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Trump, Cruz go at each other in Republican debate


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So if Trump is president, as rich as he is, does anyone actually believe he won't be much richer by the end of it? He wants it all. I don't buy the he's doing it for the country BS. He's an ego-maniacal nutcase.

Edited by Jingthing
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Yeah, so I watched another one of these Republican debates. It got boring real fast after the third of fourth time of "Obama sucks and here is why" rhetoric. It is always easier to tear down than to build up. I was hoping for some solid evidence of what each candidate stands for other than fear mongering. Wishful thinking I guess.

Fox News afterwards was so proud that the debate got feisty. Feisty? I've seen more energy during a seniors bingo game. These candidates are boring through and through. Not one of them gives off the energy required to excite the undecided voters.

The worst part was the moderator Neil Cavuto stammering and stumbling through his lines. I felt that I was watching a randomly picked audience member instead of a seasoned journalist.

If excitement is what you are seeking, you must fall asleep during the first minute of the Democrat debates.

A pathological liar, a geriatric Socialist and a failed Governor. The Three Mousekateers in action. cheesy.gif

When you ain't got nothing (and believe it, none of these wingnuts have a thing) go after the opposition

Get use to it. You'll be hearing a lot of it, "Madame President"

Oh, and you misspelled "Mouseketeers" cheesy.gif

Maybe we should start a poll with the following question.

" If Hillary Clinton is indicted on criminal charges, should the Democrats still propose her as their candidate for President?"

Reduced to being one of the grammar police now?

But since you brought it up..."Get use to it."...is not proper grammar.


Incorrect grammar in "proper" English

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When you run for office, you are BY LAW required to disclose the source of your funds. It just does not cut it to say – oh, I forgot. Sorry, that disqualifies you from holding office and others have been seriously investigated for such lapses of memory.

Putting that aside, the source of the funds was the notorious Goldman Sachs. The dishonesty here is that Cruz has pretended to stand against the bankers. “Like many other players on Wall Street and big business, they seek out and get special favors from government,” Cruz told the New York Times previously. How dishonest is this statement and the forgetting to report a loan from Goldman Sachs? His wife Heidi, is amanaging director at Goldman Sachs and has taken a temporary “leave” during his presidential campaign.

I am sorry. But Cruz is bought and paid for and would be in the pocket of the New York Banks no different than Hillary, Bush, or the rest of them who take money from this crowd. You do not forget to report a loan from Goldman Sachs when your wife is a managing director. Come on. How stupid do we have to be to entertain this excuse?

This entry was posted in Uncategorized by Martin Armstrong. Bookmark the permalink.

While I don't particularly like Trump's extravagant rhetoric, he is at least not in anyone's pocket

This is the issue in a nutshell. Cruz has been publicly outed as a hypocrite regarding the banks. Not to mention that attacking Trump on "New York values," while he himself is beholden to two giant New York financial houses makes him appear the slippery weasel he is.

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Prof Lawrence Tribe of Harvard Law mentioned today all it would take is one state to decline to place Cruz on the ballot in the state for the Republican party to face filing a suit in federal court. There are a dozen or more states that could consider doing this.

This is because each state runs elections. Each state runs its own elections in the state and for POTUS. Washington does not run elections in the states, ever. (DC is slightly different in minor ways.)

The elected secretary of each state runs the elections in the state for the state. If any secretary of a state makes a legal determination for the state that Cruz is not qualified, whether the determination might be right or wrong, the state would likely face a Republican party challenge in the federal courts. This could of course to to SCOTUS.

There's nothing firm or final about this, but it could very well happen if Cruz becomes the Republican party nominee coming out of its quadrennial national convention in the summer.

Today a Houston TX attorney filed in the US District Court there on Cruz's eligibility. The lawyer asked that SCOTUS take the case to make a determination. SCOTUS has never made Constitutionally clear what "natural born citizen" is or means. It seems to mean on the soil, but that remains unclarified in the federal courts.

SCOTUS passed on previous rightwingnut birther cases against President Obama. So did the lower US District Courts which summarily dismissed such filings. A summary dismissal is tantamount to telling the complaintant they're wasting the court's time.

But Barack Obama clearly had been born in the USA. Cruz unmistakably was not.

There are reports now Cruz's mother was a registered voter in Canada, which would mean should would be ineligible to vote in USA, and would have had to be a Canadian citizen. Question there might be whether she was this before or after the birth of Cruz. This needs further clarification also.

There is also the question of whether Congress can Constitutionally pass a law declaring someone a natural born citizen. This is so because the Constitution has the term in it. So the Constitution and SCOTUS would have that jurisdiction, not Congress. But not necessarily so if SCOTUS passed on the question in Cruz's case.

May you live in interesting times.

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Trump will win. He's a winner. Then I will have a laugh when he visits the UK and deals with our incompetent politicians.

Just wish we had a Donald Trump in the UK

In the beginning there were quite a few politicians in GB who thought Hitler was doing a good job,they changed their mind pretty quickly when it was too late.

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The thought of President Trump is truly frightening, but the way things are going it's looking more likely. He certainly got the better of the idiot Cruz in that debate.

It looks good for him being NOMINATED, yes. That's not the same as being elected president.

So it comes down to Trump, or HRC/ Bernie. If I were an American I'd be seriously worried.

As for the Donald, he's probably gobsmacked that he got this far, let alone have a chance. I'm sure he just went in to stir things up and the alternatives are so bad that he became more popular than he ever thought he would. Probably laughs himself silly when no one is looking.

I think he'd make a great president, but no doubt he's POd the professional politicians so much by exposing them for the losers they are that he'll never get anything he proposes through the house.

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The US presidential election race (in its entirety) is the greatest reality show on television. (I don't

watch reality TV) The two biggest loonies are Trump and Cruz, and what can you say about Carson.

How did he get through medical school. Obviously super smart (way smarter than me) but I can't

understand how he squares the circle when it comes to his belief in the bible and the science

of his medical degree. Of course Obama bad, HRC worse is all that is spouted. If Obama did

100% of what they wanted they would like him 1% more and still blame him for everything that

goes wrong. Republicans have to remember they had 8 years of Bush who took the rains of an

exceptionally strong economy left to him by Clinton. (no need to argue about who should get

credit, Clinton or Republican Congress) and look at how he left it for Obama. Personally I am

hoping for a Trump/Cruz GOP ticket. I love the entertainment value. While Trump is a megalomaniac

blowhard, I do believe he is right about these multinational companies that want to ship all the jobs

overseas to maximize profits leaving the middle class of America to twist in the wind. The rich

are better off not the blue collar guy. The big corporations write these agreements and spout

the corporate party line, global trade is good for everyone. (Especially them) Yes the American

Presidential race is great entertainment. thumbsup.gif

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It is frightening to realize that the most powerful nation on earth cant offer up people better than what is on show at the moment and i mean both sides of the spectrum. Trump shouldn't even have been a consideration.

Yeah, you'd probably prefer a socialist, fascist, or communist leader who opposes borders and is dictated by an unelected multinational group like what's killing Europe.

If nothing else, US elections are transparent and they are long enough and involved enough to figure out who is what. All of the dirty underwear is exposed to the world and some of us think that's a good thing.

As for your comment about Trump being a consideration, why don't you leave that to the US voters as it is after all their country.


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If excitement is what you are seeking, you must fall asleep during the first minute of the Democrat debates.

A pathological liar, a geriatric Socialist and a failed Governor. The Three Mousekateers in action. cheesy.gif

When you ain't got nothing (and believe it, none of these wingnuts have a thing) go after the opposition

Get use to it. You'll be hearing a lot of it, "Madame President"

Oh, and you misspelled "Mouseketeers" cheesy.gif

Maybe we should start a poll with the following question.

" If Hillary Clinton is indicted on criminal charges, should the Democrats still propose her as their candidate for President?"

Reduced to being one of the grammar police now?

But since you brought it up..."Get use to it."...is not proper grammar.


Incorrect grammar in "proper" English

Darn, I knew I missed my calling when I went into Management rather than taking that TEFL course.

Edited by chuckd
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It is frightening to realize that the most powerful nation on earth cant offer up people better than what is on show at the moment and i mean both sides of the spectrum. Trump shouldn't even have been a consideration.

Yeah, you'd probably prefer a socialist, fascist, or communist leader who opposes borders and is dictated by an unelected multinational group like what's killing Europe.

If nothing else, US elections are transparent and they are long enough and involved enough to figure out who is what. All of the dirty underwear is exposed to the world and some of us think that's a good thing.

As for your comment about Trump being a consideration, why don't you leave that to the US voters as it is after all their country.


of course it is up to the Americans who they elect as president but unfortunately what happens in America affects everybody on the planet especially when you have a red neck at the helm. No i wouldn't want a communist leader,just somebody who has a higher intellect than a sewer rat

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It is frightening to realize that the most powerful nation on earth cant offer up people better than what is on show at the moment and i mean both sides of the spectrum. Trump shouldn't even have been a consideration.

Yeah, you'd probably prefer a socialist, fascist, or communist leader who opposes borders and is dictated by an unelected multinational group like what's killing Europe.

If nothing else, US elections are transparent and they are long enough and involved enough to figure out who is what. All of the dirty underwear is exposed to the world and some of us think that's a good thing.

As for your comment about Trump being a consideration, why don't you leave that to the US voters as it is after all their country.


of course it is up to the Americans who they elect as president but unfortunately what happens in America affects everybody on the planet especially when you have a red neck at the helm. No i wouldn't want a communist leader,just somebody who has a higher intellect than a sewer rat


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Cruz is very intelligent. But he's also a total CREEP. Sometimes smartest isn't best.

We've tried the dumbest for the past 7 years. Maybe it's time to go for smart, even creepy smart.thumbsup.gif

Obama is also very smart. Similar background actually. Different ideologies.

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One hopes that in the American terminology this is "mutually assured destruction" (MAD) or at best a Pyrrhic victory. They are both God Awful.

They take aweful to an entire new level.

Most of the canadates must have crawled up the sewer pipe. Surely America can do better than this? Where are the decent folk?

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One hopes that in the American terminology this is "mutually assured destruction" (MAD) or at best a Pyrrhic victory. They are both God Awful.

They take aweful to an entire new level.

Most of the canadates must have crawled up the sewer pipe. Surely America can do better than this? Where are the decent folk?

The filth media have destroyed politics for any sane person to want anything to do with it. Decent folk don't want all their dirty washing exposed for the whole world to see ( and EVERYONE has stuff they don't want exposed ), and their families harassed.

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An article out today reflects a Houston attorney has filed suit to determine if Cruz is actually eligible under the Constitution to become President.

I would think Cruz would like to get it off the table as soon as possible and can't imagine why it hasn't happened before now.


Cruz’s ‘Natural-Born Citizen’ Status Tested in Birther Suit
Laurel Brubaker Calkins and Kevin Cirilli
January 15, 2016 — 8:30 AM ICT Updated on January 15, 2016 — 10:25 AM ICT
Republican presidential contender Ted Cruz should be disqualified from the race because he isn’t a “natural-born citizen,” a fellow Texan claims in a “birther” challenge filed against the senator in a U.S. court.
The suit seeks a court definition of the term to clarify whether Cruz -- who was born in Canada to an American mother -- can or can’t serve if elected.
“This 229-year question has never been pled, presented to or finally decided by or resolved by the U.S. Supreme Court,” Houston attorney Newton B. Schwartz Sr. said in his 28-page complaint. “Only the U.S. Supreme Court can finally decide, determine judicially and settle this issue now.”
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One hopes that in the American terminology this is "mutually assured destruction" (MAD) or at best a Pyrrhic victory. They are both God Awful.

They take aweful to an entire new level.

Most of the canadates must have crawled up the sewer pipe. Surely America can do better than this? Where are the decent folk?

The filth media have destroyed politics for any sane person to want anything to do with it. Decent folk don't want all their dirty washing exposed for the whole world to see ( and EVERYONE has stuff they don't want exposed ), and their families harassed.

Whilst I agree with you wholeheartedly, it's a little bit difficult for the media to ignore some, if not all of the. Crap Trump is going on with. He's like a septic tank (no pun intended) full of stinking turds and EVERYTIME he opens his mouth the stench flows out as if it's under immense pressure.

Americans & people around the world need to be very wary of this imbecile, he seems as unpredictable as Mr Kim In North Korea, with the only difference being is Mr Kim doesn't have a Matt of other peoples hair on top of his head.

A vote for Trump is a vote for further disruption and distabability, not just in the states but for the rest of the world. We are living I very dangerous times if a man with such a narrow view of the world is allowed to control arguably the most powerful nation in the world.

America, the world needs you to find a good leader, so eone that can rise to the challenge. Sadly, over the last 30 plus years you've only managed to elect morons and your once powerful and advanced nation is being steered towards the pooper.

The USA needs a president that's going to stand for the people and not be swayed by powerful multi corps and the rich, Mr Trump is one of them, can't you see that? The man should be in a mental institution, not the bloody White House, cripes!

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One hopes that in the American terminology this is "mutually assured destruction" (MAD) or at best a Pyrrhic victory. They are both God Awful.

They take aweful to an entire new level.

Most of the canadates must have crawled up the sewer pipe. Surely America can do better than this? Where are the decent folk?

The filth media have destroyed politics for any sane person to want anything to do with it. Decent folk don't want all their dirty washing exposed for the whole world to see ( and EVERYONE has stuff they don't want exposed ), and their families harassed.

Whilst I agree with you wholeheartedly, it's a little bit difficult for the media to ignore some, if not all of the. Crap Trump is going on with. He's like a septic tank (no pun intended) full of stinking turds and EVERYTIME he opens his mouth the stench flows out as if it's under immense pressure.

Americans & people around the world need to be very wary of this imbecile, he seems as unpredictable as Mr Kim In North Korea, with the only difference being is Mr Kim doesn't have a Matt of other peoples hair on top of his head.

A vote for Trump is a vote for further disruption and distabability, not just in the states but for the rest of the world. We are living I very dangerous times if a man with such a narrow view of the world is allowed to control arguably the most powerful nation in the world.

America, the world needs you to find a good leader, so eone that can rise to the challenge. Sadly, over the last 30 plus years you've only managed to elect morons and your once powerful and advanced nation is being steered towards the pooper.

The USA needs a president that's going to stand for the people and not be swayed by powerful multi corps and the rich, Mr Trump is one of them, can't you see that? The man should be in a mental institution, not the bloody White House, cripes!

The media happily ignored Kennedy's philandering.

They should get out of people's bedrooms and families, and concentrate on their character, their policies and what they actually do.

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I'm not Trump fan, but when I see some of the stupid crap people write about him, I understand the support he gets from some quarters for telling the truth.

I reject your Truth and substitute my own reality.

Since your Truth is merely the OPINION of a marginalised group of old grumps, I do not allow you to use the word without Capitalisation. It is your Truth, not the truth.

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I'm not Trump fan, but when I see some of the stupid crap people write about him, I understand the support he gets from some quarters for telling the truth.

I reject your Truth and substitute my own reality.

Since your Truth is merely the OPINION of a marginalised group of old grumps, I do not allow you to use the word without Capitalisation. It is your Truth, not the truth.

Some bitter old people struggle with their perceptions of reality.

It's easier to let them be, as generally they are in the last segment of their lives and have probably lost touch with reality, that is of course assuming they ever had held of it in the first place.


Trump opens his mouth and whatever flows out of it is anyone's guess, most of it he probably makes up on the run and in reality what he claims and what he does are most likely going to be seperate things altogether.

The term, " loose cannon"springs to mind

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One hopes that in the American terminology this is "mutually assured destruction" (MAD) or at best a Pyrrhic victory. They are both God Awful.
They take aweful to an entire new level.

Most of the canadates must have crawled up the sewer pipe. Surely America can do better than this? Where are the decent folk?
The filth media have destroyed politics for any sane person to want anything to do with it. Decent folk don't want all their dirty washing exposed for the whole world to see ( and EVERYONE has stuff they don't want exposed ), and their families harassed.

Whilst I agree with you wholeheartedly, it's a little bit difficult for the media to ignore some, if not all of the. Crap Trump is going on with. He's like a septic tank (no pun intended) full of stinking turds and EVERYTIME he opens his mouth the stench flows out as if it's under immense pressure.

Americans & people around the world need to be very wary of this imbecile, he seems as unpredictable as Mr Kim In North Korea, with the only difference being is Mr Kim doesn't have a Matt of other peoples hair on top of his head.

A vote for Trump is a vote for further disruption and distabability, not just in the states but for the rest of the world. We are living I very dangerous times if a man with such a narrow view of the world is allowed to control arguably the most powerful nation in the world.

America, the world needs you to find a good leader, so eone that can rise to the challenge. Sadly, over the last 30 plus years you've only managed to elect morons and your once powerful and advanced nation is being steered towards the pooper.

The USA needs a president that's going to stand for the people and not be swayed by powerful multi corps and the rich, Mr Trump is one of them, can't you see that? The man should be in a mental institution, not the bloody White House, cripes!

The media happily ignored Kennedy's philandering.
They should get out of people's bedrooms and families, and concentrate on their character, their policies and what they actually do.

I agree with you and for most cases that's true, however in Trumps case, he tend to inflict most injury onto himself by engaging mouth prior to engaging his brain.

Hes a sick individual.
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