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Every Picture Tells a Story # 3


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Inventive,innovative due to the fact that they haven't got much choice most of them.

Years ago people in the west were innovative my mother darned socks,my father shared a tin bath in front of an open fire,that was being innovative out of necessity.

Just like here now people in the west recycled tins,cans and bottles,there was a rag and bone man.

Rather than be innovative and inventive due to poverty and lack of income,how about giving these people a decent education and a start in life.

"....how about giving these people a decent education and a start in life." They would be a challenge to the "establishment" and therefore probably not likely to happen any time soon, unfortunately. coffee1.gif

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--" I even heard one such bellicose buffoon say, “Have you ever heard of a Thai inventing anything?” (You insult an insulter? Mature.)

"Crusty, old assistant"

Impressed by a cleaning lady who runs a cart, and comes in to clean when you leave?

Impressed by bamboo scaffolding?

Impressed by Thai intelligence?

Ok, Im done here.....this was just too much.

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--" I even heard one such bellicose buffoon say, “Have you ever heard of a Thai inventing anything?” (You insult an insulter? Mature.)

"Crusty, old assistant"

Impressed by a cleaning lady who runs a cart, and comes in to clean when you leave?

Impressed by bamboo scaffolding?

Impressed by Thai intelligence?

Ok, Im done here.....this was just too much.

I don't see why people are critical of bamboo scaffolding. It's quick, it's safe, it's cheap.

Why would you not use it, if you could?

Some people think that their way is the only way, and they don't have the excuse of having been educated in a Thai school


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--" I even heard one such bellicose buffoon say, “Have you ever heard of a Thai inventing anything?” (You insult an insulter? Mature.)

"Crusty, old assistant"

Impressed by a cleaning lady who runs a cart, and comes in to clean when you leave?

Impressed by bamboo scaffolding?

Impressed by Thai intelligence?

Ok, Im done here.....this was just too much.

I don't see why people are critical of bamboo scaffolding. It's quick, it's safe, it's cheap.

Why would you not use it, if you could?

Some people think that their way is the only way, and they don't have the excuse of having been educated in a Thai school


Are you actually saying that bamboo scaffolding is just a safe and good as the metal scaffolding used in the western world?

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--" I even heard one such bellicose buffoon say, “Have you ever heard of a Thai inventing anything?” (You insult an insulter? Mature.)

"Crusty, old assistant"

Impressed by a cleaning lady who runs a cart, and comes in to clean when you leave?

Impressed by bamboo scaffolding?

Impressed by Thai intelligence?

Ok, Im done here.....this was just too much.

I don't see why people are critical of bamboo scaffolding. It's quick, it's safe, it's cheap.

Why would you not use it, if you could?

Some people think that their way is the only way, and they don't have the excuse of having been educated in a Thai school


Are you actually saying that bamboo scaffolding is just a safe and good as the metal scaffolding used in the western world?

Yes. Are you saying something different?

The two forms of scaffolding also serve slightly different purposes, and bamboo is rarely used for access towers, nor for supporting formwork

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'I even heard one such bellicose buffoon say, “Have you ever heard of a Thai inventing anything?”'

Okay, I'm the belicose buffoon. Tell me anything, anything at all, that the Thais have invented. A friend of mine came up with Thai boxing. Big deal, and of no use to anyone. Silk? An industry rescued from obscurity by an American. Red Bull? Just a local product until an Austrian got involved and marketed it properly. Food? Based almost entirely on Chinese and Indian, except the masses of deep-fried stuff.

Come on. You raised the subject and insulted the person who said it. Let's see you tell us then what Thais have invented. I'd love to know.

They invented a lure to entice whingeing whining sexpats to come to their country where they continue to whinge and whine. I guess most Thais rue the day they invented it and wish they hadn't.

What have you invented Barry?

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I'm not really sure what the West has contributed to the field of Chinese medicine.

If we were so clever, I am sure we would have driven it forward in leaps and bounds in the last two hundred years, but it still seems archaicly tradition-bound. Maybe western people aren't good at thinking and contributing outside their own narrow disciplines.


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The concept is too pure to be true in real life but it's wonderful in itself- the Chinese doctor pays you, the patient, when you're sick because he has failed to keep your whole system in good health, the homeopathic view The mechanic has not maintained the car in good condition.

Therefore his objective must be to keep you healthy, immune to disease , both for ethical and financial reasons.

In the West however, it's in the doctor's interest for you to be sick, more treatment, more money, this seems especially true of dentists.

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i see a lot of dumb/lazy problem solving too; i need to take my child somewhere so i'll take them and maybe the wife and a sibling too on a motorcycle with no protection whatsoever, or i need to get from A to B, do i follow the flow of the road, no, i'll drive/ride against the flow of traffic - at speed, or maybe just use the pavement.

i have to do some DIY, do i do the best job i can and take some pride in my work or do i just bodge it?

sorry, i have traveled widely and thais do not strike me as a nation of innovators or creative problem solvers

After fighting the Japanese, French and Americans over a period of 75 years the Vietnamese have learned to become much more innovative; but there is a modern day qualifier. Laziness is the mother of invention.

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'I even heard one such bellicose buffoon say, “Have you ever heard of a Thai inventing anything?”'

Okay, I'm the belicose buffoon. Tell me anything, anything at all, that the Thais have invented. A friend of mine came up with Thai boxing. Big deal, and of no use to anyone. Silk? An industry rescued from obscurity by an American. Red Bull? Just a local product until an Austrian got involved and marketed it properly. Food? Based almost entirely on Chinese and Indian, except the masses of deep-fried stuff.

Come on. You raised the subject and insulted the person who said it. Let's see you tell us then what Thais have invented. I'd love to know.

They invented a lure to entice whingeing whining sexpats to come to their country where they continue to whinge and whine. I guess most Thais rue the day they invented it and wish they hadn't.

What have you invented Barry?

You are confusing my stating a fact with whinging. It's a common error that many people make. Perhaps, instead of trying to be a smart-arse and as you appear to take offense with what I wrote, you could answer the question posed - what have Thais ever invented. So far no-one has come up with a sensible answer. Perhaps you can enlighten us all.

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13,365 laws of any sorts( maybe more) would prevent this to happened in every nanny states tongue.png



I'm not sure, but maybe Blaze's point was that in Thailand, scaffolding training is not as good as it is in Hong Kong, or whether his point was that bamboo scaffolding is easier and quicker to erect than steel, and cheaper, and is safe if it's put up and maintained properly.


Hey im in Hk right now and right next door is??? bamboo scaffolding..... mind you " maintained" is a fuzzy word in Thailand

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'I even heard one such bellicose buffoon say, “Have you ever heard of a Thai inventing anything?”'

Okay, I'm the belicose buffoon. Tell me anything, anything at all, that the Thais have invented. A friend of mine came up with Thai boxing. Big deal, and of no use to anyone. Silk? An industry rescued from obscurity by an American. Red Bull? Just a local product until an Austrian got involved and marketed it properly. Food? Based almost entirely on Chinese and Indian, except the masses of deep-fried stuff.

Come on. You raised the subject and insulted the person who said it. Let's see you tell us then what Thais have invented. I'd love to know.

They invented a lure to entice whingeing whining sexpats to come to their country where they continue to whinge and whine. I guess most Thais rue the day they invented it and wish they hadn't.

What have you invented Barry?

You are confusing my stating a fact with whinging. It's a common error that many people make. Perhaps, instead of trying to be a smart-arse and as you appear to take offense with what I wrote, you could answer the question posed - what have Thais ever invented. So far no-one has come up with a sensible answer. Perhaps you can enlighten us all.

I don't know if they were invented here, but the little paddle wheels that aereate the water in the stagnant ponds round restaurants are a great idea. The air in the water keeps the fish alive, the fish eat the mosquito larvae, and we eat the fish.

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