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British woman injured and valuables stolen in daylight Phuket snatch and grab theft

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Thailand has had standing DOS travel warnings for UK and US citizens for quite some time now. Be t I think some other countries like Austrailia and Canada have also followed. So the warnings are there. And they are there for good reason I think. Like stop and lots of foreigners dying here and has b en for many years. Especially Puket. I really thought got Mexico was dangerous before I came here. Mexico is like Disney Land compared to here....

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Does the government really think folks will just keep coming if they continue to ignore these terrible problems? Word is getting out that Thailand continues to be a dangerous, often lawless tourist destination with police who don't really care. Maybe we'll have another "crackdown" ala the crackdown on drunks over the New Year holiday which is now long forgotten.

can I ask where you get the 'Word is getting out that Thailand continues to be a dangerous, often lawless tourist destination', because I haven't read or seen anything regarding this, personally I don't think it makes a bit of difference to how people think, they'll visit Thailand as normal.


I have travels to most countries in the world. And I can sy without a doubt. Phuket has to be the number one crime rate against foreigners in the world. Serious crimes murder rape robbery. Every single day. What has changed in the last ten years? It's gotten worse. What are police doing. Nothing so shut the island off to visitors. It's just too dangerous. Really it's the only answer.

Fascinating. And have you ever visited Phuket? Or just visiting the Phuket forum to post nonsense?


I remember about 4 years ago the female victim died, and the Thai was caught quickly enough and sentenced to life or death. He was made an example of.

I wonder where he is now.


In fact I have lived in Phuket for over a year, like I said most corrupt, Dangerouse deadly place I have ever been, I don't think ant of the accidental deaths are really accidents having lived there and experienced the degre of deceptive and deviousness conduct of the police and citizens of the predominantly Muslim Island.


First off, I am sorry this happened to her, but...

"...Dalia Hilmi, the Lifestyle Editor at The Phuket News..."

So she presumably lives here and yet still drives around with a tempting bag easy to grab and with that much in valuables in it. She either hasn't lived here long or she doesn't pay attention to the news in her own paper.

In 2016, it's not that difficult for an average western tourist to be carrying on them around 100,000 baht worth of property, not including jewellery.

Whether it be a girl carrying a handbag, or a guy with a small backpack, it would not be uncommon for them to be carrying the latest smartphone

and / or a tablet, a camera of reasonable quality - with a large memory card, obviously some cash - Thai baht and / or home currency - probably at least 5000 baht, a pair of brand name sunglasses (yes - I know she is wearing some in the photo) and a good leather purse / wallet. Women would then have some brand name cosmetics as well.

There could be other incidentals as well, such as, a power bank charger, medication, the hotel key, that now has to be paid for, sunscreen, souvenirs, possibly a watch taken off for a swim etc.

Nothing unreasonable about a tourist carrying any of the above in a "World Class Tourist Destination" when going sight seeing, to the beach, and lunch - all in the same outing.

I would suggest an expat would carry similar, probably minus the camera.

Add the value of the above up, and you would be near 100,000 baht, if not over.

Anyway, as the easy farang money dries up on Phuket, and more and more locals get hooked on yaba and ice, you can expect a sharp increase in these crimes here.


Discover Thainess! Instead of making an example by catching the culprits and giving them 20 year sentences without possibility of appeal and/or probation, to save the tourism industry, Thai officials concentrate on foreign visa and workpermit crackdowns. Well done Thailand! Moving forward big time, aye? bah.gif


Every embassy issues common sense advice to travellers. Leave your valuables in the hotel safe. Do not walk in unlit areas at night. Be aware of pickpockets and bag snatches.

No excuse for criminals.

Well this one was not walking and it was still daylight.

Did she live in a hotel?

The real solution is surveillance and effective policing, too late to stop them getting onto the island at the bridge!

'Hotel safe'. mmm - guy comes to LoS with life savings from Oz - puts savings in Pattaya hotel safe...unbelievable coincidence : Hotel safe broken into that night. I wouldn't trust any of them.

In fact I have lived in Phuket for over a year, like I said most corrupt, Dangerouse deadly place I have ever been, I don't think ant of the accidental deaths are really accidents having lived there and experienced the degre of deceptive and deviousness conduct of the police and citizens of the predominantly Muslim Island.

Strange, I have a completely different experience here, and have been here a lot longer than you.

And no, the island is not predominantly muslim, which is besides any point anyway.


These very dangerous bag snatches where both the thieves and victim are on motorbikes have been going on for years in Phuket. It seems to be the signature crime there. This type of robbery should be treated at the very least as aggravated robbery and get a minimum of 6 years' imprisonment. However as the attackers are locals, often the police are not really interested and then the courts treat them leniently.

How many, male and female, have been kicked off their motorbikes, particularly along the coast road, at night, and then robbed, but died from their injuries.

It's reported as a motorbike accident, when in fact, it is a murder.

I was kicked off my motorbike at 5 a.m. in the morning in Kalasin by 2 drunks walking home, after going to the police station and waking the police up, they went to the scene, of course the men were long gone, the police took me to the hospital. In the police report it says " Alex dropped his bike on the road." There is no mention of the 2 Thai men.

And if you had died as a result of being kicked of your bike, the report would have said, "Alex dropped his bike on the road" with no mention of your missing wallet, watch, necklace, wedding ring and smartphone.


In fact I have lived in Phuket for over a year, like I said most corrupt, Dangerouse deadly place I have ever been, I don't think ant of the accidental deaths are really accidents having lived there and experienced the degre of deceptive and deviousness conduct of the police and citizens of the predominantly Muslim Island.

Strange, I have a completely different experience here, and have been here a lot longer than you.

And no, the island is not predominantly muslim, which is besides any point anyway.

But surely you would agree, crime here has increased, significantly, in recent times.


two men on a motorbike viciously grabbed a bag she was carrying.

Wrong. These are not men, They are human garbage, like the rest of the teenage moped gangsters who prey on locals and tourists alike. Their violent attacks, robberies and sexual assaults are turning Phuket into the Cologne.of Thailand.

This woman has had a dreadful experience and was fortunate not to have been much more seriously injured, or even killed. One hears of these incidents almost daily, but almost never are the culprits caught and brought to justice.

When are the forces of law and order going to start earning their money by collecting up; this mass of teenage litter and trashing it (Please don't bother doing any recycling - it would be a waste of time and public money). Do we have to wait until the tourists dry up before seeing some concerted action?


two men on a motorbike viciously grabbed a bag she was carrying.

Wrong. These are not men, They are human garbage, like the rest of the teenage moped gangsters who prey on locals and tourists alike. Their violent attacks, robberies and sexual assaults are turning Phuket into the Cologne.of Thailand.

This woman has had a dreadful experience and was fortunate not to have been much more seriously injured, or even killed. One hears of these incidents almost daily, but almost never are the culprits caught and brought to justice.

When are the forces of law and order going to start earning their money by collecting up; this mass of teenage litter and trashing it (Please don't bother doing any recycling - it would be a waste of time and public money). Do we have to wait until the tourists dry up before seeing some concerted action?

Where would you house them all?

Who is going to pay the bill?

Fine to incarcerate foreigners - the prison system makes money out of them, but no money to be made out of incarcerating the majority of Thai's.


Does the government really think folks will just keep coming if they continue to ignore these terrible problems? Word is getting out that Thailand continues to be a dangerous, often lawless tourist destination with police who don't really care. Maybe we'll have another "crackdown" ala the crackdown on drunks over the New Year holiday which is now long forgotten.

I honestly don't believe they care. I think they are in so far over their heads, and are so bewildered and overwhelmed by all of the problems they are facing, I do not think they give tourism a moments thought. And the tourism ministries are so fabulously incompetent and disingenuous, that they do not know how to handle these kinds of situations either. The PM has demonstrated that he is terribly inept, at all things, especially PR. I just do not think they give much thought to tourism, much less the safety of tourists.


Where are all the Thailand-at-any-cost supporters? Most of you seem to think things are getting worse? Or, is it just the same, but now the foreign media just reports all of them?


I have travels to most countries in the world. And I can sy without a doubt. Phuket has to be the number one crime rate against foreigners in the world. Serious crimes murder rape robbery. Every single day. What has changed in the last ten years? It's gotten worse. What are police doing. Nothing so shut the island off to visitors. It's just too dangerous. Really it's the only answer.

Firstly, Phuket is not a country. Secondly, your "without a doubt" claim is doubtful without statistical evidence.

This recent top ten list of murders (not crimes against foreigners specifically, as you claim to be the expert on) per capita shows not one Asian country much less the "country" of Phuket. http://www.abcnewspoint.com/top-10-countries-with-highest-murder-rate-in-the-world-2015/

Your solution of shutting down the island with no alternative solution is mindless gibberish. Maybe you would throw a cage around the cities of Chicago, New Orleans or Detroit too? How about dropping an H-bomb on Honduras? There is no free lunch. Third world countries with cheap accommodations and beer for foreigners also have limited resources for their nationals which often results in crime, some of it is violent. I EXPECT certain cities in Thailand to have crime. I do not expect the same behavior from the animals perpetuating these crimes in any of the American cities I mentioned where alternatives are available for those who want them.

Smells like justification. Bottom line is unjustified violence anywhere is quite simply a crime and should not be tolerated like it appears to be in Thailand, tea money + lack of attention (laziness) doesn't solve anything except an individuals need for acquisition of further 'assets' and brings certain departments into well known disrepute (abnormal). If a tourist industry is deemed positive for the community (the pinch is already being felt) action must be swiftly taken in an open, lawful and mindful way by all official parties involved. Police posts on Phuket are well known as some of the most lucrative in the country especially Patong; why??? Policing (perhaps they know who was involved and have already attended to the 'suspects' for payment) this situation is out of control, has nothing to do with America (is way off topic) and in no way justifies an Asian countries xenophobic tendencies; of violently harvesting Western peoples monetary assets. Blatant premeditated violent crime for currency, has no place anywhere except where its accepted as 'normal' behaviour. VIOLENCE IS UNACCEPTABLE IN THAILAND needed to be spelt out obviously. AFM anything for money


If Pattaya is Tomestone then Phuket sounds like Dodge City. They should be 'paired' with cultural visits each way by the town councils.

It's rare a tourist would be robbed like this in Pattaya as the vast majority of tourists do not need to be riding a motorbike because of the baht bus system in Pattaya.


Sorry to see the results of another robbery. This woman works as a Lifestyle writer, I'm sure she'll have a lot to say. But, its possible it could of been avoided by her. She wore the bag around the neck, why did she not place it in the storage area? And who walks around with 100,000 baht of stuff in Phuket or Pattaya.

She of all people who lives there and writes about events in Phuket could of used better judgement. Many tourist, especially the men wear jewelry, watches and carry expensive phones and go to walking street of Bangla road to show off thinking they find a very special girl. I dress like a slob, carry only 50 baht notes and always get the girl I want.

"Who walks around with 100,000 baht in Thailand" you ask,arrogant DUMMIES. thats who

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