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2 Nights In Pattaya

Cigarette Burn

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Well i did not like the fact that it was full of <deleted> (fact). We went down beach road for a beer and were acosted by ladyboys (fact).

The city is filthy (fact).

The water is dirty (fact).

It must be the worlds biggest brothel full of odd balls from all over the globe, i have never seen so many missfits in one place in all my life, and believe me i have been around the globe a few times.

in a few words i would sum up Pattaya city as 'an absoloute shit hole that would be better of being turned in to glass'.

Cheers and good night.

Give me Bangers anyday.

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Well i did not like the fact that it was full of <deleted> (fact). Only arse-hole is you

We went down beach road for a beer and were acosted by ladyboys (fact). Same happens in BKK, politely decline and be on your way

The city is filthy (fact). Same as BKK

The water is dirty (fact). Same as BKK

It must be the worlds biggest brothel full of odd balls from all over the globe, i have never seen so many missfits in one place in all my life, and believe me i have been around the globe a few times. Funny enough you were there - guess you are a misfit

in a few words i would sum up Pattaya city as 'an absoloute shit hole that would be better of being turned in to glass'. In summary you if it werent for the ladyboys inquiring if you wanted their services, Patters would have been fine.

Cheers and good night.

Give me Bangers anyday. Faire enough we don't need your sort in lovely Pattaya - keep your whinging arse in BKK

G'Nite!!! :o

Edited by britmaveric
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All you old perves are so defensive.

We know why you are there,just admit it.


Well i did not like the fact that it was full of <deleted> (fact). Only arse-hole is you

We went down beach road for a beer and were acosted by ladyboys (fact). Same happens in BKK, politely decline and be on your way

The city is filthy (fact). Same as BKK

The water is dirty (fact). Same as BKK

It must be the worlds biggest brothel full of odd balls from all over the globe, i have never seen so many missfits in one place in all my life, and believe me i have been around the globe a few times. Funny enough you were there - guess you are a misfit

in a few words i would sum up Pattaya city as 'an absoloute shit hole that would be better of being turned in to glass'. In summary you if it werent for the ladyboys inquiring if you wanted their services, Patters would have been fine.

Cheers and good night.

Give me Bangers anyday. Faire enough we don't need your sort in lovely Pattaya - keep your whinging arse in BKK

G'Nite!!! :o

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Well i did not like the fact that it was full of <deleted> (fact). Only arse-hole is you

We went down beach road for a beer and were acosted by ladyboys (fact). Same happens in BKK, politely decline and be on your way

The city is filthy (fact). Same as BKK

The water is dirty (fact). Same BKK

It must be the worlds biggest brothel full of odd balls from all over the globe, i have never seen so many missfits in one place in all my life, and believe me i have been around the globe a few times. Funny enough you were there - guess you are a misfit

in a few words i would sum up Pattaya city as 'an absoloute shit hole that would be better of being turned in to glass'. In summary you if it werent for the ladyboys inquiring if you wanted their services, Patters would have been fine.

Cheers and good night.

Give me Bangers anyday. Faire enough we don't need your sort in lovely Pattaya - keep your whinging arse in BKK

G'Nite!!! :o

Defend the place all you like, you will never convince me that it is anything but a sex tourists playground.

The people who i do feel sorry for are the original pattayans who have to put up with such trash moving in and making such a mess of the city.(fishing village). :D:D:D

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C.B.... when you next come to Pattaya gives us a shout...........you/ll be surprised at how much there is here....................

Unless your opinion of the place has been fixed forever of course? :o

I wont be back, but you are more than welcome to get in touch with me when you come to Bangkok to tell me about the good side to Pattaya :D

Should take all of 20 seconds :D


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Well i did not like the fact that it was full of <deleted> (fact). We went down beach road for a beer and were acosted by ladyboys (fact).

The city is filthy (fact).

The water is dirty (fact).

It must be the worlds biggest brothel full of odd balls from all over the globe, i have never seen so many missfits in one place in all my life, and believe me i have been around the globe a few times.

in a few words i would sum up Pattaya city as 'an absoloute shit hole that would be better of being turned in to glass'.

Cheers and good night.

Give me Bangers anyday.

hello CB,

I must say after reading that post that most of it is actually true :o

It is full of miss-fits,oddballs,sexual deviants,etc,the water is dirty,place is crawling with Ladyboys,it is not the cleanest of cities for sure.

But,on a lighter note,i for one just love the place :D

Now,bangkok?that is A shithole!

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O.K, That sounds like a good idea, 3 things I like about Pattaya

1, Its alot more laid back than BKK.

2, There are some very nice resturants at much better prices than BKK lus I love sea food and on the walking street is GREAT sead food.

3, The girls I have met sem alot nicer, not so "bussiness" oriantated happy to just chat, kid around and play games not so much buy this buy me that!

Any way thats just 3 of the many things I'm liking about Pattaya.

That's 3 things that you say are better than Bangkok - the girls make your whoremongering less 'wrong'.

If you are a whoremonger, sex-addict, alcoholic, druggie, very ugly/old, Pattaya would be good. I understand why they would want to live near the sea. Many of the guys I know are just in denial, some admit it.

Defend the place all you like, you will never convince me that it is anything but a sex tourists playground.

Of course that's what Pattaya is - for someone to say they live there for the golf, food or whatever is ridiculous :o

Edited by Neeranam
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Please for the sake of those that love it here - we suggest you stay away. :D

You make it sound as though you live in Thailand. :D

From what i have been told you come here on holiday for a few brief weeks a year :o

Told? :D Now stop diverting your own topic.... this is about Patters. :D If you don't like a place faire enough, but constant whinging/bashing the place is another. :D

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just thought I'd step in with my 2 penneth worth

only been there twice and love the place, sure its dirty but so is a great deal of the UK now (Brent has a higher TB rate than China). I'm ashamed to admit but all of the <deleted> I saw in Pattaya were tourists, be it from En-gur-laaand, US or Europe, every thai person I met came across as friendly with a welcoming smile (even the ladyboys). I'd rather a ladyboy say helloooo wel-cum than have a gang of hoodies kick me senseless as is becoming increasingly popular here in England, or some religious nut go massacre a school full of 5 year olds. Thailand, and Pattaya in particular is far from perfect, but IMO the welcoming nature of the place more than makes up for its shortfalls.

If you dont like the place, simply dont go there again. i love the place, and will be going again. :D:D:o:D

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If you are a whoremonger, sex-addict, alcoholic, druggie, very ugly/old, Pattaya would be good. I understand why they would want to live near the sea. Many of the guys I know are just in denial, some admit it.
Defend the place all you like, you will never convince me that it is anything but a sex tourists playground.

Of course that's what Pattaya is - for someone to say they live there for the golf, food or whatever is ridiculous :D

Never mind what some of the "many guys (you) know" tell about Pattaya, I think it's time you had a good look at yourself in the mirror. Some of your insane comments make me wonder about your motives. :D

Why did you come to Thailand?

Perhaps a visit to your local travel agent with an enquiry about a one-way ticket back to Scotland might be your next best move. :o

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I have just spent two nights in Pattaya, i went there on business with 4 of my coleagues.

What a hole that place is. How could anyone wish to live there?

So my question is, what drives you to live and holiday in such a place?

I for one would never return there. :o

A troll post and many folks took the bait.

I will too. Interesting how someone could imply Bangkok has cleaner air or water or fewer prostitutes. Well Bangkok did have John Karr.

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QUOTE(Neeranam @ 2006-10-19 21:48:17)

If you are a whoremonger, sex-addict, alcoholic, druggie, very ugly/old, Pattaya would be good. I understand why they would want to live near the sea. Many of the guys I know are just in denial, some admit it.


Defend the place all you like, you will never convince me that it is anything but a sex tourists playground.

Of course that's what Pattaya is - for someone to say they live there for the golf, food or whatever is ridiculous

Never mind what some of the "many guys (you) know" tell about Pattaya, I think it's time you had a good look at yourself in the mirror. Some of your insane comments make me wonder about your motives.

Why did you come to Thailand?

I love Thailand :o and came for many reasons.

What's insane about my comment?

I'm out of this thread now, if you like pattaya, fine, but don't say it's not because of the women.

Edited by Neeranam
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My wife's four best Chinese female golfing buddies have just come back from a week in Patters staying in the lovely Pong ( just outside the city for the OP and his mates ).

They played different courses every day, enjoyed the fine food available and did all the things the people who actually take the time to see the place in a different light, harp on about on here only to be put down by the likes of the OP and the last ignoramus on this thread.

Those of you who come for two days and camp out on walk in street, or mindlessly join the bandwagon claiming everybody who likes the place is a pervert, be careful, as your posts say more about your petty shallow little minds than they do about a city in Thailand that has plenty to offer for those who actually " Visit " the area, rather than spend their time in " Boy's town " and then become cyber warriors on the net. :o

Edited by suiging
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I'm out of this thread now, if you like pattaya, fine, but don't say it's not because of the women.

I'm surprised and a bit disappointed by your narrow-minded generalisation Neeranam... I thought you were much more open-minded than that.

I live in Pattaya... or very close to it (just down the road a couple of clicks) and I'm a happily married man (Thai wife) with a house, car, job, work permit etc... and I choose not to go to the seedy side of town.

It is after all, all about choice... and this choice is available to you is virtually every city in the world... not just Pattaya.

If you choose to go to the infamous Soi 6... sure, you'll see ladyboys and prostitutes and drug addicts and all sorts of low-life not only from Thailand, but from other countries as well.

The only time I choose to go to Soi 6 is when I need to top up on homemade pies from a certain bar there... the best IMO in Pattaya.

So... I'm a local... and I'm certainly not here because of the women.

And I enjoy my life here.


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I've just come back from two nights in Rome with my business colleagues. We spent the whole time in a down town bar area which was disgusting !!!

Anyone who says they go there for the culture is a downwright liar !!!

Thank the lord i've found an Italian web site so I can put all those perverts who visit that city right.................. scum of the earth ( heard the same about Venice, Barcelona etc etc, wait til I find their web pages, sick sex tourists the lot of em..... )

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Britmaverick "Whats going on here, whats all the noise"

Cigarette Burn "I just wanted to know about Pattaya"

Britmaverick "Are you Local?"

Cigarette Burn "Er, No I'm from Bangkok"

Britmaverick "This is a Local place for Local people. Theres nothing for you here!"

Cigarrette Burn " Oh, well can you help me?"

Britmaverick " Nooooooooo.... this is a Local place. There is nothing for you here, Goooooooo....."

Edited by JacknDanny
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I live in Pattaya... or very close to it (just down the road a couple of clicks) and I'm a happily married man (Thai wife) with a house, car, job, work permit etc... and I choose not to go to the seedy side of town.

Yeah... sure... and which side would that be? :o

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Well, I'm more or less retired from the 'Patttaya Bashers Defence league'. It's a pointless task, as you can go through pages and pages defending the good aspects of Thailand's second largest city(who said it wasn't a part of Thailand?), and even if you do finally succeed in seeing them off, it's only matter of time before some new, bitter, ripped off or otherwise mentally maladjusted troll comes along and complains once again that Pattaya is a shit hole, and the flaming and slanging start all over again.

All I can say is that I used to live in Bangkok, in fact off and on spent many years there, including a ten year working spell. I met my lovely wife in Bangkok, and we stayed together there for over two years and enjoyed life in one of the world's most vibrant cities.

A year ago now, we moved to Pattaya (just outside actually), where we have a beautiful home, and I can honestly say that the quality of life (and air), is far better than that we experienced in Bangkok. There is so much to do, food to eat, places to go, sport to play, music to listen to and things to enjoy that I could go on for a long time. It is also very easy to get on the road and go to many other parts of Thailand without having to spend the first hour trawling through Bangkok's horrendous traffic. Koh Chang, Koh Samet, Rayong, Ayudaya, Issan, the North, Khow Yai......etc. or nearer home; Bang Sarae (beautiful clean beaches), Sattahip, Koh Sri Chang.......etc. There are even some pretty nice quiet beaches at Na Klua and even further down the Sukhumvit road, if you know where to go and have transport. Even out here at Pong there is a beautiful lake, the wind blows, the temperatures are around 5 degrees lower than on the coast, and there is an abundance of restaurants that serve reasonably priced farang and Thai food. I could go on and on and on... but what's the point?

My youngest daughter (20) came over for Christmas last year and thoroughly enjoyed herself and my eldest daughter (30) and husband came over at Songkran, and also enjoyed themselves immensely without ever going near Walking Street. I have had other friends also come and stay and they have all had the holidays of their lives, and no -one seemed to think Pattaya was a hole, and all wished they could come back as soon as time and money permitted. My Brother, his wife, and daughter and husband are all coming for New Year, and they are keen divers and can't wait to indulge their passion in Pattaya nd surrounding coastal areas. Similarly, my elder sister and husband are also coming, and I have no qualms that they will have the holiday of a life time.

As I say, I'm retired from all this.

So Mr. Neeranam, I am definitely not here for the women or other 'delights' that are available between Beach and Third Road and I can honestly state that I have not had even so much as a BJ since I met my wife more than 4 years ago. I admit to occasionally straying into bars to get a bit sozzled and maybe meet a farang or two with whom to have a chat about life shattering events - but folk do that everywhere don't they? - even in chaste, clean, and highly cultured Bangkok?

Pattaya is not perfect - what city is? There is a dark side to this place that deserves everyone's attention if it is ever to be cleaned up. A great number of the most disadvantaged in Thailand gravitate to Pattaya, and it behoves tourists and residents alike to give back a little after taking so much in enjoyment. I particularly refer to the Street kids - many of whom are sold as sex slaves - and desperately need our help. As a place of last resort, the Mercy Mission provides a haven and rescue shelter for many of these poor little mites - and if anyone feels like doing something positive - please click on: http://www.mercypattaya.org

Then on “how can I help?”

I make no apologies for hi-jacking this thread - after all it wasn't going anywhere was it?


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Thailand is a fairly large country. The best thing about it is that you can find whatever you want. Bangkok has every different life style available the same as Pattaya. I now live happily and content up country with my Thai wife. I hope things continue to go well for us but be sure that if my marriage would fall apart I would be headed back to the farang ghetto called Jomtien Beach. I liked Pattaya but didn't want to live there because of the traffic and too many people too close together. Unfortunately Jomtien Beach is no longer the sleepy beach resort it once was. The nice thing about Jomtien growing is that my condo there has doubled in price. :o

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C.B.... when you next come to Pattaya gives us a shout...........you/ll be surprised at how much there is here....................

Unless your opinion of the place has been fixed forever of course? :o

I wont be back, but you are more than welcome to get in touch with me when you come to Bangkok to tell me about the good side to Pattaya :D

Should take all of 20 seconds :D


As Thai Bob has said, probably "a troll post" but just in case it was not:

Dear Cigarette Burn, many posters, Summer T, Beavis and Butthead, Bmanly, Cobra, Glenbat, Britmaveric, etc, have given you very good reasons for living in Pattaya. Their answers should be collated and pinned so that posts like yours can be answered quickly and concisely.

The reasons I live here are:

I like the Thai people.

Where I live is very beautiful and I get first suck of the fresh air off the Gulf. (I am told that Bangkokians have to stay indoors all the time with a/c running!).

Many golf courses.

Bridge club.

Well run charities to be involved in.

My days are filled with beauty, happiness, and contentment.

Of course, I wish that the place was cleaner and that the sex industry was not primarly located at the beach front. But,as all Buddhists know, change is inevitable and I think it probably will be for the better. :D

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As always, Mobi is right. I too resign from the Pattaya Defence League, you will never defeat bigatory, so why sanction it by taking the bait.

Only thing to say is that if people are reading this thread trying to make their minds up to visit patters or not ? Please do not be put off by the strength of feeling on both sides of the argument. There is plenty of room in Patters for every type of tourist you can name, come and take an unbiased look for yourself.

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Stickman did a very good article called

'Pattaya, More And More A Better Option'

Which makes an awful lot of sense for those of us that live here

(no links, please - edited by IJWT)

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