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Nude statues covered in Rome so as not to offend Iranian president


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Well there's some hope, true PC nutters would have thrown them in garbage.

Or labelled them them as objectifying men and women as sex objects and demanding the posthumous excommunication of the renaissance artists. The destruction of Christian war graves monuments in Tobruk and the destruction of Buddha statues in Afghanistan goes unpunished. "art for arts sake,money for gods sake. 10CC

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Its ART and now we start to cover up our european art and lifestyle for a muslim desport and oppressor of human rights

Are we Europeans not getting crazy! Shame on that!!!!!!

It's the lefties mate….gotta protect everyone's human rights and all that rubbish.

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Clearly someone got laid-back Iran confused with Saudi Arabia, where male adulterers are flogged and women stoned to death (yep, equality has a ways to go there yet!).

Iranians have been setting regional records recently for sexually transmitted diseases and new HIV cases. Western observers cite the lack of sex education in the republic as a major factor in the epidemic.

Hopefully, the President appreciated the irony of the prissy museum tour.

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A thong for Michelangelo's David?

What do these people know about art, culture etc, they spend most of their time blowing up priceless images they don't like.

Covering up after all these years after being made is frigging ridiculous!

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Why the hell is the west cow towing to this person? His, is the country that hang men and women from cranes,stone women for infidelity,and all other sorts of atrocities against their own people.Covering up the statues and not serving wine is an insult to the Italian people.Their art and wine making industries are of world wide renown.To cover up such beautiful works of art for so as not offend some autocratic sand jockey is beyond belief.I cant understand where Italian pride went on this one. Maybe they didn't want to offend him due to the fact that a certain part of Davids anatomy is bigger than his.As for the wine at dinner thing.He should have told them to serve it because it is an Italian custom,and had the sense to graciously decline.

But i suppose once again,its all about oil.


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well that's the west for you.....................no spine.

No that's Italy. The same country implicated in the Iraq oil sanctions busting scheme, the same country that supported Ghadaffi up until Italy's oil supplies were at risk where upon they became a lead in the Libyan intervention, and the same country which has been a haven for for middle east and Iranian money over the years. The Dutch would never do this, nor would the Danish. Even the French wouldn't do this.

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Yet another example of the inexorable forced subsumation of western culture and ideal's into the political, socialist system that is islam.

When will the sheeple wake up?

"First they took our art and I did not speak up because I was not an artist".

Apologies to Martin Niemoller

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In 2002 under religious fanatic US Attorney General John Ashcroft $8000 of my tax money was spent to cover "breasts" and "loins" on some Art Deco statues that had stood for decades.

That I can't forgive.

Obama Admin Covers Naked Lady Justice
January 17, 2014
While at the Department of Justice, the Obama administration tacitly revealed it was continuing a Bush administration practice that has nothing to do with surveillance: covering the half-naked Spirit of Justice statue.
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Q: Who put 7 bullets in Mussolini?

A: 1000 Italian marksmen...

Ok, ok, it's not even on topic, but I think it's funny, and I don't know any wh*re jokes to make it on topic...

Yea Knave,But most of them were confused as which way to shoot.Its why their airplanes had forward and aft cockpits.

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