago has little significance

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I sure hope this posting does not turn into an opportunity to shed light on all the unsolved murders which happen in Thailand...The PM is reforming the police dept so have patience

Can't we just focus on all the good stuff...the easy visas...and smiling people...the inexpensive costs...the helpful Thais...

Don't even get me started on old fat beer drinking ex-pats that come to Thailand for the young women...

Must be a tongue in cheek post whistling.gif

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Death shouldn't be who anyone meets on The Trip Of A Lifetime...

Who did he meet? I didnt find anything in the article that says he met someone or are you guessing what happened like so many others.

Death, he met death. :(

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Why is this news? People die everywhere - young, old, any nationality. Drugs, alcohol, car accidents, natural causes.

When a poster can produce meaningful data, such as a statistic that indicates a Brit is ten times more likely to die on Koh Tao than on the Thai mainland, I might pay attention. So far, all I see in this thread are fevered imaginations and well-meant condolences for someone not even known to the poster.

I'm Australian, 72. If I die in Chiang Mai, I don't expect headlines.coffee1.gif

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lot of mystery attached to this one an islander? we are assuming he came from the isle of wight he was 27 years of age and his friends don't seem to be forthcoming about his death no doubt there will be more information coming from the autopsy .

his friends don't seem to be forthcoming about his death ... no doubt there will be more information coming from the autopsy. Don't hold your breath!! If it involves drugs neither the Thai authorities, close friends, nor family want it discussed.

Thai authorities ===> bad publicity

Close friends on the island ===> could implicate themselves

Family ===> prefer to remember the positive (just human nature)

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sounds like this time the local authorities will not issue any comment until they all agree on the same story so as not to contradict each other every 5 minutes

Yeah, I agree. Looks like they might have learned a thing or two. For better or worse. Ofcourse the speculation obviously doesn't stop. Atleast innocent people are not being called murderers (yet)

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Death shouldn't be who anyone meets on The Trip Of A Lifetime...

Who did he meet? I didnt find anything in the article that says he met someone or are you guessing what happened like so many others.

I think you missed the point... "Death shouldn't be who anyone meets," to make it easier, he met "Death."

Edited by Rorri
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Why is this news? People die everywhere - young, old, any nationality. Drugs, alcohol, car accidents, natural causes.

When a poster can produce meaningful data, such as a statistic that indicates a Brit is ten times more likely to die on Koh Tao than on the Thai mainland, I might pay attention. So far, all I see in this thread are fevered imaginations and well-meant condolences for someone not even known to the poster.

I'm Australian, 72. If I die in Chiang Mai, I don't expect headlines.coffee1.gif

I have no idea why news ever covers death, or killing, or anything......

I think the headline should be Kardashians and Bieber, with some sprinkling of rainbows...

why would news agencies care if the public likes morbid news??

oh wait...

click, click...

so when you die...i will read all about it!!!!!

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Why is this news? People die everywhere - young, old, any nationality. Drugs, alcohol, car accidents, natural causes.

When a poster can produce meaningful data, such as a statistic that indicates a Brit is ten times more likely to die on Koh Tao than on the Thai mainland, I might pay attention. So far, all I see in this thread are fevered imaginations and well-meant condolences for someone not even known to the poster.

I'm Australian, 72. If I die in Chiang Mai, I don't expect headlines.coffee1.gif

Australians never die, they just move the party to another dimension. ;)

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If I am not wrong this is his facebook page:


This was his last post December 31st:

"Can honestly say this new year I am living the dream of to the full moon party on a speed boat drink cocktails strawberry daiquiris living life to the full yolo so let's do this"

and this his second last December 30th:

" What a 2 day bender on mushroom shakes shit has gone down lol loving life"

We can expect the Koh Tao truthers to come out soon claiming that Nomsod was on the island again.....

smile emoticon

I have to admit that I never have spoken/written like that in my younger days but simply say that i was having a great time. I fear that his words are open to interpretation such as the last few words '....so let's do this' and the other '...shit has gone down'. Of course, I do accept that I'm out of touch with his generation of chaps so if anyone here can translate the two phrases mentioned I'd appreciate it. I agree. that without the details about where, what and when, with whom etc we can only speculate but I wonder what will happen if any details resemble those of the couple murdered where those convicted await execution/appeal?

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Death Island strikes again

Can someone put together a comprehensive timeline of all of the foreigner's deaths just on Koh Tao? You would think that for a small island the death of a visitor would be a very rare occasion, but here's another one.

It wouldn't be a rare occurrence if there was a killer on the loose that no one can arrest...

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If I am not wrong this is his facebook page:


This was his last post December 31st:

"Can honestly say this new year I am living the dream of to the full moon party on a speed boat drink cocktails strawberry daiquiris living life to the full yolo so let's do this"

and this his second last December 30th:

" What a 2 day bender on mushroom shakes shit has gone down lol loving life"

We can expect the Koh Tao truthers to come out soon claiming that Nomsod was on the island again.....

smile emoticon

I have to admit that I never have spoken/written like that in my younger days but simply say that i was having a great time. I fear that his words are open to interpretation such as the last few words '....so let's do this' and the other '...shit has gone down'. Of course, I do accept that I'm out of touch with his generation of chaps so if anyone here can translate the two phrases mentioned I'd appreciate it. I agree. that without the details about where, what and when, with whom etc we can only speculate but I wonder what will happen if any details resemble those of the couple murdered where those convicted await execution/appeal?

they went to a party and partied, not much different than I did 30 years ago

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If I am not wrong this is his facebook page:


This was his last post December 31st:

"Can honestly say this new year I am living the dream of to the full moon party on a speed boat drink cocktails strawberry daiquiris living life to the full yolo so let's do this"

and this his second last December 30th:

" What a 2 day bender on mushroom shakes shit has gone down lol loving life"

We can expect the Koh Tao truthers to come out soon claiming that Nomsod was on the island again.....

smile emoticon

Well he got the "yolo" part of his last post right. You do only live once. RIP

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