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Donald Trump praises Kim Jong-un for how he 'wipes out' political opponents


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I like Americans, but the whole process of elections particularly presidential elections, really makes me embarrassed for them.

What other country is so transparent about it? There aren't any backroom deals here nor is any important group's "boy" getting an advantage. It's all in your face, American style.

Trump certainly personifies "in your face" but you overplay the hand claiming that there are no back room deals nor various advantages being in play. I am judging from historical findings in American politics.

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Yes, while the abbreviated report on TV is only part of what he said & as usual gets blown out of proportion.

Think the criticism in this instance should be on the reporting; not the man. He was admiring the skills of such a young leader who was thrust into the position on the death of his father.

Thumper Trump is playing the game of being controversial to get the public's attention and he's certainly doing just that & dividing his own party.

Doubt has qualities to be President; let alone a world leader!!

There we go again, USA must be a world leader
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Anybody notice the higher Trump's poll numbers go, the more strident and desperate his opponents on this forum become?

Looks like lots of busted blood vessels coming in the very near future.

The people who do that on this forum are doing what comes natural. Ducks quacking. The important thing is what this headline and news article represents. The media is going to conduct an all out propaganda campaign against Trump. And just like on this topic, the headlines, will be a lie. Clearly, Trump is warning against Kim Jong-un, not praising him. And the contents will not even mention the rest of what he said to give context. The lying media is the lying media.

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This article is nothing more than liberals taking a Trump sound bite, and running with it. Trump has insulted anyone and everyone since announcing his run for the presidency, and his popularity has continued to grow by leaps and bounds. There are a lot of normal people (that leaves liberals out) that are sick and tired of Obama, Hillary, Bernie, and the liberal imbeciles that support these people. Like it or not, Trump will be the next president.

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This is totally biased reporting from the home of that genre....the UK. Once a bastion of truth in the media in all its forms, the UK is now getting to be worth completely ignoring if you want factual balanced news. And for those that think Trump is not striking a chord with many in America his odds on being elected have improved over the last week. He may well run against Hilary though fortunately that will only make her election all the more certain.

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This article is nothing more than liberals taking a Trump sound bite, and running with it. Trump has insulted anyone and everyone since announcing his run for the presidency, and his popularity has continued to grow by leaps and bounds. There are a lot of normal people (that leaves liberals out) that are sick and tired of Obama, Hillary, Bernie, and the liberal imbeciles that support these people. Like it or not, Trump will be the next president.

If he survives!

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This article is nothing more than liberals taking a Trump sound bite, and running with it. Trump has insulted anyone and everyone since announcing his run for the presidency, and his popularity has continued to grow by leaps and bounds. There are a lot of normal people (that leaves liberals out) that are sick and tired of Obama, Hillary, Bernie, and the liberal imbeciles that support these people. Like it or not, Trump will be the next president.

If he survives!

Only his "hair" dresser and doctor knows for sure. whistling.gif

Edited by Jingthing
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Trump also admires Putin.

If American's want an American Putin ... go for it, dudes. bah.gif

So maybe you opt for the New World Order.

Trumps tells it like it is.

Trump is a big liar

Because you don't understand what he is really saying?

As far as I can see it as non American, he is at least not a puppet of the NWO.

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This article is nothing more than liberals taking a Trump sound bite, and running with it. Trump has insulted anyone and everyone since announcing his run for the presidency, and his popularity has continued to grow by leaps and bounds. There are a lot of normal people (that leaves liberals out) that are sick and tired of Obama, Hillary, Bernie, and the liberal imbeciles that support these people. Like it or not, Trump will be the next president.

If he survives!

Only his "hair" dresser and doctor knows for sure. whistling.gif


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I was speaking about his health.

Sure, he SEEMS high energy when he attacks his opponents as being low energy.

But who knows what SHOTS the doctor behind the scenes is injecting into his Trump butt?

People are raising the health of HRC as legit so this is legit too.

What exactly is making him ORANGE?!?!

Yes, I STILL do see the idea of a President Trump as a HUGE JOKE.

Edited by Jingthing
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I was speaking about his health.

Sure, he SEEMS high energy when he attacks his opponents as being low energy.

But who knows what SHOTS the doctor behind the scenes is injecting into his Trump butt?

People are raising the health of HRC as legit so this is legit too.

What exactly is making him ORANGE?!?!

Yeah, I know the doctorS you mean. Same who are resposible for Lennon, Jackson and so many others who spoke the truth.

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I was speaking about his health.

Sure, he SEEMS high energy when he attacks his opponents as being low energy.

But who knows what SHOTS the doctor behind the scenes is injecting into his Trump butt?

People are raising the health of HRC as legit so this is legit too.

What exactly is making him ORANGE?!?!

Yeah, I know the doctorS you mean. Same who are resposible for Lennon, Jackson and so many others who spoke the truth.

Sorry, I'm not always fluent in tin foil hat-ese.

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Well that statement really proves Trump the Chump has completely lost the plot.

Beware Americans that if this character and his cronies assume positions of power you all might all end up being residents in a satellite or cloned state of North Korea.

yea and who is the alternative another puppet even worse than obama, trump has hardly lost the plot, you dont build an empire like trump if your a muppet.

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Trump also admires Putin.

If American's want an American Putin ... go for it, dudes. bah.gif

So maybe you opt for the New World Order.

Trumps tells it like it is.

this one is spot on

Read some more. America is doomed if another president than Trump is elected as 'all' the rest of candidates are proxies of the NWO. 'Politicians' are intimidated, bought and bribed or even eagerly and voluntarily willing to be part of the biggest scam in history. Wait till the next false flag. They think they are smart but as many crimainals they use the same MO; it's almost predictable.

You got to get it folks. Europe has lost it already; same will happen to America.

Why are the so called bandit countries called as is? Because they deny to be part of the world banking system and are put aside as bad countries. Funny these are states like N Korea, Iran, Syria, don't you think?

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Well that statement really proves Trump the Chump has completely lost the plot.

Beware Americans that if this character and his cronies assume positions of power you all might all end up being residents in a satellite or cloned state of North Korea.

trump has hardly lost the plot, you dont build an empire like trump if your a muppet.

i'm not a specialists when it comes to muppets but u can build empires if u're a swine, a prick, a nazi, a pyschopath, etc...

i think the trump-dump is at least one of those 555

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