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Five student activists defy judicial power


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"She said she believed if her group is arrested more students of the group will have a movement."

Yes, it seems everyone has the movements with the junta now.

Good on the students. About time we saw some Thai backbone against those who took control for the sole purpose of self preservation and protection of their little empires.

Not like Pheu Thai and the Shinawatra brood then!!??

You are correct exactly not like Pheu Thai or the Shins, because they did not take power, they won a democratic election, not sure about the

current lot though.

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These are likely to be the politicians of tomorrow...

Good on them, the more publicity they get the more stupid the current government looks.

I agree.

Doing the bidding of someone else in order to have the chance to further their own interests. Monstrous hypocrisy no object :they aren't bothered about corruption one little bit.

If these saps really had any ethics, they would have been out protesting against corruption under Pheu-Thai and then the disgraceful amnesty bill.

I'll bet my house they didn't. What a sad joke this country is.

Yes, I agree I hate hypocrisy. The amnesty bill that the Yinluck Government was a disgraceful ploy by her brother to get back to Thailand without charges,

Also the military giving themselves an amnesty for everything they do and giving themselves absolute power, with no checks and balances in place is equally disgraceful.

I wonder if you have protested in equal measure against both amnesties,

I will bet my house you haven't. What a sad joke some Thai Visa members are.

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Shame then that the same protestors blockaded the polling stations instead of voting the PAD into office. Could it be that despite the amnesty bill the PTP would still have won by a landslide?

They in effect chose military rule over democracy and are now reaping the whirlwind.

Nothing democratic about PTP or any other Shin owned political party.

People expected so much when they voted for PTP and a fresh faced Yingluck. Then they got the same old Thaksin trickery and deceit. The mass protests against his attempted whitewash and positioning above and beyond the law paved the way for the Junta to take over. Again the people expected so much.

Hopefully, the younger people, will realize a real difference is needs in the political spectrum.

The previous government were cack sure enough, but the voters knew exactly who in actuality they were voting for.
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"...for the illegal political gathering..."

Ya see junta, that's the problem. There NEVER was an illegal gathering. They never made it to the park. The police illegally took them off the train, before they ever had a chance gather. Good luck with this one junta.

I can't applaud these students enough for standing up for their rights!

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My girlfriend asked after dinner why I was so giving to all her family ...except her brother ?

I said I can't reconcile my disdain in general for thai males coward ness

It's better to die on your feet than to live on your knees

At least sons of Thailand need to man up

This is not about gender. Discriminating against one normal Thai and not others is just plain wrong. It's up to all Thais to stand up and be counted, not just the men. In fact, if only men stood up out of some backwards idea that it's not a woman's place to be politically active (out of weakness? because they should be taking care of babies?) that just opens the door for the junta to repeat history like in '76. Women are exactly what any democracy movement needs to show this is about everybody and not some 'misguided or manipulated students' a la EnglishJohn.

Let the world see the junta go after women like they go after students, it'll very much hasten their undoing.

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