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Volunteer organisations that assist Thai language development


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I am thinking there has got to be some kind of immersion method whereby you live for a number of months in a place or circumstance that forces one to read, speak and think in Thai 24/7.

When I studied Spanish in Latin America there existed a number of programs whereby one could do a few hours of Spanish classes in the morning and then volunteer with Children for the afternoons. It gave a great opportunity to practice what we learnt in a non-judgemental environment. It is much quicker and I found myself literally thinking in Spanish.

I have lived in Thailand for about 2 years now. First year and a half I was on a student visa and did two x 2 hour class of Thai a week, however the issue is that I never spoke much Thai outside the class. I spoke English all day.

I asked a few people and discovered there are various Volunteer groups around however they are missing the language aspect. Also the otherway around, places that teach but don't offer much chance to practice outside the classroom. I already have a girlfriend (half Thai and doesn't speak much Thai) so please don't recommend the 'long haired dictionary'.

Anyone else had a similar thought to me? Are there places existing like this in Thailand?

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I don't think a long-haired dictionary would help much, anyway. There's a possibility that visiting the Thai half of your girlfriend's family might help, but they may prefer to try their English out on you (or even speak it well already), or, semi-conversely, not speak Central Thai themselves.

I was a short-haired dictionary for a while, but while it improved my Thai a lot, it's still not good.

I presume you've tried cheap partial options such as reading the newspapers.

Edited by Richard W
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For me I need a kind of structured environment whereby classes and the interactions are forced. If I leave it to my own organisation, ie self study it doesn't go as well. Although if I can't find anything it may end up being just that.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I advise avoiding volunteer organizations as a means to learn the language. Thai is a tonal language. You will learn the tones of the people around you. Charity/volunteer organizations cater to (mostly) poor, uneducated, rural people. Thai society is much more hierarchical than we Westerners can even imagine. If you start speaking the language using tones of poor, uneducated, rural people you will place yourself at a very low position with little or no respect.

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