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ISIS using 'jihotties' to recruit brides for fighters (VIDEO)


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A new concept in marriage: raising children and growing old together, forget about it. But it can be arranged for them to die together. After training you'll be married, then sent to Europe for your honeymoon, and then you'll have the privilege of killing yourselves. Ain't life grand?

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Women get drawn to all sorts of sicko scenarios. There are women who write love letters to convicted murderers doing life without parole. Some women are like moths to flame. Any woman who gets caught in the spider web of going to a dune country and marrying one of those screw-ups is going to sorely regret it (when she sees the stupidity of her decision), if she's even alive months later. Already, some of the African girls who were taken in Nigeria and gang raped - are showing up as suicide bombers in that miserable part of Africa. Being married to a strict Muslim can be shitsville for women.

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