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British MPs debate Trump ban, label him 'crazy,' a 'buffoon,' a 'wazzock'


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British MPs debate Trump ban, label him 'crazy,' a 'buffoon,' a 'wazzock'
By Tim Hume, CNN

London (CNN)Donald Trump is used to being the one doing the tough talk.

But on Monday the Republican presidential hopeful was on the receiving end of the harsh words -- with no opportunity of rebuttal -- as British MPs made their disdain for him clear during a parliamentary debate on whether to ban him from the country.

In doing so, the parliamentarians served up blunter criticisms than some of his rivals for the Republican presidential nomination have landed, labeling the 69-year-old "poisonous," "a buffoon" and even a "wazzock" -- British slang for "a stupid or annoying person."

Full story: http://edition.cnn.com/2016/01/19/politics/uk-parliament-trump-debate/index.html

-- CNN 2016-01-20

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Shooting the messenger because the message is deemed unacceptable. Well, I suppose that is one way to deal with the situation. Trump claimed recently that parts of England were no-go zones for whites. David Cameron tore strips off him, and claimed he was lying, racist whatever insult you fancy. Hours later English police confirmed that he was right, that many areas are off limits even for police(unless they have prior permission from muslim elders in the community). The whole situation is outrageous.

Trump is the one man that might just save the ethnic white from being bred into extinction as a punishment for being too successful.

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Once again the blinkers are firmly on. The profile of the voters for banning Trump are predominently white middle class women according to a recent TV news report. Most people happily signed the petition openly with their location lodged. There is an overwhelmingly high proportion of the Muslim population that actively do not want Trump banned because they feel that would give credibility to his comments.

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They may call him these names during their ranting and raging but they "will not" officially make into any records any name calling as it could come back on The UK in many forms if he or his fellow Republicans get elected.The media can print these stories to promote sensational headlines but remember some of the tabloids report of UFO landings.

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Correction: "Most left-wing MPs etc etc etc..."

These people sit in their expensive houses, well shielded from the hordes of immigrants who's votes they gather gleefully by their feigned support.

This was how Labour started our immigrant problem which was continued by the Tories who thought "If you can't beat them, join them"

Good luck Mr Trump sir.

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Hours later English police confirmed that he was right, that many areas are off limits even for police(unless they have prior permission from muslim elders in the community). The whole situation is outrageous.

There are no areas that are off limits for police, nor do they need anyone's permission.

It's unattributed nonsense from the usual right wing storytellers. Usually: "A policeman said"; ""Rob", who works for the Met Police", etc.

A Lancashire Police officer, who wished to remain anonymous, told MailOnline: 'There are Muslim areas of Preston that, if we wish to patrol, we have to contact local Muslim community leaders to get their permission'.

Lancashire Constabulary have subsequently stated that such a claim is without foundation.

Make a mental note:

When you see "Daily Express", "Daily Mail", "The Sun", etc., you can take it all with a very healthy pinch of salt.

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I must confess the the term "wazzock" is new to me ...

West country, by the sound of it ... yet I'm from Devon, but haven't heard it, either.

I've heard it around Lincolnshire.

Synonyms include w**ker, prick etc

Originally from bull's penis

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I must confess the the term "wazzock" is new to me ...

West country, by the sound of it ... yet I'm from Devon, but haven't heard it, either.

I've heard it around Lincolnshire.

Synonyms include w**ker, prick etc

Originally from bull's penis

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I want to see Donald trump be the next president of America then these buffoons in Parliament will have to do some suckering up. The UK doesn't have any decent party or politicians. Not one represents and wants the best for British people.

That is definitely not a trait unique to Britain :)

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I want to see Donald trump be the next president of America then these buffoons in Parliament will have to do some suckering up. The UK doesn't have any decent party or politicians. Not one represents and wants the best for British people.

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