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Isil's security advice to would-be jihadists: Shave your beard and wear western clothes


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Isil's security advice to would-be jihadists: Shave your beard, encrypt your phones and wear western clothes
By Richard Spencer

Isil issues "dos and don'ts" advice for lone wolf attackers who want to avoid security services detection

LONDON: -- Islamic State has issued an advice booklet for followers who want to carry out “lone wolf” attacks of the sort that are plaguing European countries.

The booklet, “Safety and security guidelines for lone wolf mujahideen and small cells”, tells readers how to “surprise the enemy” by evading security agencies.

“Any operation that doesn’t have a strong security and precaution base is deemed to fail, just like a big building needs strong foundations,” it says. “Security precautions are the foundations of any operation.”

The booklet was originally written in Arabic for al-Qaeda, and followed other advice documents for jihadists such as the famous "Make a bomb in the kitchen of your mom".

Full story: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/islamic-state/12096095/isil-security-jihadist-advice.html

-- The Telegraph 2016-01-13

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I was thinking,,,If , If by any chance their would be a possibility to clean the Country of All muslims,Then close the Borders 100 %,Say like Japan Then ,Don't Invite or Let any Muslim /Muslim related person in the Country .Than and Only Than We may have a Chance to live in Peace.... I know I know ,It ain't gonna happen sad.png

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