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Israel: Palestinian girl killed after attempted stabbing


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JT, it was clear to me that he was addressing people who were believed to be terrorists. There are many statements from several Rabbis to that effect. I have posted a couple. I don't know if I addressed your issue as I don't really understand your issue. These guys may have been misquoted as A--------ajad was years ago but nobody seemed to mind the "Wipe off the face of the earth" misquote which is still repeated today. I can't get too excited about it. I posted several parts of the articles and included the links. It is easy to read that as being "suspected terrorists". The issue seems to be summary execution of non Jews under Jewish law. You can believe all of them to be terrorists and as a result, kill them all.

To me, the "believe to be terrorist" issue is at the heart of the consideration with these Rabbis collectively. Discussing whether it is okay under Jewish law to kill an injured person who the mob believes to be a terrorist is a major issue. The idea is contrary to pretty much any law in place today in our world. We don't summarily execute the accused whether it is okay by Jewish law or any other such law. I posted two videos of examples of believed to be terrorist that were still alive and attacked in the street.

One of the Rabbis claims the believed to be terrorist's head should be smashed into the ground until he is dead. Defend that if you must but I consider it to be indefensible.

I happen to agree with

"This crisis will not end until American Jews declare Zionism is racism. And one day they will." Gary Rosenblat, The Jewish Week

Gary Rosenblat. He’s a hard-core supporter of Israel and the editor and publisher of The Jewish Week. In an article for it, and as summed up by Weiss, he revealed that Jewish leaders are saying that it’s getting impossible to sell Israel to young Jews.


ANOTHER disgusting (intentional?) distortion. You just indicated Gary Rosenblat said that. Look at the article.

Weiss concluded with this prediction. “This crisis will not end until American Jews declare Zionism is racism. And one day they will.”

That quote is attributed to the NOTORIOUS Israel demonization website Mondoweiss. It was NOT said by Rosenblat.

Rosenblat actually said this, a very REASONABLE thing to say that the was TWISTED by the obsesive Israel demonization website and then again here in the FALSE attribution:

The hard fact is that Israel’s leadership is moving in a direction at odds with the next generation of Americans, including many Jews, who want to see greater efforts to resolve the Palestinian conflict and who put the onus for the impasse on Jerusalem. It is not only President Obama who feels that way… Whether or not it is fair, the strong perception today is that the Israeli government is moving further right, and intransigent, at a time when the rest of the world is fed up with the Israel-Palestinian impasse.

Zionism is not racism. That's the classic BS of Israel demonizers who are very often Jew haters.

Actually, ANTI-ZIONISM is racism. Why should the Jewish people not have the right to political self determination realized in the state of Israel?

Zionism does not mean supporting all Israel government policies It is does not necessary mean supporting west bank occupation.

My apologies, it was not intentional. The quote was in a funny script next to Weiss' assertion about Rosenblat. Obviously, I would not have posted the link to the article had I any intent to deceive.

I am just as offended/disgusted by obsessive defense of Israel as you seem to be about obsessive demonization. I don't know which is worse, I guess it depends on which side of the table one sits. It is clear which of those two you think is worse and I completely understand your position on the matter and I completely understand your right to your opinion.

Thanks for your apology.

If you say not intentional, fine.

But given a pattern of gross distortions, such as on this thread posting an unattributed paste indicating a rabbi was favoring genocide of all Palestinians when that was not the case, and a previous declaration of agreement with anti-semitism when it serves your purposes, forgive me for being skeptical.

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What's that to do with gunning down a 13 year old girl?

Nurse! Off topic!

I agree but a blatantly gross distortion / false attribution was posted and people should be aware that if they post such gross distortions, on topic or not, there is a good chance that will be called out.

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A graphic illustration of the kind of toxic, Jew hating environment this terrorist girl grew up in:


Palestinian cartoon depicting a girl, a "knife", and an antisemitic depiction of a Jew.

No wonder she grew up wanting to murder Jews. Brainwashed by hatred and a sick culture that makes terrorists heroic martyrs.

Edited by Jingthing
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A graphic illustration of the kind of toxic, Jew hating environment this terrorist girl grew up in:


Palestinian cartoon depicting a girl, a "knife", and an antisemitic depiction of a Jew.

No wonder she grew up wanting to murder Jews. Brainwashed by hatred and a sick culture that makes terrorists heroic martyrs.

You are making the ridiculous hypothesis that people innately hate Israeli Jews for no reason at all.
You must also ask yourself what might Zionists have done to her, her friends and family during 50 years of brutal occupation? Violence and hatred do not occur in a vacuum.
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