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Really Bad Dentist Experience In Pattaya


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Tramadol works well with toothache and such, most pharmacies have 50mg capsules, always some generic name, take 2-3 and pain goes away.

How did she remove limestone, with a little sandblaster thingy, yes? Then it's gonna hurt maybe even 3 days. Go get Tramadol!

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It's a co-incidence you should post about dentists.

A couple of weeks ago I booked an appointment on a Sunday for the following Tuesday. This is a dental practice I have used for 7 years in Patts, and although I moved some 5 years ago to the darkside by the lake (a bit of a trek into town), I remained 'loyal' - to coin an expression.

When I turned up at 10.50am for my appointment I was told to sit down as usual. After one hour of waiting, in which time two more Thai customers came in and were seen, the receptionist mumbled something to me about the Thai guy having a crown and that I would be some time. When I showed myannoyance, she then 'invented' a story of me phoning the day before to cancel my appointment, which was untrue as I was on the golf course the previousday and never take my phone with me. (An old habit from the UK).

Then she changed the story and said my dentist rotated between different practices and had not turned up! At this point I advised her that my 7 years of loyalty had finished.

Now, I wonder if this 'rotation' happened with the Op's dentist.? It's not the same one by the way, as my regular dentist is a middle aged woman.

Oh yes, whilst I'm on, the other thing about dentists and hospitals here is the complete lack of any semblance of patient confidentiality. The receptionists always seem to want a detailed explanation of your problem, even in front of a small queue of other patients. OK, a general indication might be an acceptable request, but not 'show me' etc. Dunno if anyone else has experienced this.

Bit of a moan I know, but it's quite a reasonable journey into town from the lake, simply to have a suggestion that I might want to re-book.

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[How did she remove limestone, with a little sandblaster thingy, yes? Then it's gonna hurt maybe even 3 days. Go get Tramadol!]

She used the standard grinder tool.

The general soreness from the calcium removal is now masked by the throbbing in one of the fillings.

I think in the hurry to grind down the excess filling she removed some of the enamel in the actual tooth making it very sensitive.

This grinding down of the filling after the fact was supposed to be of the material only, I got a flash of pain when she was doing it and now confirmed by the actual ache after 11 hours.

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[A couple of weeks ago I booked an appointment on a Sunday for the following Tuesday. This is a dental practice I have used for 7 years in Patts, and although I moved some 5 years ago to the darkside by the lake (a bit of a trek into town), I remained 'loyal' - to coin an expression.]

Are you not allowed to spell out the name of the establishment?

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I'm now seeing the wisdom of that sentiment.

Teeth don't grow anymore, they only wear away.

Whatever you have is all you have.

Last time I did it your way cost me 20,000 peso in the Philippines - a total waste of money for a gold inlay which later required repair by another dentist, and then later on again replacing by Dr Warin Leekpai here in Pattaya.

Use this expat forum well - it can save you a lot of pain.., and don't chew ice LOL... something I used to do too.

Edited by tropo
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[A couple of weeks ago I booked an appointment on a Sunday for the following Tuesday. This is a dental practice I have used for 7 years in Patts, and although I moved some 5 years ago to the darkside by the lake (a bit of a trek into town), I remained 'loyal' - to coin an expression.]

Are you not allowed to spell out the name of the establishment?

I remember being warned by the mods about the deformation laws in Thailand, whereby, even if you are stating the truth it's still an offense to point the finger at a specific business for bad service.. That's why, even though it's hard to grasp.

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[I remember being warned by the mods about the deformation laws in Thailand, whereby, even if you are stating the truth it's still an offense to point the finger at a specific business for bad service.. That's why, even though it's hard to grasp.]

Thais do it all the time on the Net to warn each other.

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I second the recommendation of Tramadol along with Tylenol, if needed, to amplify the pain-killing effect. There is actually a medicine on the market called Ultracet which combines the two medicines in one pill. I prefer taking them separately so that i can limit my dose of Tylenol.

I recently had an experience similar to yours at an expensive hospital patronized by foreigners in Bangkok. In my case, I was eating pecans and unwittingly chomped down hard on a piece of shell that was mixed into the nuts. The doctor saw me promptly and proceeded to do a root canal which she said that I needed. After the anesthetic wore off, the pain was worse than before. The pain continued unrelenting for four days so I went to see her on the sixth day when she was again scheduled at the hospital. She said that there must be a piece of the root remaining in the tooth and worked on it again free of charge. The tooth does seem to have recovered now but in her dental office things seemed strangely out of focus. She once put my chair up nearly bashing my forehead on the light which wasn't moved out of the way. I had to grab it and move it out of the way as my chair came up. The water cup to the left that you use to rinse after the procedure was overflowing each time I used it, causing to spill all over. She seemed not to notice or care. I am scheduled to have a bridge removed to look at a tooth that she believes is decayed. She thinks that an implant may be required to replace it before a new bridge is installed. Looking at the prices for these almost gave me a heart attack. The suspected tooth doesn't hurt right now so I will try to delay until I return to Japan where my health insurance will cover it.

For the OP: My sympathies. It's terrible to put your trust in a professional who can hurt you so badly. If your tooth pain continues, can you go back to that dental office and request that your tooth be put right by another dentist for no charge? Your inclination may be never to go back but actually, that office has the obligation to correct any mistakes. If you're calm and ask reasonably, they may do it. Good luck.

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I second the recommendation of Tramadol along with Tylenol, if needed, to amplify the pain-killing effect. There is actually a medicine on the market called Ultracet which combines the two medicines in one pill. I prefer taking them separately so that i can limit my dose of Tylenol.

I recently had an experience similar to yours at an expensive hospital patronized by foreigners in Bangkok. In my case, I was eating pecans and unwittingly chomped down hard on a piece of shell that was mixed into the nuts. The doctor saw me promptly and proceeded to do a root canal which she said that I needed. After the anesthetic wore off, the pain was worse than before. The pain continued unrelenting for four days so I went to see her on the sixth day when she was again scheduled at the hospital. She said that there must be a piece of the root remaining in the tooth and worked on it again free of charge. The tooth does seem to have recovered now but in her dental office things seemed strangely out of focus. She once put my chair up nearly bashing my forehead on the light which wasn't moved out of the way. I had to grab it and move it out of the way as my chair came up. The water cup to the left that you use to rinse after the procedure was overflowing each time I used it, causing to spill all over. She seemed not to notice or care. I am scheduled to have a bridge removed to look at a tooth that she believes is decayed. She thinks that an implant may be required to replace it before a new bridge is installed. Looking at the prices for these almost gave me a heart attack. The suspected tooth doesn't hurt right now so I will try to delay until I return to Japan where my health insurance will cover it.

For the OP: My sympathies. It's terrible to put your trust in a professional who can hurt you so badly. If your tooth pain continues, can you go back to that dental office and request that your tooth be put right by another dentist for no charge? Your inclination may be never to go back but actually, that office has the obligation to correct any mistakes. If you're calm and ask reasonably, they may do it. Good luck.

[For the OP: My sympathies. It's terrible to put your trust in a professional who can hurt you so badly. If your tooth pain continues, can you go back to that dental office and request that your tooth be put right by another dentist for no charge? Your inclination may be never to go back but actually, that office has the obligation to correct any mistakes. If you're calm and ask reasonably, they may do it. Good luck.]

Fortunately, it's probably not that serious so as to require further treatment to redress.

But if it is I think it doesn't do to go ask for a different doctor in the same office to be treated free of charge.

The new doctor was not paid for it, didn't do it, and one would be presenting oneself as a troublesome patient as the original doctor would be friend and colleague versus one's person unknown.

I have seen enough of the world to realize that it's not uncommon for people to do terrible things to each other, no real cause necessary.

This is definitely one situation where if it is not right, runaway and warn others.

First of all, I don't know if it is well understood, a root canal is basically killing that tooth.

All the nerves, blood supply, all of the inside is completely removed and the tooth filled to become an inert object that will be gotten rid of by the body.

The only reason for a root canal is if that tooth were to be broken down to the very root(s) and therefore could not be fixed with the regular filling and rebuilding of the top part.

Sadly dentists are fond to do it because they get paid big money compared to other procedures.

This is something I would like to convey in this thread.

Thailand is increasingly materialistic and Thai doctors aspire to make the money of their western counterparts.

Nay, it's the massive awakening of consumerism, materialism, and there is a tremendous pressure financially and socially to generate the income to keep up with the Joneses.

This is happening at all levels of society.

And the upward mobility is marked, with your doctors, lawyers, government bureaucrats just as likely the sons and daughters of poor Issan farmers or day laborers.

From your description I would not go back to that doctor.

If she was careless on the things you could notice what should give you the confidence on the rest?

By the way, just curious, why would you have health coverage in Japan?

Also, looking at your avatar, have you heard of Hachi/Hachiko?

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I have removed the name of the establishment from the original post.

Further naming and shaming on the topic will get it closed.

6) You will not post comments that could be reasonably construed as defamation or libel.

Defamation is the issuance of a statement about another person or business which causes that person to suffer harm. It does not have to be false to be defamatory. Libel is when the defamatory statement is published either in a drawing, painting, cinematography, film, picture or letters made visible by any means, or any other recording instruments, recording picture or letters, or by broadcasting or spreading picture, or by propagation by any other means. Defamation is both a civil and criminal charge in Thailand.

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Thankfully Pattaya is one of the densest populated dentists area in the world so finding another dentist should be fairly easyrolleyes.gif

But keep in mind Thailand is awash with 'dentists' and 'doctors' who have no qualifications whatever. Just read the 'Dentistry for Dummies' book and away you go.

Only last years a giant modern upmarket beautifully outfitted 'dental clinic' opposite Pantip Plaza in Bkk was raided and closed down. All fake.

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There is one, and only one, real certified German dentist in Pattaya. I'll go to him for anything other than cleaning.

The problem in the OP is once again mobile phones. His dentist was on the phone for 20 min in her car, with a paying customer with an appointment waiting. Can you imagine such a thing?

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I just had a pretty bad experience today and would like to warn others.

Two months ago I was chewing on ice with wild abandon in the heat of the day.

The result was that I actually lost fillings on two molars.

They didn't hurt or anything so I just got around to having them refilled today.

I went to the <DELETED>

The appointment was at 11:00 AM and while the doctor arrived at 11:10 AM she never got out of the car until 11:30 AM.

Then she rushed in with the phone in hand and I was called in.

She was really good looking and I was mightily impressed!

Unfortunately the experience turned sour as soon as she started to work on my teeth rushing through.

There was no pain killer or anything and a few times she overdid it in the hurry.

The two fillings were followed by the procedure to remove calcium deposits and again it was brutal!

This was the worst treatment I'd experienced in recent memory.

I'm not sure if she would have been better weren't she so late and had to absolutely rush through - we were done at 12:17 PM when the next patient's appointment was supposed to be 11:30 AM!

I have to reflect on whether I should have asked for a double, triple time slot before hand to make sure she had plenty of time.

But in the end I conclude that it should not matter, a doctor really has to show individual care regardless of the circumstance when treating a person.

In retrospect it was my fault to go ahead with the calcium depost removal which was the unplanned extra sell.

I had to go to bed after the treatment and one of the teeth is still sore and flashes pain when I chew.

It put me in a bad mood all day and I yelled at people.

The lesson learned here is that when trying out a new dentist, do just one thing first and see how you like it.

And if it's not good stop where you can and don't take up on the extra stuff.

When the assistant asked to make the next apointment I told her not yet.

And when the doctor came out to look at the appointment book and I was leaving I didn't say good bye to her.

She sucked.

What a terrible waste, for someone to look so pretty on the outside but apparently rather crass inside.

Thai girls used to be all soft and feminine outside and inside.

Maybe Pattaya has something to do with it.

But I can tell you one thing, everywhere Thai people have changed a little bit, and not for the better.

The more exposure they have to foreigners, the Internet, materialism, the worse they are.

I've sent you a PM

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[I've sent you a PM]

I sent you the name of the establishment.

It is sad that people will not have learned of the specific place.

Now as in you case, everybody is going to get nervous "is this the shop I just made an appointment with"?

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An unpleasant experience with one Thai female dentist doesn't call for bashing all Thai women and Pattaya. Guess this is gonna go on for pages now.

Absolutely, and welcome back! Just in time for the annual Songkran thread? biggrin.png

Thank you, tropo. I do follow the forum though I no longer bother posting. Yep, I've decided to warm up for the posting of the 2016 Songkran FAQ in early March. Hopefully I can have a few laughs while doing so and not get banned. Got a new quote from you and Jingthing upfront in the "Observations on the 2015 Songkran" section.

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