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International Drivers lic.


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I don't believe many bike rental companies in tourist areas would want anything more than a Passport.

They want this for security and the ability to fleece you for minor damage - they don't seem to care if you are licensed to ride in your home countries from my experience.

Very true, if you do get stopped for no license in Thailand usually you pay a 400 baht fine and you are on your way again. If you don't want to have to pay the 400 baht get one of the online IDLs like I did.

Do you have a link to where to get an online IDL. Am interested.

Didnt you read that these sites are scams? Man o man people....


This is a public forum I believe. As such, just as much right as anyone to point out the fact those sights are scams and the products they produce are illegal licenses/permits. Maybe you should say thanks for informing the readers they are illegal Edited by seedy
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Do you have a link to where to get an online IDL. Am interested.

Didnt you read that these sites are scams? Man o man people....

Where did I ask you to butt in and offer your opinion ?

This is a public forum I believe. As such, just as much right as anyone to point out the fact those sights are scams and the products they produce are illegal licenses/permits. Maybe you should say thanks for informing the readers they are illegal vs telling me to butt out.

Well for your information Iam well aware of the legalities of these. My question was for a link to the website lucky33 purchased from.


Edited by seedy
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The value of the IDP is that it is supposed to be a translation into English of licences printed in, say, Russian, or Arabic. If you come from an English speaking country, you might not need a translation, but you still need the IDP because it's the law here (unless you have a Thai licence).

As someone else has already mentioned, if you have an accident and need to claim on your insurance, in most cases you definitely need the IDP as well as your current rider's licence. Apparently having an IDP(a genuine one) also makes getting a Thai licence much easier, but as I only ever come here for short 30 day trips and can't meet the residency requirements, I haven't tried that yet.

Five years ago I came here without any licence and rode around Chiang Mai for the best part of a year - I was only ever pulled up a couple of times, and the policemen didn't have enough English to ask for my licence (or a bribe). I didn't have an accident, and so there no consequences. More recently, I've been pulled up for a licence check every time I've visited. And i've had enough near misses to make me want all my i's dotted and my t's crossed when it comes to insurance.

Edited by dundas
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Well we have gotten some mixed information here in Beijing ...another call to the embassy has yielded that a Chinese license is accepted in Thailand...actually sounded like the same guy who told me we needed and international license... and yes I know it is a permit... but again he talked and used the English and Chinese word for license. In China there is insurance but not valid outside of China....I too rented a bike in Thailand several years ago .. and showed my Chinese license when stopped.. no problem ... since China never signed the treaty .. mainly due to Taiwan signing it , it would seem likely that the offerings on Weibo are not kosher...I reckon we will limit our travels .. I am not fond of taxis and usually use buses in China if not on my bike..... so reckon I will wait and see what is up once my boots hit the ground

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......except i think its all nonsense, if you are driving for <90 days and your license is in english, you can use your home countries license, and don't need the IDP.

......or show me a 1st person, excerpt of the actual law, none of this 'a lawyer told me so and so'

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Here is everything the law says about the use of foreign drivers licenses. Interpret any way you wish as it is a bit vague.

You'll note there is no mention of any time limits or conditions on how long you can use your foreign license and IDP although anyone who stays here long term certainly should get a Thai license

There is also no mention that if a license is in English it means the IDP is not required.


Thai Motor Vehicle Act B.E. 2522

Title 3: Drivers License

Section 42
Anyone who wishes to drive a motor vehicle on public roads must possess an appropriate driver’s license. The driver must carry the driver’s license and a photocopy of the registration book and show them to competent officers upon request. This does not apply for those who are learning to drive a motor vehicle according to the provision of Section 57.

If the driver is an alien who doesn’t have an immigrant visa, he may drive a motor vehicle with a driver’s license specified in the Section 42-2. In such a case, he must carry documents specified by the treaty between the Thai government and the government which issued such driver’s license, and show them to competent officers upon request.

Section 42-2
In case there’s a treaty between the Thai government and a foreign government regarding mutual acceptance of driver’s license, an alien who doesn’t have an immigrant visa may drive a motor vehicle with a driver’s license issued by such a foreign government, or an automobile association authorized by such a foreign government.

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