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Jews welcome in Russia, Putin tells Europe's Jewish leaders


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Considering the record number of European Jews who made Aliyah in 2015 I suspect Putin was quite rightly (albeit ironically) out the rampant antisemitism in Europe, driven by its policies of enabling mass Muslim immigration.

But it's not only that. It's also traditional Christian Judeophobia plus traditional fascists plus leftists who use demonization of Israel to bleed into Jews in general.

Christian Judeophobia... plus leftists who use ...demonization of Israel...

Come up with something new.

All the old hate words - racist, bigot, anti-Semite, fascist demagogue, Jew hater, have lost their electric charge from overuse.

It's not your history. Maybe it's easy for you to tire... A lot hasn't changed in 3000 years, why should the words change after a few hundred???
I think the terms I used were fine. No point in creating new terms every 5 minutes just for the sake of novelty. Edited by Jingthing
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Good propaganda for Putin, another dig at Western Europe.

Putin is about scapegoating gay people.

Not Jewish people.

What are during about this?

Have you through of joining the sit in at the Russian Embassy In Washington DC this coming May 1 2016

No as I'm not aware of what that's about and I live in Thailand.

Next ...

Well you can do it to help the Gay movement in Bangkok.

Being Gay is being responsible so your brothers can have Freedom everywhere.

I am not Gay but I support the Gay thru out the world I am flying to Wahington to give support

You should do something to help your brothers.

Maybe sent a check for a couple hundred US dollars

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Sure, Vlad, anything you say.

Cossacks, pogroms, the plight of Jews in Soviet times, the general animosity in the culture that spans centuries. You say it's all over, and why would you lie? Upon this announcement I'm sure there is a mass movement of Jews toward Russia's borders that dwarf the Syrian hordes. And with Russia's restrictions on foreign goods, the shoddiness of their own products, and the miserable winters well, what's not to like?

Philip Roth wrote a satirical book called Operation Shylock, about modern Germany trying to get the Jews to come back. Maybe Putin read this book and he made this announcement as an attempt at humor.

And while I'm at it the Ukraine is just as bad -- read Malamud's The Fixer.

Edited by bendejo
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