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Anyone know what this stuff is? Supposed to be better than Saan.


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My wife has been and ordered a load of this stuff to spray on our Lam Yai trees. It appears that they have no idea what it is or what the correct dosage is! (surprise surprise)

My limited ability in reading Thai tells me that you need to mix 5 grams, or two of the provided spoonfuls to 100 litres of water, yes? Well this stuff costs 480 Baht a bag, and we have already used over 20 bags and another 11 bags to pay for (Getting on for about 20K Baht just on this stuff alone)

The bags however have no Nett Weight printed on them that I can see, so it appears that the Thais simply add about 1 bag to 100 litres or so of water. Well, I weighed a bag today and netted off the spoon and by my reckoning, 1 bag weighs about 50 Grams, so is good for 1000 litres of water, which is the same size as my brother in laws spray tank on his pick up.

Carrying the logic process forward, it looks very likely that they have miscounted the amount needed by about a factor of ten and gone and sprayed about 22000 litres worth of chemicals concentrated in 2000-3000 litres of water.

My questions are -

1: Are my trees going to die? (They are about 12-15 years old)

2: What exactly is this product and what does it do?

3: Is it safe?

4: Do you think it works?

See attached pics. And thanks for any information, it is greatly appreciated believe me.



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On the bottom, right side. There is written: 50 gram and the Price is 440 Bath

5 gram or 2 teaspon for 100 liter of water

For me its looks like a poison, based on organic matter. But i am not sure. The Letters to small for me to read.

But the price is normaly all the times less than on the bag is written. I would ask the seller why he sell for 480 when its written 440 Bath on the bag.

Tell your wife or girlfriend to write the name from the produkt inside google and you should get a answer.

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Your trees will not die.

It's a powder to be sprayed in order to enhance flowering;

promote healthier trees; ETC

Just another fad, used some a few years ago, don't remember any spectacular results.

Whatever you do, do follow the mixing ratio indicated on the bag.

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On the bottom, right side. There is written: 50 gram and the Price is 440 Bath

5 gram or 2 teaspon for 100 liter of water

For me its looks like a poison, based on organic matter. But i am not sure. The Letters to small for me to read.

But the price is normaly all the times less than on the bag is written. I would ask the seller why he sell for 480 when its written 440 Bath on the bag.

Tell your wife or girlfriend to write the name from the produkt inside google and you should get a answer.

You have good eyes! I missed the 50 Gram marking, but that was what I weighed it up as. I tried google and get their website but it really tells me nothing more than the bag itself. I was trying to find what the chemical make up was, i.e. is it overpriced Potassium or some other junk? I just cannot see how they justify the 440 Baht for 50 Grams.


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Your trees will not die.

It's a powder to be sprayed in order to enhance flowering;

promote healthier trees; ETC

Just another fad, used some a few years ago, don't remember any spectacular results.

Whatever you do, do follow the mixing ratio indicated on the bag.

Thanks, when I saw the bags and the price I was hoping it was a miracle grow thing, but like you say it isprobably a fad. (The Thais just keep calling it Saan, which it clearly is not, but still no idea what it is made up of)

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There are Hormon. Based on egg. Cost a couple of Bath and it's look like its work.

Normaly not nesesarry to buy expensive produkt like this. The nature support us with everythink what we need. We must only find out where we get the produkt and how we use ist.

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Our best working fertilizers are home made from fermented kitchen waste with some gibberellic acid or egg based hormone; the trees just rocket in growth or flowering.

The catch is you need time and enough patience to experiment in order to arrive at the optimal ratio for your desired effect.

The cost is negligible vs store bought, clean, mostly non chemical. Can't beat it in the long run.

Above is what the OP's item is suposed to emulate but of course not.

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Cheers for the replies, but is there anyone out there than can give some specifics of the products they use to generate a good crop of Lam Yai? We have for the past 5 years been getting about 90% AAA grade, but the trees are not exactly giving their maximum crop.

What I am looking for is something that can maintain the 90% or so AAA Grade but making sure that more than 50% of the tree produces fruit.

I use 15:15:15 fertilizer during the growing period and then 10:10:10 when the fruit are formed but still small. This spraying of Amino crap freaks me out as no one seems to know what is in it!

Any ideas? I have been at this for 15 years, and to be honest the Thai advice may as well be flushed down the toilet, they are either clueless or liars.

We get a good crop in the fact that the Lam Yai are big with a small stone so we get better prices than the buyers advertise, however, we do not seem to get as much in the way of weight from each tree, i.e. we get 90 % AAA but only about 50% from the tree.

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Our best working fertilizers are home made from fermented kitchen waste with some gibberellic acid or egg based hormone; the trees just rocket in growth or flowering.

The catch is you need time and enough patience to experiment in order to arrive at the optimal ratio for your desired effect.

The cost is negligible vs store bought, clean, mostly non chemical. Can't beat it in the long run.

Above is what the OP's item is suposed to emulate but of course not.

Understand what you are saying but we just could not produce enough fertilizer from our own garbage. We have around 150 - 200 12 year old trees. The waste from our kitchen would not take care of 3 or 4 of these.

There is about 10-11 Rai of Lam Yai, next to another 10-11 Rai of Teak, all planted with loads of Banana and Som Oh, so not much space. We need an intensive way to generate the fruit in a non destructive way (to the trees - I don't want huge harvests and find the trees die after 15 years, just some stability)

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That product is probably potassium chlorate, I see you mentioned potassium. It or Sodium Chlorate is mostly used round here (Soi Dao) to force flowering. We buy Sodium Chlorate in 25kilo bags for I don't remember about 1k baht. We would use 4 on about 200 trees something like that and that would be several applications. If you have put it on recently then you are going for a June July harvest? which is exactly the opposite to here, we harvested the other day. If you have put too much on you probably won't get a good fruiting this year but it shouldn't harm the trees. The fertiliser sounds about right we use 16/16/16 mostly and a dose of 46 0 0 Urea after harvest. The fruit has to be thinned and watering needs to be regular after flowering. There are that many different chemicals promoted, I've noticed many people falling for it, basically only spray for pests or germs if you see a need. All the other products are mostly expensive gimmicks as far as I can see

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