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SURVEY: Is it getting easier or more difficult to stay in Thailand?

SURVEY: Is it getting easier or more difficult to stay in Thailand?   

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As with anything it will depend upon the individual involved. I went to CM immigration at 0430 and yes set in line with the rest of the folks waiting. Got my extension of stay and was done for the year. I just look at these things as part of the process it is what Ihave to do to get what Iwant. If the 90 day on line Q comes back the complaining will drop 50percent. If you didn't have a online Q getting an extension of stay was not that easy at the old office as it required getting in line around 5am

Have fun folks most of it is the way you think

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Luckily the money isn't big deal for me. However when first arrived 3 years ago the aud was on par with USD . Now it's 70 and heading to 65. Also things in los are not free. Went to Jay Jay for example yesterday and small bottle beer 120baht. Yes cheaper than AU but much more expensive that say Vietnam. So yes I think harder for some. I don't read those stupid threads about "I live here on 25k baht a month . I spend 60k aud here a year here and would not call it lavish. Note that amount includes the live with tgf.

lavish living in poor countries is very expensive..

120 baht bottle its nothing to say...

Because not ALL need it.

Some like (needs)bicycling on a simple Chinese bicycle or hiking, fruits and Thai cuisine.
Someone needs Ferrari and Michelin restaurant.
So "I live here on 25k baht a month" the same can be "stupid threads" as "I spend 60k aud here a year here and would not call it lavish".
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I do not see anything difficult. If you have small requirements on the quality of life. Thailand is the cheapest place on the planet well developed infrastructure and easy access to the country.

I do not know of another country that can offer such a variety for the this is price.


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Geezus. I just got back from Chinatown. We had street food .....'..yes it was seafood. We had one large Chang between us. Went by MRT. Cost little under 1k.

That is for ONE night. I prefer to live a life not try and scrimp an existence out because I had no money in first place.

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Geezus. I just got back from Chinatown. We had street food .....'..yes it was seafood. We had one large Chang between us. Went by MRT. Cost little under 1k.

That is for ONE night. I prefer to live a life not try and scrimp an existence out because I had no money in first place.

1k for street food and one bottle of beer ? Was that the deluxe "high class" street food cart ?

I could treat 25 people to a meal for that price !

Edited by sunnyjim5
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Whole fish 300. Large bbq shrimp about 300. Large Chang 80. Fried rice with s/f. 150. MRT 140 return for two. Not lavish. Well is if you live on 30baht noodle bowl.

In any event cheap compared to same meal in Au

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Geezus. I just got back from Chinatown. We had street food .....'..yes it was seafood. We had one large Chang between us. Went by MRT. Cost little under 1k.

That is for ONE night. I prefer to live a life not try and scrimp an existence out because I had no money in first place.


for my needs Thailand HIGHT cost.

But now am poor so stay in Thai.\

againe different peoples different needs

i do not like seafood

so what? i not be satisfaction this couple beer with friend out. SO when in HK I went to drink " few beer" its can be " little under 3-4k HK$(13-18k bath)

But Now I am not drink , and cant say its my real need and unhappy with out alcohol.

And bicycling cost its cheap. and i happy with .

so different needs different PRICE in different PLACE. for some people who have up needs your "I spend 60k aud here a year here and would not call it lavish" same can be "stupid threads" as for you "I live here on 25k baht a month".

for example car small when 7 sec to 100km and 250 up horses can be easy cost 1000k per year( lost price etc...) rent "home" simple Europe standards 2 room its can be 30-100k

get steak 500-1000

how you can live with 60 k AU per yearcheesy.gifcheesy.gif its "stupid threads"wink.png for.... some\


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If you can kick the ball through the moving goalposts then of course it's easy (until it isn't). That's not the point. The point is that the goal posts are moving.

I don't know why there are so many posters think it's easy to get visas and Work Permits when there's a dozen threads every year about ludicrous new requirements for tests, new credentials, shorter duration visas, etc.

But it reads like those posters are no-bullshit, completely delusional. I mean cuckoo-for-coco-puffs, put em in a rubber room, nuts.

The only thing that will convince them is when the new requirements exclude them and they're the ones bitching on the forum that they're getting kicked out of Thailand and will never see their children again.

I suppose when

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As with anything it will depend upon the individual involved. I went to CM immigration at 0430 and yes set in line with the rest of the folks waiting. Got my extension of stay and was done for the year. I just look at these things as part of the process it is what Ihave to do to get what Iwant. If the 90 day on line Q comes back the complaining will drop 50percent. If you didn't have a online Q getting an extension of stay was not that easy at the old office as it required getting in line around 5am

Have fun folks most of it is the way you think

I think Moe666 is ready for the North Korea immigration marathon. Yes we have to reluctantly do this to "get what we want" His post is a hard meandering read. Yes if the online 90 day reporting ever works for 100% of us the complaining would drop 100% If the online queue system came back with 20 slots we would be dancing in the streets shouting hallelujah. The last sentence is open for interpretation. I do not have fun going there at 5.00 am at age 77 and sitting there all day. Sorry. I feel what is being done to us expats is a veiled attempt at censorship/hardship for us to remind us that we should be good little citizens like the rest of the population.

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With things like online 90 day reports, it has become easier for those on the up and up.

With crack downs on phoney ED visas, back to back tourist visas and overstays, it has become more difficult for the sleazy.

This Is a positive trend.

If you do it right, it's all right!

Edited by willyumiii
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Extending a retirement visa was never really difficult, now with so many agents to chose from to do the work for us life has become even easier, for me at least. And now living in our own house has added to that feeling of things being better, we are now in total control of our overheads and outgoings hence our living costs are much lower. Is it now easier to live in Thailand, for me the answer is, definitely.

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7 years ago I posted my passport and some money to the Thai consulate in Birmingham (over age 50).

It came back 3 days later with a 1 year multi entry VISA ..... I stayed 15 months.

Now, despite being married, and with a Thai son, I have to turn up at CM Immigration at 4am, fill out pages of forms and photo copies, be interviewed with my wife, maybe a home visit later. Wait one month for confirmation of my 1 year extension.

Definitely more difficult.

Crazy how you are treated if married to a Thai...Perhaps they are more suspicious of those married to Thai's and their reasons.

I was married to a Thai, and now I am not. It is easier as a simple Non-O Retirement candidate.

Bit tired though of being interogated for any thing they can dream up, had an experience recently, felt like I was being fitted up with the Foreign Island Mafia manacle when handing in a form advising a Foreigner friend is staying at my 2 bedroom rented house. 1hr questioning in Transnational Crime Centre.

No doubt related to the Thai Mayor owner of a bar paying money to some Thai's to shoot up a noise complaining Thai owner's Bungalow Resort.

Definitely more difficult.

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I have a non-O retirement visa. Until now it has been very easy and relatively cheap to renew…I have only needed a bank statement verifying money in the bank and the house book. I have to renew shortly and will wait to see if the requirements have changed. I have the feeling that much of the new immigration policies affect those with not enough funds to meet the requirements 800000 in the bank. The new policies seem targeted toward those who use these questionable agents who use corrupt officials to sign off pretending that the money has been in the bank for 3 months when in fact it is in for about 3 hours. In my opinion they should clamp down hard on these parasitic agents and throw them in jail. Frankly if you haven't got a few thousand quid to keep in a Thai bank then I don;t know why you would want to retire here.

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It is a bit more difficult. But nobody said cleaning out the riffraff was gonna be easy. Can't just snap your fingers & expect it all to be fixed. Baby steps.

I have no concrete evidence for the following, however, I think there are many more overstay folk here than we may imagine. To be fair to thai imm rules, they have been very generous with overstay penalties. March 20 the goal posts shift. I wonder how many have the funds for fines. Then of course to return they may be limited to setv. Not enough money to fly back to farang world for the METV. So for some I think it will become very difficult to remain.

I know of many over stayers, generally 10 or more years and strangely enough almost all Americans. There are a few who have been here since the Vietnam war.

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For me, on retirement extension and having always followed the rules, about the same. But there is one point that might be construed as an addition and thus seen as more difficult for long stay; When I first applied for an extension officers were trying to be friendly by perhaps 'relaxing' some rules but of of course those rules are now enforced. To some this might have seem like an addition instead of old rules being applied to the letter. I have always been treated well by officers so I have no complaints.

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It has remained the same in the 10 years I have been coming for the Winter. BUT it will be impossible for me to obtain a tourist visa from the UK for next winter unless they change recently introduced rules. This is because my income is from 'letting' and is classified neither as employed or self-employed income which is the requirement. It is classified separately by the UK tax authorities as 'Income from land and property'.

I hope Thaivisa.com can lobby the Thai authorities and point this out, because surely, if not retired, most who are employed or self-employed cannot come for 6 months can they, as they must work!?! It is only those of 'independent means' who have income from 'not' working or savings or a private pension who can come for that length of time.

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It is a bit more difficult. But nobody said cleaning out the riffraff was gonna be easy. Can't just snap your fingers & expect it all to be fixed. Baby steps.

I have no concrete evidence for the following, however, I think there are many more overstay folk here than we may imagine. To be fair to thai imm rules, they have been very generous with overstay penalties. March 20 the goal posts shift. I wonder how many have the funds for fines. Then of course to return they may be limited to setv. Not enough money to fly back to farang world for the METV. So for some I think it will become very difficult to remain.

I know of many over stayers, generally 10 or more years and strangely enough almost all Americans. There are a few who have been here since the Vietnam war.

Tiger, would they be in position to fly home to get metv also pay fine. If you do have friends in the situation you describe you might suggest they obtain METV in Australia. It's a direct 9 hour flight no too expensive. I imagine some long term overstay may not even have a valid passport. I would be worried shirtless

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Is this a joke?

This forum is brimful of people scratching their head and wondering how to fit in the ever demanding rules.

Not many countries have that many visa agencies, or even a dedicated forum with thousands of viewers just to discuss the latest changes of visas.

that tells you how easy it is.

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Is this a joke?

This forum is brimful of people scratching their head and wondering how to fit in the ever demanding rules.

Not many countries have that many visa agencies, or even a dedicated forum with thousands of viewers just to discuss the latest changes of visas.

that tells you how easy it is.

How many country have so many expat?

Its show me coutry where can pay near $13 k and can get visa for 5 year and do not worry about any? Have even limusin few time per yaer inclusive.

So tell any country where it be easy as in Thailand.

Edited by ardokano
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It has remained the same in the 10 years I have been coming for the Winter. BUT it will be impossible for me to obtain a tourist visa from the UK for next winter unless they change recently introduced rules. This is because my income is from 'letting' and is classified neither as employed or self-employed income which is the requirement. It is classified separately by the UK tax authorities as 'Income from land and property'.

I hope Thaivisa.com can lobby the Thai authorities and point this out, because surely, if not retired, most who are employed or self-employed cannot come for 6 months can they, as they must work!?! It is only those of 'independent means' who have income from 'not' working or savings or a private pension who can come for that length of time.

You can get a single entry tourist visa and then go abroad and get another one, giiving you a six month stay

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Is this a joke?

This forum is brimful of people scratching their head and wondering how to fit in the ever demanding rules.

Not many countries have that many visa agencies, or even a dedicated forum with thousands of viewers just to discuss the latest changes of visas.

that tells you how easy it is.

The huge majority of posts and threads on Thai Visa arent actually about getting Thai Visas .

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It has remained the same in the 10 years I have been coming for the Winter. BUT it will be impossible for me to obtain a tourist visa from the UK for next winter unless they change recently introduced rules. This is because my income is from 'letting' and is classified neither as employed or self-employed income which is the requirement. It is classified separately by the UK tax authorities as 'Income from land and property'.

I hope Thaivisa.com can lobby the Thai authorities and point this out, because surely, if not retired, most who are employed or self-employed cannot come for 6 months can they, as they must work!?! It is only those of 'independent means' who have income from 'not' working or savings or a private pension who can come for that length of time.

You can get a single entry tourist visa and then go abroad and get another one, giiving you a six month stay

I hope that will be the case. Is it possible to get another single entry from Savannahkhet? And are they extendable?

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It has remained the same in the 10 years I have been coming for the Winter. BUT it will be impossible for me to obtain a tourist visa from the UK for next winter unless they change recently introduced rules. This is because my income is from 'letting' and is classified neither as employed or self-employed income which is the requirement. It is classified separately by the UK tax authorities as 'Income from land and property'.

I hope Thaivisa.com can lobby the Thai authorities and point this out, because surely, if not retired, most who are employed or self-employed cannot come for 6 months can they, as they must work!?! It is only those of 'independent means' who have income from 'not' working or savings or a private pension who can come for that length of time.

You can get a single entry tourist visa and then go abroad and get another one, giiving you a six month stay

I hope that will be the case. Is it possible to get another single entry from Savannahkhet? And are they extendable?

Visas are obtainable from any Thai Embassy or consulate .

Two months plus you can get a one month extensions .

You may even be able to get an METV from the UK

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It's easy as that: show my passport, fill in a form, show my pension statement....that's it. So it's all the same as before. No hassle, no sweat.....Another year with a visa...

Since we can no longer make an appointment,

I'd like to know what magic you perform that

lets you whisk right through the lines for your

no fuss no muss extension of stay at the always

crowded CM Immigration office? huh.png

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It's easy as that: show my passport, fill in a form, show my pension statement....that's it. So it's all the same as before. No hassle, no sweat.....Another year with a visa...

Since we can no longer make an appointment,

I'd like to know what magic you perform that

lets you whisk right through the lines for your

no fuss no muss extension of stay at the always

crowded CM Immigration office? huh.png

well, I come in the morning, get my number, go to Rimping, buy my salmon, go home for lunch (just 3 min. away) and come back to the proposed time. So, for me it's not a problem with retirement visa. But I know others could burst.

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It's easy as that: show my passport, fill in a form, show my pension statement....that's it. So it's all the same as before. No hassle, no sweat.....Another year with a visa...

Since we can no longer make an appointment,

I'd like to know what magic you perform that

lets you whisk right through the lines for your

no fuss no muss extension of stay at the always

crowded CM Immigration office? huh.png

well, I come in the morning, get my number, go to Rimping, buy my salmon, go home for lunch (just 3 min. away) and come back to the proposed time. So, for me it's not a problem with retirement visa. But I know others could burst.

Gotchya! Living 3 minutes away is magic enough clap2.gif

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It has become more difficult over the past ten years with added documents required and a medical certificate that is only needed first time, according to the regulations. The medical certificate is a total waste of time and I've never been examined for anything but did have my pulse taken once some years ago, just asked why do I want it? For immigration, fine the nurse will give you one, it's 30 baht.

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It has remained the same in the 10 years I have been coming for the Winter. BUT it will be impossible for me to obtain a tourist visa from the UK for next winter unless they change recently introduced rules. This is because my income is from 'letting' and is classified neither as employed or self-employed income which is the requirement. It is classified separately by the UK tax authorities as 'Income from land and property'.

I hope Thaivisa.com can lobby the Thai authorities and point this out, because surely, if not retired, most who are employed or self-employed cannot come for 6 months can they, as they must work!?! It is only those of 'independent means' who have income from 'not' working or savings or a private pension who can come for that length of time.

Letting is also classified by HMRC as a business.

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