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Thailand's ousted Shinawatra clan defies govt with publicity drive


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Whoever they are, it's good someone is finally standing up against the current illegal regime. Better if it was someone else but at least the Junta will have citizens breathing down their necks. Others now need to get involved so we don't have the same situation as before. At least it is a start!

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Nothing like an early Monday morning Shin piece to bring out TV's junta boys.

Ah the mandatory accusations of all who can see through the Shin lies, BS and PR must be Junta fans.

Let's call them Nazi fascist right wing rednecks in an attempt to mask their factual criticism of the criminal Shin clan and their hired politicians - what a jolly old bunch the Shin fan team are. And so predictable.

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haven't these people realised that Thailand will not put up with their thieving abuse and violence any longer

They'll win every free election Thailand has in the foreseeable future.

What exactly do you want 'these people' to realize?

That's what the Shin PR team try and claim.

Thaksin so wants the Shins to be like the Lees, Kims, Maros and Hun Set families. But, I think more people than you think have realized what corrupt aresholes they really are.

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haven't these people realised that Thailand will not put up with their thieving abuse and violence any longer

They'll win every free election Thailand has in the foreseeable future.

What exactly do you want 'these people' to realize?

That's what the Shin PR team try and claim.

Thaksin so wants the Shins to be like the Lees, Kims, Maros and Hun Set families. But, I think more people than you think have realized what corrupt aresholes they really are.

Nah, that's reality. Something you have a very poor grip on.

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haven't these people realised that Thailand will not put up with their thieving abuse and violence any longer

They'll win every free election Thailand has in the foreseeable future.

What exactly do you want 'these people' to realize?

That's what the Shin PR team try and claim.

Thaksin so wants the Shins to be like the Lees, Kims, Maros and Hun Set families. But, I think more people than you think have realized what corrupt aresholes they really are.

Nah, that's reality. Something you have a very poor grip on.

And another of the team steps up.

Yes, sure, everything Thaksin, Yingluck, number 1 cousin, Mr White Lies, and all the Shin PR team say is believable.

And you think others have problems with reality 555 smile.png

Keep up the good work.

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haven't these people realised that Thailand will not put up with their thieving abuse and violence any longer

They'll win every free election Thailand has in the foreseeable future.

What exactly do you want 'these people' to realize?

That's what the Shin PR team try and claim.

Thaksin so wants the Shins to be like the Lees, Kims, Maros and Hun Set families. But, I think more people than you think have realized what corrupt aresholes they really are.

It's what General Prayut and all his cronies think too.

Else why would they spend years writing a constitution that effectively wants to say no Shins or Shin proxies allowed as MPs.

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I have little interest in politics, Thai or otherwise, but I do know that my Thai wife caught TB and spent several periods in hospital, and had to visit the hospital many times subsequently, each hospital stay and each visit cost only 30 baht including all medicines. A scheme introduced I understand by Thaksin Shinawatra. I thank him. And surely a democratically elected government, good or bad, is better than a military regime elected by nobody.

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How about being honest and showing some kind of consistency,

ie; "How about featuring the families of farmers who committed suicide over non-payment for their rice?"

So just WHO was it that blocked backs and threatened them with reprisals if they made loans to the government to pay for the rice????

C'mon now you can do it if ya really try hard, you know as do the rest of the country knows WHO........

You may not like the Shins, and that's ok, but trying to tether them with that is inaccurate, a manipulation of the facts, and bias to say the least.

Stop rewriting history.. they were late paying even before the street protests. They just did not have the money. Also before she stepped down she should have made provisions for paying the farmers. She did not and then, the farmers could not be paid because YL had not made the provisions. So stop blaming others for her failure.

Get off the grass mate, are you really denying that good O'L uncle Suthep didn't block backs, didn't make threats if loans were made there would be repercussions???

being late is not refusal of payment, it just that late, and what government has never ever been late in making payments, anyone who has ever done work for a government will most defiantly say that it happens a lot and that they are some times the worst to work for as far as payment...

Yes he blocked the banks because YL had not made provisions so payment could have been illigal and the people paying could have been facing legal problems. Had YL made the provisions before she stepped down (like a responsible PM should have) his blocking of banks would not have any use. She just left others to clean up her mess.

They were many months behind already.. people had killed themselves because of it already. But hey follow the red line and rewrite history its what your good at.

Be fair Rob. Yingluck was only PM and self appointed Chair of the Rice Scheme. How could she possible be expected to know what was really going on?

Much more important to focus on trying to whitewash her brother's crimes and pave the way for his glorious return.

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I have little interest in politics, Thai or otherwise, but I do know that my Thai wife caught TB and spent several periods in hospital, and had to visit the hospital many times subsequently, each hospital stay and each visit cost only 30 baht including all medicines. A scheme introduced I understand by Thaksin Shinawatra. I thank him. And surely a democratically elected government, good or bad, is better than a military regime elected by nobody.

Little interest in politics, but will post in praise of Thaksin the Innocent anyway.

Yes, the man's done such wonderful things and never ever done anything wrong, never ever. Even said so himself on CNN, and he wouldn't lie. Shame he's not Catholic or he could be made a saint.

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haven't these people realised that Thailand will not put up with their thieving abuse and violence any longer

They'll win every free election Thailand has in the foreseeable future.

What exactly do you want 'these people' to realize?

That's what the Shin PR team try and claim.

Thaksin so wants the Shins to be like the Lees, Kims, Maros and Hun Set families. But, I think more people than you think have realized what corrupt aresholes they really are.

It's what General Prayut and all his cronies think too.

Else why would they spend years writing a constitution that effectively wants to say no Shins or Shin proxies allowed as MPs.

Probably because they despise the Shins who are nothing more than the rival gang, clan, "family" or whatever expression you prefer, vying for power and control.

Unfortunately there isn't any real political parties who actually want to serve the people and not line their own pockets. Now, if they can come up with a constitution that reforms the political spectrum, reforms the justice system in its entirety, and implements a fair voting system in which voting wishes are reflected in parliamentary construction, then that will be something.

But somehow, I don't see that happening. And I wouldn't think the Shins would do that either.

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haven't these people realised that Thailand will not put up with their thieving abuse and violence any longer

Which is why they've won the last 4 democratic elections, and another cannot be held because they would win again?

I guess so.

And two which were prevented - 2006 when it looked like Thaksin was going to win a third election in a row, so they had a coup, and 2014 when it looked like Yingluck was going to win a second election in a row, so, gosh, they had a coup!

Interesting how some folks can twist anything into anything that suits their purposes and all the time deliberately ignoring the surrounding facts and details.

Strange how this also describes the shin family. Obvious example, the paymasters statement (many many times) 'I have done nothing wrong' and knowing full well that he has been convicted of a well proven non political charge of serious abuse of authority and sentenced to 2 years in jail.

He also knows about all those juicy court cases waiting. Krungthai Bank fraud being one example, where co-defendants have been found guilty and sentenced to 18 years.

Return - too risky. Must have an amnesty whitewash, re-write history and forbid anyone ever discussing it.

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even in the latest Junta Poll the PTP come out tops imagine what what happen in a free Poll or an election! they, of course, will fix it or never let it happen but the Thai people are not as stupid as some Junta Luvin posters on here are

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haven't these people realised that Thailand will not put up with their thieving abuse and violence any longer

They'll win every free election Thailand has in the foreseeable future.

What exactly do you want 'these people' to realize?

That's what the Shin PR team try and claim.

Thaksin so wants the Shins to be like the Lees, Kims, Maros and Hun Set families. But, I think more people than you think have realized what corrupt aresholes they really are.

Leave Lee alone. He brought prosperity and lifted Singapore from a crime filled backwaters to a developed country. His soft authority is the right formula for that early period troubled by communism and militant trade union. Rest of your list, I have no comment.

Your comment trying to draw similarity with Thaksin is out of pure hatred of the man and makes no sense when the military hold sway to every political events and will bring out their guns to seize power or maimed opponents for the smallest of reason. Silly comment.

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haven't these people realised that Thailand will not put up with their thieving abuse and violence any longer

Whose "thieving abuse and violence" do you mean? Please be more specific.

If you are so naive then you should perhaps do some research on your own. Their are too many instances and it is against forum rules to post such a large content here.
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haven't these people realised that Thailand will not put up with their thieving abuse and violence any longer

Hold on there hoss. There are degrees of thievery with all politicians. When you vote you vote for the best of the worst. Things are bad world wide not just here. Look at the water problem in Flint Michigan where a Republican governor has endangered thousands of lives and maybe caused deaths to save 15 million dollars. The bill now to fix it is 1.5 Billion. Michael Moore is getting in on the action its his home town. The movie should come out just before the Presidential election.

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haven't these people realised that Thailand will not put up with their thieving abuse and violence any longer

Didnt know that to be true??????

So you are saying, an illegal military junta is not "thieving abuse" which stole the country from an elected government? How about violence against their own countrymen in the form of "detention camps and reeducation centers"

I hope you are being sarcastic

Adding to you good post, is that corruption is endemic and without a reduction NO sane person would want to invest or buy a property in Thailand.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I tend to disagree. Business people care only about the opportunity to make money. See how much FDI flowed into China since the late 80s.

Did corruption and political system matter?

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haven't these people realised that Thailand will not put up with their thieving abuse and violence any longer

Which is why they've won the last 4 democratic elections, and another cannot be held because they would win again?

I guess so.

And two which were prevented - 2006 when it looked like Thaksin was going to win a third election in a row, so they had a coup, and 2014 when it looked like Yingluck was going to win a second election in a row, so, gosh, they had a coup!

More rewrites of history and the facts of the situations.

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How about featuring the families of farmers who committed suicide over non-payment for their rice?

Would be great PR...

My g/f tells me that farmers incomes are down 18% while debt is up 30%. Throw in drought and it surely will be a hot year.

Much like the teacher whose debt repayment eats up over 80% of his monthly income.

But there is still pride to drive his latest car and slide his mobile phone...

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haven't these people realised that Thailand will not put up with their thieving abuse and violence any longer

They'll win every free election Thailand has in the foreseeable future.

What exactly do you want 'these people' to realize?

That's what the Shin PR team try and claim.

Thaksin so wants the Shins to be like the Lees, Kims, Maros and Hun Set families. But, I think more people than you think have realized what corrupt aresholes they really are.

It's what General Prayut and all his cronies think too.

Else why would they spend years writing a constitution that effectively wants to say no Shins or Shin proxies allowed as MPs.

Or perhaps given the history of Thai politics since the 30's it's a constitution which should have been introduced at inception.

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haven't these people realised that Thailand will not put up with their thieving abuse and violence any longer

Didnt know that to be true??????

So you are saying, an illegal military junta is not "thieving abuse" which stole the country from an elected government? How about violence against their own countrymen in the form of "detention camps and reeducation centers"

I hope you are being sarcastic

Adding to you good post, is that corruption is endemic and without a reduction NO sane person would want to invest or buy a property in Thailand.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I tend to disagree. Business people care only about the opportunity to make money. See how much FDI flowed into China since the late 80s.

Did corruption and political system matter?

The number of businesses closing would indicate to me that Thailand is not a good ROI. Up to you, where you invest your money!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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The Shinawatra's are an intensly political family. Thaksin's father was for many years a MP for Chiang Mai, his mother a descendant from the last king of Chiang Mai. His two sisters and brother-in-law are also politicians. Politics is their hobby, they talk about it at breakfast.

They are good at reading the mood of the people. And the mood is changing. After the coup May 2014 people thought 'Let's wait and see'. That's over. Many former rabid Yellow shirts are complaining that life under the junta is worse than under Yingluck. More groups are very unhappy, farmers, academics, NGO's etc. Only the royalist-military-bureaucratic elite is still happy but anxious.

That's why they see this opportunity to try a come-back.

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Back to the shina publicity drive.

Anyone with the wealth of the bad guy in Dubai could live a wonderful life in many places on earth. Not so mr. T. He seems to have an uncontrollable urge to mess with Thailand. His narcistic personality wants/needs to be admired or even worshipped by Thai people. Perhaps he even sees the country as his personal toy.

Not being allowed back in - unless he faces his jailterm and more trials - must make him quite unhappy. So he will keep trying to find the way back on his own conditions. And if he cannot take back what he considers his, he will try to prevent others (opposition, junta) taking control of his property. Simply by damaging it. Chaos and destruction will be his legacy then. The shootings and bombings before the army took over fit well into this picture.

Quite a few TVF members of course will have structural different views. But nobody can defend the image of the altruist that sacrifices his time and wealth for the benefit of the Thai people. Not even for the voters that elected his lot to win the elections.

The guy simply is a smart criminal. As pm he created the setting in which he could sell his company for well over a billion euro without paying tax. Being back in control just means more opportunity to lute and pillage.

Now he's 66 years old. And he still can not even stand in the shadow of the one Thai person that is immensely popular and loved by the millions of Thai people. His return to the Kingdom as a free man is more far than ever. His submissives Chalerm, Takrit, Jatuporn and others are lying low as ordered by the junta.

In spite of his wealth the guy keeps messing in vain with Thailand. A poor way to spend one's last phase in life.

Edited by EricBerg
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