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Calls for boycott of Oscars grow over diversity of nominees


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I didn't realise there was anybody still knocking round referring to 'colored people'. Well, maybe a couple of old nostalgic geezers.

Actually, the term "people of color" is very current, politically correct lingo.

The syntax of the phrase 'people of color' is equivalent to the term 'colored people' but they are not semantically equivalent. Providing dictionary definitions of the phrase 'people of color' is entirely irrelevant. The term colored people specifically refers to usage in the segregationist period in the US https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colored

The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) was formed in 1909 in an era where the apartheid use of the term Colored People was in common usage. Why then do they not change the name since it is associated with the language of those who oppress them? Simply because empowerment of minorities starts by reclaiming the language that's been used to traditionally oppress them. The black experience has demonstrated this powerfully with the almost complete erasure of the 'N' word from the white lexicon.

It was very clear what the poster meant by referring to 'old nostalgic geezers'. I would have used words of more derogation. Most readers will have understood the meaning. If you are still confused please read Professor Bosmajian's 1983 book 'The Language of Oppression' http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/1802764.The_Language_of_Oppression for further explanation of these concepts.

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Call up Oxford and tell them. The dictionary definition means exactly the same thing.

"Reclaiming language" means that EVERYONE can use it without causing offence like the LGBT community is attempting with the word "queer". The point is that political correctness really is silly.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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I didn't realise there was anybody still knocking round referring to 'colored people'. Well, maybe a couple of old nostalgic geezers.

Actually, the term "people of color" is very current, politically correct lingo.

Coloured, the 14th century term, is not current and is not considered 'politically correct'! You must have been under your rock for decades, might be best to crawl back under there, the world has changed!

Oxford Dictionary:

Coloured - dated or, offensive A person who is wholly or partly of non-white descent.

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Call up Oxford and tell them. The dictionary definition means exactly the same thing.

"Reclaiming language" means that EVERYONE can use it without causing offence like the LGBT community is attempting with the word "queer". The point is that political correctness really is silly.

Did you even think to check in the dictionary before posting?

Oxford Dictionary:


1 (also Coloured) dated or, offensive A person who is wholly or partly of non-white descent.
Person of colour:
A person who is not white or of European parentage: The term person of colour is first recorded at the end of the 18th century. It was revived in the 1990s as the recommended term to use in some official contexts, especially in US English, to refer to a person who is not white. The term is not common in general use, however, where terms such as non-white are still used.
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It was revived in the 1990s as the recommended term to use in some official contexts, especially in US English, to refer to a person who is not white.

You are making my point.

colored people

people of color

a. Of or belonging to a racial group not categorized as white.

Same words. Same definition. Isn't political correctness ridiculous.

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Call up Oxford and tell them. The dictionary definition means exactly the same thing.

"Reclaiming language" means that EVERYONE can use it without causing offence like the LGBT community is attempting with the word "queer". The point is that political correctness really is silly.

No need to call OED. They actually understand the difference between syntax and semantics. They even have definitions for these terms in their publication.

Reclaiming language is nothing about democratisation. It has nothing to do with who can use it. It is all about stripping away the power of its old meaning and claiming that power for the oppressed. You do not get to define what to call LGBT people. They define themselves. They choose which words can be used and the take control of these words. Gay and Queer are just examples. It is the first step in empowerment. The anti-pc mob are engaged in a culture war to retain their white privilege. You are losing. The fate of Trump will seal the deal. Anti-PC will be suppressed because the oppressed will not allow you to continue using words of oppression. Go to any black person and use the 'N' word and you will see what I mean. Go to a gay person and use the 'F' word and you will more than likely end up like this person http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/police-chief-daughter-convicted-attack-gay-couple-article-1.2470719

At the superficial level Political Correctness is about politeness but it's deeper meaning is all about power and freedom from oppression.

Spike Lee and Jada Pinkett Smith are African Americans. They have every right to political speech that reflects their identify. The have every right to expose and attack systemic oppression and cultural domination by those who favour a different identity. Multiculturalism allows for respect for diversity. Mono-culturalism does not and divides and oppresses. No matter what the old grumps do in their Wet Dreams, Trump will not change this. He is, after all going to finally understand the term LOSER.

Edited by lostboy
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Spike Lee and Pinkett are once famous, wanna be's at this stage of their career, and they carry little influence. Now, if Denzel, The Rock, Oprah, Terrence Howard, David Oyelowo, Jamie Foxx, Will Smith, Benicia del Toro, and some other very talented actors of color spoke out, it might have some impact. In my belief, it is a shame more people of color are not being recognized. There is a lot of talent out there, and it is not all white, contrary to the belief and the actions of the oscar committee. Hollywood appears to be very afraid of actors that are Black, Latino, and Asian, and also gay actors and lesbian actresses. As liberal as they like to portray themselves as, when it comes to selection time, all of that is out the window, and they become as conservative as Pat Buchanan.

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squeaky wheel gets the grease. Now just wait to see the movies that get nominated next year.

The Oscars should be boycotted but not for non diversity, they should be boycotted for nominating and awarding crap movies that most people don't like anyway.

Brokeback mountain? Birdman?? You gotta be kidding me!!!

Brokeback Mountain did not win the Oscar for Best Picture award, but never mind.

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Spike Lee and Pinkett are once famous, wanna be's at this stage of their career, and they carry little influence. Now, if Denzel, The Rock, Oprah, Terrence Howard, David Oyelowo, Jamie Foxx, Will Smith, Benicia del Toro, and some other very talented actors of color spoke out, it might have some impact. In my belief, it is a shame more people of color are not being recognized. There is a lot of talent out there, and it is not all white, contrary to the belief and the actions of the oscar committee. Hollywood appears to be very afraid of actors that are Black, Latino, and Asian, and also gay actors and lesbian actresses. As liberal as they like to portray themselves as, when it comes to selection time, all of that is out the window, and they become as conservative as Pat Buchanan.

I agree with you on your list of black actors.......except for one who is an out and out racist.

Here are some of the things he has said. I'll let you guess who it is.

“Black people are the most talented people in the world,”

“I kill all the white people in the movie. How great is that?”

“As a black person it’s always racial. I come into this place to do a photo shoot and they got Ritz crackers and cheese — I’ll be like, ain’t this a b*tch. Y’all didn’t know black people was coming. What’s with all this white sh*t? By the same token, if there is fried chicken and watermelon I’ll say ain’t this a b*tch? So, no matter what we do as black people it’s always gonna be that.”

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Call up Oxford and tell them. The dictionary definition means exactly the same thing.

"Reclaiming language" means that EVERYONE can use it without causing offence like the LGBT community is attempting with the word "queer". The point is that political correctness really is silly.

No need to call OED. They actually understand the difference between syntax and semantics. They even have definitions for these terms in their publication.

Reclaiming language is nothing about democratisation. It has nothing to do with who can use it. It is all about stripping away the power of its old meaning and claiming that power for the oppressed. You do not get to define what to call LGBT people. They define themselves. They choose which words can be used and the take control of these words. Gay and Queer are just examples. It is the first step in empowerment. The anti-pc mob are engaged in a culture war to retain their white privilege. You are losing. The fate of Trump will seal the deal. Anti-PC will be suppressed because the oppressed will not allow you to continue using words of oppression. Go to any black person and use the 'N' word and you will see what I mean. Go to a gay person and use the 'F' word and you will more than likely end up like this person http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/police-chief-daughter-convicted-attack-gay-couple-article-1.2470719

At the superficial level Political Correctness is about politeness but it's deeper meaning is all about power and freedom from oppression.

Spike Lee and Jada Pinkett Smith are African Americans. They have every right to political speech that reflects their identify. The have every right to expose and attack systemic oppression and cultural domination by those who favour a different identity. Multiculturalism allows for respect for diversity. Mono-culturalism does not and divides and oppresses. No matter what the old grumps do in their Wet Dreams, Trump will not change this. He is, after all going to finally understand the term LOSER.

Now calm down there SJW, this isn't about Trump or The opression of Hollywood stars of color, Ol' Spike will do anything for attention and maybe get a few more people in to see Chiraq. .... SJWs always good for a laugh.
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So, Spike and the other nobody are saying that blacks should not be considered on their merit or acting skills, but purely for their colour? Some blacks take issue with being called black, I take issue with being called white, whitey, white boy, lilly white etc.

Actually Spike Lee is not saying that at all. he is saying that on merit there should be some inclusion, not zero inclusion.

Yes, but on the 'merit' of their skin color, not their performance.

Spike is a prolific racist.

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So, Spike and the other nobody are saying that blacks should not be considered on their merit or acting skills, but purely for their colour? Some blacks take issue with being called black, I take issue with being called white, whitey, white boy, lilly white etc.

Actually Spike Lee is not saying that at all. he is saying that on merit there should be some inclusion, not zero inclusion.

Yes, but on the 'merit' of their skin color, not their performance.

Spike is a prolific racist.

Again no, that is not what is being said. The complaint is that movies with black performers which should have been considered on their merits were not included and if you look at the original article at the top of this thread you will see a reference to actors/movies which they think were unfairly excluded. One test is to look at the Golden Globe and prior international festivals to see whether there is a clear argument for particular movies to be included and the Oscar committee to be criticised.

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per·son of col·or.


1.a person who is not white or of European parentage.

Powered by Oxford Dictionaries · © Oxford University Press

The distinction is primarily one of context not definition. It is not untypical of racists to claim equivalence in the definition of words that they use when they are caught out with their dog-whistle words and/or phrases. In a slightly different vein, with regards to the primary thread dispute, I never take anything Al Sharpton says at face value. He has an agenda. As does the above.

I guess I must have an agenda then too.

Both of my daughters are black and i call them my little chocolate drops.

My first wife was Italian. My second Fijian. My third Thai and my fourth Chinese.

I double dare anyone to call me a racist.

Oh, and by the way the correct spelling is colour.

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per·son of col·or.


1.a person who is not white or of European parentage.

Powered by Oxford Dictionaries · © Oxford University Press

The distinction is primarily one of context not definition. It is not untypical of racists to claim equivalence in the definition of words that they use when they are caught out with their dog-whistle words and/or phrases. In a slightly different vein, with regards to the primary thread dispute, I never take anything Al Sharpton says at face value. He has an agenda. As does the above.

I guess I must have an agenda then too.

Both of my daughters are black and i call them my little chocolate drops.

My first wife was Italian. My second Fijian. My third Thai and my fourth Chinese.

I double dare anyone to call me a racist.

Oh, and by the way the correct spelling is colour.

Colour is the British spelling. They don't spell it that way in the USA.

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In a lengthy Instagram post, Lee said he "cannot support" the "lily white" Oscars.

Awwwww booo-hooo, What a racist Spike Lee is.

So really - he thinks the Oscars intentionally left out colored people? Or is it just possible that all the best performers where deemed be white this year by a group that were neither racist nor swayed by political correctness?

You can have black music awards but old Spike and his racist crew would go ape at the thought of a white music awards. We can have the BET (Black Entertainment Television) Awards, but no way could you have the WET awards. Black power is fine, white power is racist.

And now - just because by random chance the best performers in a 12 month period where white, all the usual suspects come out and play the race card.

I am so sick of this overt anti-white racism and the political correctness that these colored racists play off.

Jeez - I'll probably be called racist for this post.

Probably? I didn't realise there was anybody still knocking round referring to 'colored people'. Well, maybe a couple of old nostalgic geezers. As for the Oscars a thoroughly unimpressive list of nominations all round and anything the Rev Al Sharpton says straight into the bin.

Try lookin here:


National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) is an African-American civil rights organization in the United States, formed in 1909 by Moorfield Storey, Mary White Ovington and W. E. B. Du Bois.[3] Its mission is "to ensure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights of all persons and to eliminate racial hatred and racial discrimination"

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Spike Lee and Pinkett are once famous, wanna be's at this stage of their career, and they carry little influence. Now, if Denzel, The Rock, Oprah, Terrence Howard, David Oyelowo, Jamie Foxx, Will Smith, Benicia del Toro, and some other very talented actors of color spoke out, it might have some impact. In my belief, it is a shame more people of color are not being recognized. There is a lot of talent out there, and it is not all white, contrary to the belief and the actions of the oscar committee. Hollywood appears to be very afraid of actors that are Black, Latino, and Asian, and also gay actors and lesbian actresses. As liberal as they like to portray themselves as, when it comes to selection time, all of that is out the window, and they become as conservative as Pat Buchanan.

I agree with you on your list of black actors.......except for one who is an out and out racist.

Here are some of the things he has said. I'll let you guess who it is.

“Black people are the most talented people in the world,”

“I kill all the white people in the movie. How great is that?”

“As a black person it’s always racial. I come into this place to do a photo shoot and they got Ritz crackers and cheese — I’ll be like, ain’t this a b*tch. Y’all didn’t know black people was coming. What’s with all this white sh*t? By the same token, if there is fried chicken and watermelon I’ll say ain’t this a b*tch? So, no matter what we do as black people it’s always gonna be that.”

You tell Will that he should have tried being a pommie in Australia in the 50's. Now that, was racism.

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TV is pretty much the same, aimed at a majority white middle class consumer. There have been "black" shows like Sanford and Son, The Jeffersons etc.

Don't forget the Crosby Show .............. (another plug for good old Bill!)

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I guess I must have an agenda then too.

Both of my daughters are black and i call them my little chocolate drops.

My first wife was Italian. My second Fijian. My third Thai and my fourth Chinese.

I double dare anyone to call me a racist.

Oh, and by the way the correct spelling is colour.

You have avoided having a wife of African heritage, while trying all the rest.

That shouts racist to me, what's wrong with black women?

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Spike Lee and so many of the black activists are nothing short of racist. Calling it the "Lilly white" awards is racism at its prime. What happens next year when there are too many black actors nominated and white actors boycott and call it the "8 ball black" or eggplant black" awards. Now which is racist? The answer is all the above.

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TV is pretty much the same, aimed at a majority white middle class consumer. There have been "black" shows like Sanford and Son, The Jeffersons etc.

Don't forget the Crosby Show .............. (another plug for good old Bill!)

You are referring to Bing Crosby? I remember his movies from my childhood. You couldn't get much whiter than him. I understand he was accused of wife beating and being an alcoholic. Still what was Christmas Day without White Christmas showing on TV.

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In a lengthy Instagram post, Lee said he "cannot support" the "lily white" Oscars.

Awwwww booo-hooo, What a racist Spike Lee is.

So really - he thinks the Oscars intentionally left out colored people? Or is it just possible that all the best performers where deemed be white this year by a group that were neither racist nor swayed by political correctness?

You can have black music awards but old Spike and his racist crew would go ape at the thought of a white music awards. We can have the BET (Black Entertainment Television) Awards, but no way could you have the WET awards. Black power is fine, white power is racist.

And now - just because by random chance the best performers in a 12 month period where white, all the usual suspects come out and play the race card.

I am so sick of this overt anti-white racism and the political correctness that these colored racists play off.

Jeez - I'll probably be called racist for this post.

Probably? I didn't realise there was anybody still knocking round referring to 'colored people'. Well, maybe a couple of old nostalgic geezers. As for the Oscars a thoroughly unimpressive list of nominations all round and anything the Rev Al Sharpton says straight into the bin.

Try lookin here:


National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) is an African-American civil rights organization in the United States, formed in 1909 by Moorfield Storey, Mary White Ovington and W. E. B. Du Bois.[3] Its mission is "to ensure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights of all persons and to eliminate racial hatred and racial discrimination"

You should have tried google bingo for a bit longer and looked at the Wikipedia entry for Colored People. You would have seen it described as a derogatory term of the Segregationist period. I have linked to this in a previous post. I have also pointed out that NACCP was formed in 1909 at a time when the term Colored People was derogatory speech. Perhaps try looking deeper instead of clutching at the first thing google bingo shoots up that confirms your bias.

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I have mixed feelings about this. Ideally such awards such be on pure idealistic color-blind merit only. But as in all human endeavors that ideal is never met. So the protesters have a point, up to a point. Obviously people wouldn't want to see crappy films get awards just for tokenism. Not saying all "diverse" films are crappy, but you get the point.

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Words, words words.

When I grew up in the 60's, the polite term was Negro.

They took offence, so, the polite term became Coloured.

They took offence, so, the polite term became Black.

They took offence, so, the polite term became People of Colour.

They took offense and we have now African Americans.

PS. It's only the African Americans that seem to get offended, others from Africa and Europe, not so much.

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