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Are 91% Of Facebook Users Really Unhappy With The Thai Government?


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Are 91% Of Facebook Users Really Unhappy With The Thai Government?


BANGKOK: Doing the social media rounds at the moment is the results from an online poll which claim to show 91 percent of Facebook users are unhappy under the present Thai government.

Asking, “Are you happy under the NCPO government?”, Prachamati.org presented participants with a happy face – to indicate “yes” – and an unhappy face – clicks on which indicated “no”.

The NCPO government refers to the National Council of Peace and Order, headed up by prime minister Prayut Chan-o-cha, which took power of the Kingdom during the 2014 coup d’etat.

The poll ran on Facebook through 21 January 2016 to 27 January 2016 and elicited a total of 5,787 responses.

Overwhelming, those participating chose the unhappy face which took 5,266 votes in total – 91 percent. Just 521 voters chose the happy, smiling face.

Reasons given for unhappiness include freedom of expression issues, a lack of transparency in the public sector, rising costs of living and problems with the economy. Participants happy with the government cited the lack of conflict and the preference for Prayut Chan-o-cha’s government rather than previous corrupt, if elected, governments.

Full story: http://whatsonsukhumvit.com/are-91-of-facebook-users-really-unhappy-with-the-thai-government/

-- (c) What's on Sukhumvit 2016-01-30

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No no no. There was a clerical error you see. It is supposed to be 91% approval....ney 99.9% actually. We will adjust and spin this accordingly.

Forsooth! 'Tis true!

99% approval you see. Anything else will get you 50 lashes with a wet 2x4.

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Do you think they will block Facebook?

You can garuantee that these dinosaurs would love to.

It would be amusing to watch as then their middle and upper classes would turn against them. Take away their rights and they might do nothing, take away their freedom to share selfies and pictures of food and there will be anarchy.

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Do you think they will block Facebook?

If they blocked Facebook, line or instagram there would be a war like never seen before...

I think they will rather filter the content for dissidents because they could never control the storm if 35 million women couldnt update their status and post selfies on the bts...

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Obvious that just about all the posters on this subject have not got a clue, probably many never having ever been here ! For any normal law abiding person here, this is about the best ever government since Khun Anand Panyarachun briefly took the reins many years ago :)

I do live here and have been here through yellow, red and now military rule. To me it's all business as usual just that the pay masters have swapped.

So explain your reasoning buddy. And you get an automatic fail if you say an end to the protests that this army helped perpetuate.

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Obvious that just about all the posters on this subject have not got a clue, probably many never having ever been here ! For any normal law abiding person here, this is about the best ever government since Khun Anand Panyarachun briefly took the reins many years ago :)

Tropical fever maybe??? Any other clues?

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what a blatant manipulation!

this survey was performed not just "on Facebook" but on a certain page which is visited by individuals with certain political views/

it's like asking viewers of ChurchChannel if they believe in Jesus Christ! for sure 91% will say yes! and make a catchy title: "91% of TV viewers voted for Christ"

Edited by TimmyT
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Do you think they will block Facebook?

No I think in the end the elite the money people here will call you know who in for an informal talk and tighten his leash somewhat. They have the final say in all the happens here. That is why there are so many U turns here.

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Obvious that just about all the posters on this subject have not got a clue, probably many never having ever been here ! For any normal law abiding person here, this is about the best ever government since Khun Anand Panyarachun briefly took the reins many years ago smile.png

IMHO the 'normal law abiding person ' you refer to is more likely to be living in Bangkok or further south. Having Thai family in Isaan I visit them at least twice a year, and from what I was told recently the 'natives are becoming more and more restless' with each reform/road map/constitution/election date delay announced by the self appointed government. These folk are also 'law abiding' rice farmers and agricultural workers who accept that the days of the Shins are long gone.

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Obvious that just about all the posters on this subject have not got a clue, probably many never having ever been here ! For any normal law abiding person here, this is about the best ever government since Khun Anand Panyarachun briefly took the reins many years ago smile.png


Yes we all live in Brazil. We have never been to Thailand.

Go crawl back under your bridge.

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Obvious that just about all the posters on this subject have not got a clue, probably many never having ever been here ! For any normal law abiding person here, this is about the best ever government since Khun Anand Panyarachun briefly took the reins many years ago smile.png

Whhhhhaaaat?I know who doesn't have a clue and it's not the majority of posters!!

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"A frown is just a smile turned upside down" bah.gif

91% of FB users unhappy? Been getting lots of flak from Lappland? Residents of San Antonio all in a knot? Iceland gonna bring it up in parliament?

These sorts of polls have all the validity of a Fox News Poll....

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Obvious that just about all the posters on this subject have not got a clue, probably many never having ever been here ! For any normal law abiding person here, this is about the best ever government since Khun Anand Panyarachun briefly took the reins many years ago smile.png

Whhhhhaaaat?I know who doesn't have a clue and it's not the majority of posters!!

Don't feed the troll.

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I think it's fair to say that nobody believes or considers Facebook to be a reputable source when it comes to polls or information.

Garbage. .......

The last poll I saw measuring people's happiness(I think from memory it said 98% of people were happy) came from another source that is probably less reputable when it comes to polls or information(or anything else).

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If the Junta had handled the Coup in a far better understanding manner of what the people wanted not what the Generals wanted the outcomes would have been totally different , now who was saying 99.7% popular rating , restrictive measures , lack of any understanding of what the people want , harassment of previous government members , students victimization , section 44 , freedom of speech , what can be said about a crowd of dills when it has all been said before, not one reconciliation has been achieved and at the point of a gun no wonder it is all quite on the political front......................coffee1.gif

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