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Pattaya Immigration to focus on 'overstayer's' and hotel registration offenses

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Overstay is a victim-less civil crime. There is no criminal intent. In the US there are millions of overstays or people who entered without documentation. the police do not go around asking them to show documents or even look for them. If they are stopped for anything else- then their status maybe checked. In Thailand, you can be walking down the street and the police will at time stop someone and ask for their Passport and Visa without any probable cause. It happens too often and irritates people to no end. They have the right to stop a person in Thailand supposedly, but it says to normal tourists we really do not trust you. There are criminals hiding here, but most have a valid passport and a legit visa. None of them will be caught in this latest exercise. The only people that will be caught are like one of the poster says- people with low incomes and not bothering anyone.If they really want to catch criminals- they need to check the Interpol list at Immigration or better yet work out agreements with various countries to tie their Embassy into the local criminal database and run a check prior to Visa issuance. Stopping people at random and looking for overstays is merely busy work to show the powers to be that the police are doing something.

It is not a victimless crime...

In many cases it is theft of services and tax invasion by often people who are avoiding the authorities in their own country and making money in Thailand without paying tax.

The victims are those who pay tax, they have to pay more to subsidise the free loaders...

Can't wait to see governments lower taxes as all these so called criminals are caught!

Now, do you see how ridiculous your comments are?

I know there are some who will object to purge on over-stayers and one does not need a high IQ to work out why.

As for them being a drain on resources... they are and any saving if Thailand were to get rid of all of them over night probably would not make all that difference to the economy, but by arguing the RTP and Immigration Police have better things too do so what they are doing is wrong. well two wrongs do not make a right....

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If they had their way there would be no laws.

Nope, retired here but fully cognizant that overstayers present no problem except to the exaggerated pride of Thainess. "We are Thailand, we are just like REAL countries....we have LAWS." DUH!!! clap2.gif

Thailand: desperately afraid that someone will spend MONEY here. blink.png

Thinking this way Joots

you are talking like you are one of these over stayers or one whom does not qualify as a long time stayer using the "quasi legal visa help company s" and in fear that the laws will finally catch up to you sending you home.If so I hope that they do.

So ,You like "NO LAWS" ?


If they had their way there would be no laws.

Nope, retired here but fully cognizant that overstayers present no problem except to the exaggerated pride of Thainess. "We are Thailand, we are just like REAL countries....we have LAWS." DUH!!! clap2.gif

Thailand: desperately afraid that someone will spend MONEY here. blink.png

Thinking this way Joots

you are talking like you are one of these over stayers or one whom does not qualify as a long time stayer using the "quasi legal visa help company s" and in fear that the laws will finally catch up to you sending you home.If so I hope that they do.

So ,You like "NO LAWS" ?


I have visited many countries in the world but do not remember that I could expect a police checking my ID....and specially in tourist places......

Step by step news about Thai ideas are spread around the world....

Nothing good in it for Thailand if they still want to vacation destination country.

Should I be worry now if I forget my passport ?

I know that I do not have to carry it except a copy of it....BUT they change their ideas all the time and I feel very uncomfortable now seeing a police man.

If I am coming to have a rest and relax to this country then last thing I need to be stressed....for my spent money over there.

I think Vietnam is better for me now.coffee1.gif


And they do in your country ? Another lame arguement. The Thai government is corrupt therefore i can break the law. Thai bar girls are topless in the bars therefore i should be able to be topless on the beach or wherever. Thais break the law therefore i can also. Anymore stupid lame arguments or deflections off the subject? Thailand has been lax way too long. Most hate the PM because he is trying to enforce many of the laws already on the books. If you are unwilling to follow the laws please board the next flight out. Stop your bitching and moaning and leave. Thailand has the right to enforce any law they wish. Most countries would toss your butt in prison, deported and black list you for life.

If that's you in your avatar I think you should go topless on the beach too. tongue.png

More seriously, I'm the first one to moan about over-stayers in the UK, so I don't see a problem with a crackdown in LOS. PROVIDING, that it's done honestly & fairly without one hand outstretched.


I am asking a legit question. Under 50 married. Anymore personal information you would like ? The only ax i have to grind are foreigners staying here without valid visas. How many countries allow this? Answer: ZERO! How old are You? What type of visa do you have? What is your monthly income? Where did you meet your Thai girlfriend? What country are you from? What planet are you from?

You should get out more. Western Europe has millions of people in it without valid visa. The U.S is also full of them. Do you seriously think Thailand is the only country in the world that has people in it without a valid visa ?


My 5 year overstay must have really gotten on their nerves lol.. I'm sorry to all that I contributed to this situation. I'm a habitual rule breaker but I am trying my hardest to clean up my act and be a legitimate individual from now on.


My 5 year overstay must have really gotten on their nerves lol.. I'm sorry to all that I contributed to this situation. I'm a habitual rule breaker but I am trying my hardest to clean up my act and be a legitimate individual from now on.

Don't worry as soon as you hit 50 you're magically transformed from low life who doesn't belong here, to venerable member of society.


Police Major General Chachuwan, Deputy Commissioner of the Immigration Bureau was welcomed by a formal parade of officers who work at the office in Jomtien. He was given a tour of the facility and made suggestions along the way of how to improve procedures, in-line with other Immigration offices around Thailand.

I wonder if he includes Chiang Mai immigration in that statement.

Perhaps immigration laws and procedures should be one thing that is the same for all immigration offices, and yes that includes the one in Chiang Mai that seems to be having a lot of problems.


I have a so-called "retirement visa" (extension of stay on a Non-Immigrant O) I simply don't understand the Thai hysteria at overstayers. They spend TONS more money than Thais. Laws are only followed here in the case of non-Thai persons who lack money.


There seems to be a lot of interest on this topic. I wonder how many outraged TF'ers here are on overstay or working illegally on tourist visas.


I am not advocating overstay or even asking they not be picked up when found. I am stating and will hold to it- that this is a civil situation and not criminal unlike a robbery, rape, or murder or anything that violates another person. Whether they pay taxes or not is a civil matter and I doubt they would owe any since they are low income. The majority of people on overstay simply do not have the money to get legal. Based on this, there is no reason for any police force anywhere to spend its valuable resources tracking these people down. They pose no threat to life or liberty. The police should be focused-on real crimes and real criminals not wasting time on those who are unfortunate. You , who are so eager to see these unfortunate people jailed and then expelled might want to show some sympathy to your fellow human being. If an Embassy really wanted to help their citizens, they would reach out and offer a solution rather than sit back and wait until their citizens are either dead or jailed.

Overstaying IS a crime. You can whine & moan & weep all you want about what you think are "serious" crimes and what you think are not, but that and 22baht will get you to the next BTS station. Your defense of overstayers (yes, man up; you're defending them) based on the more important things YOU THINK the police have to do amounts to even less. The crime really is the increased scrutiny and inconvenience brought on foreigners who are in the country legally BY those who are NOT. So, if you could spare a few brain cells to do so, you'd undersrand that this overstaying is NOT a "victimless crime"; those who've accepted the responsibility to be here legally are ALL victimized by it.


I agree with hawker9000 and add that police in many countries enforce or act on Immigration offences which is what overstaying is and Immigration here is a division of the Royal Thai Police. Can't see where the issue is. Fortunes are in the hands of the individual and it is his/her responsibility when travelling to have enough funds to stay and leave when required.


Answer: About half i would guess.

There seems to be a lot of interest on this topic. I wonder how many outraged TF'ers here are on overstay or working illegally on tourist visas.


Sadly many here just don,t get it. They prefer to break the law and i hope they all get caught.

I agree with hawker9000 and add that police in many countries enforce or act on Immigration offences which is what overstaying is and Immigration here is a division of the Royal Thai Police. Can't see where the issue is. Fortunes are in the hands of the individual and it is his/her responsibility when travelling to have enough funds to stay and leave when required.


And that is why there is finally a crack down. Thank God. Too many foreign criminals , drunks and bums here.

I am not advocating overstay or even asking they not be picked up when found. I am stating and will hold to it- that this is a civil situation and not criminal unlike a robbery, rape, or murder or anything that violates another person. Whether they pay taxes or not is a civil matter and I doubt they would owe any since they are low income. The majority of people on overstay simply do not have the money to get legal. Based on this, there is no reason for any police force anywhere to spend its valuable resources tracking these people down. They pose no threat to life or liberty. The police should be focused-on real crimes and real criminals not wasting time on those who are unfortunate. You , who are so eager to see these unfortunate people jailed and then expelled might want to show some sympathy to your fellow human being. If an Embassy really wanted to help their citizens, they would reach out and offer a solution rather than sit back and wait until their citizens are either dead or jailed.

Overstaying IS a crime. You can whine & moan & weep all you want about what you think are "serious" crimes and what you think are not, but that and 22baht will get you to the next BTS station. Your defense of overstayers (yes, man up; you're defending them) based on the more important things YOU THINK the police have to do amounts to even less. The crime really is the increased scrutiny and inconvenience brought on foreigners who are in the country legally BY those who are NOT. So, if you could spare a few brain cells to do so, you'd undersrand that this overstaying is NOT a "victimless crime"; those who've accepted the responsibility to be here legally are ALL victimized by it.

Maybe while their at it they might check the balcony railings of the condos to ensure there safe !wink.png

Don't you think that might be more appropriate for the Health and Safety Executive, or the Thai equivalent, if there is such a thing?

Would the immigration department in your home country check safety issues in condos?

I wonder if some people feel a little foolish after pressing the Enter button.

Oh sorry I will direct my suggestion to Health and Safety Executive or their Thai equivalent. Any idea where they are located I don't seem to seen to much Health and Safety only for the signage on building sites Just thought it might be just as easy to check the balcony while checking foreigners as they have a habit of falling for some reason


Thailand: desperately afraid that someone will spend MONEY here. blink.png

I'm sure they'll make money out of it. It's an excuse to stop foreigners who're generally terrified of them. If they stop them they're likely to work out ways of getting money out of them, legal or not. It's a great idea in Pattaya as all of the impotent no hopers stay there, and their testosterone's really low, so they'll be good victims. Many laws exist in Thailand, but they're not enforced unless the person's unlucky, but getting stopped then becomes a confidence trickster's realm. You get stopped, you don't want trouble, so you're willing to palm them off with money, even if you're not exactly sure why you're being stopped or what you think that you don't want them to find out about.


A one day old thread about Immigration focusing on overstayers with 5 pages already...are there really that many of you out there...for this topic holds absolutely no interest to anyone here legally.


Overstaying IS a crime.

You can whine & moan & weep all you want about what you think are "serious" crimes and what you think are not, but that and 22baht will get you to the next BTS station. Your defense of overstayers (yes, man up; you're defending them) based on the more important things YOU THINK the police have to do amounts to even less.

Crime? No doubt. As serious as jaywalking, driving and texting.

Who is whining here? Only you and 2 others who keep spamming their hate towards fellow foreigners here, page after page!

I really hope turning 50, or marrying a Thai women won't make me a hate filled vicous as*hole!


A one day old thread about Immigration focusing on overstayers with 5 pages already...are there really that many of you out there...for this topic holds absolutely no interest to anyone here legally.

Wrong! Some of us have emphaty and humanity left in us, we care for fellow foreigners here and speak up even if the issue at hand doesn't affect us directly.


No.....we DO "get it"....The point is that it's irrelevant. It is a made up offense by a public body that is inconsistent and aimed at people who actually BENEFIT the Thai economy. There are many "laws" here which are in conflict with western values. We frequently hear about the need to "respect" Thai culture. What about WESTERN CULTURE? I will assume that it has validity as well.

Sadly many here just don,t get it. They prefer to break the law and i hope they all get caught.

I agree with hawker9000 and add that police in many countries enforce or act on Immigration offences which is what overstaying is and Immigration here is a division of the Royal Thai Police. Can't see where the issue is. Fortunes are in the hands of the individual and it is his/her responsibility when travelling to have enough funds to stay and leave when required.


Aha I see a new field of economical opportunitys arising for the pattaya cop force....soon we might overher something like...Eh mamsan the falang here long time here no long d...k but stay five years in ur red house....mamasan reply: ok pa how much....cop looks around : well a little more than usual because big immigration boss in town...mamsan: ok bring him here I take care for him and here is ur envelope as usual....= everybody happy thai style....


Thailand: desperately afraid that someone will spend MONEY here. blink.png

I'm sure they'll make money out of it. It's an excuse to stop foreigners who're generally terrified of them. If they stop them they're likely to work out ways of getting money out of them, legal or not. It's a great idea in Pattaya as all of the impotent no hopers stay there, and their testosterone's really low, so they'll be good victims. Many laws exist in Thailand, but they're not enforced unless the person's unlucky, but getting stopped then becomes a confidence trickster's realm. You get stopped, you don't want trouble, so you're willing to palm them off with money, even if you're not exactly sure why you're being stopped or what you think that you don't want them to find out about.

well your post describes in short the thai -falang relationship and not only in pattaya simple : pay and be happy....the redhouse concept applied to all fields of life


It holds interest to all those over staying crapping in their pants giving hundreds of excuses as to why it is ok to hide here. I just enjoy reading the excuses. Here is another example. (Thais are poor therefore we are helping their econmony) With what money ? You can,t even afford a valid visa or your hiding something. Foreign criminal perhaps ?

A one day old thread about Immigration focusing on overstayers with 5 pages already...are there really that many of you out there...for this topic holds absolutely no interest to anyone here legally.


Off topic post removed, we are discussing:

Pattaya Immigration to focus on 'overstayer's' Not other posters

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


I have a so-called "retirement visa" (extension of stay on a Non-Immigrant O) I simply don't understand the Thai hysteria at overstayers. They spend TONS more money than Thais. Laws are only followed here in the case of non-Thai persons who lack money.

I'd be a little curious to know how people here on overstays find the means to spend "tons" of money, even compared to a Thai, when they can't even afford to straighten out their visa status.


I have a so-called "retirement visa" (extension of stay on a Non-Immigrant O) I simply don't understand the Thai hysteria at overstayers. They spend TONS more money than Thais. Laws are only followed here in the case of non-Thai persons who lack money.

I'd be a little curious to know how people here on overstays find the means to spend "tons" of money, even compared to a Thai, when they can't even afford to straighten out their visa status.

Well my reg girl at Nataree insists on me visiting her every day, after those 90 mins of fun and the rest of the afternoon tinkering with my online business I simply haven't the time to do visa runs. I do pump 100k/mo into the Ratchada economy however.


I have a so-called "retirement visa" (extension of stay on a Non-Immigrant O) I simply don't understand the Thai hysteria at overstayers. They spend TONS more money than Thais. Laws are only followed here in the case of non-Thai persons who lack money.

I'd be a little curious to know how people here on overstays find the means to spend "tons" of money, even compared to a Thai, when they can't even afford to straighten out their visa status.

Well my reg girl at Nataree insists on me visiting her every day, after those 90 mins of fun and the rest of the afternoon tinkering with my online business I simply haven't the time to do visa runs. I do pump 100k/mo into the Ratchada economy however.

Oh the memories...I too had a regular Naratee girl when I was living up in Bangkok 15 years ago (to think, she must be middle-age by now)...she was out of this world; and so that you can keep her in the latest model iPhone and your Mr. Happy happy, I would only suggest that you do try to find the time to legalize your visa situation. thumbsup.gif

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