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NRSA member believes new charter will remove corruption from Thai society


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I find some of the posters on these types of topics quite funny

Everyone is aware of the massive corruption problem in this country, so there is nothing to discuss there, and we all know it will continue if nothing is done about it, I get the impression that is what some posters here would prefer - just let it carry on

Many prolific posters are constantly critical of the current governments efforts to try and stamp it out without offering any ideas as to how they themselves would achieve such a monumental enourmous task, perhaps a look at the histories of western democracies might give a clue as to how it was achieved many years ago and evolved to present day, most of them were born from wars - civil wars and a few right minded people that took on the mantle of responsibility, not one of them was a product of an elected government.

It is no secret that the most corrupt in Thailand in the past have been those in power and those with influence

No elected government in Thailand has shown any interest in stamping out corruption - if I am wrong show me an example

So how can it be achieved ? and election lol

It is also evident that some posters here have an interest in keeping things just as they were and have and are still likely benefitting either by direct involvement or being sponsored in some way, either that or you are just plain blind

So how does Thailand deal with this rampant problem - elect another corrupt government without putting reforms and a charter in place that will curb their activities and make it very difficult going forward to steal from the Thai people and make it costly if they do - I don't think so.

I don't find your post amusing at all. I find it astounding that posters like yourself can't see the connection between the never ending cycle of coups & constitution rewrites, and the situation the country finds themselves in. Face the facts; the reason for the coups has got nothing to do with corruption & everything to do with maintaining the status quo in Thailand. Ask yourself, 18 or so coups & what has been the effect on corruption?

And what to do about it you ask? Well there is something that has never been tried in Thailand! An extended period of democracy with no intervention by the army. Let governments complete their terms and let the people themselves decide if they are too corrupt or their policies are wasting too much money. Complete freedom of expression & of the media will allow people the information they need to make the decisions. It won't be perfect & there will be some rocky times, but it can't be worse than the dismal record of the army's intervention into politics.

are you really trying to educate me lol

an extended period of democracy you say, perhaps the very large protests in Bangkok and the efforts by certain people to murder them (including children) might have something to do with why the military had to step in again, and also while the government refused to enable the police to do anything about it

Go read about why millions of people took to the streets - I'll give you a head start - lies - power abuse - massive corruption - pure evil

you have a very short and selective memory

You have a distorted sense of reality. The government was handling the protesters gently because it didn't want to give the military an excuse for another coup. No one has linked the limited illegal violence to the government, and it was very much against the government's interest to cause any violence, again to deny the military an excuse for a coup. And there were never millions of protesters in the streets.

The government's plan of waiting out the protests almost worked, the mob was dying of apathy. However the military was determined to have its coup and needed to act before the July 2014 elections. The rest is history.

Edited by heybruce
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I find some of the posters on these types of topics quite funny

Everyone is aware of the massive corruption problem in this country, so there is nothing to discuss there, and we all know it will continue if nothing is done about it, I get the impression that is what some posters here would prefer - just let it carry on

Many prolific posters are constantly critical of the current governments efforts to try and stamp it out without offering any ideas as to how they themselves would achieve such a monumental enourmous task, perhaps a look at the histories of western democracies might give a clue as to how it was achieved many years ago and evolved to present day, most of them were born from wars - civil wars and a few right minded people that took on the mantle of responsibility, not one of them was a product of an elected government.

It is no secret that the most corrupt in Thailand in the past have been those in power and those with influence

No elected government in Thailand has shown any interest in stamping out corruption - if I am wrong show me an example

So how can it be achieved ? and election lol

It is also evident that some posters here have an interest in keeping things just as they were and have and are still likely benefitting either by direct involvement or being sponsored in some way, either that or you are just plain blind

So how does Thailand deal with this rampant problem - elect another corrupt government without putting reforms and a charter in place that will curb their activities and make it very difficult going forward to steal from the Thai people and make it costly if they do - I don't think so.

Out of curiousity, would you have put Al Capone in charge of eliminating bootlegging in old Chicago? Would you have put Pablo Escobar in charge of stamping out the cocaine trade in Columbia?

If not, then why do you think it's a good idea to have this thoroughly corrupt military http://government.defenceindex.org/countries/thailand/ in charge of cleaning up corruption in Thailand?

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I find some of the posters on these types of topics quite funny

Everyone is aware of the massive corruption problem in this country, so there is nothing to discuss there, and we all know it will continue if nothing is done about it, I get the impression that is what some posters here would prefer - just let it carry on

Many prolific posters are constantly critical of the current governments efforts to try and stamp it out without offering any ideas as to how they themselves would achieve such a monumental enourmous task, perhaps a look at the histories of western democracies might give a clue as to how it was achieved many years ago and evolved to present day, most of them were born from wars - civil wars and a few right minded people that took on the mantle of responsibility, not one of them was a product of an elected government.

It is no secret that the most corrupt in Thailand in the past have been those in power and those with influence

No elected government in Thailand has shown any interest in stamping out corruption - if I am wrong show me an example

So how can it be achieved ? and election lol

It is also evident that some posters here have an interest in keeping things just as they were and have and are still likely benefitting either by direct involvement or being sponsored in some way, either that or you are just plain blind

So how does Thailand deal with this rampant problem - elect another corrupt government without putting reforms and a charter in place that will curb their activities and make it very difficult going forward to steal from the Thai people and make it costly if they do - I don't think so.

Out of curiousity, would you have put Al Capone in charge of eliminating bootlegging in old Chicago? Would you have put Pablo Escobar in charge of stamping out the cocaine trade in Columbia?

If not, then why do you think it's a good idea to have this thoroughly corrupt military http://government.defenceindex.org/countries/thailand/ in charge of cleaning up corruption in Thailand?

heybruce, think "good people"

remember, "good" "people" are now in charge of the country.

Everything is fine. People are happy. There is still but a small problem with misunderstanding and distortion being created by "Ill-intentioned" people, ... coffee1.gif

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The guy in the photo is Meechai Ruchuphan. He has been involved for decades in any attempt to place elected representatives in legal straight jackets. He believes the levers of power should only be in the hands of a few elite families who are prominent in the civil service, judiciary, military and business. He was key in writing this draft.

I think you can discount anything he says as he has a very clear agenda.

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What a kindly old,granddad faced man he look's i can actually see why people would believe him. I believe him, I think the gurning does it for me.He's exactly the kind of person i would have wanted for a granddad.Taking me fishing,throwing a ball about in the park.Sitting me on his knee and telling me stories...Wonderful old man.Now! what was the planet that he actually comes from called?

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