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Pennsylvania girl, 12, killed after father aims gun at constable


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If the father did not have a gun, a young girl would still be alive today.

Not only the girl but thousands upon thousands would be alive today.

Shall not be infringed...belongs to the past.

The 2nd Amendment was not designed to protect one's right to carry a handgun in one's handbag.

It was designed to protect the rights of "οἱ πολλοἱ" (Greek: the many), not ὁ ἄτομος (a person, an individual).

It is exploited to allow simpletons to carry weapons into Walmart, the cinema, or McDonald's.
Less guns = Less gun crime (FACT). Period.

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The policeman should be investigated for unsafe use of firearms. You can't shoot at crowd and two people one behind the other is exactly that. He was young and afraid, probably.

At the end is the f... banks and their own digital & printed on worthless paper money, which governs all other slaves - like you and me - and their lives.

Depends on the circumstances. If the Policeman feared for his life, he is well entitled to draw his weapon and fire, those other circumstances are a secondary consideration. If he was firing at a fleeing felon then I agree with what you said.

Do you really thing when a police constables life is at immediate threat that he must first request other people leave the area before he protects himself or that he should of resorted to another method of protection? Sounds like all his other options were exhausted and he acted as he should.

Sadly situation for the cop, I hope he receives propper support at this time.

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Now we know why many ordinary Americans want the right to carry a gun...

So that they can point it at an officer? What are you thinking? If idiotville didn't have the gun the incident most likely wouldn't have happened.

Here is the sentence regarding the second amendment. Today, where is the regulated militia in regards to everyone carrying a weapon? This is where long ago the "right to bear arms" went totally astray.

A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

and maybe the police officer shouldn't have escalated it into a shooting? Sounds like a good situation to stay calm and return later. It's just an eviction. Maybe the entire US police force needs retraining.

Is there oxygen on your planet?

It wasn't the police officer that escalated this to a shooting, it was the twatttt that pointed his gun at the cop.

To point any weapon at a cop is a very bad idea, end of story.

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amazed at the crazy aspects of thai culture?

try comprehending american gun culture

85,000 shootings a year in a country of 320,000,000 = .00027% of the population.

11,000 gun related homicides in a country with 2,500,000 deaths per year = .0044% of the population.

I know it's no use trying to talk sense to the ethnocentric America-bashers on this site, but the "slaughter"--as one poster put it--isn't really a slaughter at all.

Don't let facts interrupt your circle jerk, though.

Yes the figures are so insignificant and really we are happy that Americans get killed like this because it is much better to watch them kill each other than having to plan a terrorist attack. More guns to the Americans thats what we all say. Let them kill themselves off as it keeps down green house gas emissions and is better for the environment.

There are lots of reasons that Americans should be left to kill each other. :)

But really there are some interesting numbers that dont make sense to non americans. 3 out of 5 deaths from Firearms in the USA are suicides.

Just about as many deaths from guns as road deaths.

Now I watch a bit of TV and I seem to notice that just about all of them feature guns. Lots of them. Everyone is being a hero. Running around dodging bullets from Machine Guns and fighting back with amazing shooting prowess with a handgun. Thats why armies use machine guns isnt it so that they dont kill anyone in battle?

Ok this poor girl lost her life because of a tragic series of events. One of which seems to be the availibility of guns. One seems to be the thought that a gun will stop an eviction.

Whether she was a small percentage of the population she was a human and she would not have died in other saner countries that dont have a gun culture like the USA.

Thats the big difference. Not just low percentages. In other countries this type of death does not occur. So it appears senseless.

It appears preventable. It appears that Americans have a death wish.

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I fully support the right of Americans to form well-regulated militias armed with single shot muzzle-loaded muskets to provide additional security in the States as was the purpose and intent of the Second Amendment. What this has to do with the current situation and the thousands of incidents and hundreds of thousands of people who die in the USA from handguns and various other modern weapons is beyond me.

By your logic, all laws made after muzzle loaders should be void.

All you keyboard whiners should get a life, grow a tomato and keep

your stress down. If you can't vote in the US, who gives a crap, fix

your own house.


At least we have a house...

You know you don't need to sign your posts, dude?

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amazed at the crazy aspects of thai culture?

try comprehending american gun culture

85,000 shootings a year in a country of 320,000,000 = .00027% of the population.

11,000 gun related homicides in a country with 2,500,000 deaths per year = .0044% of the population.

I know it's no use trying to talk sense to the ethnocentric America-bashers on this site, but the "slaughter"--as one poster put it--isn't really a slaughter at all.

Don't let facts interrupt your circle jerk, though.

Yes the figures are so insignificant and really we are happy that Americans get killed like this because it is much better to watch them kill each other than having to plan a terrorist attack. More guns to the Americans thats what we all say. Let them kill themselves off as it keeps down green house gas emissions and is better for the environment.

There are lots of reasons that Americans should be left to kill each other. smile.png

But really there are some interesting numbers that dont make sense to non americans. 3 out of 5 deaths from Firearms in the USA are suicides.

Just about as many deaths from guns as road deaths.

Now I watch a bit of TV and I seem to notice that just about all of them feature guns. Lots of them. Everyone is being a hero. Running around dodging bullets from Machine Guns and fighting back with amazing shooting prowess with a handgun. Thats why armies use machine guns isnt it so that they dont kill anyone in battle?

Ok this poor girl lost her life because of a tragic series of events. One of which seems to be the availibility of guns. One seems to be the thought that a gun will stop an eviction.

Whether she was a small percentage of the population she was a human and she would not have died in other saner countries that dont have a gun culture like the USA.

Thats the big difference. Not just low percentages. In other countries this type of death does not occur. So it appears senseless.

It appears preventable. It appears that Americans have a death wish.

For someone playing at being holier-than-thou, you certainly have a violent streak wishing death upon people. Amongst sane people, this is called hypocrisy.

But you're right--we Americans do have a death wish rolleyes.gif despite that the figures I quoted demonstrate there is in fact no gun epidemic. Moreover, a child dying from an accidental gun shot is no more tragic than a child choking to death on a toy. It's only your emotions telling you otherwise, and there's nothing reasonable/sane about that.

Presuming you too are English--it's your unearned sanctimonious perspectives that give you all away, in case you're wondering--your country is as violent a place as any, even without guns: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/law-and-order/5712573/UK-is-violent-crime-capital-of-Europe.html

Just be honest with yourself: your real problem is that you long for the days of English supremacy, and you disdain Americans for having put you in your proper place and kept you there all these years. biggrin.png

Edited by aTomsLife
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amazed at the crazy aspects of thai culture?

try comprehending american gun culture

85,000 shootings a year in a country of 320,000,000 = .00027% of the population.

11,000 gun related homicides in a country with 2,500,000 deaths per year = .0044% of the population.

I know it's no use trying to talk sense to the ethnocentric America-bashers on this site, but the "slaughter"--as one poster put it--isn't really a slaughter at all.

Don't let facts interrupt your circle jerk, though.

Yes the figures are so insignificant and really we are happy that Americans get killed like this because it is much better to watch them kill each other than having to plan a terrorist attack. More guns to the Americans thats what we all say. Let them kill themselves off as it keeps down green house gas emissions and is better for the environment.

There are lots of reasons that Americans should be left to kill each other. smile.png

But really there are some interesting numbers that dont make sense to non americans. 3 out of 5 deaths from Firearms in the USA are suicides.

Just about as many deaths from guns as road deaths.

Now I watch a bit of TV and I seem to notice that just about all of them feature guns. Lots of them. Everyone is being a hero. Running around dodging bullets from Machine Guns and fighting back with amazing shooting prowess with a handgun. Thats why armies use machine guns isnt it so that they dont kill anyone in battle?

Ok this poor girl lost her life because of a tragic series of events. One of which seems to be the availibility of guns. One seems to be the thought that a gun will stop an eviction.

Whether she was a small percentage of the population she was a human and she would not have died in other saner countries that dont have a gun culture like the USA.

Thats the big difference. Not just low percentages. In other countries this type of death does not occur. So it appears senseless.

It appears preventable. It appears that Americans have a death wish.

For someone playing at being holier-than-thou, you certainly have a violent streak wishing death upon people. Amongst sane people, this is called hypocrisy.

But you're right--we Americans do have a death wish rolleyes.gif despite that the figures I quoted demonstrate there is in fact no gun epidemic. Moreover, a child dying from an accidental gun shot is no more tragic than a child choking to death on a toy. It's only your emotions telling you otherwise, and there's nothing reasonable/sane about that.

Presuming you too are English--it's your unearned sanctimonious perspectives that give you all away, in case you're wondering--your country is as violent a place as any, even without guns: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/law-and-order/5712573/UK-is-violent-crime-capital-of-Europe.html

Just be honest with yourself: your real problem is that you long for the days of English supremacy, and you disdain Americans for having put you in your proper place and kept you there all these years. biggrin.png

So you provide a link (from 2009) which say clearly :

These figures are misleading. Levels of police recorded crime statistics from different countries are simply not comparable since they are affected by many factors, for example the recording of violent crime in other countries may not include behaviour that we would categorise as violent crime.

and you use it to ask us to compare UK and USA?...

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85,000 shootings a year in a country of 320,000,000 = .00027% of the population.

11,000 gun related homicides in a country with 2,500,000 deaths per year = .0044% of the population.

I know it's no use trying to talk sense to the ethnocentric America-bashers on this site, but the "slaughter"--as one poster put it--isn't really a slaughter at all.

Don't let facts interrupt your circle jerk, though.

Yes the figures are so insignificant and really we are happy that Americans get killed like this because it is much better to watch them kill each other than having to plan a terrorist attack. More guns to the Americans thats what we all say. Let them kill themselves off as it keeps down green house gas emissions and is better for the environment.

There are lots of reasons that Americans should be left to kill each other. smile.png

But really there are some interesting numbers that dont make sense to non americans. 3 out of 5 deaths from Firearms in the USA are suicides.

Just about as many deaths from guns as road deaths.

Now I watch a bit of TV and I seem to notice that just about all of them feature guns. Lots of them. Everyone is being a hero. Running around dodging bullets from Machine Guns and fighting back with amazing shooting prowess with a handgun. Thats why armies use machine guns isnt it so that they dont kill anyone in battle?

Ok this poor girl lost her life because of a tragic series of events. One of which seems to be the availibility of guns. One seems to be the thought that a gun will stop an eviction.

Whether she was a small percentage of the population she was a human and she would not have died in other saner countries that dont have a gun culture like the USA.

Thats the big difference. Not just low percentages. In other countries this type of death does not occur. So it appears senseless.

It appears preventable. It appears that Americans have a death wish.

For someone playing at being holier-than-thou, you certainly have a violent streak wishing death upon people. Amongst sane people, this is called hypocrisy.

But you're right--we Americans do have a death wish rolleyes.gif despite that the figures I quoted demonstrate there is in fact no gun epidemic. Moreover, a child dying from an accidental gun shot is no more tragic than a child choking to death on a toy. It's only your emotions telling you otherwise, and there's nothing reasonable/sane about that.

Presuming you too are English--it's your unearned sanctimonious perspectives that give you all away, in case you're wondering--your country is as violent a place as any, even without guns: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/law-and-order/5712573/UK-is-violent-crime-capital-of-Europe.html

Just be honest with yourself: your real problem is that you long for the days of English supremacy, and you disdain Americans for having put you in your proper place and kept you there all these years. biggrin.png

So you provide a link (from 2009) which say clearly :

These figures are misleading. Levels of police recorded crime statistics from different countries are simply not comparable since they are affected by many factors, for example the recording of violent crime in other countries may not include behaviour that we would categorise as violent crime.

and you use it to ask us to compare UK and USA?...

Here is the crux of a much more in depth analysis, which I link below:

Due to fundamental differences in how crime is recorded and categorized, it’s impossible to compute exactly what the British violent crime rate would be if it were calculated the way the FBI does it, but if we must compare the two, my best estimate‡ would be something like 776 violent crimes per 100,000 people. While this is still substantially higher than the rate in the United States, it’s nowhere near the 2,034 cited by Swann and the Mail.


The point is, you're in no position to thumb your noses at us. And I'm through dignifying what amounts to little more than school yard bullying. Bye.

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aTomsLife, on 14 Jan 2016 - 22:41, said:snapback.png

samsensam, on 14 Jan 2016 - 20:06, said:snapback.png

amazed at the crazy aspects of thai culture?

try comprehending american gun culture

85,000 shootings a year in a country of 320,000,000 = .00027% of the population.

11,000 gun related homicides in a country with 2,500,000 deaths per year = .0044% of the population.

I know it's no use trying to talk sense to the ethnocentric America-bashers on this site, but the "slaughter"--as one poster put it--isn't really a slaughter at all.

Don't let facts interrupt your circle jerk, though.

If people must quote 'statistics' it would be nice if they could do basic maths. Not .00027% of the population, but more like .027% of the population, i.e. one in every 4,000. Maybe not slaughter but not insignificant. What is worrying is letting people with sloppy maths have guns ....

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85,000 shootings a year in a country of 320,000,000 = .00027% of the population.

11,000 gun related homicides in a country with 2,500,000 deaths per year = .0044% of the population.

I know it's no use trying to talk sense to the ethnocentric America-bashers on this site, but the "slaughter"--as one poster put it--isn't really a slaughter at all.

Don't let facts interrupt your circle jerk, though.

Yes the figures are so insignificant and really we are happy that Americans get killed like this because it is much better to watch them kill each other than having to plan a terrorist attack. More guns to the Americans thats what we all say. Let them kill themselves off as it keeps down green house gas emissions and is better for the environment.

There are lots of reasons that Americans should be left to kill each other. smile.png

But really there are some interesting numbers that dont make sense to non americans. 3 out of 5 deaths from Firearms in the USA are suicides.

Just about as many deaths from guns as road deaths.

Now I watch a bit of TV and I seem to notice that just about all of them feature guns. Lots of them. Everyone is being a hero. Running around dodging bullets from Machine Guns and fighting back with amazing shooting prowess with a handgun. Thats why armies use machine guns isnt it so that they dont kill anyone in battle?

Ok this poor girl lost her life because of a tragic series of events. One of which seems to be the availibility of guns. One seems to be the thought that a gun will stop an eviction.

Whether she was a small percentage of the population she was a human and she would not have died in other saner countries that dont have a gun culture like the USA.

Thats the big difference. Not just low percentages. In other countries this type of death does not occur. So it appears senseless.

It appears preventable. It appears that Americans have a death wish.

For someone playing at being holier-than-thou, you certainly have a violent streak wishing death upon people. Amongst sane people, this is called hypocrisy.

But you're right--we Americans do have a death wish rolleyes.gif despite that the figures I quoted demonstrate there is in fact no gun epidemic. Moreover, a child dying from an accidental gun shot is no more tragic than a child choking to death on a toy. It's only your emotions telling you otherwise, and there's nothing reasonable/sane about that.

Presuming you too are English--it's your unearned sanctimonious perspectives that give you all away, in case you're wondering--your country is as violent a place as any, even without guns: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/law-and-order/5712573/UK-is-violent-crime-capital-of-Europe.html

Just be honest with yourself: your real problem is that you long for the days of English supremacy, and you disdain Americans for having put you in your proper place and kept you there all these years. biggrin.png

So you provide a link (from 2009) which say clearly :

These figures are misleading. Levels of police recorded crime statistics from different countries are simply not comparable since they are affected by many factors, for example the recording of violent crime in other countries may not include behaviour that we would categorise as violent crime.

and you use it to ask us to compare UK and USA?...

Here is the crux of a much more in depth analysis, which I link below:

Due to fundamental differences in how crime is recorded and categorized, it’s impossible to compute exactly what the British violent crime rate would be if it were calculated the way the FBI does it, but if we must compare the two, my best estimate‡ would be something like 776 violent crimes per 100,000 people. While this is still substantially higher than the rate in the United States, it’s nowhere near the 2,034 cited by Swann and the Mail.


The point is, you're in no position to thumb your noses at us. And I'm through dignifying what amounts to little more than school yard bullying. Bye.

You know what, everybody thumb the nose at you.

This is a open form and if you have nothing more to say than; BYE, than post here.

Bye to you.

Have a nice day.

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Donald Meyer must not have been black. Otherwise, all we would have heard about in this topic and on the news is that Black Lives Matter.

Donald Meyer wasnt killed. His daughter was.

Childrens lives matter, unless you are an nra nutter.

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aTomsLife, on 14 Jan 2016 - 22:41, said:snapback.png

85,000 shootings a year in a country of 320,000,000 = .00027% of the population.

11,000 gun related homicides in a country with 2,500,000 deaths per year = .0044% of the population.

I know it's no use trying to talk sense to the ethnocentric America-bashers on this site, but the "slaughter"--as one poster put it--isn't really a slaughter at all.

Don't let facts interrupt your circle jerk, though.

If people must quote 'statistics' it would be nice if they could do basic maths. Not .00027% of the population, but more like .027% of the population, i.e. one in every 4,000. Maybe not slaughter but not insignificant. What is worrying is letting people with sloppy maths have guns ....

When you're right you're right--my math is off. Yet the point stands: there is no "slaughter" happening.

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85,000 shootings a year in a country of 320,000,000 = .00027% of the population.

11,000 gun related homicides in a country with 2,500,000 deaths per year = .0044% of the population.

I know it's no use trying to talk sense to the ethnocentric America-bashers on this site, but the "slaughter"--as one poster put it--isn't really a slaughter at all.

Don't let facts interrupt your circle jerk, though.

Yes the figures are so insignificant and really we are happy that Americans get killed like this because it is much better to watch them kill each other than having to plan a terrorist attack. More guns to the Americans thats what we all say. Let them kill themselves off as it keeps down green house gas emissions and is better for the environment.

There are lots of reasons that Americans should be left to kill each other. smile.png

But really there are some interesting numbers that dont make sense to non americans. 3 out of 5 deaths from Firearms in the USA are suicides.

Just about as many deaths from guns as road deaths.

Now I watch a bit of TV and I seem to notice that just about all of them feature guns. Lots of them. Everyone is being a hero. Running around dodging bullets from Machine Guns and fighting back with amazing shooting prowess with a handgun. Thats why armies use machine guns isnt it so that they dont kill anyone in battle?

Ok this poor girl lost her life because of a tragic series of events. One of which seems to be the availibility of guns. One seems to be the thought that a gun will stop an eviction.

Whether she was a small percentage of the population she was a human and she would not have died in other saner countries that dont have a gun culture like the USA.

Thats the big difference. Not just low percentages. In other countries this type of death does not occur. So it appears senseless.

It appears preventable. It appears that Americans have a death wish.

For someone playing at being holier-than-thou, you certainly have a violent streak wishing death upon people. Amongst sane people, this is called hypocrisy.

But you're right--we Americans do have a death wish rolleyes.gif despite that the figures I quoted demonstrate there is in fact no gun epidemic. Moreover, a child dying from an accidental gun shot is no more tragic than a child choking to death on a toy. It's only your emotions telling you otherwise, and there's nothing reasonable/sane about that.

Presuming you too are English--it's your unearned sanctimonious perspectives that give you all away, in case you're wondering--your country is as violent a place as any, even without guns: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/law-and-order/5712573/UK-is-violent-crime-capital-of-Europe.html

Just be honest with yourself: your real problem is that you long for the days of English supremacy, and you disdain Americans for having put you in your proper place and kept you there all these years. biggrin.png

So you provide a link (from 2009) which say clearly :

These figures are misleading. Levels of police recorded crime statistics from different countries are simply not comparable since they are affected by many factors, for example the recording of violent crime in other countries may not include behaviour that we would categorise as violent crime.

and you use it to ask us to compare UK and USA?...

Here is the crux of a much more in depth analysis, which I link below:

Due to fundamental differences in how crime is recorded and categorized, it’s impossible to compute exactly what the British violent crime rate would be if it were calculated the way the FBI does it, but if we must compare the two, my best estimate‡ would be something like 776 violent crimes per 100,000 people. While this is still substantially higher than the rate in the United States, it’s nowhere near the 2,034 cited by Swann and the Mail.


The point is, you're in no position to thumb your noses at us. And I'm through dignifying what amounts to little more than school yard bullying. Bye.

You know what, everybody thumb the nose at you.

This is a open form and if you have nothing more to say than; BYE, than post here.

Bye to you.

Have a nice day.

I'm not thumbing my nose at him. I guess that completely refutes your position.

Why do you care what happens in America? If America is such a terrible place because of the gun culture, then why do so many people want to immigrate there? Why do so many South American and Mexican illegal aliens flock to the USA?

Because it is still better than the sh÷thole that the come from.

If you don't like it stay away. If you want to stay then shut your pie hole and accept American culture.

Unfortunately you still have to deal with the cops that shoot before they think. Cops are just criminals in uniforms.

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85,000 shootings a year in a country of 320,000,000 = .00027% of the population.

11,000 gun related homicides in a country with 2,500,000 deaths per year = .0044% of the population.

I know it's no use trying to talk sense to the ethnocentric America-bashers on this site, but the "slaughter"--as one poster put it--isn't really a slaughter at all.

Don't let facts interrupt your circle jerk, though.

Yes the figures are so insignificant and really we are happy that Americans get killed like this because it is much better to watch them kill each other than having to plan a terrorist attack. More guns to the Americans thats what we all say. Let them kill themselves off as it keeps down green house gas emissions and is better for the environment.

There are lots of reasons that Americans should be left to kill each other. smile.png

But really there are some interesting numbers that dont make sense to non americans. 3 out of 5 deaths from Firearms in the USA are suicides.

Just about as many deaths from guns as road deaths.

Now I watch a bit of TV and I seem to notice that just about all of them feature guns. Lots of them. Everyone is being a hero. Running around dodging bullets from Machine Guns and fighting back with amazing shooting prowess with a handgun. Thats why armies use machine guns isnt it so that they dont kill anyone in battle?

Ok this poor girl lost her life because of a tragic series of events. One of which seems to be the availibility of guns. One seems to be the thought that a gun will stop an eviction.

Whether she was a small percentage of the population she was a human and she would not have died in other saner countries that dont have a gun culture like the USA.

Thats the big difference. Not just low percentages. In other countries this type of death does not occur. So it appears senseless.

It appears preventable. It appears that Americans have a death wish.

For someone playing at being holier-than-thou, you certainly have a violent streak wishing death upon people. Amongst sane people, this is called hypocrisy.

But you're right--we Americans do have a death wish rolleyes.gif despite that the figures I quoted demonstrate there is in fact no gun epidemic. Moreover, a child dying from an accidental gun shot is no more tragic than a child choking to death on a toy. It's only your emotions telling you otherwise, and there's nothing reasonable/sane about that.

Presuming you too are English--it's your unearned sanctimonious perspectives that give you all away, in case you're wondering--your country is as violent a place as any, even without guns: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/law-and-order/5712573/UK-is-violent-crime-capital-of-Europe.html

Just be honest with yourself: your real problem is that you long for the days of English supremacy, and you disdain Americans for having put you in your proper place and kept you there all these years. biggrin.png

So you provide a link (from 2009) which say clearly :

These figures are misleading. Levels of police recorded crime statistics from different countries are simply not comparable since they are affected by many factors, for example the recording of violent crime in other countries may not include behaviour that we would categorise as violent crime.

and you use it to ask us to compare UK and USA?...

Here is the crux of a much more in depth analysis, which I link below:

Due to fundamental differences in how crime is recorded and categorized, its impossible to compute exactly what the British violent crime rate would be if it were calculated the way the FBI does it, but if we must compare the two, my best estimate would be something like 776 violent crimes per 100,000 people. While this is still substantially higher than the rate in the United States, its nowhere near the 2,034 cited by Swann and the Mail.


The point is, you're in no position to thumb your noses at us. And I'm through dignifying what amounts to little more than school yard bullying. Bye.

Yes I can, cause i am not from Uk...

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