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ive just read this article and thought it may be worth letting forum members know,.

Trojan Poses as IE7 Download

OCTOBER 18, 2006 | If you get an email from [email protected] with a link to Internet Explorer 7 Release Candidate 1, don't go there: A trojan downloader will get installed and set up a backdoor into your computer.

The spoofed message's link takes you to a site that looks convincingly similar to a Microsoft page, but don't be fooled. The trojan installs via an IE browser vulnerability, according to SurfControl, which is tracking the malicious message and its spread around the Net. The scam is especially timely -- Microsoft IE7's availability is imminent and users are preparing for the release to hit later this month.

Downloaders are among the most prolific types of trojans today and are popular with spammers because they are relatively small pieces of code. Their job is to avoid detection and typically to disable AV and firewalls and then download more malware code.

the full article can be found at ....http://www.surfcontrol.com/ViewHandler.aspx?id=332&newsid=3521&mid=161



if you have xp it downloads any updates authomatically (you have to activate that option) or at least warns you that updates are available.

as to your email box - set it higher for email spam control


it would be quite interesting to know why people use Internet Explorer which is the sh@ttiest browser on this planet although a dozen better and faster ones are available free of charge. is it masochism?

please enlighten me :o

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