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Less Farang Living In LOS?


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Depends where you live, where you hang out and with whom

I can only speak for BKK but I'm seeing untold younger farangs around the more upmarket establishments

They're hanging out with young, hip locals and they won't be seen dead in Cowboy, NEP or Pattaya.

The demographics of the farang expat have changed considerably . . . Thank God

What? A bunch of insufferable gays?

It's bigoted farang dinosaurs with similar opinions to yours that are dying out in this country.

Cause for celebration indeed.

He's not the problem,its people like you who take offence to everyone and everything that don't follow your PC mantra who are the problem with the world in the C21.

How i long for the times when people could say and do as they pleased without being branded a nazi, homophobe, racist, sexist etc...., your kind have created a situation where you're looking out to be offended on a minutely basis .. And you move to Thailand to spread this disease,

You wouldn't be longing for

those days if you'd spent

any length of time being

attacked for the colour of

your skin, your faith or your

sexual orientation.

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What? A bunch of insufferable gays?

It's bigoted farang dinosaurs with similar opinions to yours that are dying out in this country.

Cause for celebration indeed.

He's not the problem,its people like you who take offence to everyone and everything that don't follow your PC mantra who are the problem with the world in the C21.

How i long for the times when people could say and do as they pleased without being branded a nazi, homophobe, racist, sexist etc...., your kind have created a situation where you're looking out to be offended on a minutely basis .. And you move to Thailand to spread this disease,

You wouldn't be longing for

those days if you'd spent

any length of time being

attacked for the colour of

your skin, your faith or your

sexual orientation.

Not dissimilar to what went on in Cologne and major cities across Germany and Europe on New Year's Eve. Not to mention mass child sexual abuse at the hands of 'minorities' based on the same criteria you quote, but keep quiet about 100% of the time.

You social justice warriors make me laugh with your one way, blindfolded and hypocritical agenda to close down all forms of free speech by attacking something that was almost certainly said in jest.

You lot get bent out of shape and go way over the top at the most menial thing so you can spit out your libtard buzzwords.

All you are doing is painting a big target on your back on a forum like this. Because 99% of your arguments are so insanely shallow, you are easy to take down, and as much as I am tempted, I have not the patience or inclination to expose you.... you're already doing that.

Edited by Brewster67
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O.P. - well spotted!

What I can say to add my 2 cents is that most of the dinosaurs, (like me) who made it through the 90s in LOS, and were able to set up a business and work themselves up to a certain standard, are still around. We all mostly will stay since most of us have house, wife, job/business, kids, etc. and basically are (and have the backing to support that) comfortably numb... Plus have we lost the "connection" to our native homeland... We would simply not fit in anymore...

But let's be honest - LOS is not the fun place it was used to be. As (talking to people who started here in the 90s) if all those coups, violently extinguished student protests, civil unrest and bombings in the south, the carnage(s) Thaksin was responsible for, the tsunami, the following yellow vs red disasters, airport seizure, civil war alike scenes in bkk, flood disaster in bkk, shut down bangkok idiocracy, and on and on goes the list...

As if all this was not enough to destroy the common westerners illusion of "paradise of smiles", we got overfishing, destruction of reefs by fishing fleets, speedboats, and jet skies, we got lazy and greedy park rangers, trashing Thais, murdering island mafiosi, murdering taxi drivers, in broad daylight tourist executing policemen, gang shootings, unexplained tourist "suicides" by the thousands, 2nd worldwide in traffic accidents per capita, a whole generation of useless drug-addicted Thai youngsters, jet ski scams, pickpockets wherever you go, sun bed and sun umbrella ban on beaches, destruction of highly profitable beach club areas, a corrupt and highly inefficient legal system, a corrupt police force in limbo, inefficient, corrupt and lazy officials wherever you look, an education system that never was good but now turns worse with native English teachers being driven out like in a witch hunt... oh man, where should I stop??? This could fill a book!

As if all the aforementioned points wouldn't be enough to destroy that illusion, we got more for you: Crackdowns on part foreign owned businesses whenever a Thai tourist related company screws up, crackdowns on visas, crackdown on foreigners in general, or (what we also had recently) police and/or army simply checking and padding down any tourist they might run into at a local 7Eleven, ever changing laws and/or regulations all purely focused on making the life of a foreigner living and working here as difficult as possible, the general anti foreign attitude many locals still reflect in their behavior, the selfcenteredness of the Thai people with their "we are the greatest, we were never occupied, never colonized, (never civilized?), nobody can beat us, nobody can tell us what to do!" attitude, etc. along with all those scams and ripoffs in private Thai/foreign partnerships that we all know just too well...

Man, if all of that is not enough to destroy your illusion of the "paradise of smiles" you either are a complete nutter, a LOS dinosaur (feeding on all those sweet memories of the long gone good times), or both...

I believe I am the latter as much too often I am asking myself "what the fffork am I doing here?"... I believe many of the oldtimers here will share my sentiment...

Yea, I wonder the same thing, why the fffork are you here?"

You have taken all the negatives about Thailand and collated them into one big heap. You could do that with any country. If that`s how you feel that Thailand has only negatives to offer and nothing good going for it, then why the fffork are you here?" The same goes for anyone else that feels the same way you do.

I am not sure that I can agree with your summary of what MockingJay has observed during his time here.

I can't see how you can conflate the changes he has seen during his stay, with 'heaped up negatives about Thailand'.

If all the changes he has experienced are of a negative nature, then surely that indicates that these changes are pushing Thailand in the wrong direction.

Make a list of all the positives of Thailand that have occurred since the 90s and I would say there would be not much of a comparison.

This observation is based on changes. Collate all the plus and minus points, and I know which side the scales will tip.

I concur that I have also had spells where I think what the hell am I doing here, I am sure the vast majority of people reading this have also asked themselves the same question at least a handful of times. It is no validation of a reason to jump on a plane and get the hell out of dodge, and even more unreasonable an action if you have a house, car, wife, family in situ.

For all of Thailand's woes, I look across the world daily through the media and view a Europe changing far faster than Thailand and in extremely negative ways, in fact a real civil war could break out there, as all the signs are showing. So I ask myself 'what the hell am I doing here' and then I realise that compared to what is happening in my own region, I am blessed to be here.

Well written, Brewster, thank you!

Indeed there are very few positives to list. The way I see it, negatives increase by the month, while the positives disappear slowly, almost unrecognizable. The one negative that blew the lid for me was the need for any foreigner, tourist or expat to register within 24 hours with immigration upon arrival at any destination here, even if you move from one district to the next just for a short vacation.

I wish this new rule would have resulted in mass cancellations, travel warnings and international uproar proposing sanctions against Thailand, to stop these idiots from destroying the last bit of freedom in this country. But nothing happened.

The only feasible reason I can come up with (despite the fact that my kids were born here and technically are Thai) is that in my home country it is not any better at the moment, since all immigration laws suddenly seem to be overruled by an erratic, most likely insane politician called Merkel, pumping 1.2 million illegals into the country in 2015 alone (2.5m is my wild guess for 2016).

I'd be a foreigner and 2nd class citizen in my own country, thus, I may as well remain here... :-(

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You wouldn't be longing for

those days if you'd spent

any length of time being

attacked for the colour of

your skin, your faith or your

sexual orientation.

Not dissimilar to what went on in Cologne and major cities across Germany and Europe on New Year's Eve. Not to mention mass child sexual abuse at the hands of 'minorities' based on the same criteria you quote, but keep quiet about 100% of the time.

You social justice warriors make me laugh with your one way, blindfolded and hypocritical agenda to close down all forms of free speech by attacking something that was almost certainly said in jest.

You lot get bent out of shape and go way over the top at the most menial thing so you can spit out your libtard buzzwords.

All you are doing is painting a big target on your back on a forum like this. Because 99% of your arguments are so insanely shallow, you are easy to take down, and as much as I am tempted, I have not the patience or inclination to expose you.... you're already doing that.

Forums like this? You mean full of carping, near-extinct imbeciles living in a colonial timewarp?

How can you call his argument 'insanely shallow' when you've got the audacity to trot out that puerile nonsense about the events in Cologne. Don't white guys rape and assault women?

Mass sexual abuse at the hands of minorities??

You conveniently ignore all the ostensibly squeaky clean white paedophiles who've been coming to SE Asia to bugger little boys and girls for generations? Three caught here and deported in the last 2 months alone.

Seriously, mate . . . come back when you've got a mature, adult argument you haven't borrowed from the Daily Mail opinion column

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You're and odd one CypressHill.

You paint yourself as a proponent of inclusive and liberal society, of mature and adult debate, but wrap your comments in sneeringly offensive and derogatory views of the people you address.

If you have a mature and adult point of view, let's be having it presented in a mature and adult manner.

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The only feasible reason I can come up with (despite the fact that my kids were born here and technically are Thai) is that in my home country it is not any better at the moment, since all immigration laws suddenly seem to be overruled by an erratic, most likely insane politician called Merkel, pumping 1.2 million illegals into the country in 2015 alone (2.5m is my wild guess for 2016).

I'd be a foreigner and 2nd class citizen in my own country, thus, I may as well remain here... :-(

So, you disagree with your home Countries lax immigration laws and you also disagree with Thailand tightening up their immigration laws .

Would you be in favour of your home Country tightening up on immigration, like Thailand is doing ?

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You wouldn't be longing for

those days if you'd spent

any length of time being

attacked for the colour of

your skin, your faith or your

sexual orientation.

Not dissimilar to what went on in Cologne and major cities across Germany and Europe on New Year's Eve. Not to mention mass child sexual abuse at the hands of 'minorities' based on the same criteria you quote, but keep quiet about 100% of the time.

You social justice warriors make me laugh with your one way, blindfolded and hypocritical agenda to close down all forms of free speech by attacking something that was almost certainly said in jest.

You lot get bent out of shape and go way over the top at the most menial thing so you can spit out your libtard buzzwords.

All you are doing is painting a big target on your back on a forum like this. Because 99% of your arguments are so insanely shallow, you are easy to take down, and as much as I am tempted, I have not the patience or inclination to expose you.... you're already doing that.

Forums like this? You mean full of carping, near-extinct imbeciles living in a colonial timewarp?

How can you call his argument 'insanely shallow' when you've got the audacity to trot out that puerile nonsense about the events in Cologne. Don't white guys rape and assault women?

Mass sexual abuse at the hands of minorities??

You conveniently ignore all the ostensibly squeaky clean white paedophiles who've been coming to SE Asia to bugger little boys and girls for generations? Three caught here and deported in the last 2 months alone.

Seriously, mate . . . come back when you've got a mature, adult argument you haven't borrowed from the Daily Mail opinion column

Daily Mail comment section does not load for me from my VPN, but I will stop my comments when you agree to stop policing this forum on behalf of people you don't even know and who don't really give a toss about you or your childish ranting on their behalf.

Go back to your utra-liberal protection of people and who at the same time want to throw your gays off roofs..... Yes.... That is how confused you are.

Your self loathing white hating apologist nature comes shining through, yes white men rape, but not on a scale like we have witnessed recently. Just look at the rape statistics by demographic.... Sweden perhaps?.... 90% of sexual assaults perpetrated by a demographic that represents 12% of the country, Norway 99% by perpetrators of the same demographic where they represent even less than 10% of the population..... Germany is now experiencing a rape culture of titanic proportions...... Your argument fell at the first hurdle mate.

White rapists are normally a minority, something you purport to defend... I will put you up for nomination in the 2016 awards.

Edited by Brewster67
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You wouldn't be longing for

those days if you'd spent

any length of time being

attacked for the colour of

your skin, your faith or your

sexual orientation.

Not dissimilar to what went on in Cologne and major cities across Germany and Europe on New Year's Eve. Not to mention mass child sexual abuse at the hands of 'minorities' based on the same criteria you quote, but keep quiet about 100% of the time.

You social justice warriors make me laugh with your one way, blindfolded and hypocritical agenda to close down all forms of free speech by attacking something that was almost certainly said in jest.

You lot get bent out of shape and go way over the top at the most menial thing so you can spit out your libtard buzzwords.

All you are doing is painting a big target on your back on a forum like this. Because 99% of your arguments are so insanely shallow, you are easy to take down, and as much as I am tempted, I have not the patience or inclination to expose you.... you're already doing that.

Forums like this? You mean full of carping, near-extinct imbeciles living in a colonial timewarp?

How can you call his argument 'insanely shallow' when you've got the audacity to trot out that puerile nonsense about the events in Cologne. Don't white guys rape and assault women?

Mass sexual abuse at the hands of minorities??

You conveniently ignore all the ostensibly squeaky clean white paedophiles who've been coming to SE Asia to bugger little boys and girls for generations? Three caught here and deported in the last 2 months alone.

Seriously, mate . . . come back when you've got a mature, adult argument you haven't borrowed from the Daily Mail opinion column

Daily Mail comment section does not load for me from my VPN, but I will stop my comments when you agree to stop policing this forum on behalf of people you don't even know and who don't really give a toss about you or your childish ranting on their behalf.

Go back to your utra-liberal protection of people and who at the same time want to throw your gays off roofs..... Yes.... That is how confused you are.

I don't "police" the forum - I simply take issue with idiots who lament on the apparent demise of "free speech" because society at large no longer tolerates wanton insults towards those who may look or be a little different.

I don't need to know those who are maligned by people like you any more than you need to know those who causes you may be sympathetic to.

I'm not gay but I have gay friends and if I want to take issue with some idiot who calls an entire group of people "insufferable", that's my business. If you don't like it, tough!

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Not dissimilar to what went on in Cologne and major cities across Germany and Europe on New Year's Eve. Not to mention mass child sexual abuse at the hands of 'minorities' based on the same criteria you quote, but keep quiet about 100% of the time.

You social justice warriors make me laugh with your one way, blindfolded and hypocritical agenda to close down all forms of free speech by attacking something that was almost certainly said in jest.

You lot get bent out of shape and go way over the top at the most menial thing so you can spit out your libtard buzzwords.

All you are doing is painting a big target on your back on a forum like this. Because 99% of your arguments are so insanely shallow, you are easy to take down, and as much as I am tempted, I have not the patience or inclination to expose you.... you're already doing that.

Forums like this? You mean full of carping, near-extinct imbeciles living in a colonial timewarp?

How can you call his argument 'insanely shallow' when you've got the audacity to trot out that puerile nonsense about the events in Cologne. Don't white guys rape and assault women?

Mass sexual abuse at the hands of minorities??

You conveniently ignore all the ostensibly squeaky clean white paedophiles who've been coming to SE Asia to bugger little boys and girls for generations? Three caught here and deported in the last 2 months alone.

Seriously, mate . . . come back when you've got a mature, adult argument you haven't borrowed from the Daily Mail opinion column

Daily Mail comment section does not load for me from my VPN, but I will stop my comments when you agree to stop policing this forum on behalf of people you don't even know and who don't really give a toss about you or your childish ranting on their behalf.

Go back to your utra-liberal protection of people and who at the same time want to throw your gays off roofs..... Yes.... That is how confused you are.

I don't "police" the forum - I simply take issue with idiots who lament on the apparent demise of "free speech" because society at large no longer tolerates wanton insults towards those who may look or be a little different.

I don't need to know those who are maligned by people like you any more than you need to know those who causes you may be sympathetic to.

I'm not gay but I have gay friends and if I want to take issue with some idiot who calls an entire group of people "insufferable", that's my business. If you don't like it, tough!


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Go back to your utra-liberal protection of people and who at the same time want to throw your gays off roofs..... Yes.... That is how confused you are.

Whereas the reality is that it was you who used "gay" as a derogatory slur and no one has actually defended the killing of gays by ISIS .

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Who the hell declared Thailand a politically correct free zone?

Thais are very tolerant, be it regarding sexual orientation, religious beliefs, and racial background. It's what attracted some of us here.

If you're intolerant, it's you who needs to go back home, not the other way around.

Edited by Gecko123
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O.P. - well spotted!

What I can say to add my 2 cents is that most of the dinosaurs, (like me) who made it through the 90s in LOS, and were able to set up a business and work themselves up to a certain standard, are still around. We all mostly will stay since most of us have house, wife, job/business, kids, etc. and basically are (and have the backing to support that) comfortably numb... Plus have we lost the "connection" to our native homeland... We would simply not fit in anymore...

But let's be honest - LOS is not the fun place it was used to be. As (talking to people who started here in the 90s) if all those coups, violently extinguished student protests, civil unrest and bombings in the south, the carnage(s) Thaksin was responsible for, the tsunami, the following yellow vs red disasters, airport seizure, civil war alike scenes in bkk, flood disaster in bkk, shut down bangkok idiocracy, and on and on goes the list...

As if all this was not enough to destroy the common westerners illusion of "paradise of smiles", we got overfishing, destruction of reefs by fishing fleets, speedboats, and jet skies, we got lazy and greedy park rangers, trashing Thais, murdering island mafiosi, murdering taxi drivers, in broad daylight tourist executing policemen, gang shootings, unexplained tourist "suicides" by the thousands, 2nd worldwide in traffic accidents per capita, a whole generation of useless drug-addicted Thai youngsters, jet ski scams, pickpockets wherever you go, sun bed and sun umbrella ban on beaches, destruction of highly profitable beach club areas, a corrupt and highly inefficient legal system, a corrupt police force in limbo, inefficient, corrupt and lazy officials wherever you look, an education system that never was good but now turns worse with native English teachers being driven out like in a witch hunt... oh man, where should I stop??? This could fill a book!

As if all the aforementioned points wouldn't be enough to destroy that illusion, we got more for you: Crackdowns on part foreign owned businesses whenever a Thai tourist related company screws up, crackdowns on visas, crackdown on foreigners in general, or (what we also had recently) police and/or army simply checking and padding down any tourist they might run into at a local 7Eleven, ever changing laws and/or regulations all purely focused on making the life of a foreigner living and working here as difficult as possible, the general anti foreign attitude many locals still reflect in their behavior, the selfcenteredness of the Thai people with their "we are the greatest, we were never occupied, never colonized, (never civilized?), nobody can beat us, nobody can tell us what to do!" attitude, etc. along with all those scams and ripoffs in private Thai/foreign partnerships that we all know just too well...

Man, if all of that is not enough to destroy your illusion of the "paradise of smiles" you either are a complete nutter, a LOS dinosaur (feeding on all those sweet memories of the long gone good times), or both...

I believe I am the latter as much too often I am asking myself "what the fffork am I doing here?"... I believe many of the oldtimers here will share my sentiment...

Yea, I wonder the same thing, why the fffork are you here?"

You have taken all the negatives about Thailand and collated them into one big heap. You could do that with any country. If that`s how you feel that Thailand has only negatives to offer and nothing good going for it, then why the fffork are you here?" The same goes for anyone else that feels the same way you do.

He's here because he has been here for a long time and has built a life here. Nevertheless the place has changed in ways that are not positive and it makes him wonder if it is still worth it. Ever heard of the concept of people having mixed emotions? It's pretty much covered in his post. What part of it did you not understand?

Tell us cyberfarang, could you fill us in on how you could possibly be so judgemental of the opinions of those with a far longer experience of this place, including of an era that you did not experience?

Thanks, Charmonman! Couldn't have put it any better myself!

Best to describe this feeling would be the metaphor of the frog in a cooking pot...

Excerpt from Wikipedia: The boiling frog is an anecdote describing a frog slowly being boiled alive. The premise is that if a frog is placed in boiling water, it will jump out, but if it is placed in cold water that is slowly heated, it will not perceive the danger and will be cooked to death. The story is often used as a metaphor for the inability or unwillingness of people to react to or be aware of threats that occur gradually.

I came here with almost nothing two and a half decades ago and back then it was (like someone ever said in this forum) Wild West, paradise, Hades, all mixed together. I had tough times, yes, but all the positive things about LOS weighed out the bad ones by far. Nowadays, after I build up a family, life and business here, I realize in shock that the place I love so much is slowly changing into the opposite of what I found back then.

On top of all the points I mentioned, democracy as such, we can kiss goodbye (anyone suggesting otherwise is a hopeless dreamer), fun places are being wiped out one after another, common Thais' livelihoods are destroyed by stupid and erratic regulations, such as the beach cleanup (which in reality was about money - not saving nature), making Thai people become uneasy, afraid of not getting a job, making enough money, etc. which in return fuels the anti-foreign sentiment among common Thais. The increase in anti foreign sentiment can clearly be felt at official places such as immigration, police, labor dept. as well. They even start to cause problems for foreigners who are on O visas with their 800k nicely deposited as requested. Then the need to register for foreigners within 24 hours wherever they go, etc...

One must be blind to not see that they feel they have to save their butts to be prepared for the big crunch to come. And - superficial minded as a lot of common Thais AND officials are - they think best is to drive foreigners out who could be in a position to "steal" a part of THEIR cake...

I am too old and too alert to not be able to see the writings on the wall... All this makes me sad and angry at the same time. I am sad to see the good old Thailand as I knew it fade with lightning speed (still can see the tail lights in the distance) while a monster emerges that I am unable to grasp or comprehend. I always knew that - as a foreigner - I always will be 2nd class citizen, but I am not sure if I can handle 3rd class or "outcast" if you understand what I mean.

Said should be that superficial "if you don't like it, then go" posters will have no effect on me as most have no idea what they are talking about, being here for a few years or so. I believe that most "dinosaurs" are in agreement with what I wrote and that they feel the same, with various intensity though, depending on them being alone or with a family...

I put a lot of heart and soul in my posts to this topic, thus it takes more than a two sentence post with "if you don't like it, then leave!" to pull me into a serious discussion. To say this is cheap and superficial, and this topic is too complex to distill it in a mere "take it or leave it" context. Anyone who does not understand this should move on to another topic please. Thank you!

Excellent post MJ, I can see a lot of my thoughts reflected in your summing up........................thumbsup.gif

Edit: It is a shame that more people didn't experience Thailand as it was 20 - 30 years ago.

Then, perhaps they could better understand where you are coming from.

Edited by chrisinth
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Edit: It is a shame that more people didn't experience Thailand as it was 20 - 30 years ago.

Then, perhaps they could better understand where you are coming from.

I cannot help smirking . When I first came to Thailand 20 odd years ago, I went to Ko Samui and there was an older felang sitting in a bar, nearly in tears , turns out that he was really upset " What has happened to this lovely island............I came here 10 years ago, before the airport and it was beautiful,...now look at it, its ruined"

Every place that I go to, there seems to someone telling how much better it was 5 years, 10 years ago .

Horrendous pollution which stuck to you, no ATMx, no 7/11s , no live sport , no roads on the islands , Post restantes for letters and Post offices for phone calls back home . Baht wasnt a stable currency and all flight tickets had to be paid in hard currency with cash at travel agents....................yeah, the good old days

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I certainly think there are far fewer long term teachers here than before. There are a number in my school, but the mix is more and more to young agency teachers on their gap year. Most of them never had a job before, and a significant number can't finish a contract. The screws have slowly tightened on requirements for teachers, along with rising costs not commensurate with increasing salaries.

You mean salaries not commensurate with rising costs? Pretty much sums up any job anywhere in the world right now.

Yes sorry if I wasn't clear. Living costs have risen a lot over the last 15 years (remember when petrol was 14 baht a litre), but salaries haven't risen much. Thailand was never really a place to make money, but it is even less so now.

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Edit: It is a shame that more people didn't experience Thailand as it was 20 - 30 years ago.

Then, perhaps they could better understand where you are coming from.

I cannot help smirking . When I first came to Thailand 20 odd years ago, I went to Ko Samui and there was an older felang sitting in a bar, nearly in tears , turns out that he was really upset " What has happened to this lovely island............I came here 10 years ago, before the airport and it was beautiful,...now look at it, its ruined"

Every place that I go to, there seems to someone telling how much better it was 5 years, 10 years ago .

Horrendous pollution which stuck to you, no ATMx, no 7/11s , no live sport , no roads on the islands , Post restantes for letters and Post offices for phone calls back home . Baht wasnt a stable currency and all flight tickets had to be paid in hard currency with cash at travel agents....................yeah, the good old days

That to me was part of what made Thailand so much of an appeal. Somewhere where there was a little chaos introduced into your life, in a relatively safe environment where you actually had to think for yourself.

Somewhere away from the land of everything available or done for you.

That and the parties.....................wink.png

Everyone is different i think it is safe to say......................rolleyes.gif

I can see where the old guy on Samui was coming from 20 odd years ago.

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Thailand is less appealing these days to the two week Pattaya hedonistic set holiday people .

Bars close early these days and porn is freely available back home, along with big screen HD televisions , webcam chats are also available at a reasonable price , so there really is no need to fly half way around the World for "a night out"

Says man who travels to the other side of the world to get a partner.

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Not dissimilar to what went on in Cologne and major cities across Germany and Europe on New Year's Eve. Not to mention mass child sexual abuse at the hands of 'minorities' based on the same criteria you quote, but keep quiet about 100% of the time.

You social justice warriors make me laugh with your one way, blindfolded and hypocritical agenda to close down all forms of free speech by attacking something that was almost certainly said in jest.

You lot get bent out of shape and go way over the top at the most menial thing so you can spit out your libtard buzzwords.

All you are doing is painting a big target on your back on a forum like this. Because 99% of your arguments are so insanely shallow, you are easy to take down, and as much as I am tempted, I have not the patience or inclination to expose you.... you're already doing that.

Forums like this? You mean full of carping, near-extinct imbeciles living in a colonial timewarp?

How can you call his argument 'insanely shallow' when you've got the audacity to trot out that puerile nonsense about the events in Cologne. Don't white guys rape and assault women?

Mass sexual abuse at the hands of minorities??

You conveniently ignore all the ostensibly squeaky clean white paedophiles who've been coming to SE Asia to bugger little boys and girls for generations? Three caught here and deported in the last 2 months alone.

Seriously, mate . . . come back when you've got a mature, adult argument you haven't borrowed from the Daily Mail opinion column

Daily Mail comment section does not load for me from my VPN, but I will stop my comments when you agree to stop policing this forum on behalf of people you don't even know and who don't really give a toss about you or your childish ranting on their behalf.

Go back to your utra-liberal protection of people and who at the same time want to throw your gays off roofs..... Yes.... That is how confused you are.

I don't "police" the forum - I simply take issue with idiots who lament on the apparent demise of "free speech" because society at large no longer tolerates wanton insults towards those who may look or be a little different.

I don't need to know those who are maligned by people like you any more than you need to know those who causes you may be sympathetic to.

I'm not gay but I have gay friends and if I want to take issue with some idiot who calls an entire group of people "insufferable", that's my business. If you don't like it, tough!

We all know gay people, and they do not need social warriors like you defending them.

The gay people i know like to take the p7ss, say un PC things, eat, sleep sh7t and piss like the rest of us.

Clearly the ones you know are fragile, get upset at everything and need protecting.

It has to be said that your average Thai is far more nationalistic and prejudice to foreigners than someone like Nick Griffin, so i am confused why you moved to such a place ... Canada would be far more suited to your ilk i believe.

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Who the hell declared Thailand a politically correct free zone?

Thais are very tolerant, be it regarding sexual orientation, religious beliefs, and racial background. It's what attracted some of us here.

If you're intolerant, it's you who needs to go back home, not the other way around.

Yes keep believing that.

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Not dissimilar to what went on in Cologne and major cities across Germany and Europe on New Year's Eve. Not to mention mass child sexual abuse at the hands of 'minorities' based on the same criteria you quote, but keep quiet about 100% of the time.

You social justice warriors make me laugh with your one way, blindfolded and hypocritical agenda to close down all forms of free speech by attacking something that was almost certainly said in jest.

You lot get bent out of shape and go way over the top at the most menial thing so you can spit out your libtard buzzwords.

All you are doing is painting a big target on your back on a forum like this. Because 99% of your arguments are so insanely shallow, you are easy to take down, and as much as I am tempted, I have not the patience or inclination to expose you.... you're already doing that.

Forums like this? You mean full of carping, near-extinct imbeciles living in a colonial timewarp?

How can you call his argument 'insanely shallow' when you've got the audacity to trot out that puerile nonsense about the events in Cologne. Don't white guys rape and assault women?

Mass sexual abuse at the hands of minorities??

You conveniently ignore all the ostensibly squeaky clean white paedophiles who've been coming to SE Asia to bugger little boys and girls for generations? Three caught here and deported in the last 2 months alone.

Seriously, mate . . . come back when you've got a mature, adult argument you haven't borrowed from the Daily Mail opinion column

Daily Mail comment section does not load for me from my VPN, but I will stop my comments when you agree to stop policing this forum on behalf of people you don't even know and who don't really give a toss about you or your childish ranting on their behalf.

Go back to your utra-liberal protection of people and who at the same time want to throw your gays off roofs..... Yes.... That is how confused you are.

I don't "police" the forum - I simply take issue with idiots who lament on the apparent demise of "free speech" because society at large no longer tolerates wanton insults towards those who may look or be a little different.

I don't need to know those who are maligned by people like you any more than you need to know those who causes you may be sympathetic to.

I'm not gay but I have gay friends and if I want to take issue with some idiot who calls an entire group of people "insufferable", that's my business. If you don't like it, tough!

We all know gay people, and they do not need social warriors like you defending them.

The gay people i know like to take the p7ss, say un PC things, eat, sleep sh7t and piss like the rest of us.

Clearly the ones you know are fragile, get upset at everything and need protecting.

It has to be said that your average Thai is far more nationalistic and prejudice to foreigners than someone like Nick Griffin, so i am confused why you moved to such a place ... Canada would be far more suited to your ilk i believe.


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Hard to say. I also feel like I dont meet as many newcomers, and of course some of my friends have left. But anytime you move anywhere you tend to connect with fellow newcomers first. Then, the longer you stay in that place, the more likely you are to stick with the veterans. I see more and more foreigners in the outskirt area of BKK where I reside, so I tend to think the population is growing or staying at the same percentage. One thing I do notice is fewer foreigners with Thai girls by their side. I feel like I saw that in every direction I looked five years ago. Now, not so often. Maybe thats an indication less of us live here.

Edited by eldragon
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I certainly think there are far fewer long term teachers here than before. There are a number in my school, but the mix is more and more to young agency teachers on their gap year. Most of them never had a job before, and a significant number can't finish a contract. The screws have slowly tightened on requirements for teachers, along with rising costs not commensurate with increasing salaries.

You mean salaries not commensurate with rising costs? Pretty much sums up any job anywhere in the world right now.

Yes sorry if I wasn't clear. Living costs have risen a lot over the last 15 years (remember when petrol was 14 baht a litre), but salaries haven't risen much. Thailand was never really a place to make money, but it is even less so now.

Hey its nearly 14 baht now so the good times must be back!!

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Who the hell declared Thailand a politically correct free zone?

Thais are very tolerant, be it regarding sexual orientation, religious beliefs, and racial background. It's what attracted some of us here.

If you're intolerant, it's you who needs to go back home, not the other way around.

I think you will find Thais are VERY intolerant when it comes to critics of the country, themselves and of course things nobody is allowed to mention. There was outrage last week at a posted video on you tube of walking st Pattaya for making Thailand look bad, how dare any foreigner say anything bad about the perfect country, true or not, seems to be a wide spread view.

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Yes, I would agree.

Just out of my fairly small social circle, there are 5 friends/acquaintances who have left Thailand. Two were here on ED visas and couldn't get them renewed. One was a guy who had lived in Thailand on tourist visas for years and the other two were teachers who didn't have degrees (and who were also on here on tourist visas).

Thailand has made it quite clear it isn't interested in foreigners staying here long term. It wants the two week holiday maker now.

You miss the obvious point which is highlighted by the characteristics you mention of the acquaintances you mention who have left Thailand.In other words Thailand is becoming a less friendly place for foreigners who are poorly qualified and have no particular reason to be here.

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i think once you find the perfect VISA .... its probably easier to live...less stress.. and to know how much you have to pay ..when to pay it... No overstay ...to be good by the rules must give some good vibe....visa tourist if you wanna live in thailand ain't that good...But can be interesting if you also want to travel and visit the country around....

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You wouldn't be longing for

those days if you'd spent

any length of time being

attacked for the colour of

your skin, your faith or your

sexual orientation.

You lot get bent out of shape and go way over the top at the most menial thing so you can spit out your libtard buzzwords.

You don't actually know

what 'menial' means,

do you?

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You miss the obvious point which is highlighted by the characteristics you mention of the acquaintances you mention who have left Thailand.In other words Thailand is becoming a less friendly place for foreigners who are poorly qualified and have no particular reason to be here.

I have a degree and postgrad qualifications,

I'm here to have sex with much younger Thai women.

From your post, that means they will be friendly to me!

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What area of Thailand are you in?

I live near Khorat and notice an increase in whate faces every time I go into the city.

As far a less traffic on some sites like this one..

Some are tired of the controls put on what can be posted on some sites and those in control, and have left for new, more free, liberal sites.

Some of us are still here, but visit the newer sites also.

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