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IS militant in Syria kills his mother in public for apostasy


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He'll fit in nicely in Merkels Germany.

What on earth do you mean by that? Kindly enlighten me

Are you serious? Enlighten yourself and read about the fun these Muslim animals had on New Years Eve in Cologne (and other major cities) in Merkel's Germany - all down to the fact that Merkel invited them in and explained it as "a great opportunity" for Germany.
Well these people are indeed animals and have really abused Germany's generosity. They will probably end up having to deport many of them. Merkel is changing the law to enable that right now.

I still don't understand how you think a psychopath would fit in nicely.

I can suggest many countries where that kind of behaviour would be accepted but not Germany

He'll fit in nicely because if he tires of murdering and other acts of barbarity in Syria and decides to make his way to Germany he'll be accepted and nobody will be any the wiser as to his past. Just like the other million+ currently gracing Germany with their presence.

As a frequent visitor to Germany I find it a real pity, I really enjoy the country and find it's native people mostly very polite and friendly. The only problem I did encounter was when walking through a town in Saxony-Anhalt a guy of middle eastern appearance called my Thai wife a bitch as she passed him for absolutely no reason. I was too far from her and him to hear it and she didn't tell me until we was back at her Mothers home. Shame as I would of enjoyed tackling him over his behaviour.

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jacko45k - The best reply I have yet read on this matter and agree wholeheartedly - Re CMNNightRider - Send in the Marines !! They would be good at this ..as they did in Vietnam ...worse than the Waffen SS ..do read 'Kill Anything That Moves': United States War Crimes and Atrocities in Vietnam, 1965-1973... a real account of what the marines are capable of ..yet if I recall they still lost !!!

You have to fear a mentality like this. I could not fathom in the slightest harming a family member based on some religious doctrine.

The submission to it is beyond my grasp.

It personifies evil and psychotic behaviour of the truly insane.

Any religion that can create such behaviour should be abandoned by any sane and intelligent person..

What kind of idiot would blame the Marines for losing a war. You are way out of context anyways, for the subject matter of this thread..but let me correct you. ...that war was lost by politicians and the general lack of support for the war by many people in the USA. Don't be blaming the boots on the ground for what goes on back home. Young men were drafted..and yes some volunteered..but they were bound to duty...and did the best that they could. No, my misinformed friend...the Marines did not start that war and were not the reason for losing

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He'll fit in nicely in Merkels Germany.

What on earth do you mean by that? Kindly enlighten me

Are you serious? Enlighten yourself and read about the fun these Muslim animals had on New Years Eve in Cologne (and other major cities) in Merkel's Germany - all down to the fact that Merkel invited them in and explained it as "a great opportunity" for Germany.

Well these people are indeed animals and have really abused Germany's generosity. They will probably end up having to deport many of them. Merkel is changing the law to enable that right now.

I still don't understand how you think a psychopath would fit in nicely.

I can suggest many countries where that kind of behaviour would be accepted but not Germany

He will fit in nicely with all of his psycho mates that have already arrived. It will be a turn up for the books if Merkel can change the law to deport them, the UK couldn't. Germany may not want to accept this behaviour but their Chancellor does, she invited these savages to Europe and thinks it's "an opportunity". Nice. Well done Mrs Merkel, you've changed Europe forever.

Edited by Alwyn
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You have to fear a mentality like this. I could not fathom in the slightest harming a family member based on some religious doctrine.

The submission to it is beyond my grasp.

It personifies evil and psychotic behaviour of the truly insane.

Any religion that can create such behaviour should be abandoned by any sane and intelligent person..

Any religious belief system is susceptible such twisted thinking...ever hear of the story of Abraham and Jacob? This similar family sacrifice narrative is a key touchstone in Judaism and Christianity.

Muslims also believe in Abraham and Jacob -

Abraham in Islam - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Abraham, in the belief of Islam, was instrumental in cleansing the world of idolatry at the time. ... his wife Rebecca and Jacob and his wife Leah. [citation needed]

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You have to fear a mentality like this. I could not fathom in the slightest harming a family member based on some religious doctrine.

The submission to it is beyond my grasp.

It personifies evil and psychotic behaviour of the truly insane.

Any religion that can create such behaviour should be abandoned by any sane and intelligent person..

Any religious belief system is susceptible such twisted thinking...ever hear of the story of Abraham and Jacob? This similar family sacrifice narrative is a key touchstone in Judaism and Christianity.

Haven't heard of any Christians stoning someone to death or killing their mother in the name of religion recently.

Perhaps has happened. Not heard because is not of correct intentional focus.

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This does not surprise me. Personally I think all members of Iisis should be exterminated with extreme prejudice. Including the ones doing easy jail time in the UK.

I would like their deaths to be both slow and painful. I hope this video is not against the forum rules but it shows the mentality we are up against.


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This does not surprise me. Personally I think all members of Iisis should be exterminated with extreme prejudice. Including the ones doing easy jail time in the UK.

I would like their deaths to be both slow and painful. I hope this video is not against the forum rules but it shows the mentality we are up against.


Note the sick b*st*rd in the white dress doesn't have the guts for show his face. Why, because they know that when this tinpot army is defeated they can claim immunity and freedom from prosecution because soft EU (and American) politicians and judges will consider them "victims"

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IMHO, Islam, as a religion, is simply a couple of hundred years behind the mainstream religions, and as such, is mimicking the atrocities committed throughout recorded history.... By Christianity and pagan religions

I'm not sure were the thread picked up on sacrifice, but this poor woman was not sacrificed, she was murdered, for having a different belief to the son, as has been the case with so many unfortunates, especially since the rise of ISIS.

But if we are to talk of sacrifice to a religion, I believe that the dishonor of histories worst sacrifice goes to the Catholic Church, when Simon de montfort's army, attacked the city of beziers, which supported a mixture of "true" Christians and cathars ( who were also Christians, just following a different drummer).

At that time, the city was of an equivalent size to London...., and every man woman and child was killed ( just putting it in perspective)

When asked by a soldier, who should be spared, as it was seemingly impossible to tell the difference between cathars and " true Christians, the armies priest responded with that infamous saying " kill them all, and let God sort them out" ( some 40,000 souls sacrificed, I believe)

Then came the inquisitions, and in that period, all, including children were encouraged to report transgressions by family, friends and neighbors

A heretic was sentenced to death most horrible... Famously the head of the order of solomans temple ( Knights Templar), who were undoubtedly Christian, self charged with protecting pilgrims to the holy land.

The inquisitors, over many years, murdered their own... Or sacrificed them, if you will, in the most inhumane of ways.... And if you weren't a Christian, you were killed anyway

This is were Islam is at the moment... Hence my comment about Islam being a couple of hundred years behind mainstream religions of today.

So.... For them, this type of thing is normal... For the more progressive person, it is horrendous... But it is their belief, and they have the right to their religion, and I believe that enlightened societies protect the rights of individuals to follow whatever faith they wish to follow.

Am I saying it's right... Hell no... Religion in any form is unacceptable to me, and I believe it is for the uneducated... Violence in the name of religion is appalling.

That said, Religion has undoubtedly had its place in history, as law makers and enforcers of law... But in modern times, we have parliaments and police forces etc, so religions are antiquated.

We simply have to wait for Islam to evolve into a benevolent organization... Unfortunately this may take a hundred years, and during this time, we have to develop counter measures to protect ourselves.

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IMHO, Islam, as a religion, is simply a couple of hundred years behind the mainstream religions, and as such, is mimicking the atrocities committed throughout recorded history.... By Christianity and pagan religions

I'm not sure were the thread picked up on sacrifice, but this poor woman was not sacrificed, she was murdered, for having a different belief to the son, as has been the case with so many unfortunates, especially since the rise of ISIS.

But if we are to talk of sacrifice to a religion, I believe that the dishonor of histories worst sacrifice goes to the Catholic Church, when Simon de montfort's army, attacked the city of beziers, which supported a mixture of "true" Christians and cathars ( who were also Christians, just following a different drummer).

At that time, the city was of an equivalent size to London...., and every man woman and child was killed ( just putting it in perspective)

When asked by a soldier, who should be spared, as it was seemingly impossible to tell the difference between cathars and " true Christians, the armies priest responded with that infamous saying " kill them all, and let God sort them out" ( some 40,000 souls sacrificed, I believe)

Then came the inquisitions, and in that period, all, including children were encouraged to report transgressions by family, friends and neighbors

A heretic was sentenced to death most horrible... Famously the head of the order of solomans temple ( Knights Templar), who were undoubtedly Christian, self charged with protecting pilgrims to the holy land.

The inquisitors, over many years, murdered their own... Or sacrificed them, if you will, in the most inhumane of ways.... And if you weren't a Christian, you were killed anyway

This is were Islam is at the moment... Hence my comment about Islam being a couple of hundred years behind mainstream religions of today.

So.... For them, this type of thing is normal... For the more progressive person, it is horrendous... But it is their belief, and they have the right to their religion, and I believe that enlightened societies protect the rights of individuals to follow whatever faith they wish to follow.

Am I saying it's right... Hell no... Religion in any form is unacceptable to me, and I believe it is for the uneducated... Violence in the name of religion is appalling.

That said, Religion has undoubtedly had its place in history, as law makers and enforcers of law... But in modern times, we have parliaments and police forces etc, so religions are antiquated.

We simply have to wait for Islam to evolve into a benevolent organization... Unfortunately this may take a hundred years, and during this time, we have to develop counter measures to protect ourselves.

Considering Islam hasn't changed in 1500 years, I find it surprising you think it will be reformed in the next century. You also might consider Islam's first external policies were about conquering and forcing non believers into submission whereas Christians made policy about caring for widows and orphans. Hardly a parallel path. What people did with Christianity after the Romans got hold of it, is just another story of corruption, which is human nature unfortunately. Things have improved since the inquisition. But to corrupt Islam, you would have to make it more tolerant.

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I might have to look for an official translation of the Koran (Quran, whatever) to read up, what else and why certain things are about to happen. The "youngest" world religion with 1'400 years of violent existence must have taken a twisted turn if it promotes the 72 virgins deal against killing your own mother.
Christianity refers to Kain and Abel in the bible without merit at the end - I, for one, am lost for words and you just wonder, what went wrong in the education of such mad men!

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IMHO, Islam, as a religion, is simply a couple of hundred years behind the mainstream religions, and as such, is mimicking the atrocities committed throughout recorded history.... By Christianity and pagan religions

I'm not sure were the thread picked up on sacrifice, but this poor woman was not sacrificed, she was murdered, for having a different belief to the son, as has been the case with so many unfortunates, especially since the rise of ISIS.

But if we are to talk of sacrifice to a religion, I believe that the dishonor of histories worst sacrifice goes to the Catholic Church, when Simon de montfort's army, attacked the city of beziers, which supported a mixture of "true" Christians and cathars ( who were also Christians, just following a different drummer).

At that time, the city was of an equivalent size to London...., and every man woman and child was killed ( just putting it in perspective)

When asked by a soldier, who should be spared, as it was seemingly impossible to tell the difference between cathars and " true Christians, the armies priest responded with that infamous saying " kill them all, and let God sort them out" ( some 40,000 souls sacrificed, I believe)

Then came the inquisitions, and in that period, all, including children were encouraged to report transgressions by family, friends and neighbors

A heretic was sentenced to death most horrible... Famously the head of the order of solomans temple ( Knights Templar), who were undoubtedly Christian, self charged with protecting pilgrims to the holy land.

The inquisitors, over many years, murdered their own... Or sacrificed them, if you will, in the most inhumane of ways.... And if you weren't a Christian, you were killed anyway

This is were Islam is at the moment... Hence my comment about Islam being a couple of hundred years behind mainstream religions of today.

So.... For them, this type of thing is normal... For the more progressive person, it is horrendous... But it is their belief, and they have the right to their religion, and I believe that enlightened societies protect the rights of individuals to follow whatever faith they wish to follow.

Am I saying it's right... Hell no... Religion in any form is unacceptable to me, and I believe it is for the uneducated... Violence in the name of religion is appalling.

That said, Religion has undoubtedly had its place in history, as law makers and enforcers of law... But in modern times, we have parliaments and police forces etc, so religions are antiquated.

We simply have to wait for Islam to evolve into a benevolent organization... Unfortunately this may take a hundred years, and during this time, we have to develop counter measures to protect ourselves.

Considering Islam hasn't changed in 1500 years, I find it surprising you think it will be reformed in the next century. You also might consider Islam's first external policies were about conquering and forcing non believers into submission whereas Christians made policy about caring for widows and orphans. Hardly a parallel path. What people did with Christianity after the Romans got hold of it, is just another story of corruption, which is human nature unfortunately. Things have improved since the inquisition. But to corrupt Islam, you would have to make it more tolerant.

Throughout my post, I continually referred to a couple of hundred years, bar for the last sentence.. Perhaps hope and optimism took over, but you are probably right in that there may be no changes , as per my starting point of a couple of hundred years

Regardless, between 711AD and 1492AD, Spain was a Muslim caliphate... Were Islam , Christianity and Judaism co existed , to a large extent.

During this period, Spain was seen as a model society, responsible for many advancements in the world as we know it.

So herein we see that it has been done before, and therefore can be done again.... So changes in the last 1500 years has been achieved.

The problem, as I see it, is the rise of extremism, to an unpresetanted level, and rather than condemn Islam as a whole, extremists need to be rooted out, as most Muslims (in my experience) are of a peaceful nature.

We should hope that this is done sooner than later, such that all peoples can live in harmony, regardless of their personal faith

Unfortunately, western efforts to force change feeds the monster, so Muslim nations, more so, need to lead the charge against extremism

I also seem to remember reading that the Saudi Muslims were entering into an allied group, for this purpose.

And....,parallels between Islam and Christianity are relevant... "The rule of thumb" was originally adopted such that women should not be beaten with a branch, larger than a mans thumb, for example.

Further, Christian societies across Europe deemed that once married, the wife's possessions transferred to the husband, and this held true to the 19th century... The wife became the property of the husband

As too Christians policy to care for widows and orphans... When did this happen? Not so long ago, women were remarried by arranged marriages by a dominant male, or turned over to a nunnery, and orphans had to fend for themselves, forming mutually beneficial gangs of thieves, or being taken in by a lord to begin training as a soldier or servant or sex toys.

The point of that paragraph is to determine if this policy was a result of enlightened Christians... But we also should remember that even pagans of a thousand years ago, or more, also cared for widows and orphans, probably in a better manner than Christianity ever did., so Christianity was somewhat late to the party.

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IMHO, Islam, as a religion, is simply a couple of hundred years behind the mainstream religions, and as such, is mimicking the atrocities committed throughout recorded history.... By Christianity and pagan religions

I'm not sure were the thread picked up on sacrifice, but this poor woman was not sacrificed, she was murdered, for having a different belief to the son, as has been the case with so many unfortunates, especially since the rise of ISIS.

But if we are to talk of sacrifice to a religion, I believe that the dishonor of histories worst sacrifice goes to the Catholic Church, when Simon de montfort's army, attacked the city of beziers, which supported a mixture of "true" Christians and cathars ( who were also Christians, just following a different drummer).

At that time, the city was of an equivalent size to London...., and every man woman and child was killed ( just putting it in perspective)

When asked by a soldier, who should be spared, as it was seemingly impossible to tell the difference between cathars and " true Christians, the armies priest responded with that infamous saying " kill them all, and let God sort them out" ( some 40,000 souls sacrificed, I believe)

Then came the inquisitions, and in that period, all, including children were encouraged to report transgressions by family, friends and neighbors

A heretic was sentenced to death most horrible... Famously the head of the order of solomans temple ( Knights Templar), who were undoubtedly Christian, self charged with protecting pilgrims to the holy land.

The inquisitors, over many years, murdered their own... Or sacrificed them, if you will, in the most inhumane of ways.... And if you weren't a Christian, you were killed anyway

This is were Islam is at the moment... Hence my comment about Islam being a couple of hundred years behind mainstream religions of today.

So.... For them, this type of thing is normal... For the more progressive person, it is horrendous... But it is their belief, and they have the right to their religion, and I believe that enlightened societies protect the rights of individuals to follow whatever faith they wish to follow.

Am I saying it's right... Hell no... Religion in any form is unacceptable to me, and I believe it is for the uneducated... Violence in the name of religion is appalling.

That said, Religion has undoubtedly had its place in history, as law makers and enforcers of law... But in modern times, we have parliaments and police forces etc, so religions are antiquated.

We simply have to wait for Islam to evolve into a benevolent organization... Unfortunately this may take a hundred years, and during this time, we have to develop counter measures to protect ourselves.

Considering Islam hasn't changed in 1500 years, I find it surprising you think it will be reformed in the next century. You also might consider Islam's first external policies were about conquering and forcing non believers into submission whereas Christians made policy about caring for widows and orphans. Hardly a parallel path. What people did with Christianity after the Romans got hold of it, is just another story of corruption, which is human nature unfortunately. Things have improved since the inquisition. But to corrupt Islam, you would have to make it more tolerant.

Throughout my post, I continually referred to a couple of hundred years, bar for the last sentence.. Perhaps hope and optimism took over, but you are probably right in that there may be no changes , as per my starting point of a couple of hundred years

Regardless, between 711AD and 1492AD, Spain was a Muslim caliphate... Were Islam , Christianity and Judaism co existed , to a large extent.

During this period, Spain was seen as a model society, responsible for many advancements in the world as we know it.

So herein we see that it has been done before, and therefore can be done again.... So changes in the last 1500 years has been achieved.

The problem, as I see it, is the rise of extremism, to an unpresetanted level, and rather than condemn Islam as a whole, extremists need to be rooted out, as most Muslims (in my experience) are of a peaceful nature.

We should hope that this is done sooner than later, such that all peoples can live in harmony, regardless of their personal faith

Unfortunately, western efforts to force change feeds the monster, so Muslim nations, more so, need to lead the charge against extremism

I also seem to remember reading that the Saudi Muslims were entering into an allied group, for this purpose.

And....,parallels between Islam and Christianity are relevant... "The rule of thumb" was originally adopted such that women should not be beaten with a branch, larger than a mans thumb, for example.

Further, Christian societies across Europe deemed that once married, the wife's possessions transferred to the husband, and this held true to the 19th century... The wife became the property of the husband

As too Christians policy to care for widows and orphans... When did this happen? Not so long ago, women were remarried by arranged marriages by a dominant male, or turned over to a nunnery, and orphans had to fend for themselves, forming mutually beneficial gangs of thieves, or being taken in by a lord to begin training as a soldier or servant or sex toys.

The point of that paragraph is to determine if this policy was a result of enlightened Christians... But we also should remember that even pagans of a thousand years ago, or more, also cared for widows and orphans, probably in a better manner than Christianity ever did., so Christianity was somewhat late to the party.

Thanks for the history lesson but we are dealing with now, the present. The assh*le animals in ISIL do not care about what happened yesterday, they want to destroy everything and put the clocks back 1500 years.

<deleted> the theology and get with the program.These Tw*ts need to be taken out now.

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IMHO, Islam, as a religion, is simply a couple of hundred years behind the mainstream religions, and as such, is mimicking the atrocities committed throughout recorded history.... By Christianity and pagan religions

I'm not sure were the thread picked up on sacrifice, but this poor woman was not sacrificed, she was murdered, for having a different belief to the son, as has been the case with so many unfortunates, especially since the rise of ISIS.

But if we are to talk of sacrifice to a religion, I believe that the dishonor of histories worst sacrifice goes to the Catholic Church, when Simon de montfort's army, attacked the city of beziers, which supported a mixture of "true" Christians and cathars ( who were also Christians, just following a different drummer).

At that time, the city was of an equivalent size to London...., and every man woman and child was killed ( just putting it in perspective)

When asked by a soldier, who should be spared, as it was seemingly impossible to tell the difference between cathars and " true Christians, the armies priest responded with that infamous saying " kill them all, and let God sort them out" ( some 40,000 souls sacrificed, I believe)

Then came the inquisitions, and in that period, all, including children were encouraged to report transgressions by family, friends and neighbors

A heretic was sentenced to death most horrible... Famously the head of the order of solomans temple ( Knights Templar), who were undoubtedly Christian, self charged with protecting pilgrims to the holy land.

The inquisitors, over many years, murdered their own... Or sacrificed them, if you will, in the most inhumane of ways.... And if you weren't a Christian, you were killed anyway

This is were Islam is at the moment... Hence my comment about Islam being a couple of hundred years behind mainstream religions of today.

So.... For them, this type of thing is normal... For the more progressive person, it is horrendous... But it is their belief, and they have the right to their religion, and I believe that enlightened societies protect the rights of individuals to follow whatever faith they wish to follow.

Am I saying it's right... Hell no... Religion in any form is unacceptable to me, and I believe it is for the uneducated... Violence in the name of religion is appalling.

That said, Religion has undoubtedly had its place in history, as law makers and enforcers of law... But in modern times, we have parliaments and police forces etc, so religions are antiquated.

We simply have to wait for Islam to evolve into a benevolent organization... Unfortunately this may take a hundred years, and during this time, we have to develop counter measures to protect ourselves.

Considering Islam hasn't changed in 1500 years, I find it surprising you think it will be reformed in the next century. You also might consider Islam's first external policies were about conquering and forcing non believers into submission whereas Christians made policy about caring for widows and orphans. Hardly a parallel path. What people did with Christianity after the Romans got hold of it, is just another story of corruption, which is human nature unfortunately. Things have improved since the inquisition. But to corrupt Islam, you would have to make it more tolerant.

Throughout my post, I continually referred to a couple of hundred years, bar for the last sentence.. Perhaps hope and optimism took over, but you are probably right in that there may be no changes , as per my starting point of a couple of hundred years

Regardless, between 711AD and 1492AD, Spain was a Muslim caliphate... Were Islam , Christianity and Judaism co existed , to a large extent.

During this period, Spain was seen as a model society, responsible for many advancements in the world as we know it.

So herein we see that it has been done before, and therefore can be done again.... So changes in the last 1500 years has been achieved.

The problem, as I see it, is the rise of extremism, to an unpresetanted level, and rather than condemn Islam as a whole, extremists need to be rooted out, as most Muslims (in my experience) are of a peaceful nature.

We should hope that this is done sooner than later, such that all peoples can live in harmony, regardless of their personal faith

Unfortunately, western efforts to force change feeds the monster, so Muslim nations, more so, need to lead the charge against extremism

I also seem to remember reading that the Saudi Muslims were entering into an allied group, for this purpose.

And....,parallels between Islam and Christianity are relevant... "The rule of thumb" was originally adopted such that women should not be beaten with a branch, larger than a mans thumb, for example.

Further, Christian societies across Europe deemed that once married, the wife's possessions transferred to the husband, and this held true to the 19th century... The wife became the property of the husband

As too Christians policy to care for widows and orphans... When did this happen? Not so long ago, women were remarried by arranged marriages by a dominant male, or turned over to a nunnery, and orphans had to fend for themselves, forming mutually beneficial gangs of thieves, or being taken in by a lord to begin training as a soldier or servant or sex toys.

The point of that paragraph is to determine if this policy was a result of enlightened Christians... But we also should remember that even pagans of a thousand years ago, or more, also cared for widows and orphans, probably in a better manner than Christianity ever did., so Christianity was somewhat late to the party.

You said "Regardless, between 711AD and 1492AD, Spain was a Muslim caliphate... Were Islam , Christianity and Judaism co existed , to a large extent."

The caliphate was between 929 to 1031. The Spanish inquisition was from 1478 until the 1600's so forget about Christians, Muslims and Jews being happy together then.

The book of James and 1st Timothy both discuss widows and orphans. Here's an example. "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." (James 1:27)

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Thanks for the history lesson but we are dealing with now, the present. The assh*le animals in ISIL do not care about what happened yesterday, they want to destroy everything and put the clocks back 1500 years.

<deleted> the theology and get with the program.These Tw*ts need to be taken out now.

Point taken mr moo... Apologies for sermonizing, I shall endeavor to curb my fingers, and you are right... They need to be taken out now....Sooner than later is best for all

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IMHO, Islam, as a religion, is simply a couple of hundred years behind the mainstream religions, and as such, is mimicking the atrocities committed throughout recorded history.... By Christianity and pagan religions

I'm not sure were the thread picked up on sacrifice, but this poor woman was not sacrificed, she was murdered, for having a different belief to the son, as has been the case with so many unfortunates, especially since the rise of ISIS.

But if we are to talk of sacrifice to a religion, I believe that the dishonor of histories worst sacrifice goes to the Catholic Church, when Simon de montfort's army, attacked the city of beziers, which supported a mixture of "true" Christians and cathars ( who were also Christians, just following a different drummer).

At that time, the city was of an equivalent size to London...., and every man woman and child was killed ( just putting it in perspective)

When asked by a soldier, who should be spared, as it was seemingly impossible to tell the difference between cathars and " true Christians, the armies priest responded with that infamous saying " kill them all, and let God sort them out" ( some 40,000 souls sacrificed, I believe)

Then came the inquisitions, and in that period, all, including children were encouraged to report transgressions by family, friends and neighbors

A heretic was sentenced to death most horrible... Famously the head of the order of solomans temple ( Knights Templar), who were undoubtedly Christian, self charged with protecting pilgrims to the holy land.

The inquisitors, over many years, murdered their own... Or sacrificed them, if you will, in the most inhumane of ways.... And if you weren't a Christian, you were killed anyway

This is were Islam is at the moment... Hence my comment about Islam being a couple of hundred years behind mainstream religions of today.

So.... For them, this type of thing is normal... For the more progressive person, it is horrendous... But it is their belief, and they have the right to their religion, and I believe that enlightened societies protect the rights of individuals to follow whatever faith they wish to follow.

Am I saying it's right... Hell no... Religion in any form is unacceptable to me, and I believe it is for the uneducated... Violence in the name of religion is appalling.

That said, Religion has undoubtedly had its place in history, as law makers and enforcers of law... But in modern times, we have parliaments and police forces etc, so religions are antiquated.

We simply have to wait for Islam to evolve into a benevolent organization... Unfortunately this may take a hundred years, and during this time, we have to develop counter measures to protect ourselves.

Considering Islam hasn't changed in 1500 years, I find it surprising you think it will be reformed in the next century. You also might consider Islam's first external policies were about conquering and forcing non believers into submission whereas Christians made policy about caring for widows and orphans. Hardly a parallel path. What people did with Christianity after the Romans got hold of it, is just another story of corruption, which is human nature unfortunately. Things have improved since the inquisition. But to corrupt Islam, you would have to make it more tolerant.

Throughout my post, I continually referred to a couple of hundred years, bar for the last sentence.. Perhaps hope and optimism took over, but you are probably right in that there may be no changes , as per my starting point of a couple of hundred years

Regardless, between 711AD and 1492AD, Spain was a Muslim caliphate... Were Islam , Christianity and Judaism co existed , to a large extent.

During this period, Spain was seen as a model society, responsible for many advancements in the world as we know it.

So herein we see that it has been done before, and therefore can be done again.... So changes in the last 1500 years has been achieved.

The problem, as I see it, is the rise of extremism, to an unpresetanted level, and rather than condemn Islam as a whole, extremists need to be rooted out, as most Muslims (in my experience) are of a peaceful nature.

We should hope that this is done sooner than later, such that all peoples can live in harmony, regardless of their personal faith

Unfortunately, western efforts to force change feeds the monster, so Muslim nations, more so, need to lead the charge against extremism

I also seem to remember reading that the Saudi Muslims were entering into an allied group, for this purpose.

And....,parallels between Islam and Christianity are relevant... "The rule of thumb" was originally adopted such that women should not be beaten with a branch, larger than a mans thumb, for example.

Further, Christian societies across Europe deemed that once married, the wife's possessions transferred to the husband, and this held true to the 19th century... The wife became the property of the husband

As too Christians policy to care for widows and orphans... When did this happen? Not so long ago, women were remarried by arranged marriages by a dominant male, or turned over to a nunnery, and orphans had to fend for themselves, forming mutually beneficial gangs of thieves, or being taken in by a lord to begin training as a soldier or servant or sex toys.

The point of that paragraph is to determine if this policy was a result of enlightened Christians... But we also should remember that even pagans of a thousand years ago, or more, also cared for widows and orphans, probably in a better manner than Christianity ever did., so Christianity was somewhat late to the party.

You said "Regardless, between 711AD and 1492AD, Spain was a Muslim caliphate... Were Islam , Christianity and Judaism co existed , to a large extent."

The caliphate was between 929 to 1031. The Spanish inquisition was from 1478 until the 1600's so forget about Christians, Muslims and Jews being happy together then.

The book of James and 1st Timothy both discuss widows and orphans. Here's an example. "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." (James 1:27)


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The religion of peace.

This is what happens when you take the Koran literally.

Unfortunately all Muslims have to. They all believe it is the actual word of god.

Supposedly God gave everyone brains and the ability to reason, but somehow I am starting to doubt that.

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Thanks for the history lesson but we are dealing with now, the present. The assh*le animals in ISIL do not care about what happened yesterday, they want to destroy everything and put the clocks back 1500 years.

<deleted> the theology and get with the program.These Tw*ts need to be taken out now.

Point taken mr moo... Apologies for sermonizing, I shall endeavor to curb my fingers, and you are right... They need to be taken out now....Sooner than later is best for all

Your the one who started with the history, and the one who said that give them a 100 years and they will come around. Now you say they need to be taken out.

Make up your mind and come back later.

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Thanks for the history lesson but we are dealing with now, the present. The assh*le animals in ISIL do not care about what happened yesterday, they want to destroy everything and put the clocks back 1500 years.

<deleted> the theology and get with the program.These Tw*ts need to be taken out now.

Point taken mr moo... Apologies for sermonizing, I shall endeavor to curb my fingers, and you are right... They need to be taken out now....Sooner than later is best for all

Your the one who started with the history, and the one who said that give them a 100 years and they will come around. Now you say they need to be taken out.

Make up your mind and come back later.

Quote from my post.... "We should hope that this is done sooner than later, such that all peoples can live in harmony, regardless of their personal faith".

My opinion therefore has not changed, as I used those words again " sooner than later is best for all"

However, I also believe that the process will not happen overnight, hence a timeline, because these extremists will not disappear by magic

Try not to add your own interpretation to my words, as you have already demonstrated a lack of reason and knowledge.

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Thanks for the history lesson but we are dealing with now, the present. The assh*le animals in ISIL do not care about what happened yesterday, they want to destroy everything and put the clocks back 1500 years.

<deleted> the theology and get with the program.These Tw*ts need to be taken out now.

Point taken mr moo... Apologies for sermonizing, I shall endeavor to curb my fingers, and you are right... They need to be taken out now....Sooner than later is best for all

Your the one who started with the history, and the one who said that give them a 100 years and they will come around. Now you say they need to be taken out.

Make up your mind and come back later.

Quote from my post.... "We should hope that this is done sooner than later, such that all peoples can live in harmony, regardless of their personal faith".

My opinion therefore has not changed, as I used those words again " sooner than later is best for all"

However, I also believe that the process will not happen overnight, hence a timeline, because these extremists will not disappear by magic

Try not to add your own interpretation to my words, as you have already demonstrated a lack of reason and knowledge.


You clearly have me mixed up with someone else. I have not mentioned 100 years in any of my posts, mainly because I do not have tolerance with this filth and would not give them 100 seconds, let alone 100 years.

Apology accepted in advance.

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We are well past the first horse man. Actually the trumpets have been blowing for a while.

The Daes or ISIL scum are just another visible reminder of how far along we

really are, and don't forget about the others like the Taliban, Boko Haram, El Qaeda

and such. What a bunch of animals.

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I might have to look for an official translation of the Koran (Quran, whatever) to read up, what else and why certain things are about to happen. The "youngest" world religion with 1'400 years of violent existence must have taken a twisted turn if it promotes the 72 virgins deal against killing your own mother.

Christianity refers to Kain and Abel in the bible without merit at the end - I, for one, am lost for words and you just wonder, what went wrong in the education of such mad men!

The education was women are at best chattel and there are no such things as human rights as religion forms the basis of a total social concept. All along they were told all problems are caused by the west and "jews", not at all the despotic governments they suffered. Then wars detablilize a region already filled with weapons and corruption. I think the overall result was predictable but this level of depravity, truly shocking.

Sent via a series of tubes

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Thanks for the history lesson but we are dealing with now, the present. The assh*le animals in ISIL do not care about what happened yesterday, they want to destroy everything and put the clocks back 1500 years.
<deleted> the theology and get with the program.These Tw*ts need to be taken out now.

Point taken mr moo... Apologies for sermonizing, I shall endeavor to curb my fingers, and you are right... They need to be taken out now....Sooner than later is best for all
Your the one who started with the history, and the one who said that give them a 100 years and they will come around. Now you say they need to be taken out.
Make up your mind and come back later.

Quote from my post.... "We should hope that this is done sooner than later, such that all peoples can live in harmony, regardless of their personal faith".

My opinion therefore has not changed, as I used those words again " sooner than later is best for all"

However, I also believe that the process will not happen overnight, hence a timeline, because these extremists will not disappear by magic

Try not to add your own interpretation to my words, as you have already demonstrated a lack of reason and knowledge.


You clearly have me mixed up with someone else. I have not mentioned 100 years in any of my posts, mainly because I do not have tolerance with this filth and would not give them 100 seconds, let alone 100 years.
Apology accepted in advance.

You have your apologies sir.... But the TV system seems to have gone haywire on us.

I was apologizing for my lengthy posts in response to your post # 76...

Then canukamuck jumped in again with some wildly incorrect dates, accompanied with some drivel from that famous book or "here-say" ( as any judicial body would see it), the bible.

So the quotation breaks became jumbled up a bit, hence the confusion... You will see the word {quote} hiding in amongst the reply to you, some two dozen words after " apologies mr moo.... ". ... Thats were canuckamcks rubbish inserted itself. Edited by Scott
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Thanks for the history lesson but we are dealing with now, the present. The assh*le animals in ISIL do not care about what happened yesterday, they want to destroy everything and put the clocks back 1500 years.

<deleted> the theology and get with the program.These Tw*ts need to be taken out now.

Point taken mr moo... Apologies for sermonizing, I shall endeavor to curb my fingers, and you are right... They need to be taken out now....Sooner than later is best for all

Your the one who started with the history, and the one who said that give them a 100 years and they will come around. Now you say they need to be taken out.

Make up your mind and come back later.

Quote from my post.... "We should hope that this is done sooner than later, such that all peoples can live in harmony, regardless of their personal faith".

My opinion therefore has not changed, as I used those words again " sooner than later is best for all"

However, I also believe that the process will not happen overnight, hence a timeline, because these extremists will not disappear by magic

Try not to add your own interpretation to my words, as you have already demonstrated a lack of reason and knowledge.


You clearly have me mixed up with someone else. I have not mentioned 100 years in any of my posts, mainly because I do not have tolerance with this filth and would not give them 100 seconds, let alone 100 years.

Apology accepted in advance.

You have your apologies sir.... But the TV system seems to have gone haywire on us.

I was apologizing for my lengthy posts in response to your post # 76...

Then canukamuck jumped in again with some wildly incorrect dates, accompanied with some drivel from that famous book or "here-say" ( as any judicial body would see it), the bible.

So the quotation breaks became jumbled up a bit, hence the confusion... You will see the word {quote} hiding in amongst the reply to you, some two dozen words after " apologies mr moo.... ". ... Thats were canuckamcks rubbish inserted itself.


No problem, I just don't want any of the readers to think I would be soft on this disease that is currently trying to wipe out the rest of the world.

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