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Refugees banned from German pool over harassment fears


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EU wa s finished awhile ago. Socialism never works.

Highly bureaucratic, socialism with as much centralized EU state control as possible. The dream of Merkal, Juncker and all the old federalist socialists that dominate the EU bureaucrats.

They don't want citizens to feel empowered or have thoughts of independence - just sheeple whose lives they control and who do as told and accept any old crap they spew out. If that means bringing shit loads of Muslim illegal migrants to dilute the indigenous peoples then so be it.

They will do anything, anything at all, to further their own "dream" of a EU Super State run by the new elite.

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I just have two questions.

Why are these refugees from war not being stopped in the first country that is safe, but, being allowed to pick and choose their destination?

Why aren't Muslim countries doing more to help by accepting refugees?

Q1 - because the EU isn't of one mind on this subject. And Greece is happy to screw Germany in payback for the austerity measures imposed. Shengen was about free movement for EU citizens within EU; not about allowing mass illegal immigrants free movement. But politicians like Merkel see advantages of using the situation to their own ends.

Q2 - because the wealthier, more developed and more civilized Muslim countries recognize many of these pretend refugee economic migrants for what they really are. And they don't want their unruly anarchistic behavior in their country.

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The countries those refugees came from, if they head a beach to go to, the women would enter the water almost fully covered with drab clothing, forget swimming pools as Islam largely forbid people walking around half naked or mixing of the genders, so no wonder why those male refugees ogling the women bathers as this is the stuff that wet dreams made of.....

Islam does not forbid mixing with the genders or wearing a bikini etc. that is a cultural issue, not islamic. My gf insists on holding my hand when walking in publc. Ever been to beaches in Penang or Langkawi? She, and others wear bikinis. Not an issue.

Many here fail to distinguish betweek religion and culture.

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I just have two questions.

Why are these refugees from war not being stopped in the first country that is safe, but, being allowed to pick and choose their destination?

Why aren't Muslim countries doing more to help by accepting refugees?

Muslim countries are taking most. Have you seen the refugee camps at syrian borders?

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I just have two questions.

Why are these refugees from war not being stopped in the first country that is safe, but, being allowed to pick and choose their destination?

Why aren't Muslim countries doing more to help by accepting refugees?

Muslim countries are taking most. Have you seen the refugee camps at syrian borders?

....and are they given accommodation, money and eventual citizenship?

Germany alone has taken 1.1 million. You think the refugee camps have more than that?

How about living up to your name and supply one.

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As an American- I am saddened to see such huge changes in Europe as far as culture and religion.The interesting thing is that in the so called Muslim World if Christian Westerners arrived in these numbers- it would never be allowed. I am starting wonder if Enoch Powell, Nigel Farage of the UK and Marine Le Penn of France don't have a point. Europe just cannot absorb this many people . Immigrants have to be vetted and there has to be some order. I just read a report where native born British in London are now 45% of the population and the other 55% are immigrants. There has to be a debate on whether a country has the right to maintain its traditional culture and preserve its history Muslims are not assimilating at all. They are trying to make the West like the countries they left and that cannot be allowed to take place.

I don't think they're "trying"..........they're actually succeeding!

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I just have two questions.

Why are these refugees from war not being stopped in the first country that is safe, but, being allowed to pick and choose their destination?

Why aren't Muslim countries doing more to help by accepting refugees?

Because they dont want the social upheaval or outside influence.

Just about all anyone needs to know about Islam really...

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I just have two questions.

Why are these refugees from war not being stopped in the first country that is safe, but, being allowed to pick and choose their destination?

Why aren't Muslim countries doing more to help by accepting refugees?

Muslim countries are taking most. Have you seen the refugee camps at syrian borders?

....and are they given accommodation, money and eventual citizenship?

Germany alone has taken 1.1 million. You think the refugee camps have more than that?

How about living up to your name and supply one.

UNHCR has official figures if you care to search.

CNN.com 2015/09/09 world welco...

CNN gives figures for the region. Turkey alone has taken nearly 2 million.

Not sure if they are given money but they are given work permits to allow them to work legally. Many are provided accomodation where possible. Some have been granted citizenship and debate now on providing all a path to citizenship.

Turkey is by far has the largest intake of refugees.

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Completely different.

The refugees in the camps in Turkey will go back to Syria when the war ends.

The refugees in Europe want citizenship and don't want to go back. If they did, they'd be in Turkey.

Make sense?

It's a relatively small minority of Syrian refugees actually living in camps in Turkey, something like 200K+. UNHCR has repeatedly stated not enough funds / resources to register & support refugees in the region. UNHCR still has a shortfall of about 40% of funds for refugees bordering Syria. Time and time again reports have confirmed Syrians living outside of the camps were / are running out of savings, not permitted to legally work, minimal access to education for the children etc which are some of the push factors to enter the EU. From an international law POV Turkey was not a 'safe country' as it didn't have the legal procedures for refugee protection under law.

Only very recently has Turkey changed it's legislation to enable refugees / asylum seekers to seek employment. I understand Turkey is in the process of updating it's laws to comply with international standards for the protection of refugees from non European countries.


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The countries those refugees came from, if they head a beach to go to, the women would enter the water almost fully covered with drab clothing, forget swimming pools as Islam largely forbid people walking around half naked or mixing of the genders, so no wonder why those male refugees ogling the women bathers as this is the stuff that wet dreams made of.....

Islam does not forbid mixing with the genders or wearing a bikini etc. that is a cultural issue, not islamic. My gf insists on holding my hand when walking in publc. Ever been to beaches in Penang or Langkawi? She, and others wear bikinis. Not an issue.

Many here fail to distinguish betweek religion and culture.

Yes ,but the trouble is most of these backward cultures are Muslim , sorry if this offends you , but you cannot change the facts .

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are we not all peaceful humans???

i would let anyone come into my country.......why discriminate?

let their family have a better life, even if it means my life is slightly worse!!!!


gated community with security guards

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I just cannot see this problem with these raping, robbing, unskilled, uneducated and unappreciative "Queue Jumpers"


I predict it will just escalate and the Tax Paying and Law Abiding Europeans will get fed up and will then take

matters into their own hands.

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The ghettos will soon be back in Germany, just with different residents.

Some contributors seemingly jump at the opportunity to be unpleasant in a thread like this.

Can you explain why you think I'm being unpleasant? It just seems the logical outcome of what's happening. Refugees will start to become segregated, segregation and poverty lead to ghettos, it's pretty simple.

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