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Dutch town latest to angrily protest against refugee centre


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Dutch town latest to angrily protest against refugee centre
By Robert Hackwill


HEESCH: -- Heesch is the latest Dutch town to suffer anti-immigrant protests after police made three arrests on Monday night as a demonstration forced councillors to abandon a public meeting over plans for the town to host 500 refugees over the next 10 years.

The Dutch took over 50,000 people in 2015, but many in this town of 13,000 people want none.

“When they can’t get rid of this mess in The Hague they just dump it in the village here. But we don’t want them either, so they can keep them there, but not in our farmers’ village, not in my backyard. If they’ll rape my daughter, there won’t be 500 cops here to protect her,” said one man.

“I just think 500 is too much. I will be too afraid to go out on the street, here. I just won’t dare it anymore,” said one woman.

The riot came only hours after the far-right’s Geert Wilders called for Islamic male refugees to be kept locked up in asylum centres, saying such a move was needed to protect Dutch women after the New Year’s Eve assaults in Cologne, Germany.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-01-20

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It is getting more and more problematic to house these "economical" refugees.

All over Europe the people in the local villages are boiling over with frustration. And the situation is rapidly getting out of control.

Many kids cannot play sports anymore, since the indoor stadiums has been used as housing for immigrants.

Europe needs a much tougher screening process, or maybe start to introduce 50/50 ratio of male/female immigrants. That way it will not only be young male immigrants that walks around in packs which scares the locals.

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Why should Europe have to house these people when other Arab countries either will not take them or the refugees do not want to go to other Arab countries because they are not compatible i.e. Sunni or Shia, if they are not compatible with other Arabs, how is it they are expected to be compatible with Europeans..??

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Why should Europe have to house these people when other Arab countries either will not take them or the refugees do not want to go to other Arab countries because they are not compatible i.e. Sunni or Shia, if they are not compatible with other Arabs, how is it they are expected to be compatible with Europeans..??

The western world is non-religious in the main, this makes it a great place for the zealots to spread their strict brand of islam. Other arab countries would not be receptive to such a move and have not embraced the concept of PC which would silence any criticism. It is so very simple when all the bells and whistles are stripped away. Just another conquering army sacking a perceived weak enemy.

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Why should Europe have to house these people when other Arab countries either will not take them or the refugees do not want to go to other Arab countries because they are not compatible i.e. Sunni or Shia, if they are not compatible with other Arabs, how is it they are expected to be compatible with Europeans..??

The western world is non-religious in the main, this makes it a great place for the zealots to spread their strict brand of islam. Other arab countries would not be receptive to such a move and have not embraced the concept of PC which would silence any criticism. It is so very simple when all the bells and whistles are stripped away. Just another conquering army sacking a perceived weak enemy.

Unfortunately you are correct, so how come the European leaders fail to recognise this or more likely don't want to - None as blind as those who don't want to see..!!!

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Why should Europe have to house these people when other Arab countries either will not take them or the refugees do not want to go to other Arab countries because they are not compatible i.e. Sunni or Shia, if they are not compatible with other Arabs, how is it they are expected to be compatible with Europeans..??

Because the bleeding heart liberals believe that we must be nice to the refugees and respect their human rights.

Liberalism...the downfall of Europe. 20 years or 50 years? It's turning into Europistan.

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There you see,, It's to late already !,,The Space invaders have come against some resistance, No war yet. Many people are Sick of the government to bring them to their town ,My Sister in Holland says that within 5 Klm where the Politicians live there are No Space invaders allowed to live, Aren't they Scum Hypocrites,Why should the people have to put up with this Crap .If they Keep on going like this there will be a war against them.

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Has anyone got any sensible, humane idea what to do?

I have no time for Muslims. None.

However, many of these people are indeed fleeing these monstrous IS untermenschen.

Seems to me that the North African, Afgan and South Asia contestants should be denied entry and shipped home.

For Syrians and Iraqis, they certainly have something to fear and need help. I think the West should pay to have them accommodated in the ME. Turkey is an obvious candidate. Then claw back from Saudi as they are at least partly responsible.

As I said on another thread, Iraq will have to be split on religious grounds. I of course favour secular countries but these throwbacks just don't get it.

Refugees could then be returned home

May take a land war ( I wonder if Germany would help? - visions of Indiana Jones and the Lost Ark!)

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Why should Europe have to house these people when other Arab countries either will not take them or the refugees do not want to go to other Arab countries because they are not compatible i.e. Sunni or Shia, if they are not compatible with other Arabs, how is it they are expected to be compatible with Europeans..??

The western world is non-religious in the main, this makes it a great place for the zealots to spread their strict brand of islam. Other arab countries would not be receptive to such a move and have not embraced the concept of PC which would silence any criticism. It is so very simple when all the bells and whistles are stripped away. Just another conquering army sacking a perceived weak enemy.

Unfortunately you are correct, so how come the European leaders fail to recognise this or more likely don't want to - None as blind as those who don't want to see..!!!

Because Europe has, as I said before, been brainwashed for decades into accepting "integration". A sudden change of heart won't be tolerated. The population is crying out loud, other than the brainwashed, and the politicians don't know what to do. Their little comfortable life may be endangered. Wilders who speaks out loud in Holland is made out to be an idiot by the brainwashed. (he heads the largest political party in the Netherlands). It all smells of a total set-up or shall we say a nicely hidden conspiracy. The rest is yours.

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Why should Europe have to house these people when other Arab countries either will not take them or the refugees do not want to go to other Arab countries because they are not compatible i.e. Sunni or Shia, if they are not compatible with other Arabs, how is it they are expected to be compatible with Europeans..??

Is Saudi Arabia, The UAE, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, and Qatar lining up to take a couple of million refugees? Nope. Then why should Europe, UK, US, or any other non-Muslim country be expected to if oil-rich Muslim counties can't even extend Zakat, or Muslim charity that is dictated by Islam and is Sunna, or the emulation of acts of the Prophet Mohammad, to those 'refugees' fleeing 'war-torn' countries.

"More than 4 million Syrian refugees have fled their war-torn country, but the six wealthy Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries have officially resettled none of them.

Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates have instead allowed the refugee burden to fall mainly on Lebanon, Turkey and Jordan and, to a lesser degree, on Iraq and Egypt."

--Gulf countries face pressure to take in more Syrian refugees,

by Jenifer Fenton

Aljazeera, September 4, 2015

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