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Crazed driver beaten by angry mob after attacking Bangkok cop


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Both foreigners should be deported. They inserted themselves into the situation well after it was under control and the violence they exhibited was entirely unnecessary, not to mention cowardly. Exactly the type of farang Thailand can do without and it's almost guarenteed that they have some kind of history in their home country

Agree...farangs should never get involved ..unless self defence

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In the USA there would be a very good chance the perp. would have been shot point blank if he had assaulted a Police officer like that.

Also once in the hands of the USA police there is a very good chance he would be beaten up while been held in the police station.

Anyhow that guy deserved to be beaten on.

Great entertainment....


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Great reaction of the crowd. Bystanders only stepped when this idiot started hitting someone. Quite some restraint.

Are you serious?
How would you have reacted?
Put guy down without extra violence. There were enough people to do that. Kicking to head mental ill guy on ground is unnecessary. There is law to punish such actions.

Bonehead move for sure by the farang kicking him in the head when he was down.

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Hope they beat the <deleted> to a pulp!

Said the frightened little girl.
what? You are the coward with a remark like that!

Girls girls girls.. Stop pickering.

Would hate for one of you to get all worked up and do the same as the guy in the article.

Sent from my c64

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Great reaction of the crowd. Bystanders only stepped when this idiot started hitting someone. Quite some restraint.
Are you serious?
How would you have reacted?
Put guy down without extra violence. There were enough people to do that. Kicking to head mental ill guy on ground is unnecessary. There is law to punish such actions.

Bonehead move for sure by the farang kicking him in the head when he was down.

That guy is not a farang... Unless he was a thai guy eating farang.

Sent from my c64
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I love this country. Well done for coming to the cops aid. Back in the UK the police would have arrested the entire crowd on ABH and public order charges. Not here though thank goodness.

Edited by bim
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About a year ago my brother's son in law attacked my brother in a drunken stupor which put him in hospital. The worst injuries were due to several kicks to his body while he was down. I view this action as extremely cowardly and feel sorry for those on this site who appear to condone this type of thuggery. I refuse to see this guy when I go back to Oz now for fear of what I may do to him.

I agree with the crowd restraining the guy with a few punches, just desserts i feel. But kicking while you're down...not on.

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Can't believe the sudden violence.

Was that an attempt to be ironic? If not... i wonder how you can have 3000+ posts and not know this is extremely common thing in Thailand.

OK, I don't want to believe, better for you?

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Loved it just see the Thai people protecting the Thai police. Can not say that this offence is police brutalitity!

there were enough people to get the guy down when he attacked the cop and keep him down. no need to go mental/violent like a pack of dogs...

this being said, it's often like that here (violent pack) and the guy prick knew what he was looking for. he's lucky he looks unharmed.

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Could be another case of Ya Ba Craziness

I love myself on Ya Ba, Ya Ba,

Look at me now...Yee-Haw, Yee-Haw

Police man came to check out the trouble

But the crowd was angry and they burst my bubble

I'm all drugged up and acting like a jerk.

A punch to the face, well that really hurt.

Ya Ba, Ya Ba your not my friend

Now I'm in jail and my troubles wont end


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It is usually a foreigner with some sort of dispute in a bar that gets the mob descending upon them.

Yes you tube is full of videos of some tourist getting a beat down from a bunch of Thais. And always a nice touch when you see someone giving a boot to the head of the unconscious farang.

If you end up on the receiving end of one of these best downs, fight rough as you are in a fight for your life. This guy was Thai, so the mob took it pretty easy on him. Some of the tourist beat downs by Thai bouncers are just gruesome to watch.

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About a year ago my brother's son in law attacked my brother in a drunken stupor which put him in hospital. The worst injuries were due to several kicks to his body while he was down. I view this action as extremely cowardly and feel sorry for those on this site who appear to condone this type of thuggery. I refuse to see this guy when I go back to Oz now for fear of what I may do to him.

I agree with the crowd restraining the guy with a few punches, just desserts i feel. But kicking while you're down...not on.

Yes these are the old, noble Boxing rules, which applied sometimes on the road.

Nowadays those are values that have been lost.

Someone who is already on the ground, is beaten and perhaps unconscious. and then kick him with the boots in the face, that's pure cowardly and evil heart.

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I think it's good that the people supported the Police here, even though that support has not been earned by the RTP given their history, however the bystanders had ample opportunity to bring him down long before the police arrived, but in a cowardly act, descended upon him in a mob and proceeded to act like a gang of thugs. Yes you could say he brought it on himself but the cowards that kicked him while he was on the ground should be ashamed of themselves.

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I would have jumped in his car and drive away.

Happened to a man in London, skidded his motorbike next to a bus stop and fell off, two people ran to his assistance while a third ran over to the motorbike and drove of on it, i found that rather funny but that's just me.

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aha! that made their day, waiting for that special moment to let go of suppressed rage and frustration clap2.gif

seen it so often, and the funny thing is, it always instantly grows to a crowd attacking the bad guy, male and female cheesy.gif

ow loei, ow loei thumbsup.gif

Exactly! The cowardly crowds don't care what happened as long as they can get a few punches and kicks in.

They most definitely weren't helping the cop if that's what some of you are suggesting.

They were just waiting for the right moment to jump in without any risk to their own physic and when the motorcy taxi driver grabbed him from behind and locked him down, bam....the cowards jumped in to get rid of some suppressed rage and frustration

Frankly if you look at the long video from Kaosod...

5 full minutes the guy has been abusing the traffic and shouting at people on the sideway...

5 mins is pretty long and people around didn't move but must have started to get really frustrated with this jerk....

The first two after him were actually not even mobing him but trying to restrain him to protect the policeman..

First to hit was the flying kick.

I am totally against those crowd attitude but this one might have deserved a beating for sure..

Saw many threads on those same forums in recent month of people getting much more severe beatings without having done anything..

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good on them, muppets commenting their disapproval must prefer being "back home" where passers-by either pretend they didn't notice, or just film it on their phones. Thailand still has a thing called community

Unless it is a woman being beaten senseless and kicked on the ground by her drunk husband, then

it is a domestic and they should not get involved.

You really think any of them would have reacted like that if there was just one of them.

They attack in groups because they are cowards.

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aha! that made their day, waiting for that special moment to let go of suppressed rage and frustration clap2.gif

seen it so often, and the funny thing is, it always instantly grows to a crowd attacking the bad guy, male and female cheesy.gif

ow loei, ow loei thumbsup.gif

Exactly! The cowardly crowds don't care what happened as long as they can get a few punches and kicks in.

They most definitely weren't helping the cop if that's what some of you are suggesting.

They were just waiting for the right moment to jump in without any risk to their own physic and when the motorcy taxi driver grabbed him from behind and locked him down, bam....the cowards jumped in to get rid of some suppressed rage and frustration

Frankly if you look at the long video from Kaosod...

5 full minutes the guy has been abusing the traffic and shouting at people on the sideway...

5 mins is pretty long and people around didn't move but must have started to get really frustrated with this jerk....

The first two after him were actually not even mobing him but trying to restrain him to protect the policeman..

First to hit was the flying kick.

I am totally against those crowd attitude but this one might have deserved a beating for sure..

Saw many threads on those same forums in recent month of people getting much more severe beatings without having done anything..

'Might have deserved a beating for sure'.

Make your mind up. Might? Or for sure?

It's a good sign you are doubting yourself. Means you don't really believe in violence but were simply indoctrinated throughout your life to believe that it helps.

Believe me please; violence has never solved anything, ever. Period.

If this angry mob really wanted to help the cop they could've just grabbed him and pinned him down.

Who gives a damn about their frustration? I get frustrated about 20 times a day here at least and feel like taking some kind of action but then the human being and the rational mind takes over again and reminds me that I should calm down and not hurt others. Love and compassion is the only way forward for the human species. If not, it's total destruction one day.

The people who always try to sneak in a few kicks and punches during a lynching are just as bad as the person they are lynching

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You really think any of them would have reacted like that if there was just one of them.

They attack in groups because they are cowards.

eh, what are you proposing - that the crowd hold an election on who should champion them, the chosen one then approaches the suspect, taps him on the shoulder and cordially proposes Queensberry Rules? get a grip

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